Super Insight System

Chapter 11: Keep your head down and read


After reading the book for a whole morning, I decided to relax. After lunch, Li Yu went to the big market in a beast cart. That day, he made an appointment with Ning Jian, who was selling green stones, and came to the big market. Ning Jian had not yet approached. The stalls were dazzled by countless colorful lights, red, green, blue, purple, and golden.

It's so beautiful, it's all jadeite, and it's all high-quality jadeite. In order to look beautiful, Ning Jian peeled off the stone skin on the surface.

Looking at the various jadeites, Li Yu couldn't help but remember that on the earth, mutton fat white jade is also quite valuable. The earliest jade of the Chinese is white jade. He couldn't help but asked Ningjian: "Why is there no white one? By the way, you have seen it. Is it white jade like suet?"

Ning Jian stared at Li Yu before shook his head and said: "You are talking about sacred jade, yes or yes, but it is rare, and as soon as it appears, it will be collected by the Bright Church at a high price and used for carving. Idols, the carved Idols are extremely sacred. If it is a sacred jade, such a large piece would have to be sold for a thousand gold coins. In Sel City, no one dares to compete for the sacred jade with the Church of Light."

Li Yu shook his head when he heard it, not thinking about mutton fat white jade. These five jadeites of different colors were enough to make money. He took out gold coins and completed the transaction with Ning Jian.

Each of the five jadeites in this transaction is more than double the size of the last transaction, and the gold coins paid are also doubled.

Five pieces of emeralds add up to almost 100 kilograms, and Li Yu can't hold it. Fortunately, this time he was riding in the animal cart of the Magic Guild, and asked Ning Jian to help move it to the animal cart and bring it back to the Magic Guild.

In the magic guild residence, I found something to fix the five jadeites. Li Yu carried five jadeites weighing a hundred kilograms and crossed back to the earth. Most people really can’t carry it, but for Li Yu, he is used to it. He used to Carrying bags for others is not something that hasn't been carried over a hundred kilograms.

Five yuan of jade is very valuable, but it is not easy to deal with. I wanted to buy a safe, but the size of jade is too big, and it's five yuan. Normal safes can’t fit, so I just don’t install it. I just throw it in the storage room. , I took a few old clothes and covered them. I'm afraid that even a thief came in. I wouldn't believe these five stones, each of which is worth tens of millions of emeralds. Besides, he lives in a high-end villa complex. , There are security patrols around the clock, and ordinary thieves really can't get in.

After handling the jade, Li Yu remembered that he hadn't been home for many days. There was no news. The parents must be worried. They must go back and have a meal with them.

When the car drove back to the town, I saw my father playing chess with an old man next door from a distance, but my father had never played chess before. He should be a beginner. Every next step is uncertain, very fun. Mother sits. Looking at the shop in the shop, I was still picking vegetables in my hands. It seemed to be prepared for the evening. From time to time, people came to buy packs of cigarettes and bottles of water, which was not too busy.

The complexion of the parents is much better than before, but Li Yu still feels distressed when looking at their still gray heads. He wonders if there is any elixir of Gods 6 that can keep them youthful forever.

When Li Yu’s car parked at the entrance of the store, Dad’s eyes lit up, he lost the chess piece in his hand, and stood up. Regardless of the old neighbor’s yelling, he greeted him happily and smiled to help Li Yu take things. I proudly told the neighbor that his son was back, and next time I played chess, I could see that Li Yu was back and he was really happy.

My mother is even more absurd. She doesn’t look at the store anymore. She closes the door and goes to cook. The sky is big. It’s better than the son to eat the most. He didn’t come back for many days. When doing business outside, he will not eat well, and sleep well, so he has to cook something delicious. Consolation.

At the dinner table, Li Yu began to lie again: "Parents, didn’t I pick up two stones and sell them for a big price last time? I think this jadeite business is profitable, and I plan to use the money I earned to do jadeite business. I went to the south and bought some jade."

His parents were still very relieved of him, and they didn't understand the jade business. They didn't say much, they just told him to be careful when going out, because there are many bad guys outside.

After having dinner with his parents, Li Yu reluctantly left. He lived in a magic guild there, and he did not show up for a long time because he was afraid of being discovered.

Back to Chengdu, I bought some big bags of fruit juice, candies, tea, salt, seasonings, etc., returned to the Magic Guild again, and gave a gift to each of the senior members of the Magic Guild. Looking at other people’s magic books, you are not their staff, and it is necessary to build a good relationship.

Li Yu has been staying in the Magic Guild to read books, not collecting energy everywhere, but he absorbs a little bit of energy every day, because the Magic Guild has magical formations such as spirit gathering formations. The low-level auras are much richer than the outside world, just like that. Reading in the Magic Guild without moving every day, you can collect 300 points of energy.

Having collected so much skill information in the Magic Guild, and now has energy, Li Yu is not in a hurry to learn. He now wants to upgrade the system level. Only when the system level is upgraded can he perform a higher level of spiritual strengthening. , Only when his mental power is strong can he upgrade the magic core faster, learn more advanced magic, and improve his strength.

Li Yu absorbed enough energy and immediately upgraded the system, consuming a thousand points of energy.

