Super Dude System

Chapter 22: Dandy power


"I didn't realize it!" Su Wenwen said with a cold face.

It's no wonder that Su Wenwen is angry. These playboys only know how to eat, drink and have fun all day long. They spend lavishly relying on their family's wealth, and some even cause trouble everywhere.

No one with a bit of common sense would put the fate of the company in the hands of a group of playboys.

"Master Chu, we have finally got you, the great god, here."

"God of Driving in Akina Mountain, Master Chu, when will you teach your unparalleled driving skills to your brothers?"

"My requirements are not high. As long as I can be half as good as Master Chu, that will be enough."

When Chu Yuntian entered the box, these playboys came to greet him enthusiastically. Chu Yuntian also responded with a smile, and at the same time drove the women in the box out. Although the women were unhappy, they did not dare to say anything. Soon, only the playboys and Su Wenwen were left in the box.

Chu Yuntian returned to Su Wenwen and said with a smile: "Everyone, let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend, Su Wenwen. I believe you all know her, right?"

Su Wenwen was about to retort when Chu Yuntian gave her a secret look.

Although she was unhappy, Su Wenwen still endured it and did not refute.

Seeing Su Wenwen agree, the group of playboys were in an uproar. They looked at Chu Yuntian with admiration and wanted to kneel down and worship him.

Flirting with the most noble beauties, stepping on the powerful second generation, and destroying whoever he is not happy with. Before, everyone sneered at Chu Yuntian's words, thinking that it was not something that these playboys could do. But now Chu Yuntian not only did it, but also brought people with him.

Facts speak louder than words!

At this moment, all the playboys were excited and vowed to be playboys like Chu Yuntian. It was so cool and prestigious.

Being a playboy like this is the most worthwhile life!

In the box, Su Wenwen could feel the changes in the playboys. She could feel that the eyes of these playboys looking at Chu Yuntian were full of fullness. It seemed that in their eyes, Chu Yuntian was a god rather than a human.

Su Wenwen was extremely confused.

She also observed their expressions. When they came in just now, although they were very enthusiastic, they were just enthusiastic. Why did these people change so much in such a short time? What did they worship

Su Wenwen immediately thought that the mood of these people changed after this guy introduced himself as his girlfriend. Thinking of this, Su Wenwen looked at Chu Yuntian with unfriendly eyes. If this guy didn't give him a satisfactory explanation later, he would definitely make him pay.

"Everyone, I asked you to come here today because I want to ask you for a favor."

"Mr. Chu, we are all brothers. If you have any problem, just tell us. Going through fire and water is despicable."

The playboys patted their chests and many of them showed excitement in their eyes. For these playboys, life was too boring. So they were eager to have something to do, so when Chu Yuntian asked them to help, everyone was eager to try and wanted to take the opportunity to show off their skills.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that my girlfriend's company was cheated by its competitor. Now many companies have cancelled their cooperation with my girlfriend's company..."

"Wenwen, do you have a list of those companies that broke their contracts?"

“Ah, yes!”

Su Wenwen quickly took out the list, and a group of playboys gathered around. One of them pointed at one of the companies and said, "This company has a partnership with my dad's company. They acted like a grandson when they came to ask my dad for cooperation before, but now they dare to embarrass my sister-in-law. I'm going to call and scare them."

"That company seems to be signing a contract with my dad. I'm going to call him now. If he dares to make fun of the cooperation with my sister-in-law's company, I will ask my dad not to sign the contract with them."

"This lousy company is just a supplier to our family, yet they dare to embarrass my sister-in-law. I'm going to give them a lesson right now."

"This company seems to be polluting the environment. They even came to Calais to beg my dad the other day. I'm going to scare them now."

"… "

A group of playboys were talking to each other, and Su Wenwen was shocked to find that more than half of the names on the list were related to the families of these playboys.

Now these dudes are taking out their phones to contact these companies.

They did not negotiate continuously like businessmen, but either used unreasonable arguments or threats and inducements. For a moment, the whole box was noisy, as if countless bees were flying around.

About half an hour later, Su Wenwen received a call from someone in the company. Some companies that had originally cancelled their cooperation with them actually asked to resume cooperation with them. After hanging up the phone, Su Wenwen was a little confused. When her eyes fell on these playboys again, her eyes became different.

She found that she had underestimated these dudes, or to be more precise, she had underestimated a group of dudes.

A single playboy may not be able to accomplish anything and may instead cause trouble, but when a group of playboys come together, they become a force that cannot be ignored.

Because behind every playboy there are more or less some resources, and what is a group of playboys? The resources behind them are frighteningly many.

