Super Card System

Chapter 49: Overlord Meal


While the three of them were talking, the restaurant owner also brought out the staple food.

The reason why this restaurant is so popular is that its operation method is very similar to the food stalls in Ian’s impression. All the food is famous for its large quantity, and the staple food this time is no exception. It is a large piece of meat with bones I don't know what kind of animal this meat is. It has a beautiful pink color and is mixed with various spices. It smells tangy as soon as it is served.

There is not only barbecue in the plate, but also a serving of rice. The rice seems to be poured with barbecue gravy and wrapped in a green vegetable leaf, which makes people very appetizing.

After Ian saw the vegetable leaves, he remembered that his phone bug hadn't been fed much in the past two days, so he quickly took off his hat.

Inside the hat, the little guy, the phone bug, has been hanging upside down on the top of the hat. It is glued with its body parts, but the big eyes on the head are shrunk inside the shell. I flipped it twice and found it It was glued quite firmly, no wonder Ian had often fought with people during this time, but he didn't see any problems with this little guy.

So Ian had no choice but to knock on its shell lightly. After hearing the sound, its big eyes popped out of the shell and looked at Ian with a look of joy.

Damn, the animals in this world give people the feeling of becoming a spirit, so spiritual.

Phone bugs are actually very lazy creatures. Not only do they seldom move, but they also rarely have the idea of foraging for themselves, so they like to be raised by humans. In that way, they can have a stable source of food, and their food intake is also high. It's not big, sometimes it's okay to stop feeding after eating for several days.

It's just a pity that this phone bug is a kind of creature after all, not an industrialized product. There are not many in number, and it is impossible to popularize it like a mobile phone. Otherwise, Ian can bring this phone bug with him at any time. Master Koshiro of Shuangyue Village and Zoro had a phone call or something.

Of course, being unable to make a phone call does not mean that he cannot be contacted. Ian can still write letters. The cruise ship moored at the port of Rogge Town is for this purpose. Letters and documents can be sent by cruise ship.

Tear off the vegetable leaves from the plate and put them in the hat to feed the phone bugs. Ian also started to eat his own food. For so many days on the boat, he ate mostly cold food. Now he can finally have a hot meal. Ian felt that it was more delicious than ever before.

Johnny and Joseph were also immersed in their chewing at this time. All three of them could eat very much. One serving of food was not enough, and they continued to bark. In just a short while, a pile of plates had already been piled up in front of the three of them. .

When he was finally full and looked up, seeing the pile of plates, Ian was startled: Why did he eat so much!

He only has more than 50,000 Baileys in his pocket now, if he doesn't have enough money for meals, it will be miserable! How embarrassing for a dignified pirate hunter to wash dishes in a restaurant to pay off his debts!

"Are you pigs!?" He couldn't help but slapped Johnny and Joseph on the head hard. These two guys, their stomachs were almost round, and they were still eating! That posture is like eating all the meals of a lifetime at once!

"Brother Yi'an, didn't you say you're a treat?" Johnny covered his head, still chewing, and said falteringly: "You won't go back on your word, will you?"

"Bullshit!" Ian lowered his voice and said, "I only have 50,000 Baileys here, what should I do if I eat too much and don't have enough money?"

"Then run!" Joseph said in a low voice, "Anyway, this is not the first time we have had the overlord's meal!"

"..." Ian realized that what he said made sense, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

At this moment, the three of them suddenly heard a commotion behind them.

This food stall-like restaurant was already quite lively, and it had always been noisy before, so Ian and the others didn't pay much attention to it at first, but what they didn't expect was that the noise was much louder than usual, so the three of them endured it. Can't help turning around and looking over.

That happened at the dining table on the other side. A group of people gathered there. It seemed that they were all diners in the restaurant. There were no less than twenty people. They formed a semicircle and were really pointing and arguing inside. .

"What's going on? Why did that person suddenly stop moving!"

"Yeah, I was eating well just now!"

"Could it be dead? My face is buried in the food, and I'm still motionless!"

"Look, he is still holding food in his hands, which means he died suddenly while eating!"

"Hey! Boss, it can't be that there is something wrong with your stuff that caused food poisoning!?"

A group of diners guessed the reason, and then gradually pointed the finger at the restaurant owner. How dare the restaurant owner take the blame? So he hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Impossible, with so many people, why didn't anyone have any problems?"

Hearing the comments of these diners, Johnny said: "Brother Yi'an, it seems that someone died suddenly!"

