Super Dude System

Chapter 49: I think it's nice here


Qiu Ming thought that since he had the director of the municipal office as his backer, a small Chu Yuntian was nothing.

But now he found that he was wrong. Chu Yuntian was indeed nothing, but those people who called were so damn scary.

The Environmental Protection Bureau will check their sanitary environment, the Ministry of Transportation will check their vehicle license plates, the Fire Department will check their firefighting facilities, and...

He could withstand all of these, or rather, Zhou Xingchuan could withstand them, but the person at the top of the pyramid in the city actually spoke, and no matter whether he accepted it or not, Zhou Xingchuan could not withstand it.

What made him most upset was that even the big shots in the province were alarmed.

The entire Guanghe City had not alerted the big shots in the province in these years, but he, a small police chief, had done it. But those big shots could wipe him out with a sneeze, so alerting them was not a good thing. Suddenly, Qiu Ming sat up straight, realizing that he had to do something now, otherwise it would be over.

Standing up from the chair, Qiu Ming hurried towards the interrogation room.

As soon as the door to the interrogation room was opened, the police roared, "Chu Yuntian, you'd better tell me the truth about your crimes, otherwise you will suffer."

The policeman's voice frightened Qiu Ming so much that his heart almost jumped into his throat. This ancestor even has connections in the province. Who gave you the courage to yell at him

"Old Wang, who told you to yell at Mr. Chu? Do you understand the rules?"

Seeing Qiu Ming, Lao Wang showed a flattering expression on his face and said, "Director, you are here. Don't worry, I will make this guy confess all his crimes."

"Asshole! Mr. Chu is a good citizen. There is no crime. How can you, as a police officer, speak so carelessly?"

“…” Old Wang wanted to cry. You asked me to interrogate Chu Yuntian and make him confess his guilt, but now you are saying that he is not guilty and you are saying that I am not careful with my words. What the hell do you want to do

"Why are you looking at me? Hurry up and remove the handcuffs and leg irons from Mr. Chu. Who told you to lynch Mr. Chu? Who gave you the courage?"

After reprimanding Lao Wang and other policemen, Qiu Ming put on a smile and walked up to Chu Yuntian, saying, "Mr. Chu, we have investigated everything clearly. You are innocent and you can leave now."

"Leave? I think this place is nice, so I plan to stay here forever."

From Qiu Ming's attitude, Chu Yuntian could tell that someone was helping them. Moreover, judging from Qiu Ming's attitude, the person who was helping them must be more powerful than Zhou Dongjiang's father, otherwise he wouldn't have let Qiu Ming be so humble. At the beginning, this guy was so arrogant in front of him, which made Chu Yuntian want to play a trick on him.

The policeman next to him was dumbfounded. He was told to leave but he still refused to leave. He was going to die.

And the most incredible thing is that their director was not angry but smiled. Didn't they ask them to give this guy a taste of pain before? Now he is smiling again, what is this

Weird things happen every year, but there are so many today!

Seeing that Chu Yuntian was unwilling to leave, Qiu Ming thought to himself that something was wrong and became so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat.

If this guy doesn't leave, and the big shots above know about it, how can a small police chief like me still have a chance to survive

"Mr. Chu, the food at the police station is not good, and the living conditions are poor. For someone like you..."

"I think the food is pretty good, two meat dishes and one vegetable dish. I'm not picky about the accommodation, as long as there's a hard bed. Director, I'm guilty, and I haven't confessed yet. Please let me confess."

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu, you are innocent, but I am guilty. Please be kind and leave, or I will be in big trouble." Qiu Ming cried and said pitifully, "Mr. Chu, I am also forced to do so. I am just a pawn. I dare not disobey what the superiors tell me to do. Please be kind and let me go because I have elders above and below me."

Qiu Ming looked pitiful, with tears and snot.

"Forget it. Every wrong has its perpetrator. I won't make things difficult for you this time." Seeing that he looked so pitiful and was so humble, Chu Yuntian didn't plan to make things difficult for him.

"Let your men remove the handcuffs from me."

"Are you deaf? Hurry up and take off the handcuffs on Mr. Chu." Qiu Ming glared at the policeman, who then reacted and quickly took out the key to open Chu Yuntian's handcuffs.

At this time, Zhou Dongjiang, with a bruised face and nose, walked in from outside. He had just bandaged his wounds in the hospital and was about to come to the police station to seek revenge on Chu Yuntian. But when he arrived at the interrogation room, he found that the police were actually opening Chu Yuntian's handcuffs. This guy beat you, and you didn't punish him, but now you want to let him go

Zhou Dongjiang was like a ignited gunpowder barrel. He said, "What are you doing? Who told you to open his handcuffs? Cuff him and interrogate him strictly."

The policeman also recognized him, so he looked at Qiu Ming.

"Are you deaf? Do you know who I am?"

"Mr. Zhou..."

Qiu Ming was about to remind Zhou Dongjiang, but when he saw Qiu Ming here, Zhou Dongjiang became unhappy and said, "Director Qiu, what's wrong with you? Why did you let your people open Chu Yuntian's handcuffs?"

"Director Qiu, since Young Master Zhou is not satisfied, how about I torture him?"

