Super Card System

Chapter 87: Give you half



At the beginning, the people who watched the excitement were just looking at it strangely, but after watching it, they realized that something was wrong.

Huh! ? The one running in the front seems to be from the Spades Pirates. Why does the thing their captain is holding looks a bit like a devil fruit!

Ace knows about devil fruit, because his younger brother Luffy is a devil fruit capable person, but because Ace didn't see it with his own eyes when Luffy ate a devil fruit, he didn't know how long a devil fruit is. What kind of appearance, so not only did he just treat the fruit he picked up in his hand as a "strange" after-dinner fruit, but he also held it in his hand majestically and fled on the street.

Bibiko Island is one of the seven starting islands of the great voyage, and it is also a city of gourmet food, so the pirates from the four major oceans gather here. Ordinary pirates may not have seen it, but the leading captain Among them, there are always a few who know the goods, right

When it was discovered that what Ace was holding in his hand was something suspected to be a devil fruit, a dark tide suddenly surged among the crowd of pirates watching the excitement.

All of a sudden, the pirates who watched the excitement suddenly understood what happened to the gang of pirates chasing at the end: they probably thought that Ace was holding a devil fruit, so they participated in the chase did you go

It's no wonder the pirates misunderstood, how did they know that in fact, the Pique Pirates are the ones who suffer...

Devil fruit! It is something that can instantly gain superhuman strength after eating it. Even if you don't eat it and sell it, the money you get in exchange is enough for you to live comfortably for a few lifetimes!

Wealth touches people's hearts, and some pirates who have seen the way quietly started to move. They discussed with their own people for a while, and they didn't even care about eating or drinking, and they started to move secretly.

Soon, several waves of people joined the ranks of chasing the Spades Pirates.

The group of cooks who were chasing in the middle quickly realized something was wrong, stopped quickly, stepped aside, and then watched a large number of pirates take their place and chased forward, which made the cooks dumbfounded. Don't know what happened.

Everyone understands that right now it may not be as simple as eating the overlord's meal...

The cooks didn't dare to join in, so the chasing crowd all turned into pirates. Not only were there people chasing from behind, but some smarter ones had already taken a shortcut and went to the front of the Spade Pirates, trying to intercept them from the front. The Spades Pirates.

The members of the Spades Pirates who ran with Ace ran and looked back, but their eyes almost popped out in fright!

The cook who was chasing after them disappeared at some point, replaced by hundreds of red-eyed pirates!

"Captain Ace, what kind of person did you bump into just now!?" The members of the Spade Pirates were unable to express the grief and indignation in their hearts.

Little did they know that Pixar was the most depressed person at this time. They chased after them, and suddenly found that there were many unknown pirates, and they were all chasing Ace and the others in front of them together. They immediately understood, The devil fruit matter was exposed, and now it's all right, and there are countless more competitors all of a sudden.

As soon as Pixar gritted his teeth, he couldn't care less. He didn't want to cause too much commotion. He just wanted to quietly catch up with Ace and get the Devil Fruit back. Now that the matter has been exposed, he doesn't care about the influence , directly activated his own devil fruit ability, transformed into a half-beast form, and shot the sharp needles all over his body directly towards Ace and others in front of him.

With a few swishes, although the needle missed, it passed by Ace's scalp.

Ace also realized that something was wrong, so he stopped and was attacked, which meant a fight. Under such circumstances, Ace would not back down.

Turning around, he found that a large number of pirates were chasing after him.

At the same time, there were also many pirates in the direction they were running just now, and Eston realized that he was surrounded.

When other people encountered this situation, they probably would have been trembling with fright, but Ace didn't. Instead, he felt excited. Although he didn't understand why these pirates surrounded him, but When it comes to fighting, Ace has never been afraid of anyone.

The members of the Spades Pirates, who have never seen such a battle before, all gathered around Ace, holding their weapons tremblingly, watching the pirates who were slowly encircling, grinning.

As for their own captain, they have gotten to know each other very well after getting along during this period of time. As long as he encounters a battle, he will not back down. Seeing the way Ace clenches his fists, they know that this fight is afraid of right and wrong. can't do it.

what to do? There are too many opponents, how can we fight like this

Just when they were thinking this way, Ace suddenly looked at one direction of the street for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Aha!!" Ace suddenly cheered, and rushed towards a gap in the street that hadn't been surrounded yet.