The Wisdom Eye system is upgraded to Level 2, and the energy-absorbing roots of nothingness reach 100 meters. Theoretically, the absorption range is a thousand times the previous, and the energy absorption is a thousand times the previous one, but in fact it cannot be calculated like that, because Part of this range is under the ground, not to mention the low-level aura is limited. After absorption, it will flow from other places. Before the root was only ten meters long, he dared to let it go and suck it, now it is a hundred meters long. Li Yu didn't dare to let go and suck. If all the low-level auras in the magic guild area were absorbed, other magicians would surely discover his faults, thinking that he was here to do damage. In the end, Li Yu had to control it. About three times as much as before, one thousand points of energy are absorbed a day. This range should be within the acceptance range of magicians. The system prompts that it is also the same level when practicing advanced magic.

After being promoted to the second level, the second level spiritual enhancement is naturally necessary. The second level spiritual enhancement requires 10,000 points of energy, and it takes ten days to collect enough.

Li Yu called the system out and asked: "It only takes ten points for level o spiritual enhancement, and only one hundred points for level one spiritual enhancement. How come it costs 10,000 points to reach level two spiritual enhancement? Isn't it ten times advanced? How can it be achieved? A hundred times?"

System: "Master, O level mental enhancement is mainly to stabilize your original spirit, consume less energy naturally, and the enhancement effect is only average; in fact, level 1 spiritual enhancement is the real enhancement. Besides, you get what you pay for. When strengthening, the more energy you consume, the greater the benefit to you. If you need a thousand points of energy for the second level of mental strengthening, then the thousand points of energy will be strengthened."

It turned out to be like this. Li Yu was anxious and apologized: "Don’t, can’t I be wrong if I’m wrong? I’ll ask, if the mental strengthening of 10,000 points of energy is good, then the spiritual strengthening of 10,000 points of energy is good. Who will stop it? I use 10,000 points of energy to strengthen the spirit, who am I in a hurry."

It’s just that the system tells him a message that makes him happy and unhappy. The news is that after the system is upgraded to the second level, the system’s analytical ability is stronger. After analyzing the magic core, it can now be upgraded. The pain of going to Li Yu to practice, this news made him happy, meditation practice is very boring; but wanting to upgrade the magic core from level one to level two, the energy required is 10,000 points of energy, which makes him very unhappy. , He needs to absorb ten days of energy to absorb enough.

Of course, if you are unhappy, you can just think about it in your heart. I just heard the system say that you get what you pay for. It really becomes a magic core boost with a thousand points of energy.

If anyone knows that Li Yu is still not satisfied with the ability to upgrade the core of the first-level magic to the second-level in ten days, he will definitely rush over and beat him to death. Level), you can't cultivate the core of magic from level one to level two in your life, and you can't become a real junior magician (level two).

With strong mental power, it is natural to read books quickly. After ten days, Li Yu finished reading the ordinary books in the Magic Guild. He was leaving, because he found that it was possible for him to absorb it in the Magic Guild. More energy, but after the system was upgraded to Level 2, the Magic Guild limited the upper limit of his absorption. In the outside world, he could let go to absorb external energy. Although it could not reach the theoretical absorption rate, it could absorb 1,000 per day. Five hundred points is still possible. If you encounter a place with low-level auras, it is possible to absorb two or three thousand a day, so he is planning to leave the magic guild.

"What? Are you leaving? This... This..." When he heard that Li Yu was leaving, Hu Fa was very unwilling to give up and was very worried. Li Yu didn't know, but he knew it. During this time, there were members of the Bright Church. People are paying attention to Li Yu's movements. If it weren't for the people from the Magic Guild, they would all dare to do something with Li Yu.

"Hey... Where are you going?"

This is a very respectable old man who is very concerned about the new magician. Li Yu said his thoughts: "I am going to the Chaos City. If I have the opportunity, I will go to the Forest of Life to see it. "

"The City of Chaos has a lot of races that seek life, and almost all races that have appeared in Big Six can be seen everywhere. There are also many powerful and powerful people. It is too dangerous." Hu Fa was shocked, and they were in Sale City. It can also protect Li Yu. If he does go to the City of Chaos, in front of many powerful races, the Magic Guild will be more powerful: "Life Forest... You are going to the Elves, the Elves. Those who don't like humans, and especially hate humans who have the idea of hitting their lives. I advise you not to go. With your current cultivation base, I'm afraid it will be too bad for you."

Li Yu was a little surprised: "How do you know?" He did plan to find the spring of life, and he hoped that the spring of life would enable his parents to live younger and live longer.

Hu Fa shook his head: "Most of the humans who go to the life forest are directed at the life spring of the elves, but the life spring is not as magical as in the legend. It can only supplement vitality, but it cannot increase vitality."

"Can only add? Can't grow? What do you mean?"

"That is, if the vitality is lost due to injury, the spring of life can make up for it, but drinking the spring of life does not make people live longer. The elves can live more than a thousand years not because they drink the spring of life, but because of their race. The reason.” Hu Fa explained patiently.

Li Yu was a little frustrated. He really thought he could live a long life after drinking the life spring water. It turned out to be just the equivalent of a red blood bottle in the game.