Super Card System

Chapter 131: Silent Fruit


Early the next morning, Kona Nayi came to look for Ian. She was holding a white hat with a black rose stuck in it. Behind her were two people, One is a little girl who looks short, and the other is a handsome uncle who looks vicissitudes.

Kona Nayi first asked Ian to change the hat on his head, put on the black rose hat, and said: "This is the emblem of the guard group. You must wear this hat on this ship. OK."

Ian nodded, took it and put it on his head, folded his original bear ear hat and put it in his pocket.

At this time, she introduced the two people behind to Ian. She pointed to the short girl and said, "This is a walnut."

This walnut is only about as high as Ian's waist. Although she is also wearing a small armor, she does not wear a black rose hat. Ian looks at her black hair, black eyes, and two combs on her hair. The bag looks like it can't help but think of Chunli, with a cute face, it's so cute!

Ian only felt very cordial, so he knelt down, greeted Hu Tao with a smile: "Hello, little beauty!"

However, what I didn't expect was that the little walnut loli had an angry expression on her face, she pouted with her hips on her hips and said, "What little beauty, I think your age is not as old as mine, is it?"

Kona Nayi smiled slightly, and said to the embarrassed Ian: "Don't mind, Hu Tao looks small, but she is actually twenty-three years old."

Ian's eyeballs popped out, Nima, I can't see it at all!

"Sorry, sorry!" He hurriedly said, but Hu Tao snorted and ignored him.

Kona Nayi pointed at the bearded man with vicissitudes and said: "This is Yardi!"

Ian stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Uncle!" He thought to himself, there should be no wrong address this time, right

However, the vicissitudes-faced Uncle Yardi scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Well, Brother Ian... I'm only 17 years old..."

Pooh! Ian spewed blood, what the hell is going on!

Are these two people's appearances reversed?

Ian looked at Kona Nayi depressedly, and found that she was covering her mouth and giggling, which made Ian realize immediately that she was deliberately waiting to see his joke.

The blond Yujie who looked so serious yesterday did not expect to have such a wicked taste.

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble!" Kona Nay said seriously: "Bring them here, just to introduce you to them. On this ship, they are my subordinates in name, and now you are too. When the time comes, you Just follow us to act together, do whatever you want, don't reveal your identity, you know?"

Ian nodded and asked, "When will we arrive at Marie Gioia?"

"It will arrive in four days!" Kona Nayi said: "We have already received the information, and the navy has finally dispatched manpower, ready to attack the criminals who want to plunder the gold in the sky!"

"Oh?" Ian asked, "Who is dispatched?"

"It's Admiral 'Red Dog' Sakaski! Four warships have been dispatched!" Kona Nayi said: "At the same time, the real gold in the sky has also been secretly transferred. It is estimated that the battle will break out when we arrive at Marin Fando. , I don’t know how long this battle will last, but it will definitely attract the attention of the Navy, and we will take advantage of that time to board Marie Gioia.”

Ian nodded, and Xiong guessed it. The world government and the navy responded to the group of people who robbed the gold in the sky, but what Ian didn't expect was that the world government and the navy didn't choose to avoid it. , but dispatched Sakaski, which means that it will be forcibly suppressed.

In fact, when you think about it, no matter how short the manpower is, during the world conference, in front of so many national leaders, it is really unlikely that the world government and the navy will choose to avoid it. They probably do not want the leaders of these countries to underestimate them, so they decided Will choose such a tough stance.

That's right, if that's the case, it means that Mary Joya has one less general to sit on the front line.

"You can leave after mixing with Marie Gioia!" Kona Nay said, "At that time, we will each perform our own tasks. If you need it, please contact us and we will take care of you!"

"Yes, I understand!" Ian nodded.

"Also, when you leave, Hutao will help you!" Kona Nay said with a smile, "Don't think that Hutao is small, but she is a capable person!"

"Oh, is that so?" Ian lowered his head and looked at the two white bags on Hu Tao's head. He just thought it was fun and wanted to touch it.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Seeing Ian's eyes, Hu Tao knew what he was thinking, stretched out his hand angrily, and touched Ian's body.

In an instant, Ian found a strange force filling his surroundings, but he couldn't feel what it was, so he opened his mouth and asked, "What did you do to me?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he found something strange, he couldn't hear the words that came out of his mouth!

Not only that, the surrounding sounds seemed to have disappeared, as was any noise. Ian saw that Kona Nayi opened his mouth and said something to him with a smile, but he didn't hear any sound.

"What are you talking about!?" Ian was a little anxious.

Finally, Hu Tao stretched out a hand and made a finger-snapping movement. After this movement, the sound came from Ian's ear again.

"Do you know that Hutao is powerful?" Hutao looked at Ian proudly and said.

"This is... the power of the Silent Fruit!?" Ian finally understood what was going on, so he couldn't help crying out.

"Yes!" Kona Nay nodded with a smile, "It's not long since Hu Tao got this power, but it's very useful, right?"

