Super Card System

Chapter 123: System evolution is complete


Seeing that Ian understood, Lei Li didn't say much, but said: "In the future, whether it's your physical training or sword training, use domineering as much as possible. In this way, you can continuously strengthen your strength." Domineering."

Ian nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Raleigh!"

"Call me Master!" Lei Li said to him with a sudden smile.

Ian was overjoyed. Lei Li said that he had officially confirmed his identity as a disciple, and it was not just a simple guidance as he said at the beginning. This showed that he was quite satisfied with himself, so he immediately called out: " Yes, Master Raleigh!"

When he came to this world, Ian had only two official masters, one was Koshiro and the other was Lei Li.

"Since you call me Master, I won't lie to you anymore!" Lei Li said, "I used to be the vice-captain of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger. Since Roger died, I have been using this shampoo. She lived in seclusion on Dijima…”

Ian smiled slightly and said, "I knew it, you must be a big shot!"

"What big man, he's just a bad old man now!" Lei Li took a sip of his wine and said, "Do you know why I took you to the auction house?"

Ian shook his head. He also felt that Lei Li took him to the auction house not simply to awaken his domineering power.

"Ian, you are a good boy!" Lei Li sighed, "You have a conscience in your heart, that's why you are angry with everything in the auction house, but I've been on Chambord Island for so long , I have seen a lot, but gradually become numb, not only me, I am afraid that many people on the whole island are like this, I have always been a little bit puzzled, why Roger would say that to the world when he died Come… "

"Indeed, I don't understand it!" Ian said, "Because of his words, the era of great pirates has started, and the number of pirates who do evil has increased. The people who are hurt are always ordinary civilians!"

"I thought the same as you at the beginning!" Lei Li said, "However, after staying on Chambord Island for a long time, I gradually understood the meaning of Roger's actions. The world government has been ruled for hundreds of years. Where it cannot be seen, it is actually slowly decaying. The privileged class like the Tianlong people is the most obvious example. If these decaying things continue to be covered up by the world government, they will still be the same song and dance in the eyes of the world. The surface of Shengping is prosperous, so the harm suffered by the world will be more serious in the end, and Roger started the era of great pirates, but with the impact of pirates, he began to reveal these rotten scars little by little!"

"It's like a building. If it collapses from the upper floor, it will take a long time for it to collapse!" Lei Li gestured: "And the many pirates are like the ones that hit the bottom of this building." Like a tidal wave, its collapse is accelerating…”

"You mean, Roger wants to use the power of pirates to overthrow the rule of the world government?" Ian asked suspiciously.

"I don't know!" Raleigh shook his head. "Even what I said just now is just my speculation. Only Roger himself knows what Roger really thinks."

Ian wanted to ask something, but Raleigh said: "Okay, don't say too much, I'm just an old man who has passed away, our era is coming to an end, no matter how much I say, it's useless Let’s change the subject, let’s think about the consequences of making such a fuss at Auction House No. 1 today!”

When Ian heard this topic, he frowned immediately.

Indeed, even though he overturned all the people in the auction house with his arrogance, it will not erase the memory of those people. When they wake up and find that the slaves at the auction have escaped, they will definitely react.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to find you for a while!" Lei Li said with a smile: "I asked you to disguise yourself to protect you. If they want to investigate, they can only find me! The number one The forces behind the auction house are huge, but they may not dare to retaliate against me, so during this time, you can stay on the island with peace of mind."

Ian is very clear that the force behind Auction No. 1 is Doflamingo from the Qiwuhai. Speaking of which, Doflamingo can be called the biggest dark force in the Qiwuhai. Ian is now I don't have any chance of meeting him, but meeting Rayleigh is different. Doflamingo should be afraid of Rayleigh too.

Moreover, there are no Celestial Dragons in this auction. As long as these privileged classes are not involved, according to Ian's understanding, with Doflamingo's arrogance, those ordinary nobles and rich people probably won't In his eyes, it would be too worthless to confront Rayleigh just because of these people's protests, so Ian guessed that he would probably suppress this matter.

After chatting with Lei Li for a while, Ian went back, and Lei Li told him that he planned to go back to Aunt Xia's ripping off bar to stay for a while, so that he could find him there if he needed anything.

Now that he is studying with Rayleigh, it is temporarily over, so after returning to the family residence, Ian called Hawking and asked about the recent family situation.

Recently, because the world conference is about to be held, the navy has sent a lot of manpower to escort around the world, so the number of pirates on Chambord Island has increased a lot, and many pirates took advantage of this opportunity , want to go to Murloc Island, and then sprint to the new world.

The bounty levels of these pirates vary in size, but the highest one is only 92 million Baileys. It seems that apart from Ace, there have been no new pirates with more than 100 million Berries.

On the contrary, there are quite a few pirates with low-level bounties.