The members of the Spades Pirates froze for a moment, thinking that Captain Ace had finally figured it out, seeing that he was unable to beat him and wanted to escape, so he hurried to follow, but unexpectedly Ace ran to the side of the street and stopped suddenly. Facing a person whose back was turned to him, he slapped him on the shoulder and shouted happily, "Ian!?"

The members of the Spades Pirates are almost crying, Boss Ace! So you didn't want to escape!

Surrounded by so many people, you still have the mood to find acquaintances! ? Even if that person is your friend, is it really appropriate for you to involve him like this

Ian also had a terrible headache at this time. He originally wanted to go out alone after eating with Bill, but he didn't expect to hear a commotion, and then saw the idiot Ace running over from the other side of the street. , and a large group of people were chasing after him.

Due to his previous preconceived notions, Ian had already determined that the overlord meal maniac who appeared on Bibiko Island was Ace, so when he saw Ace being chased by a group of people, his first reaction was: Damn it ! How many Bawang Meals have you eaten? To be hunted down by so many people!

So, Ian subconsciously turned his back and said silently: "You can't see me, you can't see me!"

He doesn't want to be seen and recognized by Ace, and then be regarded as an accomplice of Overlord Meal!

But who would have thought that it was a coincidence that Ace stopped on this street, and he was still in the crowd, so he saw Ian at a glance

After being recognized by Ace who ran over and patted his shoulder, Ian was also helpless. This is a proper rhythm of mistakenly making a bad friend! You are being chased after eating the overlord's meal, and you still want to involve me

But Ace smiled happily and said: "I thought it wasn't you when I saw it just now! Speaking of which, why did you change your knife? If it weren't for the hat you are wearing, I wouldn't dare to recognize you! "

Fuck! Because of the bear ear hat again! Ian couldn't complain anymore.

No wonder Ace can recognize himself in the crowd at a glance, and Ian can't hide even if he wants to.

"Forget it, tell me, how much is it!" Ian sighed and said, "I'll help you pay for the meal, can you let me go?"

"What are you talking about!" Ace laughed, and said, "These people don't look like they are here to ask for money!"

"Huh?" Ian raised his head and looked at the past again.

By the street at this time, the crowd had already fled away in fright, leaving only Ian, Ace, and five or six members of the Spades Pirates.

Because those aggressive pirates have already surrounded here, and the local residents have already vacated the venue in order not to be affected.

"What's going on?" Ian looked at the pirates surrounded by the two hundred and asked Ace suspiciously, "Did you provoke them?"

"I don't know what's going on!" Ace shrugged, "It's just that they seem to want to fight with me!"

Pix led his men and walked over among the crowd. Seeing that Ace was still standing still, Pix got angry and shouted, "Boy, hand over what you're holding!"

He didn't dare to call out the name of the Devil Fruit directly, for fear of arousing the covetousness of other pirates who didn't know about it. Right now, there are already enough competitors.

However, the other pirates are not vegetarians either. After seeing the fruit in Ace's hands at close range, the greed in their eyes became more obvious, and they all shouted, "No, give us what you have in your hand." !"

The pirates were noisy, but it made Ace feel a little difficult.

"They chased me, just for this?" Ace held up the fruit in his hand suspiciously.

When he held up the devil fruit, Ian naturally saw it, and his eyes widened all of a sudden!

Isn't this a devil fruit! ? And... And it's still burning fruit!

If it were any other devil fruit, Ian might not be able to recognize it, but the appearance of the burning fruit was exactly the same as the ones he had seen in comics! So much so that Ian recognized it at a glance.

Ace's burning fruit is actually obtained here!

Ian stared blankly at the burning fruit in Ace's hand, not knowing what to say for a while.

Ace also noticed Ian's expression, tilted his head and thought for a long time, and suddenly held the burning fruit in his hands with both hands, and broke it vigorously.

"You, what are you doing?" Ian asked him blankly.

"Half for you!" Ace said without looking up: "So many people want it, this fruit must be delicious! We are friends, so we must share half with you... Strange, why can't you break it?"

Ace tried desperately there, trying to break the devil fruit in half, but he didn't know how much impact his words had on Ian...
