Super Dude System

Chapter 10: Awesome 001


Chu Yuntian was so angry!

001 This bastard actually thinks he can beat me by driving a broken tractor. Why don’t you fly to the sky if you are so awesome!

In the past, he thought he was very pretentious, but compared to 001, he was far inferior, the two were as far apart as heaven and earth.

Chu Yuntian took a deep breath and barely suppressed the anger in his heart. He said, "Are you sure you want to use that broken tractor? Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you lose then..."

"If you can beat me, the system will give you 10,000 gold coins as a reward."


Chu Yuntian took a breath. 10,000 gold coins! How many tasks would he have to complete to get them

His face immediately turned green. Since the system gave such a high reward, it meant that he had no chance of winning. Damn it, he was despised by 001, and now he was despised by the broken system. This was something that my uncle could tolerate, but my aunt couldn't!

"Then let's compete."

Being despised like this, Chu Yuntian became angry. Even a clay Buddha would get angry, let alone a human being.

Damn system, you despise me, right? Today I am going to win your gold coins and then smash them on your face.

"How do we compare?" 001 asked.

Chu Yuntian pointed to the track ahead and said, "Isn't there a track here? Let's run around the track once, no, three times. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins."

This track is very long. According to Chu Yuntian's estimation, one lap is at least two kilometers. He originally wanted to finish it after one lap, but since 001 was so confident, he was cautious and ran a few more laps.

The longer the distance he runs, the better his car will perform and the greater his chances of winning.

001 nodded calmly and said, "Are there any other rules during the competition?"

"No! You can drive it however you want."

"Understood, we can start now."

"Why are you in such a hurry? I still need to warm up." Chu Yuntian rolled his eyes at 001. He just couldn't stand this guy's pretentious look. You want to compete right away, but I won't. I'll piss you off to death!

001 stood aside and said nothing.

After moving for a while, Chu Yuntian waved his hand and said, "The competition can begin."

The two people's cars stopped at the starting line. The roar of the racing motors and the snapping sounds of the tractors intertwined, which was extremely magical.


As soon as the system's voice fell, Chu Yuntian's car sped away. In just one second, he increased the speed of the car to 150 yards.

"It's worthy of being called a traffic jam. The performance is really amazing."

I was worried that the system would do something to the sports car, but now it seems that my worry was unnecessary. Through the rearview mirror, I saw 001's tractor, like an old cow pulling a truck, moving at a snail's pace behind. Chu Yuntian showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth and said, "With this level, you dare to show off?"

Although he felt that he had definitely won, Chu Yuntian still tried his best. He didn't want to fail miserably.

A one-kilometer track is too short for a professional car. Chu Yuntian finished a lap in a short while and caught up with 001, who had only run one-third of a lap.

Just when he was about to say hello to 001, the situation suddenly changed and 001 actually changed its route and crashed into him.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yuntian's heart almost jumped out of his throat. He was driving very fast now. If he really collided with the tractor, the consequences would be disastrous. So he hurriedly stepped on the brakes, but the two cars still collided.

“Damn it!”

Chu Yuntian stopped the car and looked at the tractor still leisurely moving in front of him. He felt like he had eaten a piece of shit and was extremely nauseated.

But now he finally understood that the pretentious 001 was not really that good, but was just trying to scheme against him.

"Humph! I didn't guard against you this time. Do you think I will give you another chance?"

The next moment, Chu Yuntian started the car again, and the car sped forward at a rapid speed.


The car had run less than a hundred meters when the glaring rag-and-bone tractor driven by 001 appeared in front of him again. Chu Yuntian was prepared. He turned the steering wheel sharply, ready to overtake from the side. But 001 seemed to be able to predict the future and changed its driving route as well, and blocked Chu Yuntian's car again.


Being stopped by 001 again, Chu Yuntian couldn't help but swear.

Chu Yuntian immediately adjusted his mentality. He was stopped by 001 this time. Could this pretentious guy still stop him? He didn't believe it.

But the fact is, there are some things that you don't believe but are so weird. Chu Yuntian found sadly that no matter how he changed his driving route, 001 was like a maggot in his tarsal bone.

"001, what's your skill in stopping my car? If you have the ability, come and compete with me to see whose car is faster." Chu Yuntian roared at 001. No wonder he was so angry. Just imagine how depressed he was when he was driving a racing car with excellent performance and was defeated by a tractor.

001 seemed to have heard what he said and actually moved aside.

