Super Divine Evolution

Chapter 20: Nether roars


So Chu Lin pondered for a while, and jumped out of a cave without hesitation.

The Nether Wolf's genes allowed Chu Lin to see clearly even in the dim cave.

It's like wearing a night vision goggles.

This cave was very long, and Chu Lin walked along, and it took more than ten seconds to step on the ground.

"A cave for bloodthirsty ants..."

Chu Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked down the corridor.

Soon a bloodthirsty ant seemed to smell Chu Lin's breath, and rushed over from one end of the tunnel.

Chu Lin was expressionless, and killed him with a punch, then moved on after pulling out the beast core.

A bloodthirsty ant appeared from the tunnel, Chu Lin's eyes flickered, and he blasted a blood path with his fist, continuously deepening into the ant nest.

After ten minutes, he walked out of the tunnel, and the space in front of him suddenly became clear.

This is a space that is a bit like an underground cave, which was excavated by a bloodthirsty ant.

The tunnel where Chu Lin was located was just one of the hundreds of tunnels in this vast space.

In the cave, there is a huge white female worm, beside the female worm, there are at least dozens of bloodthirsty ants surrounding it.

Coupled with the bloodthirsty ants in the tunnel, Chu Lin roughly estimated that there were at least hundreds of bloodthirsty ants in this nest, maybe more.

Under the feeding of the bloodthirsty ant, the mother worm squirmed slightly, and a bloodthirsty ant burrowed out of the mother worm's body.

However, the newly born bloodthirsty ant is not that big yet, and looks much less threatening.

"It looks like this is the queen."

Chu Lin hid on the side of the tunnel, looking at the entire underground ant kingdom, not only sighed.

"These are dozens of moving beast cores. I don't know what kind of beast cores will be produced by killing the queen. Presumably, the queen's beast cores are definitely much more precious."

After that, Chu Lin jumped down.

Both feet landed on the ground, and a deep depression was stepped on while making a muffled noise.

This sound made the bloodthirsty ants in the cave a stunned.


All the bloodthirsty ants let out a low growl and rushed towards Chu Lin.

"Let the storm come harder!"

Chu Lin laughed, his fist unfolded, not only didn't retreat, but rushed toward the many bloodthirsty ants first.

Tiger down the mountain!

White crane spreads its wings!

The dragon goes to sea!

Go straight to Huanglong!

Chu Lin was like a god of war, rushing into the bloodthirsty ant colony to kill, almost killing a bloodthirsty ant with a punch.

While slaying the bloodthirsty ants, Chu Lin also found that every bloodthirsty ant would have a slight air current entering his body after death.

The completion of the ghost wolf gene is faintly beating.

Unexpectedly, while fusing the genes, the effect of absorbing the breath of the Eunan gene was also retained.

The ghost wolf gene can absorb the dead energy of these bloodthirsty ants for their own use, constantly improving the gene chain.

Perceiving this function, Chu Lin became even more crazy.

Yuan Liang is very strong, he is the strong one of the five gene chains.

Moreover, Yuan Liang is the head of a camp, with more resources than Chu Lin.

The only way Chu Lin wanted to catch up with him was to improve his strength as soon as possible!

There is no way to improve your strength by leaps and bounds than to polish between life and death.


Chu Lin was bitten by a bloodthirsty ant behind his skin, and the pain not only did not slow Chu Lin's movements, but it aggravated his bloodiness!

"Kill kill kill!"

Chu Lin roared wildly and started killing frantically.

After killing an unknown number of bloodthirsty ants, Chu Lin was already covered in blood.

The queen in front of him finally moved.

The huge female worm wriggled, like a derailed train, leaping towards Chu Lin with her savage mouth open.

Chu Lin fiercely stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, stomping on a hollow foot socket, avoiding the culling of the female worm, and hitting the female worm with a punch.

There was a thin layer of mucus on the female worm, and Chu Lin's full blow did not produce the slightest effect.

"No wonder that only the awakened can deal with this thing. Ordinary attacks have no effect on it at all."

Seeing that his own blow didn't work, Chu Lin couldn't help frowning.

Currently, Chu Lin does not have any effective means of attack, and what the complete gene chain gives him Chu Lin is only a powerful self-healing ability.

Means that can effectively attack the mother worm...

Chu Lin's gaze fell on the semi-finished robotic arm loaded on his arm.

Charge up, charge up, launch!

A bright light wave was launched from Chu Lin's mechanical arm, briefly illuminating the entire cave and blasting on the female worm.

The mucus on the female worm can resist ordinary attacks, but cannot resist the attacks of genetic energy.

A hole was blasted out of the female worm in an instant, and the green blood flowed continuously.

The mother worm was hurt and roared in pain, and opened her mouth to spray a venom on Chu Lin.

Chu Lin quickly dodged.

The venom fell on the ground, and there was a chuckle of dissolution.

"so close!"

Seeing the power of the venom, Chu Lin let out a lingering breath.

The poison that can corrode the ground, even if he has a tough life, it is difficult to resist!

Fortunately, the size of the female worm is huge. Although the speed is not slow, it is not flexible in the limited cave space.

Chu Lin adopted the guerrilla warfare method of changing a place with one shot.

With the spiritual power provided by the ghost wolf gene, Chu Lin's gene energy is very strong.

He could bear the energy consumed by the beam cannon on the robotic arm.

For a full half an hour, the gene energy was so strong, after launching dozens of beam cannons, Chu Lin was also panting for exhaustion, and the gene energy was exhausted.

The mother worm is also full of holes and is in a state of dying.

Chu Lin came to the mother worm, faced her head, and used up her genetic energy to reward her with a beam cannon to solve the mother worm's life.

Cut the female worm's head open, Chu Lin pulled out the beast core in it.

The nucleus of the female worm is completely different from the nucleus of the bloodthirsty ant. It is not only as big as a palm, but also very round, exuding a faint light like a night pearl.

"The person in charge said that the queen ant's animal core can be used to make genetic medicine. I don't know what effect it will have if I absorb it?"

Chu Lin was talking to himself, squeezing his palm, and directly absorbed the queen's beast core.

Then Chu Lin checked his panel value.

There is no change in the energy, but a new value appears behind the energy.

Intermediate energy: 100 points.

Ghost Wolf Gene (100% completion)

Granted skills: Nether Roar.

Unknowingly, he absorbed the death energy of dozens of bloodthirsty ants, plus killed the queen.

The ghost wolf gene was perfected by Chu Lin overnight!

The second gene chain is perfect!

Chu Lin was ecstatic in his heart, and he couldn't wait to roar in the dark!


The entire underground ant den is full of magic sounds that shock the soul...