Super Card System

Chapter 95: Strange place


The Spade, of course, is the name of Ace's ship. Tian Lai Novels WwW. ⒉

Hearing what Ace said, Ian breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Ace is a little different from Luffy. He is not so stupid as to say that he is the man who wants to become the One Piece as soon as he picks up the microphone...

Because of Jimmy's warning, you should generally be cautious when encountering such an emergency signal, because you have no way of knowing whether the person calling for help is really dead.

Under such circumstances, it is a very smart move for Ace to only report the name of his ship. If it is just the name of the ship, it will not reveal too much information.

"Help... help!" A voice came from the microphone, eagerly saying: "We are the patrol ship of the G-3 branch of the Navy. Unfortunately, our ship hit a rock and sank. Please help us!"

Ian and Jimmy looked at each other face to face.

Before connecting the phone, Ian was still imagining who would be calling for help. He thought about pirates and merchant ships, but he never thought about it, it was the navy.

Ace didn't answer at this time, staring at Jimmy with staring eyes.

Jimmy rubbed his hands, frowned and said: "The route we are taking is indeed under the jurisdiction of the G-3 branch. It is not surprising that there are naval patrol ships, and the next island we are going to is a deserted island. There are indeed many hidden reefs in the sea area, and it is indeed possible for the patrol ship to run aground and sink!"

"So, this plea for help should be true?" Ian asked.

Jimmy shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, it's also possible that the pirates used the name of the Navy..."

"It doesn't matter what the pirates say!" Ace said with a smile, "We are pirates too!"

Jimmy originally wanted to say that it is common for pirates to fight against each other, but when he thought of the power of Ace and Ian, Jimmy immediately stopped talking. If he really met a pirate, he might not know who it was. Bad luck.

In fact, Jimmy and the others are most worried about this emergency signal, but the navy, for fear that this is a trap set by the navy.

However, as soon as the other party asked for help, he showed his navy status, which didn't look like a trap.

If the navy wants to use this method to lure pirates, they will not say that they belong to the navy, but they will say that they are passing merchant ships or the like, and let the greedy pirates take advantage of them and round them up.

Ian also had the same thoughts as Jimmy. If the other party changed his identity, Ian would be suspicious, but now it seems that a naval ship was really killed.

"However, I don't care if they are true or not!" Jimmy looked at Ace and said, "Captain, even if the other party is real, but our identities are pirates, and we have never heard of pirates saving the navy! "

Ian didn't speak, just looked at Ace, this is his ship, everything is up to him, he is just a boatman, since he didn't promise Ace to be his vice-captain, then this matter is not his turn Opinion.

However, unexpectedly, after tilting his head and thinking for a while, Ace asked into the microphone, "Where are your locations?"

"We are more than 160 nautical miles southwest of the island. Now we are living on a reef. We have no water or food. I don't know how long we can last!" The navy on the other side of the microphone cried: "Please come as soon as possible .”

Ace didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

Ian put away the phone bug that fell into a deep sleep again, and then asked Ace in surprise, "Are you going to save people?"

"Of course!" Ace nodded with a smile and said, "Someone is killed, so of course they have to be saved!"

"But don't forget, your identity is a pirate!" Ian said: "Although you haven't been wanted yet, from the moment you hang the pirate flag, the navy is your enemy, so you have to save them ?”

Jimmy also persuaded: "Yes, Captain Ace, you have to think carefully!"

Ace pulled the brim of his hat, covered his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "Ian, since you know the old man, you should know the identity of the old man. If you refuse to save these navy, the old man will definitely Beat me!"

Old man, is this about Karp? Ian nodded, understanding Ace's thoughts.

Just like Luffy, Ace is not actually a real pirate. In his heart, he still has his own concept of good and evil.

Don't look at Ace who always eats the overlord's meal, but his mind is not bad at all. Could it be said that with his skills, he can't beat those cooks? This is of course impossible, but every time he ate the Overlord's meal, he ran away. He didn't bully the cook, but ran away after politely thanking him...

