Super Card System

Chapter 33: Monka looking into the grass



While Ian and Kabaji were talking, the battle between the Bucky Pirates and the Navy began on the sea.

The navy was the first to do it. Since the cannons in the base were placed high, the attack range could reach the offshore position. A tall water column rises from the sea!

However, it is not easy for the cannon to hit the moving ship on the sea. The ship of the Bucky Pirates has not been hit by the shell so far, and it is moving towards the dock at an extremely fast speed.

And Lieutenant Mengka, at this time, has also led the navy soldiers to establish a position at the pier. They built a bunker with sandbags, each holding a musket, and stared nervously at the ship of the Bucky Pirates. Once the ship docked , when the pirates got off the boat, they would open fire without hesitation.

However, what the navy did not expect was that the ship of the Bucky Pirates began to fight back as soon as it approached the pier.

A special bucky shell was stuffed into the barrel, and the pirates aimed the muzzle at the bunker of the navy on the shore, and then lit the fuse behind the cannon.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the specially-made bucky shells flew out.

One side was moving at sea, while the other side was stationary on the shore, so that after the special Bucky shell was shot out, it directly hit the navy's bunker.

Huge destructive power appeared. The position where the naval bunker was hit by the shell was directly blasted out of a gap. The naval soldiers hiding behind were blasted into the sky in an instant, and some of the poorer ones were even blasted to blood Flying horizontally, and after the special Bucky shell hit the naval bunker, it continued to fly towards the rear without slowing down, hitting the houses of the residents in the town, directly causing a row of houses to be bombarded and collapsed.

This is the special Bucky shell, which is not only powerful, but also has a strong penetrating ability.

When Bucky saw this scene on the boat, he immediately burst out laughing. He was very satisfied with his special Bucky shells, and the pirates on the boat were the same, cheering.

But this was a tragedy for the marines on the shore, especially Monka. When he saw the bunker being blown away, his eyeballs almost popped out.

The naval casualties were heavy, and he couldn't help but think of the scene when he "captured" Captain Crowe, the scene of the death of all the sailors on the ship.

"Get down! Get down!" Monka hurriedly shouted to the remaining soldiers.

The pirates of the Baki Pirates fired two more special Baki shells towards the shore, but these two times they went wrong. The shells flew past the naval bunker and landed in the town behind. Another two rows of houses in a straight line collapsed.

Mengka naturally saw the situation in the rear. The attack of the Bucky Pirates had caused huge damage to the town, but he had no choice but to count on the turret on the top of the base tower to hit the town. Once the ship of the Bucky Pirates.

Perhaps Mengka's prayer had an effect. A shell fired from the fort finally hit Bucky's ship and exploded on the deck. The pirates on that position were immediately blown up to the sky. Naturally, a big hole was blasted out.

Bucky felt sorry for his boat, so he jumped up and shouted, "Rush to the shore! Rush to the shore for me!"

At this time, the Bikudop had already touched the pier, so a group of pirates held various weapons and jumped from the side of the ship to the shore one after another, screaming loudly and rushing to the remaining bunkers of the navy.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Monka commanded the navy soldiers.

The navy soldiers mustered up their courage, straightened up and shot at the pirates from behind the bunker. There was a crackling sound, and many of the pirates who rushed to the front were shot, and their bodies burst out. Xuehua fell on his head.

The real battle between the navy and the pirates is so cruel. Both the navy and the pirates suffered heavy casualties, but the pirates on Bucky's side were recruited randomly, and it's okay to die Distressed, but the navy is different. Every navy soldier has been trained for a long time. Once he dies, it means that the navy's investment in soldiers is in vain.

Relying on their superiority in numbers, the pirates insisted on shooting against the muskets of the navy soldiers, and rushed to the bunker, and then the two entered into hand-to-hand combat. The scene became more and more tragic.

Pirates are constantly being chopped down, and similarly, naval soldiers are constantly being chopped down by sneak attacks.

The turret on the top of the naval base tower did not dare to fire at this time, for fear that the shells would fall into the crowd and accidentally injure their teammates.

Such a moment was when Monka played at his best. He swung the iron ax on his right arm and chopped down every pirate that approached him. It didn't take long for more than a dozen pirates to fall beside him.

This guy is actually quite brave, and his presence naturally boosted the morale of the navy soldiers, but unfortunately, he was also targeted by Bucky's side.

