Super Card System

Chapter 121: was auctioned off


Not long after Lei Li's words fell, a group of people rushed towards Ian and the others. Teana Wwww. ⒉

Ian only felt that a person suddenly grabbed his right hand and pulled him up from the ground, and then his eyes went dark, and a sack moved towards him as a hood. It was the same situation with Rayleigh.

These guys have no technical content at all!

Ian despised him in his heart, but he still didn't forget Lei Li's explanation. He pretended to struggle a few times, and then felt a heavy blow towards his head.

This blow was already heavy enough for ordinary people, but for Ian, it was still a little bit close, but he still pretended to be knocked out, and let the group of people carry him without moving. Carried away on the shoulder.

Ian could feel that the group of people carried him and ran for a while, and then put him and Lei Li on some kind of vehicle. After tossing for a while, it seemed that they had reached their destination, so they got rid of them again. down.

Then, Ian felt that he was being carried into a certain place, and there were faint cries all around.

Soon, the person carrying him threw him to the ground, and Ian's back hit the ground, but he still kept his body still.

But at this time, the sack covering his body was also lifted. When Ian closed his eyes and pretended to be unconscious, he only heard two people talking.

"Mr. Disco, it's these two people, please!"

"Tsk, really, your Ke Luo family can only get this kind of stuff every time!"

"Hey, isn't this a good deal?"

"Forget it, let's stay, two men, although one is a little older, but the other looks young, tied together as labor and sold, maybe they can be sold!"

"Ha, thank you so much!"

"Fortunately for you, it's not a big auction once a month, otherwise how could I accept this kind of stuff?"

"That's that, thank you, Mr. Disco!"

"Come and get the money after the auction is over!"

The exchange of the two voices ended here, and then Ian felt his neck and hands tighten, as if he was being handcuffed by something.

"Cage!" said the voice previously known as Mr. Disco.

Two hands stretched out, grabbed Ian's body, dragged him for a while, and then threw them on the ground casually.

After hearing the sound of the iron cage closing, Ian slowly opened his eyes.

He found himself thrown in the corner of a large prison, with Rayleigh next to him.

Raising his hand, Ian saw that his hands were handcuffed, and a chain stretched from his hands to his neck, and his neck was also a pair of cold shackles.

Turning his head and looking around, Ian found that leaning against the other side of the wall, there were several people who were locked up like him, and most of them were young women. These girls were all hanging their heads, sobbing softly , The cries that Ian heard before may have come from them.

There are also men, but the number is relatively small, only a few. However, these seemingly strong men are just like those girls at this moment, holding their heads and staring at the ground blankly. Although they are not crying, they have been Trembling all over.

"Did you see, this is the Human Auction House!" Raleigh also straightened up, whispering in Ian's ear.

"Do you know we will be sent here?" Ian also lowered his voice and started communicating with him.

"No. 1 Auction House, also known as the Human Auction House, is the largest human auction venue on Chambord Island!" Lei Li explained: "Unlike other places, slave auctions are held here every day without interruption. A large auction will be held every month, and the best goods will be auctioned. Every time the human traffickers on the island kidnap someone, the first thing they think of is to send them here, only here they cannot be auctioned. Only then will it be sent to other sales houses..."

"Mr. Raleigh, you seem to have been here many times?" Ian asked him, "Don't these people recognize you?"

"Hehe, every time I was sent here, I stole the money and slipped away before the auction started. They rarely remember what an old slave man is like!" Lei Li said: "But this time, we won't do that Now, wait until the auction starts, use your eyes to watch all this for yourself... "

Ian stopped talking, and sat quietly in the corner with Rayleigh and waited.

I don't know how long it took, Ian suddenly heard a burst of music, accompanied by a burst of cheers.

He noticed that when the music sounded, the girls chained to the wall, as well as the men, all shivered...

"Ladies and gentlemen! You have been waiting for a long time! Welcome to Auction House No. 1! Today's population auction will start as usual! This time, I will be the 'walking sale place' Mr. Disco for everyone Go to auction!"

As the sound of disco sounded, two people wearing pointed hats and large trousers also came over and opened the iron door of the cage. These guys dressed like clowns went straight to the chest when they entered. The woman with the number "1" hanging in front of her walked up and roughly pulled her up. This girl seemed to be very beautiful, so she was selected as the first auction.

"No! Let me go! Please let me go!" The girl's panic had reached its peak at this moment, and she screamed loudly.

However, the two clown men were unmoved at all, put their hands together, and dragged her out.

The girl's cries gradually faded away with the dragging.

In contrast, there were excited cheers from the front desk.

