Super Card System

Chapter 9: Domineering?



Ian walked while thinking, and as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw the person he wanted to see.

A group of seven or eight people were walking towards the village at this time. The first person was a very tall guy, at least two meters tall by visual inspection.

He was covered in a green cloak, but his face couldn't be covered, and in Ian's sight, Ivakov's face actually took up half of his body.

For Ian, this face is almost as tall as his ten-year-old body...

"Oh, I'm going! I'm so scared!" Even though Ian was mentally prepared, he was still taken aback by this face.

Evakov's eye sockets are painted with thick eye shadow and eyelash line, and there is purple lip gloss on his bloody lips. The whole person looks like a ghost.

When I saw Ivakov in the comics, I only thought it was exaggerated, but after seeing the real person, Ian only felt scared.

It's no wonder that Drago didn't take you to the ceremony. Look at your heavy make-up... plus this big face, how blind do you have to be to not notice you

Looking behind Evakov, Ian saw another figure who was sadly left behind by Drago.

It was a taller person than Ivakov, who was also wearing a green cloak, but there were two round ears on the cap of this cloak.

Uncle Xiong, your cute bear ear hat has completely betrayed you... Do you think that people will not recognize you when you wear a cape

That's right, it was another cadre of revolutionaries who followed Evakov: Bartholomew Bear!

The moment he saw them, Ian finally understood why he said that Evakov's partner was a big bear. With their height and unique style, other people couldn't match them...

Except for Big Bear and Ivakov, the rest of them were not so eye-catching. Although they also looked cool in cloaks, they could be seen as ordinary members of the Revolutionary Army.

When Ian saw them, they naturally also saw Ian.

"Who is this black-haired kid?"

"Is it really okay to be seen by a child?"

Several members of the Revolutionary Army were discussing in low voices, but Ivakov didn't care so much, walked up to Ian and looked down at him.

"Hee-hop! Boy! The Taoist uniform on your body... Are you studying in the village dojo?"

Ian came back to his senses at this time and nodded.

"Is your dojo called Yixin Dojo?" Evakov pointed to the crossed sword logo on Ian's chest and said, "I remember that's the name."

"How do you know?" Ian felt a little curious: "Do you know Master Koshiro?"

Evakov turned his head and looked at the big bear behind him, but the big bear didn't show any expression, he was reading with a book in his hand, looking very focused.

Then Evakov turned back to Ian and said, "That's right! Boy, it's considered acquaintance!"

Knowing is knowing, what is called knowing? Ian was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions.

"Can you take us to your dojo?" Evakov asked.

Ian's eyes rolled. He doesn't know the relationship between his master Koshiro and the revolutionary army. It doesn't matter if he takes them to find his master, but... it's rare to meet a group of outsiders here. up.

So he nodded and said, "Yes, but you have to promise me a condition!"

Evakov asked curiously, "What conditions?"

Ian looked at the few revolutionary soldiers behind him, pointed at them and said, "It's very simple, just come and fight with me!"

"What!?" The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army were so surprised, they thought they heard it wrong.

One of them even came forward, bent down and touched Ian's head, and said, "Little rascal, stop making trouble, and take us to the dojo, okay? I'll give you candy!"

Oh I'm going! Master Koshiro touched my head, but you dare to treat me like a child

Ian slapped his hand off, looked at the sword on his waist, and said, "Well, it's you!"

"Uh..." The soldier of the revolutionary army was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the children nowadays have such personalities, so he had to look at Ivakov for help.

Evakov glanced at Ian and found that the expression on his face was serious, so he said, "Don't hurt this boy!"

The soldier of the Revolutionary Army nodded helplessly, stood where he was without drawing his sword, and said to Ian, "Okay, come on, brat! I don't use weapons, I just use my fists!"

Ian didn't talk nonsense, and rushed forward holding the bamboo sword.

The first time they fought, this revolutionary soldier almost suffered a big loss. He didn't expect Ian's speed to be so fast. With his eyes fixed, he narrowly avoided Ian's slashing, and almost jumped out of shock. In a cold sweat.

Ian didn't care about that much, the long-term practice in the dojo had already made him instinctive to use the sword. After the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army avoided him, he immediately grabbed the space under the opponent's ribs and stabbed him with the sword. out.

Being able to follow Ivakov's side, even ordinary soldiers are capable. The revolutionary soldier turned sideways, dodged Ian's attack, and kicked towards Ian.

However, as soon as he kicked it out, he regretted it. He used all his strength and was forced to be serious by a child

Thinking of this, he subconsciously withdrew a little force.

However, what he didn't know was that what Ian was waiting for was his retaliation.

