Super Insight System

Chapter 15: Low energy source


It was an old male magician who was talking, looking at his old face and those bright eyes that were inconsistent with his appearance. It seemed to penetrate people's hearts and made people afraid to look at him. He was indeed the president. Li Yu was shocked by what he said, but he also knew that what he was saying was the truth. After a little consideration, President Li Yuchong nodded and said: "I accept the second option, but I hope it is two springs of life. ,is it okay?"

Hearing Li Yu's choice, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. It was the stakes that made them compelled to do so, and they were all respected masters, and they were unwilling to force a guild's little magician.

President Roger said with a smile on his face: "Okay! We will give you two springs of life, and other conditions remain the same."

As he said, he took out a ring and handed it to Li Yu: "This is a good space ring. It contains magic equipment for you, a magic card of 10 million gold coins, and some magic crystals and magic cores. The guild’s library management is also open to you, and you have the right to read some magic books. If you have any problems with your practice, you can also ask some of our old guys for advice."

Although I haven't seen the contents except for the space ring, Li Yu is already excited by the space ring alone. This is a legendary equipment. It only uses a simple salt-making technique in exchange for so many things.

Seeing that Li Yu took over the space ring, the president Roger said again: "Promise that your salt farm has not been built yet, and the spring of life will be given to you."

Don’t worry about the next thing Li Yu. After Li Yu returned to the lounge, he immediately began to recognize the Lord with the Space Ring. The magic preparation to recognize the Lord is not to recognize the Lord with a drop of blood, but to use mental power to leave a spirit in the Space Ring. Mark, other people will not be able to open this spatial ring in the future.

This spatial ring looks white and shiny like a platinum ring, with mysterious magic runes engraved on it. The style looks a bit like the Lord of the Rings in the movie. This is good, at least after returning to the earth, people will not feel it when they see it. weird.

After Li Yu puts on the space ring, he can sense the storage space in the ring. It is a space of ten meters in length, width and height. This space can also be adjusted with mental power. These are not what he cares about for the time being, so The large space is enough for him to store many things. What he cares most about at this time is the magic equipment stored in it. Up to now, he hasn't had a magic equipment, um, except for the space ring he just got.

The magic equipment is a wand and a magic robe, both of the light type. It seems that Melaqi told them that he is of the light type. As for the level, Li Yu's strength is too weak and the identification skills cannot be identified. It seems that they should be both. advanced.

The magic robe is pure white. It is a set of advanced luminous wizard robes of the magic guild. Generally speaking, only a powerful luminous wizard can afford to wear it. After putting on the magic robe, I immediately feel that I am much safer. There is also light magic. The elements seemed to be more active, and at the same time a magic appeared in his mind.

This is the magic robe with its own magic, the protection of the sixth-level defensive magic light shield is 1/1. For Li Yu, who has no defensive means, simplicity is too important. It can be preserved at critical moments. The sixth-level light shield is ordinary. Seven-level attack magic can also defend a few. With a sixth-level defensive magic, then this magic robe should be a sixth-level.

Then there is the magic wand. The wand is one meter long and has a crystal ball with milky white light on the top. After taking it, Li Yu also feels that his magic power is more controlled, and the magic is less mana, and there should be a little magic increase effect. , The wand also comes with a magic, which is the seventh-level great healing technique 1/1. As long as the people who are not dead can heal, it is also a life-saving magic. This is a seven-level magic wand, and the guild is so generous.

Both equipment comes with magic that is very practical, but unfortunately it can only be used once. After using it, you need to return to the magic. The recovery time is 24 hours. This means that if you return to the earth in the environment of the gods, the low Reiki is thin and may take longer.

As for the gold coin magic card, it is nothing to see. Like a bank card, it is a magic bank jointly opened by several major guilds. With this card, you can withdraw 10 million gold coins.

Li Yu hasn’t seen magic crystals and magic cores yet, so he took them out and took a look. The magic crystals are the size of a thumb. They are multi-faceted crystals, very similar to natural gemstones. They are also milky white. There are three types of magic cores: large, medium and small. , The size of a small pinky, the size of a medium quail egg, and the size of a large table tennis ball are also milky white, all of which are bright.

Li Yugang took out the magic crystal and the magic core, and a systematic voice came from his head: "Master, there is a low-level energy source, do you absorb it?"

"Low-level energy source? Is it the magic crystal or the magic core?" Li Yu immediately reacted. This low-level energy source refers to the thing in his hand and asked quickly.

"Master, Demon Crystal and Demon Core are both low-margin energy sources, and can be absorbed by the system, but only the master's contact can be absorbed."

Li Yu looked at the magic crystals and magic cores in his hand. There were more magic crystals, twenty, and fewer magic cores, only ten. After thinking about it, he picked up a magic crystal and let the system absorb it.

"Starting to absorb... one magic crystal has a total of ten thousand energy."

Unexpectedly, a magic crystal would have 10,000 points of energy, which is really good. Twenty here are 200,000 energy, but Li Yu was not in a hurry to absorb it all, and picked up a little finger-sized magic core for the system to absorb.

