Super Insight System

Chapter 132: Forced in


Incomplete exercises? Li Yu had an idea, turned his head and asked King Iron Fist: "Master Iron Fist, this pill requires a special alchemy technique. The special technique in this pill seems to be incomplete. If you use this incomplete technique to refine this pill , The success rate is too low.

Tie Quan heard Li Yu’s words, his face was happy. Many alchemists had seen this pill, but no one had ever asked such a question. And those alchemists had failed in refining. He looked at Li Yu’s face. Thoughtful.

When Li Yu was caught in the eyes of the Iron Fist King, the Iron Fist King said: "There are indeed a few similar alchemy recipes, but you should know that such alchemy recipes are very precious. If you need to see these alchemy recipes, you need to add them. To my Tekken Palace."

Li Yu shook his head and said, "My master asked me to travel to the spiritual realm to improve my alchemy and cultivation experience. Lingshi City is my first stop. I won't stay in one place forever, so I don't care about this alchemy. , And ask Master Iron Fist to take the things back. I can’t waste so many treasure-level medicinal materials because of my inability to use alchemy."

Tekken Wuwang's face was a little ugly: "You actually rejected me? Do you know what will happen to those who reject me?"

Li Yu felt that Tekken Wuwang's momentum was compelling, and his feet were a little soft. This was just momentum. He couldn't imagine that if Tekken Wuwang really wanted to kill him, he would be blown up. However, he felt that this Tekken Wuwang should not. Will kill him in front of so many people, but still be careful, if the situation is not right, go back to Earth immediately.

"System, can you open the space channel back to Earth now?"

System: "Yes, Master, now the system has been upgraded, and the ability to resist interference from the law is much stronger. He didn't do it immediately. The system has enough time to open the space channel."

Li Yu was relieved, and calmly looked back at King Tekken. When King Tekken saw Li Yu being so calm, he was not afraid of him at all. He couldn't help being a little annoyed. The juniors who have just been promoted to the soul do it, or do it when giving awards to others, are they shameless? But he was so angry that he gave a cold snort!


Li Yu only felt an unparalleled force hitting his internal organs, his body shook sharply, his mouth was sweet, and a mouthful of blood rushed into his mouth. Now his feet were really soft and he couldn't stand firmly. A big hand stretched out to support his arm. .

"Boy, the body is a little too bad, I have a lot of high-level medicinal materials, it is better to go back with me, I will make up for you." At this time, the Iron Fist King said with a smile on his face, hypocritically.

Li Yu really wanted to punch this nasty face, but it seemed too cheap for him. Li Yu smiled bitterly and nodded: "I want to see some other pills."

The Tekken King’s face smiled even more: "No problem, as long as you join my Tekken King’s Mansion, you can watch my favorite pill."

Looking at the jade box in Li Yu's hand, King Iron Fist said with a smile: "Let's put it away, this is a meeting gift I gave you. It will be yours personally in the future, but remember to give me three of them after finishing it."

Li Yu is also welcome. He put the jade box into the space ring and looked at the disgusting Iron Fist King, thinking about taking away all his pills and high-grade medicinal materials by then. I don’t know if he will do this. Proud, this is all forced by him, no wonder others.

Li Yu sent a letter to Jian Ji and Annie through contract induction, asking them to leave temporarily, but can’t let King Iron Fist capture them both, let them go to Tianya City, which is the nearest to Lingshi City, and find them by themselves. They, he has just learned from the system that the system needs a space beacon to open the space channel. Jian Ji and Annie have a contract with him. They can be used as space beacons by the system, so Tekken Wu wants to use it as a space beacon. His idea of being trapped somewhere is doomed to fail, and he can run away at any time.

Tekken Wuwang put away the Forbidden God Orbs and announced loudly to everyone: "Young Master Li Yu was very moved after seeing the alchemy I gave him. He is willing to join me in the Iron Fist King's Mansion and become the Alchemist Xi in the King's Mansion."

Everyone looked at Li Yu, mostly envious that Li Yu could have a good place. Only the elixir king did not believe him. When he looked at Li Yu, he saw that his face was a little pale, and he could not help but frown and said: "Iron Fist, this matter needs Young Master Li Yu himself. Say, you can’t do it for you."

He said to Li Yu again: "Young Master Li Yu, this is my Spirit Pill Academy, and there are so many seniors here. You don't have to worry about safety. No one can threaten you for things you don't want to do."

Li Yu knew that the King of Pill Pills might be kind, but King Iron Fist was too close to him. No one could stop him to kill him. He didn't want to bet on his own life. He died. These seniors really Are you willing to avenge him and fight against the King of Iron Fist? Besides, he also had a plan in his heart, so he smiled and bowed to the elixir king to express his gratitude: "Thank you, Senior Pill King, Senior Iron Fist has collected a lot of pill recipes, I've long wanted to list it soon! "

Li Yu’s words made many alchemists sigh, and they all felt that Li Yu should be an alchemist who sincerely pursued alchemy and the secrets of alchemy. He was willing to join the palace for the alchemy and alchemy collection of King Iron Fist. Well, this is actually the case. Spiritual realm is not uncommon, many people want to join the palace, but they don't want it. The Iron Fist King is the top king of Lingshi City, and it is not a shame to devote himself to his palace.

Only the elixir king regrets it. She always thought that Li Yu had a master and had an excellent background, and would not join other forces. If Li Yu was so good at speaking and really willing to join a certain force, they would have alchemy and alchemy. Fang is not more than Iron Fist King’s Mansion, he has long brought Li Yu under his banner, and their Pill Dingzong will have another genius alchemist, but now, the Iron Fist King has already taken action, and they are not good at this time. , Can only regret secretly.

Tekken Wuwang saw the elixir of pill King's depravity, and he was very proud. He only used a few small means to make this boy who has never seen the world be obedient. It really needs experience. Fortunately, this boy hasn't experienced it yet, otherwise. This trick is not easy to use, haha...

Li Yu also honestly followed Tekken Wu as a good baby. On the way back to the palace, Tekken Wu told Li Yu that although there are five kings in Lingshi City, he is the strongest. If the other four are only better than Xiu base, there is no One is comparable to him, and one team is not necessarily his opponent, so his palace is in the center of Lingshi City, while the palaces of the other great kings are indeed close to the city gate.

Li Yu secretly vomited, is that really the case? People’s elixir pill king is a pill alchemist, Ruthless King is a mage, Lengqiangwu King is a master of spears, and there is a magic fairy formation king who is a master of formations. Do you want others to compete with you? Naturally, they can't compare; if they let you compare alchemy, spells, marksmanship, and formations! (To be continued.)