Super Insight System

Chapter 2: Accumulate energy


Most of the people in the car are young people. Many of them may have just graduated from school. The subjects and courses in the school have the deepest memory. At this time, the information on the mind power emitted by the brain waves is also the most information...

Um... Steal skills? There was a thief in the car. Li Yu was taken aback, looked up, but didn’t see who the thief was. He was not afraid of the thief stealing his things in his heart. Although he was only about 1.7 meters tall, he had a lot of strength. One or two thieves really can't beat him. Those thieves also have to look at people for stealing things. They usually don't take action against a'dangerous' person like Li Yu.

Regardless of these messy things, Li Yu studied the system again. Li Yuxian, the thought power information and mental energy contained in a person’s brain waves can be absorbed in ten seconds, and if you breathe it again, you will not be able to absorb it. After asking the system, I learned that although they absorbed the brainwave information and energy, these people would not use the brainwaves. Therefore, losing this part of the mental energy information and mental energy has no effect on them. They only need to sleep for a while. Can recover.

One person can contribute o.oo1 unit of energy at a time, and it takes a thousand times to accumulate a unit of energy. One unit of energy allows Li Yu to learn a minimum level zero skill, such as the language that consumes the least energy, um, language It needs to be said that it takes a little energy to adapt the vocal cords to the sound, which is not a purely theoretical skill that does not consume energy.

The system explains that skills that do not involve energy use are classified as level zero, and those that involve energy use are calculated based on energy level.

A thousand visits are a lot, but in a metropolis like Rongcheng, people are the most indispensable. No, in just a few minutes, Li Yu has already absorbed more than fifty people.

After a trip, I sucked all the people in the whole car, and Li Yu got off the car. His destination has arrived. The destination of his trip is the talent market. He also looked for it when he came to Rongcheng a year ago. Work, especially when it comes to job fairs, is even more crowded. There are tens of thousands of people, and there are usually thousands of people.

Li Yu came late. At this time, the talent market was already full of people. If he came to look for a job a year ago, he would definitely be distressed. There are so many competitors, but now they have different goals and different moods. These people All became his energy information source, the more the better, no, he squeezed into the crowd with a smile on his face.

It’s cool, it’s higher than the density on the bus, one hundred people, two hundred people... one thousand people... two thousand people...

The energy of the reserve keeps rising, and the information in the database is also increasing, and there are really a few skills that Li Yu likes.

Military physical boxing (exclusive to special forces, 1oo% completeness, 92% perfection, 3 information sources): It is a combination of fighting actions such as punching, kicking, beating, grabbing a knife, and grabbing a gun.

Dagger fighting technique (exclusive to special forces, completeness 1oo%, perfection 9o%, information source 3 people): One hit kills dagger fighting technique.

Survival in the wild (exclusive to special forces, 1oo% completeness, 91% perfection, 3 information sources)

Firearms specialization (exclusive to special forces, 1oo% completeness, 96% perfection, 3 information sources)...

Unexpectedly, special forces will appear in the talent market. Are they looking for jobs here? Does the country not arrange it? Li Yu didn’t bother to care about how people would appear here. There were only three of them as soon as they appeared. It was just the skills of these three that made him tickled. Learning, what he urgently needs now is money, and the skills that can make a lot of money are his choice.

Chinese medicine (completeness 5o%, perfection 4o%...

With this direct pass, the doctor can indeed earn a lot of money, but the person’s medical skills seem to be a little too poor. Don’t put the person to death. Besides, even if you learn Chinese medicine and don’t have various certificates for practicing medicine, it’s impossible. It is illegal to practice medicine, and if he is so young, no one should see him for medical treatment.

Western Medicine Surgery (completeness 6o%, perfection 4o%... This is the same, also pass directly.

After reading a lot of skill information, Li Yu shook his head straight.

English (completeness 1oo%, perfection 99%, information source 5o12 people), Li Yu was a little speechless when he saw this skill. I didn't expect so many people to learn English, but the skills that so many people know also make him this. The fusion of skills is quite perfect, just learned what this skill is used for? To be a translator? It seems unrealistic, he only has a high school diploma, who would want him.

After seeing many skills, nothing can make big money, but think about it, you really need to have the ability to make big money. Who is going to this talent center? It seems that you want to get better skills and get rich people. Going to more places is good, but it’s not realistic. He is a migrant worker and it is impossible to get close to the wealthy. If he is forced to contact the rich, it may make people think that he has bad intentions, and if he is a kidnapper, he will be troublesome. NS.

The system sucked up information and energy quickly. It was almost eleven when he came. It took only over an hour to suck up close to 10,000 people, harvesting more than nine units of energy, and a lot of skill information. .

At noon, I ate a boxed lunch, then took the bus, changed cars from time to time, and moved to a few talent markets and crowded places. When he returned to the rental house at night, Li Yu almost burst into laughter. Today, he absorbed more than 50,000 people, gained 58 points of energy, and countless skills information.

