Super Insight System

Chapter 176: Six or nine days of calamity


The literal meaning of Du Erdan is the medicine that can help people through the adversity. In addition to increasing awareness and strengthening the physical fitness, it can also provide a powerful medicinal power to allow the monks to survive the adversity at critical moments.

Lei Ming felt deeply at this moment. More than twenty trans-Edan swallowed into his belly. No matter how strong he was attacked by thunder, as long as he did not die, he would be able to resurrect with full blood in the shortest time, and be full of power again. Let him have the confidence to deal with the next robbery.

Taking advantage of the space of the robbery thunder, Leiming glanced at Li Yu floating on the edge of the robbery cloud. Although Li Yu was not under the robbery cloud at this time, he was not far from the robbery cloud. It was a very dangerous distance. This made him I am very moved. I have such a friend in my life... Brother, it's worth death! No... I can't die, I can't let him down, I must make it through.

There are many kinds of sky thunder, including the sky thunder that is usually rainy, the sky thunder of the cultivator at this time, and it is said that there is also the sky thunder that is designed to punish bad people.

The type of sky thunder is different, and the nature of sky thunder is also different. The ordinary sky thunder has natural destruction and vitality. Although it is terrible, it has powerful destructive power and is not aimed at the target. As long as it does not seek death by itself, it is not too dangerous. Sex; the sky thunder of the cultivator's robbery is equivalent to a kind of assessment, a kind of assessment of the monk's evolution. The sky thunder carries the laws of the sky, and the understanding of the sky is not enough, and if you can't understand the sky, you can't survive it. Heavenly Tribulation, death and elimination, or relying on strong strength to overcome the Heavenly Tribulation, successfully evolve, or, from the Heavenly Tribulation, to gain a great understanding of the Heavenly Dao, you can easily survive the Heavenly Tribulation, but also for the future His cultivation paved the way; as for the last kind of scourge, it was a punishment from the heavens, and it was almost endless, unless he could hide in a place where the heavens could not be sensed, or shield the senses of the heavens with treasures.

For the monks, the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder is dangerous, but it is also an opportunity. They are afraid of the Heavenly Tribulation and look forward to the arrival of the Heavenly Tribulation.

Li Yu didn’t care about the heavenly calamity or the heavenly calamity at this time. His mind was full of the changing laws of the thunder thunder. He kept learning and comprehending, and compared with the law of sun thunder he had felt before, it was the law of thunder. It is the law of heavenly thunder and the law of thunder of three suns. Although the levels are different, there are similarities. Unknowingly, the law of thunder that Li Yu masters has essentially changed.

"This is the forty-fifth thunder thunder, and there are nine thunder thunder..." Once again, he was struck on the ground by the thunder thunder. , Xun quickly took out forty-eight Duerdan from the space ring, swallowed it in one bite, full of confidence in his heart, what about Jie Lei, as long as he has Du Erdan, all Jie Thunder will be clouds!

Ouch... Too proud, too big to move, tugged the muscles that were scorched by the robbery thunder, cracked a big gap, and the pain made him grin straight. Fortunately, he quickly passed the power of Erdan and dispersed in his body. , The wound soon recovered, let him breathe a sigh of relief.

'boom! '

The robbery thunderbolt directly like an electric pillar laser, directly impacting the thunder that just got up, thunder did not have any resistance, and was directly hit by the thunderbolt into the rock, leaving only a scorched bird-shaped stone pit.

"Ah!... Too... But... I'm afraid...!" The two demon kings who were onlookers in the distance were so scared that their faces were suddenly scared. They will also go on such a encounter in the future. They think it is impossible for them to withstand such a robbery. They can't afford to weaken 90%.

After swallowing hard, Xiao Feng trembled: "You Shui, Brother Lei... He... He..."

You Shui also trembled: "Brother Lei shouldn't be able to bear it... this... this robbery... is terrible!"