It's like a single chopstick is easy to break, but a bunch of chopsticks is hard to break. Obviously, Chu Yuntian had realized this a long time ago, so he was so calm. Just as he was about to say something to thank them, Chu Yuntian spoke first and said, "Everyone, I think Tian Shao and the others should have told everyone my idea, what do you think?"

"Mr. Chu, your idea is brilliant. What you are talking about is the dandy, the dandy we are pursuing."

"Yes, we want to become the dude you said."

"Mr. Chu, just tell me, what should we do to become such a dude."

"… "

The dandies were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and their eyes were as red as rabbits.

Seeing their excitement, Su Wenwen was shocked. She couldn't understand why Chu Yuntian's meaningless words could make these people so excited? Could it be that they were all brainwashed by Chu Yuntian

"The real estate market is booming right now, and Wenwen happened to have a piece of land. So I discussed it with my girlfriend and finally decided to start a real estate company."

Before Chu Yuntian finished speaking, Su Wenwen stared at him with her beautiful eyes, as if to say, what did we discuss

However, she also guessed Chu Yuntian's thoughts, so she did not refute him.

"By then, Wenwen will own 40% of the shares of this real estate company, and the rest of us will own 60%. As for how this 60% of shares will be divided, it depends on everyone's investment. Those with more capital will get more shares, and those with less capital will get fewer shares. Is everyone okay with this?"


"Mr. Chu, isn't 40% of the shares held by my sister-in-law too little? After all, the land belongs to my sister-in-law."

Chu Yuntian shook his head and winked, "It doesn't matter. Since everyone calls me sister-in-law, it's normal for a sister-in-law to suffer a little. At worst, I can compensate you as your sister-in-law."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The playboys burst into laughter, with expressions on their faces that all men could understand.

Su Wenwen's pretty face flushed red. She couldn't embarrass Chu Yuntian now, so she could only quietly put her hand on Chu Yuntian's waist and twist it hard.


Chu Yuntian shouted exaggeratedly, his whole body was raised, and he said: "Wenwen, why are you pinching me? In front of my brothers, can't you give me a little face?"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Master Chu is also afraid of his sister-in-law."

"Being afraid of your wife is a sign of loving her. Master Chu is a good man."

"Mr. Chu and his sister-in-law have such a good relationship, it's really enviable."

Hearing the teasing of the playboys, Su Wenwen wanted to explain but couldn't, she just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. The look of that little woman made the playboys envy Chu Yuntian's good fortune. They all thought to themselves, how nice it would be if they could find such a top-notch girl someday.

"Everyone, now that everyone agrees, let's take action. Let's raise funds and get more like-minded brothers to join our big family."

"Mr. Chu, just wait for our good news."

"I have a few friends who are also interested. I will let them join next time."

Chu Yuntian nodded and said with a smile: "The number is not important, the key is to have good character. We can't let some rubbish playboys lose our face. We are high-level playboys with goals and revenge. We can't let a bad apple spoil the whole pot of soup."

Everyone else nodded.

Since everything has been resolved, no one plans to stay here any longer.

Especially Chu Yuntian, what's the point of being with a bunch of playboys? He also wants to take Su Wenwen to ride the carousel to make her laugh.

5,000 gold coins are right in front of you!

A group of playboys came out of the box with smiles on their faces, discussing with great interest. Especially when they thought of the beautiful blueprint for the future, they were so excited that they trembled.

"Chu Yuntian!"

Suddenly, a voice full of hatred made everyone quiet down. Then everyone noticed that there was a large group of people standing in front of them.

The other side is also a group of playboys, just from another circle.

"Hey, isn't this Nie Yida, Master Nie? I heard that you were streaking in the Akina Mountains. I didn't expect Master Nie to have such a hobby. Let us see it sometime." A dandy on Chu Yuntian's side couldn't help but ridicule. Dandy is like this, he likes to stir up trouble, especially when others make a fool of themselves, he likes to mock them.

"You don't know, but Master Nie was completely naked at that time, and his agile figure was really impressive." Tian Weixin also said with a smile.

Nie Yida's face turned pale. He naturally felt ashamed when his embarrassing story was exposed.

"What's going on?" said a man next to him.

"This bunch of guys have teamed up to cheat me and brought shame upon me. Master Luo, you have to stand up for me." Nie Yida said with a pitiful look on his face.

"Nie Yida, can you still have some shame? It was you who wanted to harm Young Master Chu, but now you are blaming him. Bah!" Yao Yuan said indignantly, and then he showed a bright smile on his face and said, "Even if we cheat you, what's wrong with you? You bite us?"

"Since you admit that it was Master Nie from your group, then I can't just ignore this matter." The man called Master Luo said. (To be continued)