"Begin to absorb... a magic core nine thousand nine hundred and twenty one energy."

Li Yu also did not expect that this magic core smaller than the magic crystal was actually similar to the energy contained in the magic crystal. There were five magic cores of this kind, which could provide almost 50,000 points of energy.

Next, test the magic core the size of a quail egg.

"Starting to absorb... 98,990 points of energy from a magic core."

Unexpectedly, this contains more energy, almost one hundred thousand. There are four such magic cores, which can absorb almost four hundred thousand energy.

Finally, there is a table tennis ball the size of which Li Yu did not continue to test. The largest one has the highest grade and must be very rare. It is a pity to absorb it.

By the way, the appraisal technique, the appraisal of magic equipment just failed, was because the level of magic equipment was too high, but there shouldn't be a problem with appraisal of this magic core magic crystal.

Identification... The magic crystal is a low-level magic crystal. The smallest magic core is a third-level magic core. The size of a quail egg is a fourth-level magic core. The size of a table tennis ball cannot be identified, but it can be inferred that it should be a fifth-level magic core. The appraisal technique can only appraise items with three levels of mental strength.

After thinking about it, Li Yu put away the magic core the size of a ping-pong ball, two magic crystals also put away, and then all the others were absorbed.

The energy stored in the system rose swiftly, Li Yu smiled, and finally harvested a total of 610,000 energy.

The energy absorbed some time ago has been strengthened in the second-level spirit. Now that he has the energy, the first thing Li Yu does is to upgrade. First, he upgrades the light magic core to the second-level, which consumes 10,000 energy; and raises the system to three. Level 3, consumes 10,000 energy; followed by the third level of mental enhancement, consumes 100,000 energy, and then... During the process of mental enhancement, sleeps over... After waking up... The light magic core rises to level 3, consumes 100,000 energy; think about it , Simply upgrade the system to level 4, the roots are longer, can absorb more energy, and consume 100,000 energy.

These upgrades cost a total of 320,000 energy, and 290,000 energy is left, which is enough to learn magic.

The first-level light technique and illumination technique each have 100 energy. These two magics are not practical and can't be learned. Their upgrade magic is very useful. If you don't learn them, you can't learn their upgrade magic.

The second-level blessing, healing, flashing, light ball, healing spells, as well as the hand of the general magic mage and the touch of the mage. The energy consumed by each magic is different. Flash and two general magics require only one thousand energy each, and light orb consumes two thousand energy, while blessing, healing, and healing spells each require five thousand points of energy.

Next comes the three levels of magic, real eyes, healing, healing diseases, and spiritual comfort. These four magics each require 50,000 energy.

Well, after some use, plus the original energy, there is only 70,000 energy left. It turned out that tens of thousands of energy was quite a lot, but now it is only enough to learn a third-level magic.

Li Yu calculated it in the bottom of his heart. According to such a tenfold increase, if it reaches level 9, the system upgrade will require tens of billions of energy. The energy needed for spiritual strengthening and magic core is even more terrifying, and each needs 100 billion of energy, my Oh my god, I don’t know, I was shocked, where would I find so much energy? I wonder if it is enough to kill all the monsters in this world

Uh, maybe this is a way. When you are at a high level, you can kill Beasts. Right now, you are an intermediate magician. Don't worry.

"Is Master Li Yu here? President Roger invites you to see him." Li Yu was about to try his newly learned magic, and a young female voice rang outside the door.

"Yes! I'll be here soon." Li Yu replied, without preparing, just sorted out the magic robe on his body and walked out.

Outside the door is a beautiful girl, wearing a blue magic robe with a magic apprentice badge pinned on her chest. Although Li Yu wears a high-level magic robe, her chest is the same as others, with a magic apprentice badge. Some want to go to the intermediate level. The magician level badge, but after thinking about it, forget it. He can hide his own magic fluctuations. With the apprentice badge hanging on, it is not so noticeable. If it is really dangerous, it will be easy for him to suddenly display the strength of an intermediate magician. Hit the enemy by surprise.

Following the girl to a quaint house, the girl stopped and could no longer move forward. Two wizards (level 7) guarded her in front of the door.

Before the girl spoke, she heard Roger's voice from the house: "Li Yu, come in."

The girl looked at Li Yu enviously, then turned around wisely and left. The two guards also gave way. Li Yu followed the way and walked in.

After entering, Li Yu found out that this does not seem to be Roger’s office, but a place similar to a treasure house. There are a lot of display racks in the house on which are placed various powerful and mysterious objects, such displays. There was more than one frame, and Li Yu didn't dare to look at it more, because he could not help but take a few.

The house should have a magical isolation formation. When it is outside, the system cannot sense the situation in the house. After he enters, the system keeps reminding him that there is a large amount of energy source, whether to absorb it, and there is still an intermediate energy source. , Li Yu almost ordered the absorption at that time! But thinking that there is another president who can kill him with just a finger, Li Yu didn't dare to move.

However, Li Yu ordered the absorption to absorb only a little dissipated energy, and the energy source can only be absorbed by contact.