Super Card System

Chapter 840: This is the end of this testimonial


Ahhh! Finally finished!

After a year and a half, I finally finished writing this book. While writing, I suddenly felt very good and relaxed!

Well, since this is a summary, let’s report the results of this book first. So far, the collection of this book is 138,000, the chapters are all set at 10,360, and the highest subscription for a single chapter is 25,193. good one.

If you want to describe it in one sentence, it can only be said that it is the return of hard work. At the beginning of this book, I just wanted to write something I wanted to write. I was really surprised by this achievement. After reading Pirates has been the longest manga I have followed for so many years, but because I can’t see the ending all the time, I can only rely on my own imagination to reason about the plot behind it. This is actually how this book is written. from.

Readers can also see that, in fact, the old demon, I really racked my brains to reason. To write this book, I re-read the original manga dozens of times, looking for every possible small detail, and then combined Reasoning from the previous article and following the article, present your own association with One Piece in a logical way as much as possible.

Of course, in the future, it is estimated that I may be slapped in the face, but that is not important. The important thing is that I am really writing with my heart, so that everyone can enjoy watching it!

It has been a year and a half, thank you for your unremitting support. In fact, I have a problem with writing a book. I have also experienced and discovered it myself. When reading, it’s easy to get stuck, and then it’s easy to get lazy when you get stuck, so every time you reach the end of a book, the update is stumbling... I’m sorry for everyone, but it’s really hard to change o (╥﹏╥)o.

Thank you for your subscription support and reward support, and thank you for every recommendation ticket and monthly ticket you cast. Genuine subscriptions are of great significance to every author. It is because of these supports that the author can go on.

Thanks to my editor, Mr. Loach, this book was actually positioned as a game category at the beginning, but it turned out that it was written as a mutant, and Editor Loach is the person in charge of the game channel, so it made him feel numb. Old readers may I still remember the name change of the book, which happened at that time... But even so, this book is still taken care of by the editor of Loach, and it is often recommended.

Thanks to my moderator, Qiqi, for helping me manage the book review area and Q group, the gang of animals in the group teases Qiqi every day, but Qiqi never gets angry, and only serves the silent package, which shows the greatness of Qiqi Heart and sentiment (.-`ω′-)

In addition, let me tell you quietly that it’s not that the old demon doesn’t want to write some large-scale plots. Harmony is really important. When I read the previous chapters, I found that the chapter about Tina’s underwater artificial respiration was blocked. , I haven't let go of even such a small scale, do you think I dare to mess around

So, now I can only click to the end, and the rest is up to everyone to make up...

Now that the book is finished, the new book is still not good. A part-time author like me, if he doesn’t write, he won’t write. In the past year and a half, because of the relationship between writing books, I have really lacked exercise, and I have gained a lot of weight. I should hurry up and exercise during the rest time, otherwise I may suffer from illness in the future.

I also want to go out with my family and parents for a while, because I often don't have time to accompany them because of writing books.

Therefore, if there is a new book, it will be at least one or two months later, and I will notify everyone in the Q group at that time.

Then finally, the flowering is over! ! ! ! ! !

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