The fruit of silence, in Ian's impression, was originally Doflamingo's younger brother, Corazon's fruit ability!

Corazon, this term actually refers to an important position in the Doflamingo family, not a person's name. Corazon's real name is Rosinandi!

But after thinking about it, Ian also realized that the fruit of silence is the ability of Rosinandi, but Rosinande, Doflamingo's younger brother, has already been killed by his brother, and the ability of the devil fruit Once the victim dies, the Devil Fruit he possesses will be regenerated somewhere in the world, and what Walnut might get is the regenerated Silent Fruit!

This... This is really, Ian doesn't even know what to say.

"When you act, Hutao will create a silent force field for you. As long as Hutao is fine, this force field will always exist!" Kona Nayi said: "Your voice is eliminated, and your actions It will be much more convenient!"

This is really a good help, and Ian couldn't help asking curiously: "Can this silence force field be selected? For example, cancel my voice, but allow me to hear other people's voices?"

"Of course!" Hu Tao said triumphantly with her small face raised.

Now, Ian felt more at ease. He looked at Kona Nay and Yaldi, and asked, "Are you also capable?"

Kona Nayi shook her head and said, "Yardi and I are not..."

Hu Tao said for Kona Nayi: "Kona Nayi is the captain of the second team of the Rose Guard. Her swordsmanship is very powerful, and Yaerdi is a big bull. He has great strength!"

So it turned out that since Kona Nayi is a captain of the escort regiment, it is indeed more convenient to do things on this ship.

After introducing everyone, Ian, Hutao, and Yaldi followed Kona Nayi on the deck together for a routine patrol.

During the process of coming to the deck, no one paid attention to Ian. Just like what Ke Nayi said, there are too many people on this ship. Ian's current dress is comparable to that of an ordinary guard. The personnel are the same and don't attract attention.

At this time, under the leadership of the naval frigate, the ship has sailed into the current in the Enies Hall. The triangular current of the world government is fixed in one direction and belongs to a circle around the ring, so we must Go to Advance City Prison first, and then to Marin Vandor.

When Ian arrived at Jinjin City, he wanted to see what the city looked like, but he found that the Prison of Jinjin City was on the surface of the sea, and only a small section protruded from it. The rest of it was buried in the sea water.

Ian couldn't see it anymore, so Ian had no idea. He stayed on the boat for four full days before finally seeing Marin Fando.

In fact, Marin Vanduo is a big city, and the Navy Headquarters is just the largest building in the city. Ian and his ships can see the Navy Headquarters from a distance when they dock at the pier.

The manpower here is indeed very tight, because Ian also saw that ships from other countries that came to participate in the World Conference were also docked on the other three docks. Also looked very busy.

The king of the Kingdom of Roses also went ashore, and Ian and Ke Nayi, as guards, also went ashore. As they walked, Ian asked her in a low voice, "Do you know that the ship that was supposed to be looted was escorted to the sky?" When will Jin's ship arrive at the shore? Also, which Tianlong people sent the money and things on it?"

"I don't know about this!" Ke Nanai whispered: "But it should be easy to inquire when we get to Marie Gioia. This matter is a big one, and many people will probably discuss it!"

Ian nodded, stopped talking, and walked quietly with the team. At this moment, Ian heard a familiar voice, saying: "It's a pity that Princess Vivienne didn't come this time. , I really want to meet her!"

Ian heard the reputation and looked over, and found that the speaker was actually Tina. She still looked the same, with a cigarette in her mouth and a coat, but at this time, the person he was talking to was King Cobra of Alabasta!

Cobra looked worried at this time, and said: "Oh, she is afraid that she is not in the mood to come. Now in Alabasta, it has not rained for a long time. The continuous drought is coming, and the people's life has begun to change. It's getting worse, we almost can't even get the gold in the sky this time... "

While the two were talking like this, Ian walked behind Tina and lowered his hat specially.

This so-called gold in the sky is actually to search for the people's fat and people's ointment of each country. When the country is normal, it is fine, and it can be collected by gritting your teeth. But once a disaster occurs in the country, such as drought and flood, it will be troublesome.

However, the Tianlong people don't care about that much, you have to pay how much you have to pay, and there will be no mercy at all. This has also caused many countries to fall into famine because of the gold in the sky: The people tightened their belts to make money in the sky, but in the end they had no money to buy food!

Don't look at the appearance of the Tianlong people who are still aloof, but in fact, the hatred of the people towards them has accumulated to the point where it cannot be added. Not to mention those non-joined countries, even the national leaders and members of the royal family of some joined countries have begun to hate Tianlong. People have complaints, but it is difficult to speak out.

Cobra, the king of Alabasta, presumably does the same...

At this time, Princess Vivian is probably already investigating Crocodile's baroque studio, right

Thinking like this, Ian slowly moved forward with the team. After a simple inspection, he began to climb up obliquely to Mary Gioia at the top of the red earth continent... (.)