Super Insight System

Chapter 160: Desperate


After chatting for a while, everyone shut up. It’s not that Li Yu doesn’t want to continue talking, but Li Yu doesn’t want to interfere with Master Lingyan (Yunxiang) driving the painting boat. The lives of so many people are in her hands. If she drives the painting boat to I’ve gone to the extraterrestrial demon camp. Let’s finish the game together... Well, Li Yu will never finish it. It’s really dangerous. He can take someone with whom he has a contract and go back to the earth to hide. At most, he won’t come. The domain is enough, but what about the others? Among these people are his honourable concubine, the maid, and the master Yunxiang Lingyan who has always taken care of him.

After Huafang flew into the sky, Li Yuxian, it seemed that not only they were preparing to break through, there were also many flying boats, painting boats, and warships in the city. They should be people from other forces. They had a tacit understanding. All the fleets that were ready to break through. Keep a short distance, keep the same direction, organize into a larger fleet, put the painting boats and flying boats in the middle, and place the warships on the periphery. Someone should be in unified command.

Seeing everyone doing this, Li Yu thought to himself that human beings are still relatively united at a critical moment... Well, this unity has to be discounted, at least for the humans in the city who are unable to leave together, they are not united.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in this city, right? All Li Yu could do was to pray for them. He was just a low hand in the Primordial Divine Realm, and he couldn't help a little when he went back. He was not great enough to go back and fight with those human beings against the demon of the outside world.

Alas, if you care about what those people are doing, you should care about whether you can escape.

"Breaking south..."

All the warships in the sky turned suddenly and rushed towards the south that no one had expected. Many of the masters of the combined realm who had prepared for a long time also used their most powerful moves at this moment, and the warships also released the most powerful. Firepower, countless huge shadows of fists, sword qi, and spear light gathered into a torrent. Under this powerful offensive, the southern celestial demons and their warships were instantly smashed into pieces, a little weaker, directly Turned into nothingness.

Li Yu was also taken aback by the powerful offensive power of the human experts. Although Tianya City could not be defended, there were many experts among human beings.

This is also true. If humans really didn't have a master, Tianya City would have been broken long ago, at least when Li Yu and the others left, they didn't see an extraterritorial celestial demon rushing into the city. There may not be so many masters in a city itself, but some time ago, Tianya City had a lot of Demon Slayers.

"The Lord of the City is really strategizing. I am afraid that the demons never thought that we would break through from the south." Seeing that they easily broke through the interception of the outer demons, Yun Xiang was no longer nervous, and while talking, he controlled the flying boat and followed. The large force flew to the south.

Li Yu was not optimistic. Just now he could see that the torrent of human masters' attacks had defeated the extraterritorial celestial demons intercepted in the south, but the real ones were all small shrimps, and the masters had not lost much. At least he saw ten ships. One of the tortoise ships was destroyed, the others were just knocked off and were not broken, and the demon master inside should not die.

Next, it depends on what the extraterritorial demon think, whether they want to kill humans, or just want to occupy the territory, but it is certain that chasing is indispensable, it just depends on the number of extraterritorial demon chasing. How many masters are there.

The outer demons were also anxious at this time. Seeing a torrential attack from a strong human, they killed the demons in the south to seven or eight. At this moment, he was excited and ordered the whole army to chase and kill the human beings who broke through. Only when these human powers were completely wiped out could he solve his hatred.

As for the humans in the city, he also thought about them, those are just ordinary humans, no matter how much it is to kill, as long as these strong humans are killed, these ordinary people can't kill them anyway, and they can't escape their palms.

But what he didn't expect was that the extraterrestrial demons chased the strong man who broke out of the human race, and released the encirclement of Tianya City. The four gates of Tianya City were immediately opened. Humans fled in all directions. The humans in the city knew that the strong men were Escape, human beings are defeated, they can’t hold on anymore. One that can escape is a spiritual realm or a human’s spiritual realm. As long as you escape from the city and find a place to hide, maybe the strong humans will fight again after a while. return.

The human powerhouses who broke through at this time were also a little shocked. They didn't expect that the extraterritorial demon would be chased by the whole army, and the extraterritorial demon would come up from the magic star and ride on all warships. It can be said that they are all air forces, and humans. , It is a miscellaneous army, flying boats, painted boats, and warships.

Fortunately, those who can take flying boats, painting boats and warships out of the human race account for at least 90% of the strong, masters and elites. Therefore, in order to save their lives, these people have a lot of tricks and know how to make formations. It will set up formations in the back, although it can’t be said that all of them work, it can always make some of the heavenly demon’s spacecraft fly... When they fly, they lose their way, and then collide with the later spacecraft; then there are those who can refine alchemy, leave them behind. Some pills that explode will also destroy some flying ships. This kind of pill Li Yu will also refine it. It is called Thunder Fire Pill. In fact, Li Yu thinks that this kind of pill should be included in the refiner. It might be more appropriate. .

Si Mu couldn't sit still, and shot a few arrows. She used to be the best at Windbreak. The arrows were silent and fast. Often the enemy found that she had already hit the arrows when she shot them; and now she has more arrows. A kind of archery, called the radiance of light, shoots an arrow, and the arrow shines on the entire sky. The speed is not as fast as the wind, nor is it hidden. The demons felt terrified for no reason. Who made them a dark attribute, and happened to be restrained by the light.

A ray of light shot a battleship of the Heavenly Demon General class, the arrow shot into the ship, the battleship halted, and then blasted into pieces, shocking everyone, all wondering what kind of arrow it was. ? So powerful

Si Mu had to stop after shooting more than a dozen arrows. The Radiance was powerful, but it was too expensive. She could not continue shooting. Ten general-class warships were exploded by her, but for thousands of warships In other words, these dozen ships are just a small piece of data, and she can't change the entire battle.

The collar of the alien demon is also a ruthless man... Ruthless demon, blocked by various human means, made him angry and ordered to pursue all the losses regardless of loss. Although he does not count the casualties, he knows better that it is impossible for a strong human being to go south, and further south is the demon realm. Humans dare to enter an absolute dead end. If humans do enter the demon realm, he would be very happy to watch it. Arrived.

However, human beings have been turning to the west after exiting the south gate of Tianya City, so it is certain that human beings did not intend to enter the demon realm, so as long as they chase all the way, they will always be able to catch up with human beings, then hehe...

A towering mountain peak appeared in front of everyone, and despair appeared in front of everyone, because everyone knew that this mountain was the dividing line between humans and monsters. If a small number of humans entered, the monsters would not care. Now With so many people entering, the Monster Race will definitely take action. The Monster Race does not matter whether there are chasing soldiers behind the humans. They admit death. As long as they dare to enter, they are their enemies. Therefore, the humans dare not get the permission of the Monster Race. Enter under.


A human force gave a weird order. Li Yu felt a little unbelievable when he heard the order, but when he stopped, he saw that many human masters had begun to get busy, and built one in a very short time. Temporary camp, and this camp also has a defensive array mask. The celestial demon tortoise ship rushing in the front tried to attack. The mask was easily blocked. There were no waves at all, which made people feel at ease, but smart. Everyone knows that this defense is probably not as strong as it looks. If it can really defend against the demon, humans will not have to fill the city and flee.

The mankind sent some people into the demon realm and asked the demon clan to take action, and the more powerful would be responsible for defending in the camp, and if they had the opportunity, they could also counterattack. (To be continued.)