Super Card System

Chapter 124: VIP is on


In addition to the fusion of domineering and mind power, what surprised Yian the most was that the materialization effect of mind finally appeared!

He picked up the Yan Mo Dao in his hand and tried to wrap his thoughts on it. In the past, Ian had also done this kind of winding, but at that time the thoughts were not solid enough to be materialized, and could only be limited. Therefore, sometimes in order to improve the cutting power, Ian can only use the Xiewang Yansha Sword instead.

But it's different now, with the output of Ian's thoughts, his entire blade seems to be dyed with a layer of black coating!

Ian guessed right, the effect of materializing thoughts and the hardening effect of armed domineering are the same concept!

Finding an iron plate, Ian gently cut the iron plate with Yan Mo Dao, and easily cut the iron plate in half.

This hardened layer that turns black after materialization not only improves the sharpness of the weapon, but also has a protective effect. The harder blade will not break even if it is subjected to a strong impact.

If Raleigh could see this scene, he might be very surprised. He has never seen a person who has just awakened domineering and can be hardened with arms.

But this is not the case. Ian used the card system to experience the use of mind power a long time ago. Now that the domineering power has been awakened, because it is the energy of the same nature, Ian is very proficient in using it.

Others wake up first and then experience, but he experiences first and then awakens. The order is reversed, but the result is the same.

Maintaining the hardening effect of the blade, Ian was feeling the consumption of mental power, and found that even if the current consumption of mental power is a little bit higher, but because his physical strength is in good condition, the recovery of mental power is also very fast, so it is only to maintain hardening As a result, Ian can persist for a long time.

Of course, there may be a difference once fighting, because during the battle, Ian not only consumes mental power, but also consumes physical strength. To maintain this state, the time will be much shorter, which requires him to continue to use his physical skills. Practice continues to gain stronger physical fitness.

While Ian was feeling his newly improved strength with great interest, Hawking came back with a suitcase in his hand, which contained the saved money.

Ian took it and opened it, and found that it was full of Bailey banknotes, and nodded in satisfaction.

In the beginning, the Ian family was formed not only because they wanted more people to obtain information sources, but also because they could have a steady stream of money into their accounts when they were not free. Ian did need money, but to be honest, if he wanted to make money, he would always If you can't get rid of your body, it will become a burden.

After closing the suitcase, Ian noticed Hawking's hesitant expression, and asked him, "Is there anything else?"

Hawking said: "Boss Ian, there is indeed something else, I think maybe I should tell you..."

"Then tell me!" Ian said.

"Recently, there are not only more pirates on Chambord Island, but also a lot more bounty hunters and killers!" Hawking said, "But the strange thing is that although these people appeared on Chambord Island, they didn't catch them." Pirates or something."

"Oh? What's the situation?" Ian also asked a little strangely.

Hawking shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but I heard that these people come from all over the world, many of them are famous killers or bounty hunters, and there are many famous pirates among them! It's strange. It’s right here, these people have different identities, but there is no sign of conflict!”

"It sounds like they are in the same group..." Ian said while knocking on the table thoughtfully.

"Yes!" Hawking nodded and said, "I suspect that these people appear here, maybe someone is organizing... maybe planning something..."

"Leave this alone!" Ian said, "As long as these people don't provoke us, don't bother!"

Hawking nodded and said, "Understood!"

After he left, Ian twisted the cash box and went back to his room. Lorraine and Elena had already been sent away, and news of their family members had been found. He was served by others, but he was not used to this kind of enjoyment, so he didn't think it was a problem.

Combining his original money with the money in the cash box, Ian thought about it, and left more than 20 million. Let's recharge 100 million Baileys at a time first!

"You recharged 500,000 diamonds, and an extra 10% was given away. You got a total of 550,000 diamonds!"

"Your one-time recharge reaches 100 million Baileys, and you grow into a junior VI! You can get junior VI privileges!"

After the top-up was completed, Ian couldn't help being stunned when the system's prompt sounded. When he topped up before, he had never heard of the term VI!

He was quite surprised at the time. The card system was originally evolved from a copycat mobile game. The VI system is basically necessary in this type of mobile game, but when he recharged before, he had never heard of VI. Experience and the like made him think that the system didn't have this function.

I didn't expect to have to recharge 100 million Baileys at a time to open it. This system is still as fierce as ever...