The so-called treasure onepeice left by Roger has attracted a large number of pirates who want to go to the new world one after another. However, most people have this ideal. Without this strength, they don't know how cruel the new world is. With so many pirates, none of them will survive in the end.

Ian has nothing to do with it, they want to go to the new world, that is their business, but the appearance of these pirates has made the business of the Ian family boom for a while.

Ian was studying with Rayleigh during this time, so he didn't do it himself, but the family members under him caught six or seven pirates one after another.

Most of the pirates they caught were at the level of 10 to 20 million, and they were all weak in intelligence. Ian knew about this, and he came to Hawking today just to ask about the situation.

Hawking didn't hide anything, and said to Ian categorically: "Boss, these days, the pirates we caught have been exchanged for a total of 120 million bounties. According to your instructions, I took part of it out, and the rest The rewards were given to the family members under him, and in addition, some pension expenses were spent, so now there are 67 million Baileys left on the account!"

When Ian first heard that his members had earned 120 million Baileys, he thought it was pretty good, but when he heard Hawking tell the final savings, he immediately frowned.

"Why are there so few left?" Ian asked, "Didn't I let you smoke 80% of it?"

"Yeah!" Hawking said with a wry smile: "I draw 80% of the rewards. Originally, these bounties should be the remaining 96 million Baileys in the end, but the problem is that the casualties are too high for catching pirates during this period of time. The members of the family have big opinions now!"

"How about casualties?" Ian asked.

"A total of more than 20 people died!" Hawking said: "There are countless others with minor injuries and serious injuries. During this period of time, the pension alone has cost almost 30 million Baileys!"

"So, their complaints are all aimed at me?" Ian sneered.

Hawking swallowed his saliva and said, "Boss Ian, you know that when bounty hunters catch pirates, there will inevitably be battles. How can it be as easy as robbery and human traffickers?"

Indeed, the people that Ian recruited were all selected from the four families that he killed at the beginning. These people were originally bad, and they were used to easy business. As a pirate hunter, I immediately felt that the difficulty increased greatly. Although there were still a lot of people, pirates were not vegetarians.

This is the reason why Aunt Xia said that Ian is an outlier on this island. Instead of doing easy business, she will do difficult business instead.

Hawking reported these situations to Ian, just to remind Ian and let him pay attention to these complaints, but Ian has his own considerations. To be honest, Ian didn't have much to form this family. Take it to heart, Ian originally treated those recruited people as cannon fodder, because these people are not good people themselves, and it is impossible to train them as real subordinates.

And Ian didn't plan to run this family for a long time, Chambord Island was just a station, if he planned to leave at any time, would it be possible to take all these subordinates away

However, it is impossible for Ian to say these words to Hawking. Hawking and his group of old people are still loyal to Ian. When Ian is about to leave, he will arrange a way out for them.

"I see!" Ian nodded, and said, "For the time being, just keep it as it is, and give me the remaining money!"

Hawking nodded, turned and left to get the money. Ian sat on the sofa and began to calculate his assets.

The bounty for catching Lucius before, there is still a lot left, about 60 million, plus the remaining, this time he has 120 million, it is time to recharge and draw a wave of cards up.

Just as he was thinking this way, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"The fusion is complete, please check the host!"

Ian quickly opened the system interface and went in to check it out. When the domineering awakened before, he was a little worried about what kind of changes the fusion would cause, so he must confirm it now.

However, seeing this, Ian breathed a sigh of relief!

After the combination of domineering and mind power, the biggest change is the skill of mind cultivation!

The original high-level Nian practice skills, after Ian awakened his domineering skills, he broke through to the expert level directly! However, in the description of the expert-level Nian practice skill, the number of recovery of Nian power is missing!

[Expert-level mind training skills: increase the total value of mind energy by 50%, you can use mind diffusion, and mind materialization. The recovery of mind power is related to the physical fitness of the host. The more physical the body is, the faster the recovery of mind power will be. Current proficiency level (0/200000)]

In addition to the advancement of Nian practice skills, Ian found that his Nianli value has increased a lot, and it has reached a value of nearly 800 points!

Yi'an understood that this might be due to his domineering power being integrated into it, coupled with the improvement of expert-level Nian practice, that's why it rose to this level.

That is to say, now the system's shackles on Ian have disappeared, and the recovery of mental power is linked to his physical strength. Restoring physical strength is equivalent to restoring mental power, which is the same as the nature of domineering. At the same time, because mental power and his physical strength The domineering system has been integrated, and Ian can also use the power of domineering to display the unique skills of the card!

From then on, for Ian, domineering is mind power, and mind power is domineering! When others use domineering, they may only be able to use it in ways such as armed and knowledgeable, but Ian can also display more special abilities!

Ian watched this change with joy. He didn't limit himself to the card system, but insisted on owning his own power. This choice was really right!

Now, as long as the Feiying card is raised to five stars, he can use his arrogance to play the black dragon wave!

What should we call this trick then

Wave ~ tyrant! ? (.)