Super Card System

Chapter 18: Difficult path for woodjack players



After treating the bruises on Guina's body, the doctor left. His medical skills were helpless for such a patient with a strong concussion. [oM]

In the dojo, a group of young juniors surrounded Kuina, and some of the younger ones were already crying. Master Koshiro finally persuaded them to leave with his good words.

After the group of brats reluctantly left, only Ian and Sauron were left in the dojo to guard Kuina.

Master Koshiro came in and said to them, "Thank you for your hard work, go and have a rest, I will take care of Kuina."

"I don't!" Sauron gritted his teeth, "I'll wait for her to wake up!"

But Ian thought for a while, and said to Koshiro: "Master, I'll leave for a while."

Before Koshiro nodded, Ian hurried back to his room.

Except when eating, the phone bug dozed off most of the time, but when Ian picked up the shell on its back, it suddenly regained energy and opened its big eyes.

Ian dialed Evakov's number on the dial pad, and the phone bug made a sound of "咘... 咘..." immediately, as if it was on call waiting.

It didn't take long before the connection was finally made, and Ian's phone bug suddenly turned into Evakov's appearance, with long eyelashes on his big eyes, and even his lips turned into purple lip gloss. It's amazing, but Ian can't care less about research.

Eva's voice came from the phone: "Hey! Who is calling? Is it you, bear?"

It's no wonder that Evakov would admit his mistake. It is estimated that the phone bug on Evakov's side simulated Ian's appearance...or it simulated the original appearance of Ian, the phone bug, and Ian has been carrying the phone bug. A hat with bear ears, Ivankov suddenly thought of it, and mistaken Ian for a big bear.

"It's not Uncle Xiong, it's me, Ian!" Ian said into the microphone.

The phone bug on the table froze for a moment, imitating Evakov's expression: "So it's you, Ian Candy, long time no see, I didn't expect you to call me."

"Eva, don't gossiping!" Ian said urgently: "I saw you giving first aid to Sabo that day on the boat. You should be a doctor, right? Something happened to Kuina on my side! You have to help me!"

"Guina?" Ivankov was puzzled for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Mr. Koshiro's daughter, right? What's wrong with her?"

Yi'an explained what happened and said, "Where are you now? Can you come back to Shuangyue Village?"

"I'm sorry, Ian boy!" Evakov said regretfully, "I'm in the Kingdom of Kamabaka. This is the great route. I don't know how long it will take to rush there!"

When Ian heard it, his heart sank immediately, the far water can't solve the near fire.

"But don't worry!" Ivakov suddenly changed his tone: "I also know what you said. Kuina Xiaotang didn't have any trauma, so it is estimated that there was congestion in her skull, which caused her to go into a coma. Although I can't come, I can tell you what medicine to treat."

"Ah, that's great, you tell me, I'll write it down!" Ian quickly found a pen and paper.

After Ivankov told Ian about the medicine to be used, he continued: "One more thing, Ian boy, you should pay attention, the medicine can only be auxiliary, even if it can dispel the congestion in her brain, but It may not be able to wake her up! The doctor in your village is right, whether it can awaken her consciousness is unknown!"

"Then what should we do?" Ian asked hastily.

"We can only give external stimulation!" Evakov thought for a while and said, "When you are free, talk to her more."

Soon, the telephone consultation was over. Although Ian contacted the doctor Ivakov, as he said, whether the consciousness can be clear depends on God's will.


It was late at night, and Ian and Sauron were still guarding Kuina. The medicine that Evakov mentioned had already been entrusted to the teacher Zuo Jie to search for it in a nearby town.

"How could this happen!" Sauron was still muttering: "Didn't you still be fine yesterday? You just made an agreement with me, and you..."

Master Koshiro knelt and sat opposite, and whispered to Sauron, "Soro, sometimes people are very fragile..."

"Master! What if Kuina really can't wake up?" Sauron rubbed his eyes and asked Koshiro.

"You have to believe her!" Koshiro said with a slight smile: "Guina is a strong child, she will not be crushed like this, but you Sauron, if she wakes up and finds that you have not improved, she probably will Laugh at you!"

