Super Insight System

Chapter 198: The enemy is sent to the door


Looking at the eternal flower in the tray, Li Yujiu sighed for a long time: "I like the gift from City Lord Ma, but unfortunately I don't have two medicines. I can't make this treasure into a medicine.

Ma Mingcheng was very satisfied, she gave the right gift, or she wouldn't be so excited, so she smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Grandmaster Li Yu is still young now, so he can definitely collect these two secret pills."

Ma Mingcheng has the eternal flower in his hands, and naturally he has also investigated the usefulness of the eternal flower, but he only found one kind of secret pill prescription. At this time, he heard Li Yu say that two pill prescriptions could be used, and he was taken aback for a while. I believe it, Li Yu is an alchemist, and he knows more about pill medicine than he is a layman.

"The third gift..." Ma Mingcheng paused on purpose. Everyone was surprised. There were obviously only two maids holding two gifts. Where is the third one? Could it be that these two beautiful maids, the guests all looked at Li Yu with ambiguous eyes.



Jian Ji and Annie both snorted coldly. They didn't learn the pinch skills of most shrews, but it didn't mean that they would not be angry or snorted to Li Yu.

Li Yu glanced at the two maids. They were pretty, but they were not as good as the four women around him. At this time, the two maids were flushed and looked at Li Yu with expectation. They knew that Li Yu was the master. Grade alchemist, he is so young and handsome, he seems to be good to the women around him, if he can follow Li Yu, he is much better than being a maid now.

Ma Mingcheng never said what the third gift was. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps from the entrance of the hall. Only four soldiers came in with two prisoners wearing forbidden torture equipment. Everyone was taken aback. There was a banquet here. It's not the trial hall. Why did you bring the prisoner here

"My Lord of the City, the prisoners Qian Ke and Luo Wanjun are here!" A soldier reported loudly to Ma Mingcheng.

Hearing these two names, Li Yu fiercely raised his head. A closer look really turned out to be Qian Ke and Luo Wanjun. Qian Ke and Luo Wanjun were from Yanluo. Ma Mingcheng was the city lord of the ** Xiangguo Slaying Demons City, and he only found out that he was a master today. Grade alchemist, when did he arrest these two enemies

Ma Mingcheng was very proud. Seeing Li Yu’s doubts, he smiled and explained: “The two of them are going to frame Grandmaster Li Yu. They were discovered by the senior officials of Yanluo State. They were issued a wanted order. Someone told them to escape from Yanluo State. When we came to the city of Slashing Demons, we knew that the two of them had killed Grandmaster Li Yu. How could such a scum allow them to enter the country, how could it be possible to let them go to harm others, so we sent a master to catch the two, Grandmaster Li Yu, you How to deal with these two scums? It's all up to you."

"Grandmaster Li Yu, please spare your life! It's Qian Ke who is going to kill you..." After Luo Wanjun set up a trap under the Sky Demon Ridge and caught Qian Ke last time, he was about to go back to hand over the order, but he didn't want a message from a cronies in the city. , The city actually issued a wanted order for him and Qian Ke. He never figured out what was going on, and finally thought it was Niu Dali who framed him. Only then did he vaguely understand that the problem was not with Niu Dali, but with Niu Dali. On Li Yu who was framed by him, his feet softened and knelt down towards Li Yu.

"Grandmaster Li Yu is forgiving... It's Luo Wanjun. I just asked him to make things difficult for you. Who knew he would frame you..." Qian Ke was also frightened and knelt on the ground. He never thought that Li Yu was actually a grandmaster. Level alchemist, I knew that Li Yu was a grandmaster level. I didn’t dare to let Luo Wanjun deal with Li Yu to vent his anger by giving him a hundred courage. Framed a grandmaster level alchemist in Yanluo Kingdom was also a capital crime, let alone more. In order to attach importance to the alchemy master's state of affairs.

Looking at the two enemies who were kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, Li Yu felt very happy. He didn't expect that the mountains would not turn, the two enemies would bump into his hands, just watching the two kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy. Feeling disgusted, he said to Ma Mingcheng: "Thank City Lord Ma, just deal with them directly according to your law. I don't want to see them again."

Ma Mingcheng nodded and ordered to the four soldiers: "Qian Ke and Luo Wanjun framed Grandmaster Li Yu. According to the state law, framed the alchemy master and sentenced him to abolish the cultivation base and hang it! Immediately drag it out for execution!"

"Yes!" The four soldiers dragged the two people who kept yelling and walked out.

"Congratulations to Grandmaster Li Yu, the person who framed you actually came to our Demon Slayer City by himself, it is really pleasant, haha..."

"Congratulations to Grandmaster Li Yu, a little gift is not a respect, please accept it!"

Next, people kept congratulating Li Yu and all gave gifts to Li Yu. They all knew that Li Yu’s alchemist had few other things, and they were basically precious medicinal materials, all of which were of the highest level.

Li Yu accepted all of them, but Li Yu didn't like to take advantage of others. He also followed the customs of Chinese courtesy. First, he took out a small jade bottle. The maid who just sent the gift was still there and put it directly on his tray.

"This is for City Lord Ma, send it over."

Other gift-giving people, Li Yu also returned corresponding gifts.

After receiving the jade bottle, Ma Mingcheng knew that it was a bottle of pill, but he didn't know what it was. He also knew that Li Yu had just come to Kill Demon City. He didn't know about this banquet. He didn't prepare a gift beforehand. Maybe he just grabbed one. The bottle of medicine was treated as a gift to myself, and I didn't know whether to open it, or ask Li Yu what was in the bottle. Others were the same.

Li Yu returned the gift according to the severity of the gift. The heavier the gift given by others, the better the pill he would return. At this moment, seeing everyone holding the pill bottle and not opening it, Li Yu was stunned for a moment, and understood that not everyone can identify the pill, so he had to explain: "The pill that I returned to the city lord of Ma is Duerdan. I’ve heard of it when I want to come to Malaysia."

"What!" Ma Mingcheng, who has always been very demeanor of the city lord, bounced from his seat fiercely. Duerdan is so famous that he has heard of it himself, and it is exactly what he needs. He is now at the peak of the body, he is Fearing that the advanced stage crossing the catastrophe period would lead to the heavenly calamity, so I have never dared to advance.

Ma Mingcheng opened the jade bottle in a panic, and saw ten rounded pill in the bottle. Seeing the Tao Yun on the pill, he couldn't help but exclaimed again: "Dao Yun! Perfect product!"

The eyes of the other guests all showed crazy light, staring closely at the jade bottle in Ma Mingcheng's hand. Everyone had the idea of robbing them. Although they had different identities, they were not really afraid of Ma Mingcheng, the city lord, but everyone After all, they are not short-sighted people. Such thoughts quickly faded. Their gaze shifted to Li Yu. There was such a grandmaster alchemist who was there to snatch Ma Mingcheng's one. They thought it was that at this time. There is only one in the jade bottle. Although one is good, some are not enough for careful calculation.

Although you want to get a pill, no one dares to think about Li Yu, grab a city lord and escape to other countries, but if you offend an alchemy master, you don’t want to get mixed up in the spiritual realm, Qian Kehe Luo Wanjun is the best example. There will be countless people who are willing to catch you and give it to the alchemy master. Maybe the alchemy master is happy and will give you the pill you need, or help you refine a pot of pill.

"Ah!" The impatient person also opened the jade bottle that Li Yu had given him, and when he saw the pill in the jade bottle, they all exclaimed. (To be continued.)