There is a condition to activate the flash skill, that is, it can only be activated at the moment when the opponent is about to attack him. If the revolutionary soldier just dodges and does not fight back, how can Ian use the skill

So seeing the opponent's kick, Ian did not dodge or dodge, and watched his movements closely.

When the opponent's feet were about to kick him, Ian wanted to use his flash skill as soon as he became ruthless.

It's just that he didn't expect that in the next second, he was kicked in the face with a bang, and he was kicked out directly!

The soldier of the Revolutionary Army didn't even think that Ian was hit by the kick, and he was startled after the kick, so he ran over to look at Ian.

Now, half of Ian's face was in pain, and he was lying on the ground grinning. He never expected that the flash skill would fail, and he got kicked for nothing.

Fuck, this flash skill is more difficult to grasp the timing than imagined!

"Are you okay!" the revolutionary soldier asked with concern.

Ian shook his head, got up from the ground with support, clenched the bamboo sword again, and said, "Come again!"

The revolutionary soldier waved his hand and said, "No, no, if you come again, I'm afraid you will be injured again!"

"Don't worry, I haven't lost yet!" I don't know if it's because I've been with Guina Sauron for a long time, but Ian found that he now has the spirit of not admitting defeat, such a little pain is nothing

Seeing him like this, the Revolutionary Army soldier had no choice but to face Ian's challenge again.

Evakov stood by and kept watching, thinking it was very interesting. He regarded Ian as a child who wanted to challenge adults, and he admired Ian's spirit of not admitting defeat. Although Big Bear held He is writing a book, but he doesn't know whether he is reading a book or watching the battle between the two of Yi An.

Ian was more serious than before. In fact, at the beginning, he regarded these revolutionary soldiers who were used as the background in the comics as trash, thinking that they were not very strong, but now he realized that this is the real world, even if It's a miscellaneous fish, but it's actually very strong, at least stronger than my own child who hasn't fully grown up yet!

The two fought again, and the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army found that Ian's attack speed was much faster. It became more and more difficult for him to hide, so he could only fight back again. He wanted to defeat Ian and end the fight, which made him feel embarrassed. battle.

This time, he didn't dare to kick and hit him anymore, but instead used his fists. The strength of his fists was easier to control than his feet, and he didn't want to really hurt Ian.

However, Ian, who was in a state of full concentration at this time, reacted very sharply. Seeing his fist attacking him head-on, he saw the timing again and activated the flash skill.

At the moment when the revolutionary soldier's fist was about to hit Ian, Ian suddenly disappeared in front of him!

No one could clearly see how Ian's footsteps moved. They only saw him appearing beside the Revolutionary Army soldiers in an instant, and the bamboo sword he raised high was slashing down at an incredible speed!

The speed of the sword was so fast, with a whistling sound, like an afterimage, a flash of light flashed across the air, and hit the revolutionary soldier's back hard!

The soldier of the Revolutionary Army was a relatively tall adult, but after receiving the blow to his back, he felt a burst of great force. Under this heavy pressure, the bones on his back seemed to be whining. , the whole body fell down involuntarily, and was hit from standing to kneeling by this blow, and at the moment of falling, he couldn't help but let out a scream.

Evakov, who was watching the battle, was even more surprised at this time. He was not surprised that a child could defeat an adult, but was surprised by what he perceived just now.

Pulling on the cloak, he couldn't help turning around with one leg on the spot, revealing his muscular thighs wearing mesh stockings: "Hey! It's a wave of domineering!? This boy has awakened domineering at such a young age?"

It's a pity that Ian didn't hear his words. At the moment when the revolutionary soldier screamed, Ian himself couldn't help but let out a scream.

The difference is that the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army screamed with pain in their backs, but Ian screamed with a headache!

That's right, Ian's flash was finally activated successfully, but what he didn't expect was that it was accompanied by a piercing headache, which made him unable to even hold the bamboo sword in his hand.

He finally knew why the description of the flash skill said that it could cause huge damage, because after the flash was activated just now, Ian's remaining 15 points of thought power were exhausted, and he could feel it at the same time. When he struck a sword, some kind of power wrapped around his entire sword body!

That should be the ability to read! It was precisely because of thoughts entwined on the sword that his blow just now knocked down a senior revolutionary soldier.

This is very similar to the feeling of armed domineering, which is why Ivakov has such an exclamation.

It's a pity that the first time I used the flash skill,

Once he really used his mind power, he couldn't control the consumption of his mind power, so he used up all his mind power at once, and the exhausted mind power finally brought a strong irritating headache.

Ian sat down on the ground, holding his head tightly to relieve the pain, but in the eyes of Ivakov, this became a sign of Ian's awakening domineering.