Seeing Chu Yuntian sitting back down, Qiu Ming shuddered with fear. He had just spent a lot of effort to get Chu Yuntian to leave. If he offended him now, he might not accept it even if he knelt down and called him grandpa or grandma. So he waved his hands and said, "Mr. Chu, we have already checked it out. You are not guilty. Everything before was a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding! Qiu Ming, you are so bold that you dare to pretend to obey my father but actually disobey him. Do you believe me, I will call my father right now?"

Hearing Zhou Dongjiang's threat, Qiu Ming's face suddenly fell.

After all, he is the chief of the police station. How can he put his face down when he is scolded by a young boy who hasn't even grown all his hair

Moreover, my troubles today are all caused by you and your son. Now I have not received any benefits, and you have to scold me like a grandson. So what if your father is the director of the municipal office? I will not serve you anymore.

"Mr. Zhou, please be careful with your words. This is a police station, a sacred place. You can't mess around here."

"Oh, you actually dare to talk to me like this. It seems that you have become a running dog and defected to Chu Yuntian. Qiu Ming, you are really amazing."

"What did you say?" Qiu Ming's face became more and more ugly.

"I told you that you were a running dog, why are you so angry? Don't be afraid of what others say, just do it. I advise you to think it over carefully now. If you can correct your mistakes now, I may be able to forgive you. Otherwise, when my father comes, everything will be irreversible. Be a human or a dog, what do you choose?"


Qiu Ming slapped Zhou Dongjiang in the face and said, "Even your father Zhou Xingchuan wouldn't dare to speak to me like that. Who do you think you are? This person broke into the interrogation room. I suspect he has some bad intentions. Arrest him."

"Qiu Ming, you old dog dare to hit me?"


Qiu Ming slapped Zhou Dongjiang in the face again and said, "Insulting the police is an aggravated crime!"

Standing up from his seat, Chu Yuntian showed a bright smile on his face. This Zhou Dongjiang was really an idiot to the extreme.

"Qiu Ming, you old dog, you will definitely regret this!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll make you regret it now!"

"Don't be polite when dealing with this kind of person. Director Qiu, I'm leaving now. You can interrogate him slowly."

Seeing Chu Yuntian and then looking at Zhou Dongjiang, Qiu Ming couldn't help shaking his head. They are all young people, so why is there such a big gap between them

The dazzling sunlight shone on his face. Chu Yuntian stretched his waist and was just thinking about how to leave when he found a large group of people standing at the door of the police station.

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu is coming out."

"Idol, you finally came out. We missed you so much."

"Mr. Chu, did the police give you any trouble?"

"How can you talk like that? Are those good-for-nothings in the police station going to embarrass Master Chu?"

A group of playboys were talking about it. Chu Yuntian found that the number of playboys had increased several times compared to before the Akina Mountain competition. There were at least thirty people coming now. He touched his chin and thought to himself, if more playboys came, Han Tian Group would be able to hand over the property rights of Xijiao on its own initiative, right

"To celebrate regaining our freedom, let's go to Yunhai Club and have fun. It's my treat!"

"Mr. Chu is so powerful!"

“The idol is awesome!”

A group of playboys surrounded Chu Yuntian and headed towards the Yunhai Club.

In a luxury car not far away, Su Wenwen saw this scene and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. This guy is so dazzling no matter where he is, just like he was at the beginning.

Suddenly, a thought popped up in Su Wenwen's mind. If Chu Yuntian was compared with that guy, who was better

Chu Yuntian's appearance and that person's appearance appeared alternately in Su Wenwen's mind. Gradually, she found that the person's appearance became blurred, and Chu Yuntian's face with a sly smile became clearer and clearer.

Am I interested in him? Impossible! Su Wenwen shook her head, drove away this terrible thought, and drove away quickly.

Chu Yuntian didn't know that Su Wenwen was here, let alone what she was thinking. At this moment, he arrived at the Yunhai Club surrounded by many playboys.

They were walking towards their box when a young man wearing sunglasses came up to them.

"Who are you? Get out of the way!" Tian Weixin waved his hand.

"Mr. Chu, our eldest brother wants to see you!"

“Is your elder brother so awesome? If you want to see the idol, let your elder brother come by himself and don’t block our way.” Zheng Tianqi said arrogantly.

"My eldest brother is a lord in Guanghe City, Bald Qiang!"

A local lord, Baldy Qiang

The arrogant dudes suddenly became much quieter. Although their identities were very impressive in the eyes of ordinary people, they were still a little afraid of the big guys like the lords of the underground world. The lords of the underground world were all ruthless and had killed countless people. It was not surprising that they were afraid of them.

When Chu Yuntian heard that Bald Qiang was looking for him, he frowned slightly and asked, "Why did Bald Qiang look for me?"

"Brother didn't tell me, you will know when you go there, Mr. Chu."

"No! Bald Qiang wants to see me, let him come. We're in Box 0!" After saying that, Chu Yuntian walked towards Box 0.

Seeing that Chu Yuntian didn't even give Bald Qiang face, a group of playboys showed green faces. As expected of Master Chu, he is so domineering! (To be continued)