After a while, the two big demon kings slowly calmed down, and their brains resumed functioning. Xiao Feng looked at the robbery clouds that were still piled up in the sky, as if something was still brewing, and said thoughtfully:" Big Brother Lei shouldn't die yet, or the robbery cloud should disperse, can't the robbery still whip the corpse, right?"

"Well, yes, it's great that Brother Lei is not dead yet!" There was a happy expression on You Shui's face. Everyone is the Demon King. The friendship for thousands of years is still a bit of brotherhood. He also hopes that his eldest brother can Overcome the catastrophe.

Lei Ming raised his head from the stone pit with difficulty, glanced at the robbery cloud in the sky, his scorched face showed a tough expression, and the power of the piercing pill was running in the body, repairing the injury, and the demon power in the body was gathered, ready to deal with the next thunder. .

Li Yu’s enlightenment is fully opened at this time. He has realized that the thunderous tribulation is the six or nine tribulations. The first five waves of this tribulation are just a warm-up, so that those who should be familiar with the tribulation, the sixth wave is the decision. The key to life and death is to look at the remaining nine ways of life or death... It should be the last eight thunders. Thunder can survive the first thunder of the sixth wave. As long as you make good use of crossing Erdan, the remaining eight questions are not. Great, but it shouldn’t be easy.

Li Yu has no time to care about how thunder has survived the last eight waves of thunder. This last wave is very different from the first five waves of thunder. The law of sky thunder is more complete. Li Yu has a hunch that he will gain something, and he is full of heart. Watching Jie Lei...

Ordinary lightning has the characteristics of ordinary current conduction. The conduction process is not linear, especially in the air. There will be a lot of loss in conduction. Not only will the power of thunder and lightning be much weaker, but also the strong impact will be less. The six waves of thunder and lightning have changed his understanding of thunder and lightning. The thunder and thunder strikes the target like a thunder and lightning laser. The loss is reduced, the degree is faster, the power of thunder and lightning is more concentrated, and it also carries an unmatched impact... The sound is only a'boom', instead of a series of'cracking' like before, which is more powerful.

'boom! '

Under another thunder strike, Thunder was blasted into the stone pit again, and the stone pit was hit deeper by him, and many cracks appeared on the edge of the stone pit.

"Jie Yun hasn't dispersed, Big Brother hasn't died!"

With the previous experience, the two great demon kings were no longer as frightened as they were just now. Thunder was hit into the stone pit. They could not see, but they could see the robbery cloud in the sky. If the robbery cloud did not disperse, the thundering naturally did not die. .

'boom! '

"Big Brother is not dead!"

'boom! '

"Big Brother is not dead yet!"

'boom! '

"Big Brother has passed it again!"

'boom! '

"Big brother is too good! You see that the top of the hill was smashed by the thunder to a floor, but it's all right."

'boom! '

"This seventh thunder robbery!"

'boom! '

"Big Brother must hold on, victory is here!" The two big demon kings squeezed their hands tightly, praying to the demon gods they never believed in in their hearts.

The last Jie Lei refused for a long time, and gathered more and more, climbing out of the stone pit with difficulty, thundering looked at the still condensing Jie Yun above his head, full of bitterness, eight Tribulation Thunder beat one, and the eighth Tribulation Thunder time. , He found that the medicinal power of crossing Erdan is also not rooted. It is not that the medicinal power is not enough, but the body and soul that have been destroyed by the thunder. After several restorations of the medicinal power of the transition, it seems that it has become resistant to the drug. , The later the treatment effect is weaker, the recovery is slower, the powerful medicinal power nourishes the body, but the body recovers less than half!

Fight! If you don’t work hard, you can’t do it. It’s the last one for life or death, gritted teeth, endured the pain, desperately running the little demon power, running through the oedan medicinal power, and staring at the tribulation brewing in the cloud. Thunder.

The robbery seems to be brewing, and it is about to be lowered, but he has only recovered half of it... Hey, how can the robbery thunder brewed by the robbery cloud be taken away? (To be continued.)