After dinner, lie in bed and slowly check the skill information to see if you can find the skills that can make money from it.

"System, can you help me see these skills, is there any one that can make a lot of money soon?" There are too many skills, and Li Yu will not be able to make it for a while, so he helps the system.

"Master, hacker skills can break through the bank's firewall and make a lot of money on your card immediately..."

Li Yu's face was dark: "Stop, except for illegal matters."

System: "Gambling, this skill can make money quickly. Well, you can go to Macau, Monaco, Atlantic City, and Las Vegas. These four cities are the world's four largest gambling cities, and gambling is legal."

Li Yu shook his head: "If I change, I only have a few hundred yuan on my body, and I can't go to those cities. It's not good to bet. The money in the casino is not so easy to win. I don't know if I have a life after winning their money. Right now, I haven't been right about my strength, so it's better to keep a low profile."

System: "Master, if you can, consume some energy and repair my network function. I can collect advanced technology information from many other countries, and you can sell it to your country... Of course, you can also sell it to a large company, and you can earn money quickly. To the money."

That’s a good idea... No, Li Yu quickly denied it. He, a high school student who used advanced technology, would definitely make people doubt the source of the technology. He might be able to get a sum of money at that time, but he would also provoke himself. Disaster, it is very likely that the system has been exposed.


"Uh, Master, according to your request, none of these skills can give you a lot of money."

"Oh, forget it, I'll go carry the bag tomorrow." Li Yu sighed.

"Uh, master, there is actually another way. Didn’t you say that you obtained me after being struck by lightning yesterday? After my analysis, there is probably space channel information where you were struck by lightning yesterday. With the information of the space channel, I can take you through the space channel and reach another world. You can be a plane businessman, and you can quickly get a lot of money."

"Really!" Li Yu didn't care about sleeping, put on clothes quickly, and walked out: "We passed by the place where I was struck by lightning today, why didn't we hear you get the space channel information?"

System: "Master, I only have level zero now. Only when I get close to one meter can I collect the corresponding information. Are you sure you passed through the range of one meter you were struck by lightning yesterday?"

"This... I didn't pay attention, I will look for it now." Li Yu walked fast, who knows if the spatial channel information will always exist.

The place where he was struck by lightning yesterday is not far from where he lives. I thought about it. When I passed by here this morning, maybe because I was struck by lightning yesterday, I intentionally or unintentionally stayed away from the place where the lightning struck. Now I have to look for it. Spatial channel information, since it will no longer deliberately avoid it.

"A space channel information has been collected, the master is fine."

Hearing the prompt from the system, Li Yu was very excited and could make a lot of money. Of course, he was excited to go to another world. In any case, he is a young man, although he has been carrying his bags. Live, but I always have my own dream in my heart.

Returning to the rental house anxiously, Li Yu asked impatiently: "System, when will we go to another world?"

System: "Master, don't worry, you can't go to another world now."

Li Yu was upset: "Didn't you say that you can go to another world by getting the space channel information? Now you tell me you can't go? What do you mean?"

System: "Master, I can go to go, but I can't go now. I am only level zero. I don’t have the ability to connect to space channels for the time being. I must upgrade. Fortunately, the space channel information we obtained just now belongs to the low-level world space. Channel, as long as I rise to the first level, I can open this spatial channel."

"Raise one level? How can I get one level?"

"Upgrading to the first level is very simple. It only takes a hundred units of energy to be able to rise to the first level. At that time, it will not only open the space channel, but also let the master learn the skills of the first level."

"First-level skills? What kind of skills?" Li Yu was a little moved. The military physical boxing he harvested today is not bad. It is the housekeeping skills of special forces. Such a powerful skill can only be regarded as zero-level. Can imagine how powerful the first level will be.

"The first-level skills are those that involve the use of low-level energy. There is no relevant information about the specific skills, and I don't know yet." The system gave Li Yu an angry answer.

Li Yu was not angry. It is really not worth it to be angry with the system. He asked patiently: "Why don't you know?"

System: "It depends on what level of skill information can be absorbed. This is beyond my control, but the owner can rest assured that after the system is upgraded to level 1, the absorption range of the system will expand tenfold, and there will only be one level. If the level creature is within ten meters of the owner, I can absorb his skill information."

Li Yu seemed to have thought of something, and continued to ask: "System, can you be sure that humans at the other end of the space channel can survive?"

The system "can be determined, and the spatial channels are also hierarchical. From -1o to +1o, humans can survive with positive levels, and only special life can survive in the range of negative levels. The spatial channel information we just obtained belongs to level +1. Space channels are more suitable for human survival than the earth. There should be human survival, and there may be low-level energy use skills. If the owner is still worried, I can connect to the space channels after I reach the first level. Then I can explore it first. The situation on the opposite side of the space channel, make sure it’s safe to let the master pass."