Chu Yuntian was stunned. This guy was really so kind. He was relieved after thinking about it for a moment, because even if this guy stood in front of him, he couldn't beat him. Because he was more than a lap faster than the other party. Even if the other party could disgust him, he would still be the winner in the end.

After figuring out the key point, Chu Yuntian felt happy and even started to hum a little tune.

However, he did not feel happy for long. When he saw the next scene, his eyes almost popped out of the corners of his eyes.

The tractor, which was as slow as a snail just now, seemed to have taken an aphrodisiac. Accompanied by a thick black smoke, the tractor ran out at a speed ten to twenty times faster than before.

Is this the speed a tractor can run at? Even a fighter jet among tractors can't run at this speed.

Chu Yuntian was so shocked that he almost jumped out of his seat. No matter who it was, if they saw a broken tractor running faster than a racing car, they would be the same as him.

"No matter what, I won't lose to you." Chu Yuntian, who had just looked like he had seen a ghost, had a ferocious expression. Although he didn't know why the tractor had become so powerful, his competitive spirit was also aroused, and he must win this game.


The roar of the car became more and more intense, Chu Yuntian kept accelerating, and the speed of the car was getting faster and faster. However, the tractor in front of him was also getting faster and faster, and the distance between him and the tractor was getting farther and farther.

When Chu Yuntian's car had run two and a third of a lap, the tractor finally caught up with him.

At this moment, the speeds of both cars were extremely fast, even professional racing drivers in real life could not do so fast.

With less than 100 meters left in the last lap, 001's tractor caught up with Chu Yuntian's car. Chu Yuntian only saw a shadow flash by, and then... and then nothing happened.


Total defeat!

Chu Yuntian looked a little depressed after getting off the racing car. He was completely defeated in this competition, but he couldn't figure out why a shabby tractor could run at such an abnormal speed.

Is there something wrong with this tractor

Damn, is it possible that this tractor is just a cover and the engine inside is the best

"001, how about we have another race? This time I'll use the tractor and you use the racing car I just used?"


The competition started again, and Chu Yuntian only saw the car driven by 001 disappear like a shadow in an instant. And no matter how hard he tried, the tractor moved forward at a snail's pace.

The ending is determined at the beginning!

We lost, and it was a horrible defeat.

This time, Chu Yuntian was not frustrated, but his face was full of excitement. Now he was sure that 001 was really awesome. With such an awesome coach teaching him, it would be hard for him not to be awesome. He couldn't help but smile flatteringly and said, "Coach 001, you are really amazing. How do you make the tractor run so fast? Can you teach me?"


"Really? That's great."

"Did you learn anything from your competition just now?"


Chu Yuntian was stunned, thought about it carefully, and then said with a smile: "I have gained a good coach."

"What else?"


Chu Yuntian tilted his head and tried hard to think, but he couldn't think of anything else to gain.

"As a bodyguard, your driving skills are really too poor. You drive a good car but you can't bring out its performance at all. In addition, when the employer is in danger, he may be chased by many vehicles, but you can't even get rid of my car. How bad!"

Brother, do you think everyone is as perverted as you

Chu Yuntian did not say this out loud, because he also admitted that what 001 said was indeed right.

"Coach 001, in order to better protect my employer, I will learn driving skills from you. Please teach me."

Next, Chu Yuntian began to learn driving skills from 001. 001 demonstrated the performance of various cars while explaining them orally, and Chu Yuntian was completely immersed in it. In a short period of time, he felt that his driving skills had improved by more than one level.

One hour!

Two hours!

I don’t know how much time passed, but 001 finally finished demonstrating various vehicles.

"I have said everything I need to say. Now you can do it."

Chu Yuntian nodded. After hearing so many theories, he was already itching to get in. He picked a car at random and got in impatiently.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for reaching master level in driving skills."

Hearing the prompt tone beside his ear, Chu Yuntian was stunned and asked, "What is the master level?"

"The master level is equivalent to your world-class professional racing drivers."


Chu Yuntian took a breath and said, "What level is 001?"


"… "

Chu Yuntian wanted to say something, but the scene in front of him changed, and he found that he had left the system. Although he had been in the system for a long time, it was only a moment in reality. When he was about to leave Guanghe Hotel, his cell phone rang.

He took out his phone and saw that it was the dude he used to hang out with. Chu Yuntian wanted to find them, but he didn't expect them to find him first, so he answered the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Mr. Chu, come to Akina Mountain quickly, our brothers need your help." (To be continued)