Super Card System

Chapter 125: Amazing planning


This invitation came out of nowhere. I didn't even know who invited it or what kind of party it was.

So Ian's first reaction was to ignore it.

However, Hawking said to Ian at this moment: "When the man threw down the invitation card, he said something, saying that he must go, there is a big deal!"

"Oh? Did that person really say that?" Ian became slightly interested.

"Yes, Boss Ian, that's why I have to bother you!" Hawking said: "This is sometimes the case here in the illegal area. Some people sometimes like to keep it mysterious, but if there is a big business, maybe it is true." Yes."

"Could it be the bounty hunters and killers who came to the island recently?" Ian wondered, "The invitation sent here means that you want to join forces with the local forces of Chambord Island?"

"Maybe it's true!" Hawking suddenly said.

"Well, go and check to see if other families have received similar invitations!" Ian ordered.

Hawking took the order to leave, and Ian sat down and began to calculate.

Since Ian didn't pay attention to the management of the family, he has never expanded much, but after all, Ian wiped out Boulder's four families in one fell swoop, and after gathering some of their subordinates, they are now in this illegal area. Among them, he is still a bit powerful, and it is not surprising that this invitation is in his hands.

What made Ian curious was what kind of big deal it was.

Could it be that someone wants to take advantage of this opportunity to rob the Tianlong people's bank on Chambord Island

They are so courageous, aren't they afraid of attracting admirals to encircle and suppress them

Of course, this is just Ian's guess, maybe it's not the case, so after thinking about it, Ian decided to take a look.

Participating or not, in addition, at least we must find out the purpose of these people, otherwise these people will really make something big, and it will be bad if it affects Chiyu.

However, before you go, you have to be prepared.

It didn't take long for Hawking to come back, and the news he brought back was indeed picked up by Ian. Almost all underground organizations, large and small, on Chambord Island had received such invitations.

However, the strange thing is that no one knows who sent the invitation.

There was very little information, which made Ian frowned. As a last resort, he got up and went out, intending to find Aunt Xia's professional information dealer.

When I came to Aunt Xia's rip-off bar, there was still no one there, but this time Lei Li was there, chatting with Aunt Xia, and the two laughed happily.

"Master Lei Li!" Ian couldn't help showing a smile, and said hello.

"Oh, you're here!" Lei Li also smiled and said, "I'm telling your Aunt Xia an interesting story about her time as a pirate!"

After sitting down, Aunt Xia handed Ian a cup of tea. She knew that Ian liked to drink this, so after putting down the cup, she asked Ian, "Are you here for something?"

"Yes!" Ian explained the whole story, and then asked her, "Aunt Xia, do you have any information for reference?"

"So that's what happened!" Aunt Xia lit a cigarette and said, "Recently, many forces have come to me to inquire about this situation, but to be honest, I don't know much about it. The people who came to Chambord Island this time , It is said that they came here after getting a recruitment message from the underground world, but the person who announced the recruitment message does not seem to be from the underground world!"

"Recruitment?" Ian asked suspiciously, "What kind of recruitment information?"

"To be precise, it's an entrustment!" Aunt Xia said, "Because there is no limit to the number of people and the reward is very high, so it can be regarded as recruitment, and many people have come!"

"The salary is high? How much?" Ian asked with interest.

"1 billion Baileys!" Aunt Xia said an astonishing number.

Ian was stunned when he heard that! Lei Li laughed loudly and said, "What an incredible number!"

"What kind of entrustment is it?" Ian asked in surprise, "Such a high reward will be given?"

"That's the strange thing, the content of the entrustment was not mentioned at all!" Aunt Xia spread her hands and said, "That's why I said that I don't know much."

Yi'an became pensive, Aunt Xia looked at him and said, "Are you going to have a look?"

"Of course!" Ian said, "With such a large amount of money, everyone will be tempted, right? As for participating or not, it depends on the situation."

"Be careful!" Raleigh warned him: "This may also be a trap set by the Navy. The World Conference is about to be held. If it is a trap set by them for safety and security, it will be troublesome!"

Ian nodded and said: "Yes, I understand, I've thought of this too, if something is wrong, I will leave immediately!"

After getting up and leaving the bar, Ian also went back.

The time on the invitation is the night of the second day. When the night gradually fell, a lot of strange people began to appear on Chambord Island one after another. These people did not seem to be good people. Frightened, the ordinary residents on Chambord Island hid behind closed doors.

The personnel of these underground forces headed towards the playground area from all directions, because the location specified on the invitation was in the No. 39 mangrove area, which can be said to be the farthest location from the Naval Station on Chambord Island.

Ian also set off at this time, he didn't take anyone with him, and planned to go alone.

Such gatherings generally don't last too long. After all, there is no way the navy would be unaware of such a big commotion on the island. However, the timing of the party card this time is really ingenious. It happens to be when the navy is empty, so it's not necessary. Worried about being encircled by the navy.