"What privileges does junior VI have?" Ian couldn't help asking.

"A high-level card store can be opened. In the high-level card store, high-star card fragments and high-star exclusive treasure fragments can be randomly refreshed!"

Ian hurriedly found the location of the high-level card store, and found that in the system interface, it was next to the original fragment store. The original fragment store was opened for free, so the refreshed cards in it were all one-star and two-star cards. Card fragments can be purchased with the exchanged souls. However, in this high-end card store, the fragments of Samsung cards are refreshed, and the purchase requirements have also increased. Most of them require diamonds to be purchased. Occasionally, fragments exchanged for souls will be generated.

"Could junior VIs only be able to draw three-star cards?" Ian asked.

"Yes, advanced VI can refresh four-star cards, and supreme VI can refresh five-star cards!" The system replied.

Ian was speechless. After all, he was still cheating money, but the words of Supreme VI should be the only source of five-star cards that Ian knows so far.

I don’t know how much the Supreme VI needs to be recharged at a time to open it...

Not only that, in the high-level card store, the amount of diamonds consumed for a refresh has also risen sharply. The free shard store requires 20 diamonds, but the high-level card store requires 200 diamonds, which is a full increase of 10 times.

However, Ian still found one advantage, that is, the opening of the high-level card shop can reduce the number of times he draws ten times in a row.

For Ian, this is convenient for cultivating cards, because when the cards he is currently equipped with gradually take shape, it will become more difficult to obtain specific cards through ten consecutive draws.

You must know that not every card that is drawn is suitable for Ian. For example, the Feiying card is very suitable for Ian who takes the speed flow, so it is natural to find a way to cultivate it to five stars. High level, but one can imagine the difficulty of obtaining a large number of flying shadow cards through ten consecutive draws to increase the star level.

It’s different with a store where you can directly buy high-star card fragments. Ian can spend a lot of diamonds and refresh them non-stop. Much better deal!

Originally, for this recharge, Ian wanted to see if he could draw another four-star card to replace the Zhizhi Zuomajie card, but he accidentally activated the VI privilege to get this high-level card store out. Ever since, Ian had a new idea.

This time, I must find a way to draw a four-star card, but once it is drawn, the remaining diamonds will be kept first, and the money earned in the future should be saved as much as possible. High VI level, in this way, four-star card fragments can be refreshed in the advanced card store. After the new card slot at level 20 is unlocked, refresh directly and choose a specific four-star card that suits you. Cards for purchase.

In this way, Ian can completely use the four-star cards as the base to build his own card group, attributes and skills.

Of course, even now, Ian can actually refresh in the store, buy the card fragments of the wise Zuo Majie, and find a way to upgrade the Zuo Majie card to four stars, but it seems that the resources spent in that way are too much, Moreover, after the Zuomajie card is upgraded to four stars, it may not be as easy to use as the original four-star card.

So Ian decided to continue with ten consecutive draws.

So, he nestled in his room and started another trip of ten consecutive draws.

However, I don't know if his luck is better today. After drawing 12 times in a row, he drew two complete cards!

The first time I got a card from Street Fighter, Blanca! It's the green-faced, fang-toothed Amazon jungle orc!

As soon as Ian saw this card, he didn't feel much about it. It was just a three-star card.

After throwing it aside, Ian continued to draw, and this time he got an unexpected card!

Four-star Yagami Temple!

He has drawn so many ten consecutive draws, and he also discovered this problem. The cards of the King of Fighters series seem to have a higher chance of appearing when they are drawn because of the large number of characters.

Yagami is a character Ian has always liked, so after drawing this card, Ian stopped.

This four-star card can already be used to replace the Wise Left Ma Jie card.

Just when Ian wanted to check the card attributes of Iori Temple, he suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside. Ian could only stand up and go to open the door.

When I opened the door, I found that Hawking was standing outside, holding an invitation card in his hand, and said to Ian, "Boss, someone sent us this thing just now!"

Yi An accepted it suspiciously, opened it, and found that this invitation was actually for him to have a party.

However, the above did not say what kind of meeting it was, only one location.

"Who sent it?" Ian asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, that man is wearing a coat, and his face is covered under the clothes, so he can't see clearly!" Hawking said, "He left the invitation card and left!" (.)