Super Divine Evolution

Chapter 101: Tactics


Iron lock Yokogawa!

Shenfeng Wuying!

Flying dragon is in the sky!

Whether it was ordinary combat skills or genetic skills, Chu Lin threw it out all at once.

There was a "ding ding ding" in the ear, and the flying dragon halberd carved a series of scratches under the body of the shadow fury dragon, but that was only the case.

"Can only barely break the skin and bleed?" Chu Lin brows. In the forest, he broke the skin of the Shadow Fury Dragon with ordinary combat skills, drinking its blood and swallowing its flesh and blood essence, and now he has a halberd in his hand. Even the outer armor can't be broken.

This doesn't make sense! What means did Patriarch Chilong use? Not only can it control the Shadow Fury Dragon, but it also increases the strength of the Shadow Fury Dragon by at least one gene chain

If a single blow fails, he immediately escapes.

When Chu Lin retreated, he also took the time to shoot a "Nether Roar" in the direction of Shadow Angry Dragon's head.

Youyuan Langyin couldn't get any feedback, and the Shadow Fury Dragon had protected the Chilong Patriarch too well!

As everyone knows, the Chilong patriarch behind the head of the Shadow Wrath Dragon is covered with hairs and hairs. This genetic skill that acts on the spirit is too dangerous and can be said to be impossible to prevent!


The Shadow Angry Dragon aimed at Chu Lin's direction and took a deep breath.

"Chu Lin, hide away!"

Without being reminded by Tianya, Chu Lin felt a terrifying force converging in the mouth of the Shadow Fury Dragon.

Bloodline gene skills!


The Shadow Wrath Dragon took a long sigh of relief, and as the gas was expelled from the lungs, a huge amount of shadow energy swept in.


Chu Lin seemed to have returned to the taste of being approached by bloodthirsty ants when he was not awakening. Before the energy storm that was overwhelming, the individual's power was like an ant falling into the ocean, and the wind and rain were swaying.

run! Don't run away anymore!

Chu Lin turned his head and jumped fiercely, his whole body energy swelled up, and the genetic energy ignited in his blood, making Chu Lin's speed soar.

On the way, Chu Lin pulled Yi Tianya who had come. If this old man died on the battlefield, Evian would have to cry stupidly.

The energy pouring is surging, and it goes quickly. In the final analysis, the strength of the Shadow Fury Dragon is between five or six gene chains. It also relies on the superiority of the subdragon species to bully humans. It is impossible to really breathe in a natural disaster. Like a storm of energy.

"Hahaha! Chase! Kill them all!"

The Chilong patriarch flaunts his might, and today's battle situation has changed one after another, but in the end he hasn't firmly controlled it yet? Although the cost is a bit high, the Shadow Fury Dragon will inevitably be scrapped during this battle, and his son will die. But Yalong can still be caught, and his son can get another one in spring with the old tree. As long as the Roaring Tribe can be renamed the Mad Lion Tribe, everything is worth it!


The Shadow Wrath Dragon shook its body and ran, and occasionally ordinary soldiers who were unconscious were crushed into fleshy flesh without leaving a single corpse. No matter which family they belonged to, the awakened people tried their best to flee. They were seriously injured next to each other, and if they touched it, they would die? Who can stand this!


The Shadow Wrath Dragon was completely devoid of intelligence, and was infused with the belief that Chu Lin would kill Chu Lin by the Chilong patriarch. When it saw Chu Lin, it was like seeing a deadly enemy in a sea of blood, and the energy in its mouth spewed out wave after wave.

Chu Lin had to flee around, the earth was cratered by the energy rays.

"How come this monster has so much energy!"

Chu Lin sweated on his forehead, for fear that one would accidentally be rubbed by energy.

Yi Tianya gasped, "The Breath of the Shadow Fury Dragon consumes the source of life. Under normal circumstances, it can't be so desperate. It must be the old boy of the Crimson Dragon Clan Chief. He has tried everything to kill us! "

"Can't go on like this!"

As soon as Chu Lin gritted his teeth, a note came to his mind, expecting that it would be too difficult to drag the stupid dragon to death, and the fault tolerance rate was too low. One accident is that there are no bones, and you must take the initiative to attack.

"Patriarch, can you help me hold the Shadow Fury Dragon?"

Yi Tianya looked at Chu Lin in surprise, "Do you have a way?"

Chu Lin nodded heavily, "Trust me and help me hold the Shadow Angry Dragon!"

"it is good!"

Yi Tianya has a twelve-point trust in Chu Lin. At the current stage of the battle, he has no other choice but to trust Chu Lin, "If you want to be left, I will be right!"


The breath of the Shadow Fury Dragon has never stopped, and the shadow rays follow one after another. Occasionally, if the energy cannot be supplemented, a few shadow arrows are spit out from the mouth.

Looking at the two villains running in front of them, they separated left and right, and ran in different directions respectively. The Shadow Rage Dragon was confused and froze in place for a while.

Patriarch Chilong knew clearly that Yitianya could kill him at any time, but at the end of the crossbow. And that kid named Chu Lin was suffering from a serious heart problem. He would not die for a moment, and his heart would not be at peace for a moment.

"Chasing the kid on the right! He must die!"

The Chilong patriarch had just given the order, but Yi Tianya turned over and picked up half of the corpse from the ground.

"Hahaha! Old Chilong boy, look at what I have in my hand!"

"Huh?" Patriarch Chilong stared, the blue veins in his temple suddenly violent, "Old man, dare you!"

Yitianya laughed loudly, "It's this time, what else can't you dare!"

What Yi Tianya was holding was Liu Sheng, the young lord of the Chilong clan, who was the son of the Chilong clan chief. Liu Sheng was smashed in half by Chu Lin, and what Yi Tianya was holding was Liu Sheng's upper body, half of his chest and head.

"Do you want me to die without a corpse? Okay, let me make your son's corpse become a paste!"

Yitianya laughed wildly.

It was the first time that he did this kind of detrimental thing, but in order to pull the hatred and create opportunities for Chu Lin, he must do this.

"Kill! Kill the old man first! I want to see him burned to ashes!" Patriarch Chilong's eyes were red, and he ordered in pain.

The Shadow Rage Dragon turned the huge dragon body, let go of Chu Lin and ran towards Yitianya rumblingly.

Yi Tianya's head tightened, facing this big guy alone, a little panicked. He grabbed Liu Sheng's hair, grabbed half of his body, and ran out desperately. At the same time observe Chu Lin from the corner of your eye, boy, don't let me down

Chu Lin quietly slipped back to the corpse of the patriarch of the Tiger family. The members of the Mad Lion family who had stood here had long since dispersed, and Chu Lin pointed his palm at Qiu Tianxiao, the patriarch of the Tiger family.

"Gene extraction!"

Ding! Extraction failed!

Continue to extract!




Chu Lin watched as the energy value of the gene panel slipped little by little, and the only result he got was failure, failure, and failure. What he worries about is not not enough energy, but...


Qiu Tianxiao’s body has been completely unrecognizable after more than ten genetic extractions. Every time an unpredictable essence escapes and flows into Chu Lin’s body, after ten or so times, Qiu Tianxiao’s whole body is withered and there is no trace of water. The eyeballs suffocated and fell into the sockets.

Ding! Extraction failed, the target cannot be extracted!

how come...

Chu Lin only felt a chill behind his back. Is that what happened today? A series of failures...


Do not! Chu Lin suddenly thought that Qiu Tianxiao's son Qiu Zhenyu was also a member of the Tiger family, and he had three gene chains at a young age, and his aptitude was even more outstanding than that of his old man! He is better for gene extraction!