Super Card System

Chapter 16: Devil



Tonight is the night of the full moon, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth, making everything so clear. On the huge grass outside Frost Moon Village, Sauron and Guina held their swords and looked at each other.

In the grove not far away, Ian watched this scene from a distance.

The duel finally started. From Ian's point of view, the round moon just became the background of the duel between the two. In the moonlight, the figures of the two intertwined, slashing and attacking each other. A strange beauty.

However, only the two duels understood that this battle was actually very dangerous. The original bamboo sword was replaced by a sharp real one. If one is not careful, one may be seriously injured.

Perhaps it was because of this that the battle between the two was a little more cautious, and it seemed more serious.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, Sauron was out of breath. His greatest achievement was just cutting off a strand of Kuina's hair. On the other hand, Kuina didn't seem too tired.

"Holding two real swords is heavy, isn't it? Sauron!" Kuina continued to prod him, "You are really weak!"

Hearing her words, Sauron yelled unconvinced, and attacked Kuina, but unexpectedly, Kuina was deliberately provoking him, and now the flaw was exposed again, Kuina rushed forward, One raised up, directly flying Sauron's two swords!

Disturbed by the strength, Sauron stumbled and fell backwards. The sword in Kuina's hand turned around and stuck in Sauron's ear!

"You lost again! 2001 lost 0 wins!" Kuina said with a smile.

Lying on the ground, Sauron covered his face and roared, "Damn it! Damn it!"

He lost again, still so unwilling to lose, almost crying.

However, Kuina looked at him silently, and suddenly said: "I am so unwilling to cry..."

Sauron moved his hands away in surprise and looked over, only to see tears in the corners of Kuina's eyes, and said desolately: "When a girl grows up, she will be weaker than a boy. Look at Brother Ian and you will understand. He has already grown up. There is no time to compete with me, not because he doesn't want to compete, but because I don't want to compete with him, because I know that he may already be better than me now."

"You too, Zoro! I too will be caught up by you soon..."

Kuina looked up at the sky, trying not to let her tears fall: "Father told me, he said that girls cannot become the strongest swordsman in the world, I understand...I have understood this kind of thing a long time ago! "

"Hello, Sauron, because you are a boy... I really want to be the strongest swordsman in the world, but..." Kuina put her hands on her chest: "My breasts have also begun to develop. !"

Seeing this scene, Sauron couldn't help but blushed.

"If, if I can become a boy..." Kuina lowered her head, tears of unwillingness finally flowed down.

Now Sauron was unwilling, and shouted: "You have already defeated me, so stop complaining! This is too despicable, you are my target! What kind of man and woman, wait until someday I beat you!" Even if I beat you, will you use this as an excuse!? It’s as if I didn’t rely on my own strength to win, so am I an idiot for working so hard on special training?”

"Zoro..." Kuina looked at him in surprise.

"Don't say such things again!" Sauron stepped forward and came to Kuina and said: "Promise me, one day it will be either you or me, and one of us must become the strongest swordsman in the world! Let's compare and see who can be the best!"

Kuina stared blankly at Sauron, and found that his eyes were more serious than ever before.

Zoro held out his hand to her, beckoning her.

Kuina smiled, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and muttered: "Idiot, obviously so weak..."

However, she still stretched out her hand and held Sauron tightly.

Under the moonlit night, this scene seemed to be frozen, becoming a beautiful picture.

But Ian, who was far away in the woods, couldn't help covering his head and sighing: "Oh, this is youth!"

What did that sentence say? I think of running in the sunset that day, that is my lost youth! I'm talking about the current situation, but here the setting sun will be replaced by the moon...

But, damn it, did you forget someone when you two made the agreement?

As a bystander, Ian's mood is very complicated at this time, Sauron and Kuina already have their goals, what about me

When you come to this world, you can't go back. Do you want to continue to live like this as a bystander

Ian was in a daze when he noticed a figure walking towards him, and after looking at it, he found that it was Kuina!

Sauron didn't know when he had already left, but Kuina found Ian, so she walked over and said to Ian, "Did you see everything, Brother Ian?"