Although he keeps talking about the old man, Ace still respects Garp as a grandfather. Garp is the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters. For Ace, subordinates are an easy thing to understand.

Instantly understood Ace's thoughts, Ian didn't say anything more, he just went to save him, anyway, those marine soldiers who died couldn't possibly pose any threat to Ace.

Ace made a decision, and Jimmy and the others had to obey. Who made Ace the captain? His majesty still needs to be maintained, so the Spades Pirates came out of the cabin one after another, turned the sails to adjust the course, and headed towards Go ahead.

About three hours later, it was almost dark, and finally arrived at the place mentioned by the dead navy soldiers.

Although it is said to be close to the next island, it is too far away to see the land of the island. On the contrary, as the boat approached, Ian saw a lot of reefs above the water.

He had asked Jimmy before, the island that is about to approach is called the labyrinth island by the navigators, also called the vortex island, because this island is very inaccessible, and the sea area around the island is full of various Large and small bright reefs and hidden reefs, the water flow in the nearby sea area, when passing through these reefs, is scattered due to being hindered, and then converges again. A current is often torn into dozens of tributaries, and countless reefs , what it brings is the chaotic direction of ocean currents like a maze, and at the same time, it also induces the appearance of vortices.

Unfortunately, there is no sea breeze around this island. This is called a small calm zone. All ships that want to approach cannot approach with sails. They can only advance by paddling oars. After the sea here, it will be affected by these messy ocean currents, making it difficult to control the direction.

If one is not careful, the ship may be taken away by a tributary, and then the ship may hit a reef, leaving no bones, or it may be drawn into the seabed by the vortex and become a sunken ship.

In short, this is a very dangerous island, but it is stuck on this route. To store the record pointer, voyagers have to land on the island.

Every year, a large number of ships sink in the waters around this island. Only under the leadership of navigators who are really proficient in navigation, it is possible for ships to find the correct path and land on the island. It can be said that this island is a Quite a place to test navigators.

The navigator of the Spades Pirates is a bald man, a bit older, named Spree, who seems to have quite a lot of experience. After seeing the surrounding sea area, he immediately ordered the Spade to slow down, and cautiously near.

Because Ian can't see the situation under the water, he can't feel the danger of this sea area, but after Spley and everyone explained it, he realized the crisis in this sea area, and at the same time he couldn't help but ask with some doubts. : "Since it's so dangerous, why do navy patrol ships come here?"

Spley shrugged and said: "Who knows, but I heard that this undercurrent and turbulent sea area is a natural barrier. This labyrinth island seems to be the stronghold of a certain pirate group. Maybe the navy is here for these Pirates came."

Ian frowned and said: "You mean, the patrol boat encountered pirates here, and because of the pursuit, it was led to the hidden reefs and sank?"

"It is indeed possible!" Spree said, "To be honest, sometimes the navigators of the pirates are more powerful than the navigators of the navy!"

Ian didn't speak anymore, but he still felt a little strange. It's impossible for the navy to be unaware of the dangers of this sea area. How could they be foolishly lured here by pirates

Everything can only be known when the soldiers who died in the navy are found.

When Ian and Spree were talking, Ace was squatting on the bow and holding up a telescope to look around, but at this time the sky was getting dark, and there was some fog on the sea, so it was not so easy to see. Clear.

But at this time, Ace exclaimed in surprise: "Ah, I found them! They are over there!"

Ian took his binoculars and looked over. Sure enough, about two nautical miles ahead, a large reef protruded from the sea surface. Several figures were standing on the reef, desperately facing Looking at himself, he waved the torch in his hand as a signal.

It can be vaguely seen that these figures are indeed wearing navy uniforms.

But Ian always felt that something was wrong.

Then suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he asked, "Since their ship hit a rock and sank, they must have fallen into the water, right?"

Spree nodded, isn't that for sure

"Then how did their torches light?" Ian asked.

Spree was stunned for a moment!