Joseph folded his arms at the side and swore: "I think it may be a heart patient, who suddenly had a seizure while eating!"

Johnny was unhappy, and said: "You haven't even seen that person, how can you be so sure?"

The two argued while talking, but they didn't notice the expression on Ian's face at this time.

How should I put it, the expression on Ian's face is very strange, there are doubts and disbelief, in short, the expression is very strange.

This scene feels so familiar!

So Ian hurriedly got up, walked towards the dining table surrounded by diners, squeezed through the crowd and went inside to have a look, only to see a person sitting on a chair at the dining table with his back to him, holding The knife and fork was held high on the table, and the food was still poked on the knife and fork, but the whole head was hanging down, and the face was stuck in the dinner plate.

This is a suspected "victim", wearing a pair of black shorts with iron chains tied on both sides of the shorts, but with no clothes on his upper body, an orange cowboy hat on his head, and a knife on his left arm. A string of tattoos, with the four letters "ASCE" written, but above the letter "S", there is a cross!

Upon seeing this tattoo, Ian immediately understood that it was really him!

Just now I heard diners commenting that when someone stopped moving after eating, Ian felt a bad feeling. Now that he saw who it was, Ian suddenly felt... a feeling of wanting to scold the street The impulse!

In his impression, people who can dress like this, other than Ace, don't think of anyone else!

And the reason why I want to scold the street is because although Ian agreed to Garp and said to help him catch his grandson Ace, Ian never thought that he would meet Ace so soon!

As I said before, in the vast sea of people, on such a large ocean, what are the chances of meeting a specific person

Now Ian’s experience can tell everyone: very, very big!

It's so old that he doesn't even know how to complain!

Lieutenant General Garp, can you really be a prophet? Just entrusted with the task on the front foot, I met Ace himself on the back foot. You are sure that I will meet him, right

What made Ian feel speechless was that just now he whispered the topic of "overlord meal" to Johnny Joseph and the other two, and turned around and met Ace, a big guy who eats overlord meal!

Fuck, this world is so wonderful that ordinary people can't understand it!

Just when Ian was in a mess in a gust of wind, Ace, whose head was buried in the dinner plate, suddenly raised his head.

This made the diners around who thought they were dead were so shocked that their jaws dropped!

Unaware of how much commotion he himself had caused just now, Ace let out a "pooh" and took a long breath, and started chewing the food in his mouth again, while he said with lingering fear: "It's so dangerous! I accidentally fell asleep!" Caught, almost suffocated to death!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding diners and the owner of the restaurant immediately thumped and fell into a heap.

It turned out to be asleep!

Although some weird people often come to Rogge Town, this is the first time everyone has seen someone so weird.

Chewed a few bites, and after eating the food on the plate, Ace stacked the plate on top of the already high stack of dinner plates. He ate all of these. The food intake of a person can almost catch up with Ian. The three of them ate.

"Ah, I'm full, I'm full!" Ace patted his belly, turned his head, showing his freckled face, and could see the two sad and smiling round badges on his cowboy hat, The long hat tie hangs down to the chest, and there is a skull hanging from it.

Seeing a large group of people surrounding him, Ace was a little surprised and asked, "What happened?"

The crowd couldn't hold back any longer, and said fiercely to him together: "What do you say!!??"

Everyone was worried about you just now, but now you act like a normal person and ask what happened!

Ace didn't mind either, or he didn't understand why these people attacked him at all. He just stood up, put his shoulder bag on his back, bent down and bowed to the restaurant owner, and said politely: "The meal is delicious, Thank you for the hospitality!"

The restaurant owner was taken aback by Ace's sudden politeness, and subconsciously responded: "Wherever you are, as long as you are satisfied with the guests!"

"Then, goodbye!" Ace bowed again.

"Okay, you go slowly, welcome to come next time!" The restaurant owner replied subconsciously.

Waiting until Ace left before leaving the store, the restaurant owner always felt as if he had forgotten something, and finally the restaurant waiter carefully reminded: "Boss, that person hasn't paid yet..."

The restaurant owner finally came back to his senses, and immediately rushed towards the door of the store, only to find that Ace had already run away, so the owner immediately shouted: "Catch that freeloader!"

When Ace walked out, Ian came back to his senses. Remembering Garp's mission, he couldn't care less about it. He turned around and put his hat on his head, and followed him out of the store. Door.

Johnny and Joseph looked at each other and ran away immediately.

So at the end, Ian heard the roar of the restaurant owner at the door of the store turned into: "Catch those freeloaders!!"
