Super Card System

Chapter 120: Riley is a skilled businessman


In fact, Ian also understands that even if he doesn't remind himself, Ace will probably reject the invitation in the end. To become Shichibukai means to accept the control of the world government and navy to a certain extent. A person like Ace who pursues freedom , how could this constraint be accepted

The reason why he came to him now was because of what his crew member Jimmy and others said, which caused him some troubles.

It's not that Jimmy and the others are instigating, but since they are on Ace's ship, they naturally want to become famous with Ace. What could be more exciting than being a crew member of the Qibukai

Of course, the inside story of this invitation letter is only based on Ian's speculations. Ian is not sure if this is the case, but anyway, it is better to be careful.

Ace stayed with Ian for another two days. After the coating was completed, he and his Spade Pirates were going to go on the road. Ian went to see him off and found that his ship had been replaced by a big one. , and even the number of crew members under him has increased a lot. It seems that a lot of things have happened to him during his voyage all the way here in the past few months.

"Goodbye Ian, I'm going to venture into the new world!" Before leaving, Ace stood on the bow of the boat holding his hat and grinned at Ian: "Whenever you come to the new world, I will treat you to eat delicious!"

Ian himself doesn't know how long he will stay in Chambord Island, at least he won't leave here until he finishes his studies with Rayleigh, who knows when Ace's treat will be fulfilled.

After sending Ace away, Ian returned to his original life again, and went to Rayleigh to study every day on time.

According to Lei Li, his physical training will be almost done after a period of training, and the rest will have to be exercised by himself. After that, Lei Li will formally teach Ian Domineering.

In this way, about another month later, Ian sat face to face in front of Rayleigh in No. 34 mangrove area, listening to his explanation.

"The so-called domineering is the innate power of human beings!" Lei Li said: "However, most people are not aware of this power, or they can't exert it in their whole life. Domineering depends on the purpose , can be divided into three types, armed color, knowledge color and overlord color, except for the third overlord color, the first two can be strengthened through practice!"

Ian generally understood these contents, but he still listened carefully.

"And if you want to stimulate this potential power, you must first go through awakening!" Lei Li said: "The so-called awakening is to find the sense of aura! Domineering has such a name because it is a kind of breath. A kind of energy! Now you calm down, experience your body carefully, and look for this aura!"

According to what Rayleigh said, Ian closed his eyes and carefully experienced the inside of his body.

However, what makes Ian feel regretful is that the so-called aura that Lei Li mentioned is too general. He closed his eyes for a long time, but he couldn't feel anything inside his body.

"It's so difficult!" Ian opened his eyes and sighed authentically when he couldn't help it.

Lei Li laughed loudly, and said: "Of course, if you can wake up so easily, wouldn't you be dissatisfied with the people on the street who know how to use domineering?"

"Don't worry, take your time!" Lei Li continued, "This feeling cannot be grasped at once."

Ian was not impatient, and started to try again.

After a few more failures, Ian felt that he couldn't go on like this. He found that he lacked the understanding of the concept of qi, so after thinking about it, Ian decided to find another way.

He has the experience of using mind power, so he is more familiar with mind power. Since domineering and mind power are essentially the same, then just experience his body and see if there is something that feels the same as mind power.

I have to say that Ian really had the right idea this time. When he closed his eyes again to feel his body, he finally felt something familiar in his body.

Yi'an immediately understood that this might be the domineering aura!

Concentrated, Ian put all his attention on this breath, but felt its flow.

According to Lei Li, high-intensity physical training will strengthen this domineering aura, so that people can notice that Ian has been practicing physical arts under Lei Li's guidance for the past three months. It was enough for him to perceive the aura in his body, and after sensing this aura, all that remained was how to control it and let it burst out. This is the so-called awakening.

After the first burst of breath is completed, the human body will remember this feeling, and then it can be gradually used and exercised according to one's heart.

This is what Rayleigh said, the whole training process of domineering.

Now Ian has found this sense of aura, but he is stuck on how to make it explode. After several attempts, it is still difficult to do it.

Seeing Ian open his eyes, Lei Li was a little surprised and said, "Why, is it still not working?"

"I found the aura, but I couldn't let it explode!" Ian shook his head and asked, "Is it because the aura is not strong enough?"

