Super Dude System

Chapter 50: Prince


"Did you hear that? Let your boss come to see our Master Chu."

"So what if he is a lord of the underground world? Master Chu can meet him if he wants to, or not if he doesn't want to."

"I'm afraid only Master Chu would be the one who dares to be so disrespectful to the people of the underground world, right?"

"What's the big deal about being a local lord? As long as Master Chu is willing, he can unify the underground world in a matter of minutes."

A bunch of playboys praised Chu Yuntian. They were a little afraid of Bald Qiang at first, but now that Chu Yuntian was standing beside them, the fear in their hearts disappeared all of a sudden. Young Master Chu is so awesome, why should we be afraid of Bald Qiang? If Bald Qiang dares to cause trouble, his fate might be the same as the four awesome generals.

With confidence, the playboys raised their heads. One of them even walked forward, pushed away the thug who was delivering the message, and then walked past him.

"We won't go home until we're drunk today!"

The dandies entered the box one after another, leaving behind the gangster with a face as black as ink.

"You didn't even give face to our boss, Baldy Qiang. I want to see if you can still be so arrogant when our boss comes."

The gangster turned and walked towards another private room. There were several men in the room. They all looked ferocious and bloody. Among them, a huge bald man stood out. He wore a gold chain as thick as a thumb and had a big gold tooth in his mouth. Under the light, the gold tooth sparkled.

This person is the warlord of the underground world, Bald Qiang.

Next to Bald Qiang are several core members of the Bald Society.

"Xiao Hei, I asked you to invite Chu Yuntian, why did you come back alone?" A gangster with a cigarette in his mouth said dissatisfiedly.

The black face showed embarrassment, hesitating to speak. Seeing his appearance, the bald man forced a spit and said, "Why, Chu Yuntian doesn't want to come over?"

Not only are they unwilling to come, they don't even take you seriously. Of course, Xiao Hei didn't dare to say this in front of Bald Qiang. Others didn't know what kind of person Bald Qiang was, but he knew it too well. Many people who offended Bald Qiang were thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

"Chu Yuntian said... said..."

"What are you talking about? Just tell me now!" an impatient gangster couldn't help but yelled.

"He said if you want to see him, boss, you should go in person."


A big boss under Bald Qiang slammed the table hard and said in a cold voice: "Does Chu Yuntian think that he is invincible after defeating Fan Ju's four generals? The boss wants to meet him to flatter him. He is giving him a chance but he doesn't want to take it. What a shame. Boss, why don't we meet this guy? We will give him a good beating after he leaves Yunhai Club."

"Young people are arrogant and proud, and now that they have won a great victory, they naturally don't take me, Bald Qiang, seriously." Bald Qiang stood up from the sofa and said, "It seems that I have to go there in person today."

"Brother, do you really want to meet that Chu Yuntian in person?"

"Who the hell is Chu Yuntian? Is he worthy of my brother's condescension?"

Seeing his people indignant, Guang Tou Qiang shook his head and said, "Chu Yuntian's value is beyond your imagination. Let alone the power behind him, I must go just for his skills. If I can use him for my own benefit, I will be even more powerful. He alone can suppress Fan Ju's four great generals. With him, I can uproot Fan Ju's Si Hai Tang."

"But will he listen to Big Brother?"

"Young people are arrogant. As long as we give them a little sweetness and then paint a big pie, they will naturally be happy to work hard for us. When the fruit is ripe, we will kick them away, and the whole Guanghe City will be ours, hahahaha."

"High, really high!"

"Is this what the saying means when you sell someone out and ask them to help you count the money?"


A group of hooligans burst into laughter. The bald man waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go meet Chu Yuntian. I want to see if Chu Yuntian, who has been rumored to be so amazing recently, has three heads and six arms."

So a group of people left their own boxes and headed towards Box 0 where Chu Yuntian and others were.

"Brothers, let's toast to Master Chu together."

"Cheers to Master Chu!"

In the private room, a group of dandies picked up their glasses and drank the wine in them in one gulp. Zheng Tianqi wiped his mouth and said, "Mr. Chu, now that so many of us have united together, shouldn't we come up with a cool name?"

"I also think we should come up with a name, like Si Hai Tang, Poison Scorpion Gang, Bald Head Gang, etc., so that we can scare people when we say it out. Our name must be awesome, so that those people will tremble when they hear our name."


When they heard about the naming, all the playboys agreed with both hands, and began to brainstorm and come up with names that they thought were cool.

"What do you think of the Dandy Alliance?" Yao Yuan was the first to speak.

Tian Weixin showed a look of disdain on his face and said, "Vulgar, can you be any more vulgar? How did you come up with such a common name?"

