Super Card System

Chapter 39: The title is released



Next, Ian planned to leave Shields Town and go to Rogue Town to collect his bounty. [oM]

When he heard that Ian was going to leave, Kebi was a little bit reluctant, and said to Ian, "Can't you stay for a few more days?"

After seeing Ian shaking his head, Kebi gritted his teeth and said suddenly: "Brother Ian, why don't you take me away! I'll be a pirate hunter with you!"

"No!" Ian laughed and said: "You are too young, I don't want to take you as a burden, besides, don't you want to be a navy? What's the matter with me."

In the end, Ian didn't agree to let him follow him.

Although if you go to sea, Kebi is indeed a good partner. This kid has already mastered a lot of sailing knowledge in order to become a navy in the future. He can be regarded as a qualified navigator. With him, Ian's sailing is also somewhat guaranteed. But as Ian said, Keby is too young and doesn't have any self-defense skills, so it would be troublesome to take him with him.

In the end, Kebi could only give up and help Ian prepare some things needed for sailing in the town.

It seems that Monka has announced the capture of the Bucky Pirates, and the residents of Shields Town gradually began to come back, but most of the houses in the town were destroyed by the special Bucky shells, so many people I'm busy rebuilding my home.

People in this world seem to have gotten used to being attacked by pirates. The advent of the age of great voyages sounds quite impressive, but in fact the victims are the low-level civilians. Among the endless pirates, perhaps the real Many of them are pursuing the yearning for freedom, but more are just for plunder. From this point of view, the existence of the navy is meaningful.

Under Keby's guidance, Ian found a restaurant with a still intact house, took the remaining 20,000 Baileys, went to the boss to buy some food, as well as rum and beer, and then bought a small amount of medicine, The 20,000 Baileys were quickly spent.

I heard from Kebi that drinking water can’t be kept for a long time on the ship, maybe it can’t be drunk in a few days, but wine is different, it can be kept for a long time, which is a necessary item for long-term voyages, although for Ian For those who were used to drinking liquor in the previous life, the taste of these rum and beer is quite bad, but the advantage is that it is cheap and the quantity is large! Three thousand Baileys can buy a large barrel.

"Brother Ian, this is my favorite fishing rod, and I'm giving it to you now!" Finally, Kebi handed a fishing rod to Ian and said, "When you're at sea, a fishing rod can lift as much as you can." The effect is huge."

Ian didn't refuse either, he took the fishing rod and put it away, then suddenly he froze for a moment, slapped his head suddenly and said, "By the way, where's the ship of the Bucky Pirates!?"

He completely forgot just now that when Bucky took the money to redeem Kabaji, he asked his men to go to the boat to get it. In other words, Bucky’s money might be put on his boat. All the members of the group were arrested, and the ship didn't know about it. If it was still there, then Bucky's money could become his own!

So Ian hurriedly ran towards the pier, Kebi didn't know why, and followed him.

When they came to the shore, they found that the Bikudop of the Bucky Pirates had disappeared. It is estimated that the rest of the pirates on the ship drove away when they got the news, which made Ian feel regretful. : "Fuck! My money! It's gone!?"

He's completely taken the treasure on Bucky's boat as his own...

"Forget it! I'm leaving, let's see if I can catch up with that boat!" Ian could only comfort himself in this way, jumped into his own boat, threw the things he bought into the boat, and waved to Kebi Said: "Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he paddled directly to leave Shields Town. This style of leaving as soon as he said it was so unrestrained and unrestrained. Before Kebi came back to his senses, he had already paddled a long way...

… … … … … … …

Ian left. What he didn't know was that the influence he had caused in Shields Town hadn't been eliminated.

The Bucky Pirates' attack on the 153rd branch was reported by Monka and Colonel Rhodes. While waiting for the handover of the future of Garp, the navy could only lock the Bucky Pirates in the prison of the base.

However, what people didn't expect was that two days later, the members of the Bucky Pirates escaped from prison. Without Hailoushi handcuffs, ordinary ropes couldn't trap Bucky, a devil fruit capable user. He is really good at escaping from prison. He went out casually, not only untied his own rope, but also quietly stole the key, plus the pirates on the Bikudop who slipped away in advance Responding, Bucky escaped without much effort.

When Ian handed Bucky to Monka, he guessed that Bucky might escape from prison, but he didn't expect Bucky to move so fast.