"It's this time, who still wants to practice!" Sauron said.

"You can't say that!" Koshiro said: "Didn't you make an appointment with her? Don't you want to give her a surprise when she wakes up?"

Sauron stared blankly at Kuina on the ground, looking at her calm face. After a while, he nodded and said, "I see, I will continue to work hard!"

Koshiro nodded in relief.

Ian was on the sidelines and remained silent. He was currently checking the system in his mind.

According to what Evakov said, for Kuina's situation, pure medical skills are not very useful, so he wants to look for cards in the system to see if there are any cards with psychic skills!

It has been more than a year since I came to this world. In addition to drawing a card of wise Saomasuke in the first draw, Ian saved enough time to draw three times.

However, these three card draws made Ian understand how helpless players are in a money-losing game.

Drawing cards in the card store does not mean that you can get cards every time you draw, but there is a chance! Because the process of drawing cards also contains other items.

In the following three card draws, Ian drew five step-up stones for the first time, and a green general equipment commoner for the second time. The character was lost, but it turned out to be fragments! It is two fragments of Nakolulu from the Samurai Soul game!

And Nako Lulu is a two-star card, and it takes twenty card fragments to synthesize a complete card.

In the card store, there are so many cards, and only by drawing once every three months, when will it be possible to collect the remaining 18 pieces of Nakolulu

And after inquiring about the system, Ian also discovered something even worse, which was about one-star cards and two-star cards.

According to the system, any card has qualification attributes. One-star and two-star cards have the lowest qualifications, three-star and four-star cards are next, and the highest is five-star cards. It should be noted that here refers to It's an original card!

That is to say, the original five-star red card has the highest qualifications. Even if the four-star cards are advanced to five-star cards through various breakthroughs, their qualifications will be worse than the original five-star cards.

Aptitude is growth, which represents how much attribute value a card can get for each level up, and represents the improvement of the overall attribute when it breaks through to +1+2+3, and because the final attributes of these cards are all added to Ian The host itself is naturally related to Ian's own growth.

Even if one-star and two-star cards can be advanced to five-star cards, a lot of resources will be consumed in this process, so the system does not recommend Ian to cultivate them. The main purpose of such cards is for high-level The fate and bond bonuses of star cards can be disassembled to obtain souls. Souls can buy the card fragments they want in the exclusive soul store. The cards that are really worth cultivating must start at least three stars.

With a single draw that relies on time accumulation, the chance of getting a full card will be very low, so you can only rely on ten consecutive draws. It is said that the probability is higher, but if you want to draw ten consecutive draws, you must have money to recharge.

Ian is lucky, but also unlucky. Fortunately, after coming to this world, there is still a system to support him to become stronger and survive. Unfortunately, this system is a domestic waste of money...

Forget all of these, and what Ian wants to complain the most is that most of the functions of this system are complete, and the only thing that goes wrong is the plot part.

Anyone who has played mobile card games knows that almost all mobile card games have a fixed pattern, that is, to pass the plot chapters, which is commonly known as push pictures. The number of stars obtained will give you the opportunity to open a treasure chest. There are usually diamond rewards in the treasure chest, which is the main source of diamonds for hanging wire players.

However, this damned system didn't have any plot at all, and sent Ian away with an unknown error...

That is to say, if Ian wants to draw diamonds, he has to recharge. This is the only way.

Encountering this kind of domestic counterfeit game that seems to be desperate for money, as if it is going to make a fortune, Yi An can only say that he can't afford to be hurt...

"System, are there any card characters similar to spiritual power or spiritual power?" Ian asked.

"Yes!" The system replied very simply.

"Oh!?" Ian was overjoyed and asked, "Who are they? How many stars?"

"Card character: Yuri! Four-star orange-level card; card character: Queen of Blades Kerrigan, five-star red-level card!… "

As soon as the system listed two names, Ian's heart sank. He immediately understood that this kind of card characters with spiritual power are almost all high-level rare cards!

It's not something he can get at this stage!