Ian nodded, and Kuina smiled slightly, brushed the hair around her ears, and said, "My father asked you to come out to find me, right? Don't worry, I'm fine."

Ian stared at Guyina for a while, then suddenly said: "Although we made an agreement with that idiot, you still feel a little bit unwilling?"

Kuina didn't make a sound, turned her head to the side and said nothing.

Ian is not an idiot like Sauron, he is the only one who simply thinks that a promise can untie Kuina's heart.

The limitation of the body prevents her from becoming stronger. This is probably the inner demon in Kuina's heart. She has been bound by this idea, and her heart is not free. What progress is she talking about in the way of swordsmanship

She knew very well that one day if things continued like this, she could only look up to Sauron, watching him defeat her, and let herself taste the taste of failure! For Kuina's stronger personality, when she thinks of such a scene, she feels as uncomfortable as being stabbed by a needle.

If anyone in Shuangyue Village knows Gu Yina best, it might be Ian, even Master Koshiro can't compare to him!

That's why he asked Kuina such a sentence.

Seeing Kuina's reaction, Ian sighed slightly and said, "Come with me!"

Ian took Kuina back to the dojo and came to his room. Under Kuina's curious gaze, Ian carefully picked up the phone bug that was sleeping on the table.

After a year, this little phone bug has grown up.

If it is not asleep, you can see that its two bean-sized eyes have become a bit of Ian's charm. The most interesting thing is that there is now a small bear ear on its head cap! Just like a replica of Ian.

And on its shell, there is now an extra number, 9209, which is Ian's number.

"Brother Ian, what are you doing with the phone bug?" Kuina asked.

Ian didn't answer her, but touched the small head of the phone bug, and said: "Guina, do you still remember that one day you didn't see me for a long time, when you saw me, there were more spots on my head? got the hat?"

Kuina nodded, of course she still remembered this matter.

"That's because a group of outsiders came to the village that day!" Ian said, "These people are the revolutionary army! They gave me the hat, and among them, there is a very strange person!"

Kuina listened quietly to Ian's narration, but heard him suddenly change the subject: "Have you heard of Devil Fruit?"

"Father once told me, but I don't quite believe it. Is there really such a thing as a devil fruit?" Guina asked.

Ian nodded and said: "Really, Shuangyue Village is small, and the outside world is huge. This devil fruit really exists, and the strange person I want to talk about is a devil fruit capable user!"

"His name is Evakov, he is a person with the ability of hormone fruit!" Ian said solemnly: "He has a strange ability to control the hormones of the human body, and he can freely become a man or a woman!"

Seeing that Kuina opened her mouth wide in surprise, Ian smiled and said, "And most importantly, his ability can be used on others!"

Upon hearing this, Kuina immediately looked at Ian, and she finally understood what Ian was going to say.

"Yes, I was the one who sent them out of the village!" Ian nodded and said, "Before I left, I asked for Evakov's phone bug number. Now that my phone bug has grown up, I can call Give it to him, if... I mean, if, if you really want to become a boy, maybe you can find a way with him!"

That's right, that's the real reason why Ian asked Evakov for his number before leaving.

Seeing that Kuina was silent for a while, Ian sighed and said: "Although we are not real brothers and sisters, I have always treated you as a real sister. Now you have a demon in your heart. If you don't solve it, your swordsmanship will be destroyed." It will be difficult to grow again. I don’t want to see you sinking because of this matter in the future, so I can only find another way. This matter may be difficult for you to accept, so everything depends on your personal wishes. If you want to change If you become a boy, then go to sea to find Evakov. If you don’t want to, then keep going like this. I don’t believe that girls can’t become the strongest. Even if it takes a hundred times of hardship, there will always be Hope it works."

"I... I have to think about it carefully!" Kuina stood up and walked towards the door.

She seemed a little at a loss. Ian's words had too much impact on her.

Seeing the moment when she was about to close the door, Ian took off the bear ear hat on his head with his right hand, showed a nice smile to Guina, and said, "Remember, follow your own heart! No matter what you do Decide, I will support you!"

"Thank you, Brother Ian!"

"You're welcome, who made me your brother?"