In fact, Bucky is just worried that they won't be able to escape after Garp arrives...

This time without Ian's help, no one in the entire 153 base could stop Bucky and the others. Colonel Rhodes passed out again. There was not enough manpower to stop them, so the naval superiors learned what had happened afterwards, and did not blame them. Instead, they promoted Monka, who had contributed a lot, to a major.

At present, in Base 153, apart from Colonel Rhodes, he has the highest military rank, but he still has some regrets. The Bucky Pirates were captured by a pirate hunter, and he was just assisting. Monka dare not Lied, and reported truthfully, if he had reached a deal with Ian at that time and took the credit for capturing the Bucky Pirates alone, maybe this time he would be directly promoted to colonel.

And now, he still needs a few more years of qualifications before he can take over the position of Colonel Rhodes...

In view of the incident of attacking Shields Town and the prison break, the Navy Headquarters has increased the threat assessment of the Bucky Pirates, re-enacted the amount of Bucky's reward, and raised it to 1500 Bailey, becoming one of the few bounties in the East China Sea. One of the tens of millions of big pirates.

However, due to the unfavorable support from the 16th branch, the colonel of their branch who went to the sea restaurant for vacation was demoted and transferred, and was replaced by the original lieutenant colonel Mouse, who became the head of the 16th branch.

At the same time, the Navy Headquarters also realized that it would be impossible for an ordinary navy in the East China Sea to be in charge without a master. Although Karp is in the East China Sea now, he is a lieutenant general after all, and it is impossible to stay in a small place like the East China Sea all the time. A decision has been made to dispatch the "White Hunter" Colonel Smoker, who is directly under the headquarters, to stay at the Naval Base in Rogue Town to deter the pirates in the East China Sea...

During this incident, Ian, the pirate hunter, also came into the navy's sight. Since Mengka failed to attach a photo of Ian to the report, the navy headquarters didn't know what the pirate hunter looked like. I just heard that his fists were burning with flames, and so was the long knife in his hand. Ever since, Ian, the pirate hunter, has an official title and code name in the Navy Headquarters.

Ian the Burning Blade!

For the pirate hunters, the navy is supportive, thinking that they are a supplement to the justice force of the navy, although in the eyes of people like "Red Dog" Sakaski who believe in absolute justice, the pirate hunters and bounty hunters It's all the same, they're all bounty-chasing hyenas, and they disdain it, but it doesn't affect the attitude of the Navy as a whole.

Of course, the current Ian can't get into the eyes of the Navy Headquarters, they just made a record of Ian in the intelligence department, and then threw it aside.

The same is true for the people in Shields Town, but the version they heard is a little different: With the assistance of a pirate hunter named "Ian the Burning Blade", Major Monka captured the vicious Barbara. Although the Pirates escaped from prison due to insufficient naval manpower, this did not prevent the people in Shields Town from worshiping Monka more and more.

It was different from the report to the superior. When he told the residents of Shields Town, Monka cleverly switched his master-slave relationship with Ian.

Only the kid Kebi knew the truth, and he tried his best to argue for Ian, but his cowardly and timid image meant that not many people really listened to what he said. Soaring prestige and power at the naval base...

These are all things to say later. Ian, who was out of the sea again, searched for the main ship of the Bucky Pirates, Bikudop, in the offshore area for a while, and had to confirm with regret that this ship really escaped. up.

Ian scratched his hair in regret for passing Bucky's treasure unexpectedly. If he had thought of rushing over earlier, he might have succeeded.

It's useless to regret now, Ian drifted on the sea, found the location of Rogge Town, let the sea wind blow the sail away, and he himself continued to practice sword on the boat.

After the routine exercise was completed, Ian calmed down and began to think about his new exercise plan.

Now that there is an extra card of Feiying, and after seeing the high speed bonus, Ian has some new ideas.

Can you combine the flash with the extremely fast knife to achieve the kind of attack that cuts seven knives and flashes in an instant

Or, is it possible to use the Xie Wang Yan Killing Sword at the same time as a flash? In that case, the destructive power will be much higher, right

Even as long as he dares to think, Ian thinks it is possible to combine the three, and cut out the flash of the seven swords of the evil king's Yansha sword in an instant!

If this can be achieved, Ian can truly become a strong swordsman.

After all, the skills of the cards are given by the system, and what Ian wants now is to transform these skills into his own! He doesn't know if he can do it yet, but he has to try to know, doesn't he