"What a beautiful slave girl!"

"Great, I didn't expect to meet such a wonderful thing today!"

Those who yelled these words were all men's voices, and Disco also started to introduce this beautiful female slave goods at the right time.

This was just the beginning of the prelude, and soon after that beautiful girl was sold for 4.3 million Baileys, the two clown men appeared at the door of the iron cage again.

The one with number 2 was one of the strong men. Seeing the clown man walking towards him, he stood up in horror and shouted: "No! I don't want to be sold! Never!"

He tried to resist, but one of the clowns took out a whip and whipped it casually, drawing a bloodstain on his face.

The man with number 2 couldn't help screaming, and knelt down on the ground covering his face.

But the clown still didn't intend to let him go, he whipped him whip after whip, and beat him rolling all over the floor.

Afterwards, the clowns dragged him to get out of the iron cage, but the man with number 2 did not give up. When he reached the iron cage, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the iron cage tightly.

"I don't want to be sold out, absolutely not!" He yelled desperately, and at the same time turned towards Ian's direction: "Help me, please, save me! I don't want to be a slave!"

However, before he finished speaking, a dagger was suddenly inserted into his palm, which was bloody. After he let go of the pain, the clowns dragged him away from the iron cage.

"Wrap him casually, and then send him to the field!" A clown man said.

The man with number 2 still did not avoid the fate of being sent to the auction house...

Ian watched him being dragged away, and felt something panicked in his heart. When the man asked for help in his direction just now, he clearly saw the despair and panic in the other's eyes.

That look really hurt his nerves...

Ian has always believed that human trafficking is very sinful, but to be honest, he has never really witnessed these slaves being trafficked.

But now, Rayleigh let him see...

"Do you know that being auctioned off is not the most tragic moment, the most tragic is their life after they become slaves!" Lei Li whispered in Ian's ear: "They will be raised and live a continuous life." Their lives are not as good as those of dogs. Their owners can beat and scold them at will, and cut off any part of their bodies, just to see their expressions when they scream. In this continuous torture, they will become They became more and more haggard, and eventually lost their lives, and their owners finally threw their corpses to their pets to eat like a pile of garbage... "

Ian was shaking all over, and he said hoarsely: "Could it be that the navy and the world government can't see all this?"

"Hehe, Navy?" Rayleigh laughed and said, "Do you know what they call this place? Employment agency!"

"..." Although Ian couldn't see his current expression, he must be very sinister...

As the auction continued, those people in the front row were pulled out one by one. Everyone behaved differently. Some were not reconciled to the end of their lives, so they desperately resisted, but the result But in vain, they will be suppressed soon, dragged to the auction house like dead dogs, and some people are already desperate, and let those clowns take them away like walking dead...

At this time, it was finally Ian's and Leili's turn to come on stage. Neither of them resisted. They walked forward quietly and came to the middle of the stage of the auction house.

"The two slaves that will be auctioned below will be auctioned in bundles!"

The voice of the auctioneer Disco spread throughout the venue through a loudspeaker, and he shouted in a melodious tone: "The main target of the auction is this boy! As long as you buy him, the old man behind will be given as a gift!"

The majestic Pluto Shirbazz Raleigh, known as the right hand of the pirate king Roger, and the legendary pirate vice-captain, was actually sold as a gift for himself. Although Ian wanted to laugh, he found that he couldn't laugh at all. not coming out...

"Look!" Disco yelled loudly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to pinch Ian's chest, saying: "Such a young man has an unusually strong body, such a high-quality slave, can It has been used for a long time, and it is absolutely cost-effective to buy! You can use it as a sandbag, or as a means of transportation. Ladies who are interested, you can also let him lick every toe with his tongue!"

With the provocative introduction of Disco, those who bought slaves in the audience finally became a little interested in Ian and his pair's buy-one-get-one-free combination.

"I offer 550,000 Baileys!"

"I'll pay 600,000!"

The bidders began to shout their bids sparsely.

Ian stood on the stage and looked at the people in the auction hall. Although it wasn't full, it was almost there. This was just a routine auction every day, which showed how popular this auction house was.

And these bidders are all gorgeously dressed people. Judging from their clothes, these people are nobles and rich people from various countries.

Standing on this stage, Ian was treated like a piece of goods, watched and evaluated by these dog-like guys, and felt an unprecedented sense of shame. He felt that he and these guys were called human beings, What a disgrace!

How ugly does one have to be to trample on human dignity so unscrupulously

Ian's whole body was shaking. At this moment, he finally realized what real anger is. There was a huge anger in his heart, and he felt that he could not bear it anymore... (.)