Just as Mengka cut down a pirate who was rushing in front of him, he suddenly felt that the light above his head was dimmed, and when he turned his head, he found a huge lion rushing towards him.

It was Mochi, the vice-captain of the Bucky Pirates, and his lion Leakey, although he was an idiot when he was fighting with Ian, but in fact, when he was fighting seriously, Leakey It was still very ferocious, and with one pounce, it directly overwhelmed Mengka. Although he used the surface of the ax to block Li Kei's bloody mouth, his strength was not as strong as Li Kei's, and he couldn't turn over for a while.

"Are you that Axeman Monka, the second lieutenant?" Mochi sat on Li Kei, with a disdainful smile on his face, and said, "I heard that you captured the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Crowe?"

"Who are you?" Monka asked loudly.

"I'm the deputy captain of the Bucky Pirates, the animal trainer Mochi!" Mochi said, "I reminded Captain Bucky to pay attention to you before! But now I realize that you are not very good!"

"Damn it! Don't underestimate me!" Mengka yelled, and suddenly kicked on Liji's lower body. While Liji was suffering from pain, Mengka's veins on his arms were exposed, and he exerted his greatest strength. All of a sudden, he opened the niche and took the opportunity to get up.

However, when he just got up, a stabbing pain suddenly came from the back of his shoulder. He screamed and turned his head to look, only to find that it turned out to be a hand floating in mid-air strangely. Holding a dagger, blood is dripping from it.

"This... what is this!?" Monka was stunned.

I saw that wrist suddenly flew towards the rear, and suddenly stuck back to a person, and this person was Bucky.

The iconic red nose made Monka instantly recognize who Bucky was, and he couldn't help shouting: "Bucky!? You're actually a Devil Fruit user!?"

As a navy, Monka has naturally heard the rumors of devil fruit, but because the navy has never confronted the Bucky pirates head-on, so far the navy in the East China Sea does not know that Bucky is actually a devil fruit capable person.

"Haha, that's right! I'm Bucky!" Bucky was wearing his cloak, his captain's cap on his head, and the pattern of crossed bones on his forehead made his smile look fierce, he asked Monka : "Let me ask you, where is the kid with the bear ear hat now? And my chief of staff, Kabaji, have you locked him up in the naval base?"

Mengka knew that he was in trouble. The combat power of the Bucky Pirates was not like a funny circus. The pirate hunter boy who brought Kabaji to the naval base before was not a rookie. The Chief of Staff of the Pirates was caught, how could this kind of strength be a rookie

Listening to the screams of the navy soldiers, Mengka knew that the navy was defeated. Not only were there a large number of enemies, but there was also a devil fruit capable user, so the navy couldn't possibly win!

So, Mengka made a decision, he turned around suddenly, and fled towards the naval base in the rear!

Bucky didn't expect Mengka to run away without saying a word, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. In this daze, Mengka had already run far away, so Bucky jumped his feet angrily, and shouted: "Chasing! Chase me!" , don't let him use Kabaji as a hostage!"

Bucky's thinking was wrong, he thought that Mengka fled back to the base, and wanted to use Kabaji as a hostage to threaten them.

This is of course the idea of the pirates. Mengka fled back to the base. In fact, the real purpose was to ask for help. It is impossible to resist the Bucky Pirates with the strength of the 153rd branch alone. He needs to ask the nearby 16th branch for help. Or to be safer, ask for help directly from the navy in Rogge Town.

As for when the reinforcements will arrive, this is beyond Monka's control, he can only do his best and obey the destiny.

From this point of view, Mengka has not been dazzled by his desire for power, and he is still a qualified naval soldier.

The minions of the Bucky Pirates quickly took care of the rest of the navy soldiers, and then led by Bucky and Mochi, they headed all the way to the naval base.

At the same time, Ian was grunting and crawling up from the rubble.

It was really unfortunate that when a special bucky shell hit a house in the town, it happened to pass through the restaurant where Ian was eating. Although it missed Ian, both sides of the wall were pierced A big hole caused the house to collapse directly. If Ian hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and grabbed Keby to hide under the dining table, he would have been seriously injured, right

When he got up, Ian was still a little confused about the situation, but when he saw that Kabaji wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, Ian didn't even think about it, he rushed over and smashed the sword master sword in his hand Slap him unconscious to the ground!

Grabbing his scarf and twisting him up, Ian said angrily, "Damn it! How dare you run away? If you run away, who will I get for my lost wages!?"