Rayleigh stroked the beard on his chin and said, "That's not the case. The explosion of aura can be done no matter how big or small it is. Since you can't make it explode under normal conditions, let's use another method!"

"In what way?" Ian asked.

"Recall the things that made you angry!" Lei Li said, "Excited emotions are conducive to the explosion of this kind of power!"

Ian was a little dazed, angry? This... It seems that so far, he hasn't encountered too many things that can make him really angry...

Before going out to sea, he almost stayed in Frost Moon Village. How can there be anything worthy of his anger in that peaceful little village

Even if he went out to sea, he encountered many pirates, but because Ian has a certain strength, he can also deal with these guys, so he has never felt angry.

To be honest, the only thing that made him a little angry recently was probably when he saw the scars on Lorraine and Elena's bodies, but it was just angry, not angry.

Seeing Ian's strange expression, Lei Li was also taken aback, and said, "What? Can't you remember anything that made you angry?"

Ian nodded obediently.

Rayleigh narrowed his eyes, which is not surprising. The emotion of anger must be triggered by "empathy". If you haven't really experienced it, you won't experience it.

"Well, you come with me!" Raleigh stood up, called Ian to his tent, and asked him to take off his hat, loosen his hair, and finally found another Raleigh himself. Let him wear clothes that haven't been washed for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, Ian changed from a handsome boy to a scruffy man.

"Put your weapons here! Don't take any money with you, just follow me!" Raleigh said.

"Oh good!" Ian was stunned for a moment, and put his Yan Modao in the tent. He also knew that the Yan Modao was too far away from him and would disappear, so after turning around and leaving the tent, Ian simply put it in the tent. In the system interface, the equipment of Yan Modao was cancelled.

After following Lei Li from behind, Ian asked, "What are you taking me for?"

"Aren't you unable to generate anger?" Lei Li smiled and said to him: "Then I will take you to experience the ultimate evil in this world!"

"What... what do you mean!?"

"I'll take you to the Human Auction House!" Lei Li said something that shocked Ian.

Going to the human auction house, Ian can understand, but why...why do you dress up like this

After hearing Ian's question, Lei Li laughed loudly and said, "Why, do you think that I brought you to the Human Auction House to show you the auction of other people? Wrong! I took you there to auction our own !"

Ian opened his mouth wide in surprise, and called out, "As a slave!?"

"Of course!" Lei Li nodded and said, "Otherwise, how can it be called empathy?"

Ian was convinced, he didn't expect Rayleigh to come up with such a trick.

Well, let's go, Ian doesn't care, with Leili's strength, there is absolutely no problem in following him.

"Remember, follow my orders!" Lei Li said, "Don't resist when things happen."

Ian nodded, indicating that he had written it down.

Under the leadership of Lei Li, Ian followed him to the playground area. Lei Li looked around for a while, and then led Ian straight into an alley.

After arriving here, Lei Li said to Ian: "Okay, curl up on the ground and act like you're about to starve to death!"

"Is this useful?" Ian asked him as he lay down on the ground.

"Of course, don't you know? On Chambord Island, many people become homeless every day because their money is stolen!" Lei Li said, "These homeless people are the favorite targets of human traffickers." The goal! Haha, when I have no money, I sell myself, I often do that!"

Ian stared at Lei Li dumbfounded, no wonder he thought his business was so proficient...

"Remember, pretend to resist for a while!" Lei Li explained to Ian, and then put his hands behind his head and began to close his eyes and fell asleep.

Ian thought for a while, well, let's just act, so he rubbed two handfuls of dirt on the ground, wiped his face a few times, tried to cover up his face, and then curled up and made a He came looking weak.

Time passed by little by little, and the two of them were just lying in the alley. Occasionally, some passers-by would leave in a hurry after seeing them.

These people really have no sympathy... Ian murmured to himself, and then felt that Lei Li's clothes really smelled strong enough. Could it be that they were smoked away? …

I don't know how long it took, but Ian and the others, dressed as homeless men, seemed to have finally caught the attention of some human traffickers, and some people began to appear at the other end of the alley.

"It's coming!" Lei Li suddenly called out, reminding him in a low voice.

Although his eyes are closed, Lei Li has been perceiving the surrounding situation with his knowledgeable domineering... (.)