Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1844: Sustainable development, self-improvement (2 more)


Ginny used a thermometer to test the water temperature when making tea, which was boiling water close to 80 degrees Celsius.

Angel frowned: "It still tastes the same, but it's not so bitter."

Ginny opened her small mouth slightly, and gave up unnecessary worries after a while, and said with a wry smile: "Taste needs to be slowed down, you can only quench your thirst like this. And the tea leaves are not brewed, so the taste will of course be lighter."

Angel resolutely gave up discussing such metaphysical things as "taste", and asked a topic of real interest: "You little wolf dog, you seem to be very good at fighting?"

Ginny nodded subconsciously, and her complexion changed immediately: "Wait, don't go to him to compete, he is not as strong as you."

Angel snorted: "Nonsense, his muscles and movements are very professional. Could it be that Little Dick is not strong enough?"

Ginny's gaze fell on Angel's volleyball-like pectoralis major.

Angel suddenly felt disdainful: "...It's innate, can you blame me! Why don't you say that I have more developed muscles than him?"

As she spoke, her eyes still fell on Ginny's chest.

The chairman became angry from embarrassment: "What's the use of being big, no one rubs it anyway."

Angel was furious: "I just despise those weak chickens! You have been rubbed around for a month, and your heart has not grown, but your eyes have become smaller instead."

Chairman: "There are people who can't put it down, it's better than someone who does it himself."

Angel: "Tell me again, believe it or not, I raped your little wolf dog?"

The chairman resolutely admitted: " fault, there are actually a lot of people out there who are interested in you, if necessary, I can introduce you to ten or twenty."

Angel: "Get lost. Are they greedy for my body? Obviously, they are greedy for my personal security status, despicable!"

The chairman couldn't help laughing until he sat on the sofa, because he was right.

Some people have been trying to hook up with Angel in the past few months, but the intention is similar to that of a driver who pleases a certain leader in China.

Being targeted by a group of guys who always think of low investment and high returns, Angel is of course very upset: Is my mother such a cheap person?

At the beginning of April, the temperature in many east coast cities including New York was still not high.

In contrast, the atmosphere in Ursa Minor is quite warm.

With the addition of Skye, an intelligence officer, Ursa Minor finally got rid of the dilemma of having nowhere to use his strength.

Doni the Technical Turtle was responsible for the modification, and Minty and the little turtle spent points to buy optical camouflage and some parts of the Chitauri aircraft from the boss, and finally solved the problem of the bear group's vehicles.

Although the assembled "suspension car" has a lot of nonsense, it can be regarded as "black technology".

From the outside, it looks like a normal Ford van, about the same size as the 17-seater JMC Transit.

And its interior is similar to the assault vehicle and support vehicle of the American police. The driver has access to the rear compartment, but the rear compartment has no windows.

When necessary, it can turn on the optical camouflage and suspension system, and move forward with low noise in a stealth state.

The original 17-seater compartment has been turned into two rows facing each other, which can be used to carry people and equipment, enough to accommodate an operation of less than ten people, provided that everyone does not wear armor.

Of course, they don't have armor available either.

Ursa Minor's private operations cannot use the Bat Squad Armor at will.

One is conspicuous, and the other is that it is easy for people to associate them with the Bat Squad.

Even some people in Ursa Minor don't know the connection between the two, and this news cannot be leaked to the outside world.

Luke didn't care that these little guys competed with him for business.

After working silently for almost a year, he finally rose to a level and gained 8 basic attributes, all of which were added to agility.

At this moment, the system displays: host level 26.

Strength 34 (Level 1 Star of Justice +10, Level 2 Star of Justice +20).

Dexterity 26 (Level 1 Star of Justice +10, Level 2 Star of Justice +20).

Spirit 33 (Level 1 Star of Justice +10, Level 2 Star of Justice +20).

The host experience is 3.8 million/30 million.

Points: 20.32 million.

Faith value: 370,000.

Although it was only one level away from breaking through the 60 mark of agility, even Luke's obsessive-compulsive disorder couldn't help.

An average of over 10,000 experience points per day is not bad.

There are not that many super leeks, and it is even less likely to be found everywhere.

Usually, he tries his best to adopt sustainable development, and beats the autumn wind everywhere.

Going with Ginny to lock the target on the little black notebook this time is also to tap the potential deeply.

Those top bosses are not easy to kill in large numbers, but their white gloves don't need too many scruples. If they die, there will naturally be replacements.

These white gloves personally plan and participate in a lot of crimes, and there will never be less experience points.

As long as Luke finds the thread at the beginning and checks all the way, he can lock the true identity of these white gloves before making a move.

You can also meet some super nest cases, and it won't be too long to fill up the experience of the next level.

So it's okay for Ursa Minor to deal with those "low-value targets".

Anyway, he can share experience points from his teammates, and he can share tens of hundreds of experience points if he has nothing to do.

The experience points each time seems to be very small, but it can't resist the large number of teammates now.

Of the increase in Luke's experience points, two or three percent came from the sharing of his teammates.

With limited time alone, there is no way to trouble these small miscellaneous fish one by one. It will be good for a one- or two-star teammate to take over.

On the other hand, Ursa Minor's "practical training" is very effective.

Because of all kinds of follow-up troubles before, Nikki and Monica, who had only hit punks before, shot twice, and Tyrone once.

Those who have not "participated in the war" so far include the two civil servants Joseph and Skye, as well as the relatively special existence of Carrie.

Joseph did not make a move, but acted as the chief of staff and was responsible for the planning of the operation.

With Skye's sufficient intelligence support, plus programming assistance, he did not bad.

Luke found that he didn't seem to have to worry about Ursa Minor too much in the future, and Minty had already put together the basic staffing.

Even Jiali, who seemed useless at the moment, was a crucial part.

Her mental body was aggressive a few years ago, and last year she developed an ability called spiritual resistance.

Mental resistance, which specifically increases the resistance to spiritual attacks.

Not only can Jiali use it herself, but she can also release it on others, and it has an obvious expulsion effect on most spiritual abilities.

Ever since Carrie had this ability, Luke could only use pheromone manipulation to suppress the mental problems of Alice and Carrie.

Psychic resistance is of little use to Luke and Selena themselves, but the team no longer has to worry about encountering spiritual superpowers when operating.

Like that troublesome ghost Simon, he might suffer a lot from mental resistance.

As long as the team members are brushed with spiritual resistance on a regular basis, it is enough to ensure that everyone will not be plotted by the mental ability, which makes up for the biggest shortcoming of the team.

The most important thing is that the prerequisites for this ability are just 40 spirit and 100,000 points. Luke, who has no shortage of points, will learn it immediately.

Jiali is still underage, and her mental state is also unstable. She is not suitable for participating in formal battles, and she does not have the ability to simultaneously manipulate the deity and the spiritual body to fight.

And this ability has come to Luke, a professional who has experienced many battles, and the timing of using it can be flexibly controlled.

The deity's avatar shared this ability to release externally, and he made a lot of money.

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