Super Insight System

Chapter 143: Fool beauties


Li Yu was not anxious to ask Xiao Chun'er to go to bed for the first time. From now on, Xiao Chun'er is more obedient and capable. Only after checking her information through the system, she has no bad thoughts, but I was hiding something from myself and didn't tell the truth in front of myself.

Xiao Chuner naturally felt that Li Yu didn’t trust her that much, and she didn’t know what went wrong, although everyone in the Li Mansion (Li Yu’s house) knew that Li Yu had three concubines, Jian Ji , Annie, and Xiao Chun'er, but in fact, none of the three concubines have any paperwork in Tianya City, so Xiao Chun'er is actually a free body.

Li Yu doesn’t know what paperwork is needed to marry a concubine. Xiaoqier thinks Li Yu knows, but doesn’t want to do it for the time being, so this matter has been put on hold, but although there is no paperwork, Xiaoqier’s treatment is still good. Li Yu gave her The power is still great. All households in the Fuzhong are kept by her, and she is also given a thousand spiritual stones per month. So Xiaochun'er is still very touched, but she heard that it is the city lord’s concubine for a month. There is only a thousand spiritual stones for money.

Xiao Jinger has it, and Sword Fairy and Annie, who have been following him, naturally have them, and Li Yu secretly gave them a lot of pills to improve their cultivation level earlier, because Li Yuxian, Xiao Jinger is in the middle stage of the Primordial God Realm. , Is the person with the highest cultivation base in his mansion. Of course, Li Yu thinks that although her cultivation base is the highest, but really fighting, Jian Ji and Annie should be much better than her. She has no combat skills at all, and can hardly fight. .

The reason why Li Yu felt that Xiao Chun'er had something to conceal was because her cultivation base was high, and her cultivation technique was not bad. It was actually a prefecture-level medium-grade technique, which was not something ordinary people could practice.

There is one more thing, Li Yu also knew that Xiao Chin'er was only sixteen years old, which made Li Yu a little bit unbelievable. Although Shang Chin'er looks very young, but this figure is very good, how could it be possible? Sixteen years old? Is this also because of the strong spiritual energy of the spiritual realm, and Mimi and butt are also soaked in the strong spiritual energy

Stayed in Li Mansion comfortably for two days. Li Yu returned to Earth alone, and has not returned to Earth for several months. Li Yu decided to tell his family something this time, in order to pursue eternal life and the pursuit of life evolution. He may stay in the spiritual realm for a long time. If he can't get in touch, his family will be very worried. If he let them know something, it should be better.

Of course, you can’t talk about the Wisdom Eye system. It can be said that you followed your master into the mountain to practice. As for where the mountain gate is, it’s the secret of the master’s gate, and no one can tell.

Sure enough, when he returned home, his parents complained for a while.

"Xiaoyu, why don't you come back for so long, and don't make a phone call..."

"Xiaoyu, you don't forget your mother if you have a daughter-in-law, do you?"

"I forgot my sister!"

"Forget about brother!"

The younger brothers and sisters also came to join in the fun. Li Yu smiled bitterly. It seems that he decided to tell them something is correct, or else he really thought he had forgotten his family.

"I just practiced with Master. I was practicing in retreat during this period, so I couldn't come back and couldn't make phone calls."

"Cultivation?" You look at me as a family, and when I look at you, you all think you have misheard.

Cast two small spells, doubled his tongue, and finally convinced his family members to believe his words, and then Li Yu laid down the formation, and transformed many spirit stones to enrich the aura in the formation, and used the system to improve the cultivation of his family. They were all promoted to the innate realm, taught them the cultivation method, and gave them some spiritual stones and pills for cultivation.

Although the cultivation base of the Innate Realm is not that high, but after reaching the Innate Realm, it is indeed able to survive all diseases and a hundred evils. Well, maybe it's not so magical, but it's not much worse.

After staying at home for two days, Li Yu left. Apart from his parents, no one knew that he had come back.


Li Mansion in Tianya City knew that Li Yu was practicing in retreat and didn't need to wait in front of Li Yu. Xiao Chun'er also idled down, took out the spirit stones from the space ring and counted them, and sighed.

"There are only one thousand spiritual stones, which is still a lot worse. A normal-quality distraction-level compound god pill needs one hundred thousand spiritual stones. Get close to me, or if you serve him well, you will surely give you more spirit stones."

Thinking of this, Xiao Chun'er blushed, "... It seems that I can only buy a normal-quality primordial god-level compound god pill first, and give it to my sister to try."


In the slum area of the east of the city, two wretched men were looking inward from a dilapidated small courtyard.

"Monkey, the beauty you said lives here?"

"Absolutely right, I accidentally discovered that the last time I passed here, her mind was silly, but it was too beautiful, but there were so many people here, there was no chance to start, today the demon hunting group here is back, everyone We have all gone to the Headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group before we have a chance to start."

"Hey, it's coming out... It's so beautiful!"

I saw the door of a room opened, and a stunning woman with plain clothes and blank eyes came out, looking around like a child, seeing no one, could not help but pouting: "Little girl is not there, and Xiao Dong is not there, either. No one plays with me... I play by myself..."

The stunning woman walked to the center of the yard and sat on the ground, playing with the mud

"Unfortunately, a fool!" The two wretched men outside the courtyard sighed.

"If it wasn't for a fool, would you take our chance to start?"

"Yes! Hey..."

"Hey shit, go, go in together, take her back and play slowly."

"Okay, I'm drooling thinking about it... It's so beautiful..."

The two went over the wall and entered the small yard. The stunning woman turned her head and asked stupidly: "Who are you? Did Xiaoya and Xiaodong call you?"

The two wretched men were startled, their eyes rolled, and said, "Yes, Xiaoya and Xiaodong asked us to play with you. Look, there is a pocket here. Go in. We will bring it later. You go find Xiaoya and Xiaodong."

The stunning woman looked at the open pockets of the wretched man and nodded fiercely: "Okay, I'll get in, you take me to find Xiaoya and Xiaodong..."

After the stunning woman got into her pocket, the two wretched men smiled at each other.

"Hurry up," the stunning woman in her pocket urged.

"Let's go." The two wretched men didn't expect it to go so smoothly. They carried their pockets and walked out. They were about to walk out of the slum, but they encountered an accident.

"Hurry up and let me down, Xiao Chun'er is back, I want to play with Xiao Chun'er." The stunning woman who had been quiet in her pocket suddenly shouted.

The two wretched men who thought it went smoothly turned pale. Seeing that the stunning woman was so obedient, the two went into their pockets, so they forgot to plug her mouth. What's more, how did the stunning woman know what a child was? Where is Chin? It's terrible to make a sound at this time. (To be continued.)