Super Insight System

Chapter 217: Deceived



A powerful aura broke through the two formations, and Li Yu and others who had been waiting in the cave were all washed away by the powerful aura.

"Oh!" Li Yu got up from the ground and looked at everyone. Because there were two formations blocking them, Li Yu and the others were not injured, but the breath was dispersed. At this level of breath , As long as you are in a radius of one hundred miles, you can definitely feel it.

"Prepare for war!" Li Yu yelled, and then made arrangements for the girls: "Si Mu, you take Xiao Chun'er, Jian Ji and Annie to hide nearby..."

Before Li Yu finished speaking, the four women unanimously objected: "No, we have to live and die with the master (master), we will not go anywhere!"

Li Yu was anxious, very angry, and coldly told the four women: "If you still recognize me as your master and master, you must listen to me. Your cultivation base is low, so staying still won’t help. You are busy, Si Mu, protect them, you know?"

This is the first time I saw Li Yu being so angry. The four girls did not dare to object. Si Mu also knew what Li Yu was talking about. Besides, Xiao Chun'er's cultivation base was really bad, and there was almost no combat power. Don't say to help by then. It is good to be able to take good care of herself, and although she has the cultivation base of the distraction state, what is the use of the cultivation base of the distraction state? In the royal garrison, you can only be a soldier, not even a small captain. Well, of course she didn't know, the last time they intercepted them was only the special forces squad in the garrison of the royal capital. It is impossible for all the garrisons to be such masters.

Si Mu finally left with the three daughters, and Li Yu gave them a lot of pills and flying boats.

After seeing the four girls leaving, Li Yu turned his head and looked at Xingmeng and Qi Cailuanfeng: "You two are the main fighting force in the waiting meeting. With these pills, you can quickly restore your soul and true essence."

After giving the things to the two of them, Li Yu himself took a recovery pill. The last time he used Dongyun under the load, his soul was damaged. He wanted to recover while practicing. This might allow him to recover. His cultivation base is even higher, but now the situation is urgent, and he can't take care of that much anymore.

"We go outside, it's best not to let the fighting spread here, so as not to affect Liu Qing's breakthrough."

Out of the cave, Li Yu suddenly thought that things didn’t seem to have turned around. They attracted the frontier army, not the bandit army. As long as the frontier army didn’t know that the person who broke through here was Li Yu’s subordinates, it seemed that there would be no danger. , Hurriedly said to Xingmeng: "Xingmeng, I will hide with Qi Cai Luanfeng later..."

Xingmeng's heart was cold, is Li Yu going to abandon her and Liu Qing

"If the frontier army comes, you will say that you are the king who came to play. Liu Qing is your senior sister. She just met to break through, so she retreats here... Don’t mention me, I think they only care about me and don’t treat you. How will you pay attention, if it is not good enough, you should be in danger, and you should not have any worries. Call us immediately, and I will not leave you alone."

Xingmeng was a little embarrassed when she heard Li Yu say this. She really misunderstood Li Yu just now, and immediately nodded and said: "Then master, go and hide, I will act by chance."

Li Yu took the colorful Luanfeng and didn’t go far. He set up a small formation on the nearby mountain to isolate the two people (monsters). He was relatively at ease with Xingmeng Li Yu. Xingmeng did things very calmly. Moreover, she seemed to have been trained as a spy before. As long as there was no information about her in the frontier army, the chances of getting mixed up were still very high.

Li Yu and the others hid for less than ten minutes before two warships flew over from the sky. Before Xingmeng waited for the warship to land, he took the initiative to greet him and shouted at the warship: "Please don't come near, my senior sister is breaking through."

The two battleships really stopped, and a soldier flew out of a battleship. He didn't relax his vigilance because Xingmeng was a woman, with one hand on the long sword that was placed on his waist when he looked at it. Looking at the surrounding environment, he asked coldly: "This is already the border, who are you? Why didn't you go to Stone Town to report? Why did you choose to break through here?"

Facing this middle-aged soldier’s questioning, Xing Meng did not show any signs at all, and naturally said, “We are from the royal capital, why should we go to Stone City to report? My senior sister also has a breakthrough and feels it, so she broke through. Yes, otherwise, who would choose to break through here? If a monster comes, we will be in trouble, but if we want to break through, we can't stop it. The opportunity to break through is rare. You can't give up not to break through, right? Let’s go, help my senior sister to protect the law, I... I will give you some spiritual stones at most, which is a reward, um, but, it’s not too much, how about ten thousand spiritual stones? I only have so many..."

Xingmeng performed very innocently and cutely, and seemed to have no social experience. The middle-aged soldier relaxed a little bit of his vigilance towards her, mainly because she didn't feel any evil spirits from her, which was very important. Middle-aged soldiers are rolling around in life and death, and are very sensitive to evil spirits, knowing that if they kill someone, they will have a little evil spirit on them. Xingmeng does not have them, and Xingmeng also has the initial cultivation base of the combination state. This situation will only occur in some cases. Nobles appear in them, and such a person is generally impossible to be a vicious person.

There is also the breath of Xingmeng, who practiced "Faxiang Jue" and "Faxiang Warfare", although not the full version, but the aura of these two exercises can also be sensed by middle-aged soldiers. This shows that Xingmeng It is a member of the state of the Communist Party, not a member of the enemy country who sneaked in from a foreign country.

"Since it’s just the locals who are breaking through, then we won’t bother. The powerful monsters around here have been cleaned up by us. You should be able to cope with it. If you still want to stay here, wait for your senior sister to break through. Report to Stone Town, you know?" The middle-aged soldier said a few words to Xingmeng sternly, ignoring Xingmeng's retention, and flew back to his battleship.

"Captain, who is that beautiful lady?" As soon as the middle-aged soldier returned to the battleship, several soldiers surrounded him and asked the middle-aged soldier for news.

The middle-aged soldier showed a smile on his staid face. He glanced at the soldiers who came around and shook his head. What kind of identity does such a young woman have in the body?"

The soldiers knew a little bit, and couldn't help but breathe in the air. They are frontier soldiers. Although they are all elite patrols, only the captain of their squad is in the early stage of the integration stage. The other soldiers have five distractions. The other people are all out of the Aperture Boundary.

The Bian Jun talks about combat power, and doesn’t pay much attention to the level of cultivation. If Xingmeng is a man, they will definitely dissatisfied, and if they can’t say they will leapfrog a challenge, but if they are a girl, okay, a group of big men feel that they will be able to defeat Xingmeng. Dream, but he didn't have the embarrassment to say that he was stronger than Xingmeng, and no one would challenge others.

"Okay, let's go. Such a woman is not something you can have. By the way, see if there are any powerful monsters around here, and help clear them out, so as not to disturb the breakthrough." The middle-aged soldier said to the captain of the battleship.

"Okay! But we only cleaned up here last month. There should be no powerful monsters." The captain nodded and started the battleship. They were all natives. This kind of help, the other party is still a beauty, they They are also happy, besides, it is their responsibility to clean up the powerful monsters.