Super Card System

Chapter 127: The big bear who came to the door


When Xiong got up to pick up the photo and was about to leave, Garp couldn't help but glanced at him. Teana Wwww. ⒉

Don't look at Garp's carefree appearance on the surface, but in fact, his thoughts are more delicate than anyone else. The moment he saw Ian's photo appearing in the file bag of the Warring States Period, Garp guessed that this mission might Will make the bear come out.

So Karp was not surprised to hear what the bear said now.

In Karp's view, Xiong and Ian should indeed have some relationship, but this relationship is hard to guess.

Garp met Ian, and he had a good impression of Ian. It could be seen that Ian was not the kind of treacherous and evil person, so Garp didn't mind helping him, and he was confused in the Warring States period. Only then did he explain the phrase "bear's admirer". As one of the Shichibukai, Bartholomew Bear is naturally well-known, and it's not surprising that he has admirers.

And Zhan Guo and Garp have been friends for many years, and they immediately recognized Garp's hidden meaning, so they followed suit and eliminated Ian from the people who wanted to attack.

This is the unique tacit understanding between Sengoku and Garp.

The play of the two also indirectly pushed Xiong out. They didn't care what the relationship between Ian and Xiong was, as long as Xiong felt their favor.

Qiwukai are all unruly people. Although they are nominally lackeys of the world government and the navy, in fact, most of the time, Qiwukai doesn't care about the navy and the government at all. Bartholomew Xiong is the only one who is better. He has a good relationship with the navy and the world government, and he obeys orders more. This is why Warring States will pull him in during meetings. To them, Xiong is almost half of them!

Now that Xiong has volunteered, Sengoku is also relieved, he really doesn't want to send Garp and Ahe out, and there must be strong people in the Navy Headquarters...


In a hut in the mangrove area on the 27th, several people with various weapons were gathered here to argue loudly.

However, at this moment, the people in the room suddenly heard a loud creaking sound, and before they could understand what was going on, they suddenly saw that the corner of the room was torn!

Immediately afterwards, a huge shock wave swept over, shattering their house directly, and everyone in the house was also blown away by this extremely powerful shock force!

After the shock wave raged, these people struggled to get up from under the rubble, and all of them were injured, but when they were about to cry out in pain, they suddenly shut up and stared blankly at a tall man who appeared in front of them. man.

This tall man, needless to say, is Bartholomew Bear who came here at his command!

He was still holding his book in his left hand, but he had already taken off the black glove on his right hand. Looking down at the group of people, he said in a low voice, "Red murderer, Brother Naros, where are you?"

As soon as his words fell, the two red-headed men in the crowd suddenly shook like chaff.

"Looks like it's you guys!" Xiong said in a low voice, looking at the two of them.

"Quick... run away! It's the 'tyrant' bear!"

The two men with red hair were one of the people who participated in the party last night. Before that, they were still discussing with their subordinates whether they wanted to participate in the robbing of the gold in the sky, but they didn't expect it to be so soon. A Shichibukai sent out!

The two red murderer brothers let out heart-piercing shouts, turned around and wanted to run.

However, at this moment, Xiong pointed his right hand in the direction in which they were fleeing, and gave them a slight push!

A ball of solid air, visible to the naked eye, flew towards the Naros brothers in an instant. It was as fast as a cannonball ejected, allowing the ball of air to directly penetrate the bodies of the two.

This is Xiong's unique trick, the pressure cannon. The mass of air is actually a powerful shock wave. After the two Narrows brothers were hit by the trick, a mouthful of blood immediately gushed out of their mouths, and they fell to the ground with their eyes turned white.

Although the bear didn't kill them directly, the shock wave hit their bodies and already damaged their internal organs, and the two of them were completely seriously injured.

After confirming that the two had no ability to resist, Xiong took out the photo of the Nalos brothers and tore it up. The fragments of the photo were scattered, and Xiong suddenly disappeared.

… … … … … … …

What happened to Brother Narrows was not accidental. In the following time, many people who attended the party last night were attacked by bears.

Those who were attacked were not only local underground forces on Chambord Island, but also from other places. No matter where they came from, as long as the hiding place was exposed and the navy got information, Xiong came to the door.

For a while, the underground forces on Chambord Island became turbulent and began to flee one after another, especially those who participated in the party and had made up their minds to get a vote. They knew that this island could not stay longer and had to leave .

Fortunately, they still have time, and they can take advantage of the opportunity of three days to go to Genana Island, an island a little far from Chambord Island. In this case, the power of the navy cannot radiate there.

Even so, Xiong's attack still suppressed a lot of people, which can be regarded as achieving the goal of the Warring States Period and reducing the number of participants.

It was a little later when Ian heard the news, and all his subordinates gathered in the stronghold to report the situation to Ian.

Ian was very surprised when he learned that Xiong was the one who attacked. He didn't expect Xiong to make a move. He originally thought that even if the navy came, they would probably send a lieutenant general or something.

"Boss Ian, what should we do?" Standing in front of Ian, Hawking asked anxiously.

