Super Divine Evolution

Chapter 6: Master Ning Feng the Awakened


"Unless what?"

Chu Lin was taken aback for a moment, and quickly grabbed the arm of the captain. He didn't know that Chu Lin had forgotten that his strength was 200 times what he used to be. Even if the captain was also an intermediate fighter, Chu Lin suddenly squeezed his arm. Break off.

The captain's face turned pale, his face rolled with sweat, and he almost screamed.

"Sorry! You just said, unless something."

Chu Lin quickly let go of their hands.

"No, it's okay." How dare the deputy captain accept an apology from an awakened person, he gritted his teeth, resisted the severe pain, and continued.

"Master Hui, in fact, there is indeed another possibility, but it is similar to nothing. Lao Yu and I are old friends, and are already intermediate fighters, not bad in skill, and not inferior to senior fighters."

"If he can awaken at this moment and become an awakened person, he should be able to turn the crisis into peace."

The deputy captain said, feeling helpless.

It is said that between life and death, the blood is the easiest to awaken, but if you want to awaken, where is that simple? This time Wei Young came out of the battle, with more than 37% of the deaths and countless wounded.

And the only one who became awakened was Chu Lin.


Upon hearing the sound, Chu Lin was also stunned.

Chu Lin suddenly thought of the genetic medicine in his pocket. Hearing what Han Dong said, the genetic energy in this genetic medicine was hundreds of times that of the animal nucleus!

So Chu Lin immediately asked, "If the gene medicine is injected into him, can he wake him up?"

"Genetic medicine?!"

Hu Biao was shocked when he heard what Chu Lin had said, and looked at Chu Lin incredulously.

"My lord, do you have a genetic medicine?"

"The person in charge just sent me one." Chu Lin took out the tube of genetic medicine from his pocket.

The genetic medicine is light red, even though it is not obvious on the surface, the genetic energy contained in it is more than a few hundred animal nuclei combined.

"I... I don't know. The F-level genetic medicine has a chance of awakening the captain. After all, he is an intermediate fighter himself."

Hu Biao took the gene potion carefully, and a trace of greed gradually rose in his heart. If he could get this gene potion, he might also become an awakened one!

But thinking of Captain Yu Zhen, his greedy thoughts were quickly suppressed by him, and he said with a slightly solemn expression.

"But now the captain's physical condition is too bad, he may not be able to withstand this intense genetic energy!"

"Give him an injection," Chu Lin said without hesitation.

"My lord, are you sure you want to do this?"

Hu Biao looked serious and asked again.

"Genetic medicine is equally important to you. If you fail to save the captain, you will suffer a great loss."

"Let's inject." Chu Lin said without hesitation, waved his hand decisively.

Captain Yu Zhen is a friend of his father. Captain Yu Zhen still protected him even on the dangerous battlefield, which moved Chu Lin's heart.

Anyway, there is the ability to extract genes, this kind of gene medicine is basically dispensable for Chu Lin.

As long as there is a steady stream of beast cores, Chu Lin's strength will continue to grow, faster than what kind of genetic medicine can come.

Hu Biao was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that Chu Lin would be willing to use such precious genetic medicine to save Captain Zhen's life, even if he was not 100% sure, he was determined.

The two came to the entrance of the intensive care unit of the medical center and saw Yu Zhen, who was covered with bandages and filled with tubes. He even had to rely on the help of equipment to breathe smoothly.

"Deputy Captain Hu, we have tried our best, but Captain Yu's injury is too serious. He is a hero." Seeing Hu Biao's arrival, the medical staff said with a painful look on their faces and said with great regret.

I saw that Yu Zhen's popularity is also very good in the entire camp, and now several young nurses have crying red eyes.

All of them have been protected by Captain Tooshock.

"Open the door, we have a way to treat Captain Yu Zhen." Chu Lin looked at it for a while and said firmly.

Chu Lin couldn't do anything about it. Gene Pharmacy could not guarantee Yu Zhen's awakening 100%, but Yu Zhen was now at stake. The only way to save his life was this. Only a dead horse would be a living doctor!

"How is it possible?" The medical staff were slightly surprised when they heard this. "Captain Yu's injury is too serious. Even rare drugs can only delay the loss of his vitality. What can you do?"

"Presumptuous, this is the newly promoted Awakener, don't talk nonsense, open the door quickly." Deputy Captain Hu snorted with a cold face.

The medical staff were even more surprised to hear that Chu Lin turned out to be an awakened person.

This is the first time he has seen such a young Awakener.

After hearing this, the others present also looked at Chu Lin in surprise.

The awakened, this is such an unreachable name. In their eyes, the awakened is like a person chosen by God.

"Why haven't I seen him..." the medical staff whispered, and reluctantly opened the door of the intensive care unit.

At this moment, as a strong wind hit, a figure fell from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.

It is Ning Feng!

"Chu Lin, genetic medicine is not for you to waste on these useless wastes, but to enhance the strength of the entire camp."

Ning Feng came to Chu Lin with a cold face, stretched out his hand and said, "If you don't want to use it, give me the genetic medicine!"

"Ah, it's Master Ning Feng the Awakened!"

"Why did he get here? What did he just say... Gene Medicine?"

"Does the Awakener need to use genetic medicine to save Captain Yu Zhen? Captain is saved!"

When the surrounding nurses heard Ning Feng's words and derive information from them, they were suddenly excited.

Although they have not seen the gene medicine, they have also heard of its preciousness.

Gene potion is a precious item that even the Awakened Master regards as a treasure. If it is used to treat Captain Yu Zhen, it must be a great hope!

"What are you talking about?" Chu Lin's eyes condensed, staring at Ning Feng.

"Didn't you hear me clearly? I asked you to hand over the genetic medicine. Don't waste it on these wastes. Do I still need to take it by myself?"

Ning Feng said indifferently, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Captain Yu is not a waste!" Hu Biao heard Ning Feng's repeated insults to his captain and couldn't help but stand up and confront him.

"Is here for you to interrupt? Rubbish, get out!" Ning Feng shouted coldly, patted his palm, and a gust of wind blasted directly on Hu Biao.

Hu Biao was hit hard, and he flew out.


"Deputy Captain Hu!"

When the medical staff saw this scene, they all exclaimed.

"Do you dare to do it!" Chu Lin's heart burst into anger, his eyes full of evil spirits.

"Why? Do you still want to fight me? A young chick who has just awakened, has not even taken the genetic medicine, and it is no different from waste."

"I want to use genetic medicine to save a worthless person. It's just a stunner, and I'm not afraid that my genes will be unstable and lead to collapse."

Ning Feng said disdainfully.

"Awakened who just awakened?"

"Awakened people don't even use genetic medicine, that strength does not seem to be very good."

"Although Master Ning Feng's words are very unpleasant, they are also true. The precious genetic medicine must be used on the blade to ensure the strength of the camp. It is a waste of Captain Yu Zhen."

"If there is a fight, this little brother is afraid that even Ning Feng can't take a single move."

The crowd onlookers heard that Chu Lin turned out to be an awakened person, and their expressions suddenly turned a little strange when they looked at him.

After all, Ning Feng is a powerful awakener who has opened three gene chains, and has a remarkable record, and his reputation in the camp is much greater than that of Chu Lin.