Ian's identity is a pirate hunter. In fact, he shouldn't be mixed with these people, but since the Ian family is always in an illegal area, he must go this time to find out what these people are planning, so that he can Make corresponding response.

Soon, Ian arrived at the meeting place on the invitation card. This place is actually a wasteland without any buildings, just a bonfire lit in the middle of the open space. Beside the bonfire, there is a small box.

The bonfire is naturally a signal, so when Ian arrived here, there were already many people around the bonfire. These people were standing or sitting, and they all looked like waiting, but But no one spoke, and no one opened the small box to check.

Ian quietly blended into the crowd, lowered his hat and remained silent.

There were still people coming one after another, but no matter who came, the others just took a look, even if they met someone they knew, they just nodded and didn't speak at all.

It can be seen that the people who came to this party are all cautious.

Ian was carefully sizing up the people in the crowd, wanting to see if the organizer behind the scenes would mix in the crowd, but after watching for a long time, he couldn't see who looked like them. The people gathered here were all vicious With various scars and tattoos on his face, each one is fiercer than the other.

These people are almost all bounty hunters chasing money, killers, or various criminals, and it is said that they are all ruthless people from all over the world. In addition to the underground forces of Chambord Island, there are already hundreds of people present. How easy is it to see something from so many people

Time passed little by little, and when the set party time came, there was a sudden "puff puff" sound in the quiet scene.

The small box next to the campfire suddenly popped open by itself, revealing the contents inside.

Those were two phone bugs, one was a normal adult phone bug, and there was a loudspeaker device on this phone bug, while the other one next to it was a white phone bug that was slightly smaller.

Ian understood that the white phone bug was used to prevent eavesdropping.

"Hello everyone, you can call me Mr. Zhengyi!" A voice that seemed to be disguised came out through the phone bug's loudspeaker device.

Many people in the underground world are used to this way of talking with a phone bug, but not revealing their identities on the spot. On the contrary, Ian thinks it is a bit new.

Everyone was listening quietly, no one said a word, Mr. Justice, one could tell it was a pseudonym.

"I have called you here because there is a big deal I want to cooperate with you!" The voice in the phone bug said: "Of course, I don't force you. Those who are willing to participate will stay when the time comes. Those who are not willing to participate will leave on their own. Just go!"

Still no one spoke, the voice in the phone bug waited for a while, and then said: "The World Conference is about to be held, and everyone may know about it. What I want to say has something to do with this, because this time I accompanied the navy escort. The boats are not only the kings and leaders of various countries, but also the heavenly gold they enshrined to the Tianlong people this year!"

After listening to what the person in the phone bug said, the originally silent scene suddenly burst into an uproar!

"I'm sorry, we're leaving!" A family boss who seemed to be from Chambord Island immediately stood up and said, "We will pretend that we have never heard of this matter!"

After speaking, he took several of his subordinates and left without looking back.

"We won't participate either!"

"So do we, sorry!"

One after another, many bosses left with their people. After hearing that sentence, combined with the name code of the mysterious behind-the-scenes organizer, almost everyone understood that what the other party wanted to plan turned out to be this Gold in the sky!

The local forces in Chambord Island are the most aware of the power of the Tianlong people, so when this incident involved the money enshrined to the Tianlong people from various countries, they immediately understood how serious the matter was.

In order not to get angry, they wisely chose to leave quickly, and they didn't even want to listen to the connection.

Including Ian, he wanted to get up and leave!

Nima, I originally thought that these people were just trying to rob banks or something, but I didn't expect them to be so courageous.

After personally experiencing what it was like to be a slave in the auction house, Ian now also hates Tianlong people, but this does not mean that he will provoke Tianlong people now.

Although he wanted to leave, when Ian saw that there were still most of the people sitting at the scene, he held back temporarily and wanted to continue listening to the other party.


The voice in the phone bug was silent for a while before continuing to speak: "I don't know how many people are left behind, but I guess there should still be some? Then I will continue. Everyone knows that all countries enshrine The amount of Tianlong people's heavenly gold varies, but the lowest is 2 billion. The more heavenly gold, the stronger the guarding force. I have a piece of information here, it is a fleet with the lowest tribute. If everyone If you are willing to do it, then I will provide it to everyone. After the matter is completed, I don’t want the money in the sky, and the promised reward of 1 billion Baileys will also be shared with everyone.”

A total of three billion Baileys! Those who stayed at the scene were a little moved, but out of caution, someone walked over and picked up the microphone and asked loudly: "Since you don't want money, what do you want?"

"I want the devil fruit on that ship!" Mr righteously said: "That is the offering ship of the Pear Blossom Kingdom in the South China Sea. In addition to the heavenly gold, there are two devil fruits that they collected to be dedicated to the Tianlong people. One of them is One is a devil fruit that has never appeared in the illustrated book, and that one is what I want!" ()). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my biggest motivation. please come. )