He knew that Ian had also attended the party. Although no decision had been made yet, since the navy let the tyrant bear take action, it was natural to make an example of others. Hawking was not sure whether the Ian family would be approached.

Ian narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the eyes of the group of people under him, and found that most of them had erratic eyes, so he said: "If you want to leave, just leave!"

Hawking and the cripple were stunned for a moment. They wanted to say something, but Ian waved his hand and said, "That's it! I won't pursue it!"

The reason why this decision was made was because Ian knew that these people were indeed too weak to be useful. Under Qi Wuhai's prestige, many people had already planned to run away. If that was the case, then why force them to stay

Ian has already made up his mind and is ready to snatch the two devil fruits. Afterwards, he doesn't know how the navy will react. After all, these people are just ordinary people. There is no need to involve them in this kind of situation. to the big event.

Sure enough, when it was confirmed that what Ian said was true, many people left immediately. Most of these people who left were people who had been recruited by the original four families.

However, Hawking and his group of family elders did not leave. In fact, even they themselves did not know where they could go after leaving the family.

Ian took out his remaining 20 million Baileys, handed them to Hawking and said, "In a few days, if I don't come back, you can make a living by yourself! Take this money and go to the tourist area to open a shop or something." Yes, it’s better than hanging around like this in an illegal zone.”

Hawking and the lame took the money, feeling a little hot. They really didn't expect that Ian would give them such a large sum of money.

At the beginning, they could only live in this illegal area because they had no money. They were just ordinary people. If given the chance, no one would be willing to fight every day. Just like what Ian said, Take this money and find a serious business to continue. Everyone will yearn for such a peaceful life.

This is the difference between Ian and the original Sicilian. Sicilian is eager to hold all the money in his hands, and he will not even consider the life and death of his subordinates, but Ian has considered the way out for them.

"Thank you, Boss Ian!" Hawking and the lame bowed deeply to Ian.

Ian didn't say a word, and when he was about to let them leave, the monkey came over in a hurry and said, "Boss Ian, the tyrant bear is here!"

Ian took a deep breath. In fact, he didn't know what the big bear's intention was at this time, so he could only go out to have a look.

I haven't seen you for so many years, Uncle Xiong, does he still remember himself? I'm afraid I can't remember it... Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to the door...

When he came to the door, Ian saw the tall figure of Big Bear at first sight.

"Are you the pirate hunter Ian?" Xiong asked in his deep voice after seeing him coming out.

"It's me!" Ian nodded, and then said expectantly: "Uncle Xiong, don't you know me?"

"..." Xiong looked down at Ian without saying a word.

Hawking and the others followed Ian, holding weapons in their hands, but they also looked forward to the two of them. The hat on Ian's boss was exactly the same as that of the tyrant bear, and coupled with the dialogue between the two, Hawking Hope was naturally ignited in their hearts.

However, at this moment, the bear tucked his book under his armpit, took off the gloves on both hands, and began to hug his chest!

A ball of air that can be seen in the shape of a meat ball appeared, and as the big bear's hands continued to compress, the air was compressed smaller and smaller.

As soon as Ian saw the action of Big Bear, he immediately knew something was wrong, and immediately turned to Hawking and shouted: "Run!!!"

Hawking and the others didn't understand what was going on, so they couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but with such a momentary delay, they had no time to escape.

"Bear Impact!"

The big bear gently pushed the compressed air mass towards Ian and the others.

This compressed air mass suddenly exploded after breaking away from the big bear's control!

Ian only had time to squat down, put his hands in front of his body, lowered his head, and wanted to resist, but as the shock wave hit, he was pushed so that his feet plowed two deep ravines on the ground!

After finally waiting for the shock wave to dissipate, Ian turned his head and found that the house behind him had been completely destroyed, and Hawking and his group were blown to nowhere.

The entire site seemed to have been hit by a huge bomb. At the point where the atmosphere exploded, a crater with a diameter of tens of meters was left, just like the ground hit by a meteorite.

Although Ian was fine, his clothes were torn, and there were many cracks all over his body. He was cut by the strong air brought by the compressed atmosphere!

If it weren't for Ian's learning physical skills with Lei Li now, he is a little mature, and he doesn't know what kind of injury he will be this time.

It was also at this time that he realized just how powerful the big bear was.

The bear's fruit ability is quite powerful. Although Ian doesn't know whether he has reached the level of awakening, he can get a glimpse of it just from the impact of the bear.

Ian gritted his teeth, and was also a little annoyed. He originally thought that the bear might think of him after seeing the hat he was wearing, but in the end, what he waited for was such a powerful attack. Didn't hold back!

"Uncle Xiong, what happened to him? Could it be that the opportunity to transform the human body weapon has been completed ahead of time, so he has no memory?" Ian thought this way, but then felt a little impossible. For a genius scientist, it is an incredible technology. How can there be any reason to finish it ahead of schedule

If you can’t figure it out, don’t think about it! Now that the bear has already laid a ruthless hand, let's fight! (.)