"League of Legends!" Peng Xiaoguang said with a smile.

Zheng Tianqi rolled his eyes and said, "My brother, you think this is a game."

"Why the hell didn't I realize before that it's so difficult to come up with a cool name? Mr. Chu, why don't you pick one?" Peng Xiaoguang set his eyes on Chu Yuntian.

"Why not call them the Prince Party?"

All the dandies' eyes lit up. The word "Prince" could perfectly reflect their status. This name was both cool and pretentious. It was simply tailor-made for them.

"I knew that Young Master Chu is worth two men at once. From now on, we are called the Prince's Party, and Young Master Chu is our Prince." Tian Weixin said loudly, and everyone else nodded in agreement. Chu Yuntian was the soul figure among them, so naturally no one had any objection to him being the Prince of the Prince's Party.

"What about our names?" a dude couldn't help asking.

"This is easy. Young Master Chu is the crown prince, and we are the second crown prince, the third crown prince, and the nth crown prince."

"Then I'll just reluctantly be the second prince." Yao Yuan said shamelessly.

"What the hell? You want to be the second prince? What makes you the second prince? If anyone should be the second prince, I should be the second prince." Peng Xiaoguang said.

"I think I am also suitable to be the second prince." Zheng Tianqi said with a shy look on his face.

All of a sudden, almost all the dudes were drooling over the second prince. No wonder they wanted to be the second prince so much. Chu Yuntian was the prince, and apart from him, the second prince was the most powerful in the entire princeling party. He was the second most important person in the princeling party, so for a while everyone was arguing with each other, and the whole box was in chaos. It was so noisy that it was worse than the vegetable market on the street.

"Stop!" Tian Weixin stood on the table and said, "Who will be the second prince is not decided by us, it's decided by Master Chu. Master Chu, who do you think is suitable to be the second prince?"

Suddenly, everyone fell silent and looked at Chu Yuntian eagerly.

Chu Yuntian glared at Tian Weixin. This guy actually gave him such a hot task. Now everyone wants to be the second prince. No matter who is appointed as the second prince, others will not accept it. They have just joined together. If everyone has a gap in their hearts at the beginning, it will be very unfavorable for future development.

So, even Chu Yuntian was in a dilemma.

Seeing that Chu Yuntian didn't say anything, the whole box fell silent.

Suddenly, Chu Yuntian raised his head, and everyone's heart was lifted.

"I think there shouldn't be too many princes in the Prince Party. Just set up ten princes. In other words, besides me, there are nine more people who can be named with numbers, namely the Second Prince to the Tenth Prince. As for the others, just call them princes. What do you think?"

"This is good. Otherwise, when there are 100 people, it will be called Prince 100, which is too stupid. Master Chu, just tell me who will be the second prince."

"Any of you can, but no one of you can."

After hearing Chu Yuntian's words, everyone was confused.

"Everyone elected me as the crown prince because everyone recognized me. Then the second crown prince to the tenth crown prince must also be recognized by everyone, otherwise the others will definitely not accept it. Therefore, if you want to become the second crown prince or something like that, you must have the ability to convince everyone. Whoever has the ability will take the position."

"I agree with what Master Chu said."

"Master Chu, you are the crown prince now!"

"I agree with what the prince said."

"You should call me Master Chu normally. I think it's more intimate. As for how to show your abilities, I already have an idea. There is a piece of land in the western suburbs that belongs to your sister-in-law. Your sister-in-law spent more than 1 billion to buy this land. Now, with my efforts, your sister-in-law is willing to give out 60% of the shares to start a company with you. Now you can start raising funds, build the company, and start real estate construction. Whoever contributes the most will be the second prince, or the third prince or the fourth prince. Do you have any objections?"


"That's fair!"

"I agree."

Everyone nodded in agreement with Chu Yuntian's method, which could be said to be the fairest. Everyone was at the same starting line, and everyone had confidence in themselves. Everyone was known as a playboy, and no one thought they were worse than others. What, you said you were great, and then you can say it after you've competed.

All the playboys are ready to show their skills when the time comes.

Seeing everyone so excited, Chu Yuntian showed a bright smile on his face. In order to gain fame, it would be hard for these playboys not to work hard.

If they find out that Fan Ju, Han Tian and others are obstructing them, I wonder if they can withstand their anger. In this way, Su Wenwen's troubles will be solved unknowingly. Will she reward me with a sweet kiss out of gratitude? Chu Yuntian smiled triumphantly.

Boom boom!

There was a knock on the door outside the box. When a playboy opened the door, he saw Bald Qiang and his men standing outside. (To be continued)