Super Divine Evolution

Chapter 83: Clash


However, now their god was knocked into the air by a huge unknown monster.

How can this keep the people in the roaring tribe from panic

However, this is not enough to collapse the confidence of the people in the Roaring Tribe, and their eyes are immediately attracted by the two figures, one red and one gold.

The patriarch of the Tiger was hit by one head and flew into the air, and the Shadow Wrath Dragon was also out of the old power when the new power was not born.

Both Yitianya and Chilong Patriarch are awakened who have experienced many battles, and they can be described as very rich in actual combat experience.

They naturally saw this flaw, so they unanimously chose to shoot.

The two shot at the same time, the power of course is needless to say.

The scarlet dragon claws of the Chilong patriarch and Yi Tianya's golden fist slammed at the same time, and slammed on the head of the shadow angry dragon.

After all, the skin of this Shadow Fury Dragon's whole body is as hard as a rock, even if it hits the body, it is estimated that it will not produce any effect.

Therefore, both Yitianya and Chilong Patriarch wisely chose to attack the Shadow Fury Dragon's head.


The violent genetic energy of the two blasted on the head of the Shadow Fury Dragon at the same time, making a loud noise.

This is the two powerful players of the Roaring Horde at the same time!

Even a behemoth like the Shadow Fury Dragon couldn't stand it for a while, and the huge body took a few steps back abruptly.

In these few steps, several mutant monsters that could not be avoided were trampled to death.

Seeing the shadow rage dragon's figure retreated by the combined force of the two patriarchs, the wall of the roaring tribe suddenly uttered a burst of cheers like the sky.

"Chilong Patriarch is mighty!"

"A mere beast, dare to attack my roaring tribe!"

"The patriarch of the wild lion is arrogant and domineering, kill this big monster!"

The cheers continued to rise, as if the Shadow Wrath Dragon had been wiped out.

They are just ordinary fighters, with the help of sophisticated equipment and well-trained formations, they can withstand the attacks of mutant monsters.

But in the face of a powerful monster similar to the Shadow Fury Dragon that can destroy the entire tribe.

No matter how large the number of these ordinary fighters were, they would not have any effect at all.

Only the advanced awakened can fight against it!

In other words, these warriors and even the lives of everyone in the Roaring tribe are pinned on the three of Yitianya.

Therefore, when they saw the Shadow Fury Dragon being beaten back under the joint blow of the two patriarchs, their mood was even more violent than the three of Yitianya who were fighting in person.

The Shadow Fury Dragon was hit by the two men, and it was a little confused.

After retreating several times, he stabilized his figure, shook his head in a humane manner, raised his head, and his fierce eyes instantly locked the two culprits who had attacked him just now.

"This beast is really evil..."

Seeing this scene, Yi Tianya murmured, with golden qi floating around her body.

"it is mine."

The Chilong patriarch on the side stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, his eyes revealed a resolute color, and he said word by word.

Patriarch Chilong exuded a bloodthirsty aura, before Yi Tianya could react, his figure flashed and rushed up again.


Yi Tianya rolled his eyes and sneered at the behavior of the Chilong patriarch.

The Shadow Wrath Dragon suffered a loss, and he dared not take the attacks of these human awakeners lightly.

Seeing the red dragon patriarch boomed, the Shadow Fury Dragon seemed to dodge.

But at the moment when he approached the Shadow Fury Dragon, the genetic aura exuding from the Crimson Dragon's patriarch was clearly noticed by the Shadow Fury Dragon.

Shadow Fury Dragon's gaze suddenly fixed on the Chilong patriarch, facing the bombardment of the Chilong patriarch, without evading it, the same claw was torn away.

The huge beast claws of the Shadow Fury Dragon are enough to envelop the Crimson Dragon patriarch.

Seeing the shadow angry dragon staring at him fiercely, the Chilong clan chief saw that his fierce eyes were filled with monstrous anger, and he felt a little flustered in his heart.


Patriarch Chilong slammed into the claws of the Shadow Fury Dragon, and followed in the footsteps of the patriarch of Tiger.

It's just that the patriarch of the fierce tiger flew into the sky. This time he was replaced by the patriarch of the red dragon and was slapped directly to the ground by the shadow angry dragon.

The body of the Chilong patriarch slammed into the ground fiercely, and at the same time it made a muffled sound, it also printed a deep pit on the ground.

With the personal strength of a patriarch alone, facing the Shadow Fury Dragon is still a bit too reluctant.

However, such an attack by the Shadow Wrath Dragon can only cause very limited damage to the awakened state of the ancestral ancestors of the five gene chains after being transformed.

The Shadow Fury Dragon seemed to have a lot of resentment towards the Crimson Dragon Clan Chief, raised his huge claws and stepped on the Crimson Dragon Clan Chief.

With the weight of the Shadow Wrath Dragon, even if there is no genetic energy in this foot, the pure strength alone is enough to drink a pot of the Chilong patriarch.

If it is stepped on, it is afraid that even the dragon scale armor on the red dragon clan leader's body will be crushed by stepping on it.

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky, roaring wildly, and the huge figure slammed on the top of the shadow wrath dragon.


Shadow Fury Dragon's head was smashed low, and his whole body was moved, and even his whole body was swaying unceasingly.

"Beast, taste the power of the old man's tiger claws!"

This white figure yelled, the huge tiger claws tore the shadow rage dragon head fiercely.

Isn't there any other patriarch of the tiger who was hit by the shadow rage dragon just now and flew into the sky

But the weak part of the eyes, the shadow angry dragon, was well protected, and the patriarch of the tiger wanted to attack the eyes but couldn't handle it, so he had to turn his head and punch it down.


The shadow angry dragon ate pain, let out a roar, and plunged to the ground.

If the head of the tiger grabs the ground, if the patriarch of the tiger does not evacuate in time, he may be seriously injured.

Although the head-shaking impact just now didn't hurt the patriarch of the tiger, it also caused a slight tremor in his internal organs, which was very uncomfortable.

Now that the Shadow Fury Dragon is actually making a ruthless move, even if it is an awakened person as powerful as the tiger patriarch, he dare not fight a monster.

"Damn, dead beast, count you cruel!"

Seeing this angrily, the patriarch of Tiger jumped off the head of the Shadow Fury Dragon with a kick of his feet.

Because of the unexpected aerial surprise attack by the tiger clan, the Chilong clan was given sufficient buffer time. With a flick of his hand covered with sharp scales, he randomly chopped up several mutant monsters beside him, and took a few steps from the shadow angry dragon. Back in front of him.

"This beast's intelligence is definitely not weaker than that of humans, it's a tricky guy."

Yi Tianya looked at Shadow Fury's actions just now, his eyes were very serious, and his tone was very solemn.

Just now, whether the Shadow Wrath Dragon continuously counterattacked the Chilong patriarch, or used the method of grabbing the ground to repel the Tiger patriarch, it shows that the Shadow Wrath Dragon's intelligence is very advanced, not weaker than humans!

Possess a powerful physique of mutant monsters, and possesses the same intelligence as humans.

The three of them realized the seriousness of the matter and fell silent...