Super Insight System

Chapter 24: supernatural event


Early the next morning, Li Yu slept soundly and was awakened by a knock on the door. Outside was Father Li, Li Yu couldn’t get up... but he didn’t feel right. There was a soft body in his arms, and the hot feeling made him feel hot. Reluctant to push away.

"Master! I serve you to dress."

The wonderful person in his arms raised his head, with a beautiful and delicate face, it was Jian Ji.

"Sword Ji, why are you... that... who slept in my bed?"

"Master, didn't you say that I can sleep on your bed when I come back? Didn't Jian Ji do the right thing? Master, please be punished!" Jian Ji looked at Li Yu pitifully and didn't excuse him. She got up and knelt in front of Li Yu to plead guilty.

Li Yu got angry, so please put on your clothes anyway, and you can kneel on your knees. What are you doing so high? This kneeling posture is not standard, which will remind people of the plot of some small Japanese movies.

Dad was still outside, Li Yu quickly let Jian Ji wear clothes to hide, and then put on his clothes to open the door.

"Dad, what's the matter, it's only eight o'clock."

Father Li didn’t care about Li Yu’s dissatisfaction, but excitedly said: “Old Xu called me just now and said that the group of bastards had been killed last night. We don’t have to worry anymore, God bless us!"

Not only was Father Li sighing for God’s blessing, such things were born in many common people’s homes, and many people bought firecrackers and set them off. The whole city of Chengdu was a lot of celebration, and it was more lively than the New Year, and many people brought sacrifices. Take this news to worship your loved ones, crying and laughing to tell them the good news.

And the Internet has also begun to explode this gratifying news. The hackers and netizens who have been supporting the transfer yesterday are energized again at this time, and they are constantly helping to transfer. To die, and at this time, all clapped and cheered.

There are those who support it, and there are those who oppose it. Some netizens said that although these people are bad people, they should be tried by the state organs. Now that an organization eliminates these people and the methods are so cruel, they are definitely not good people.

Some netizens think that there is a story in the middle, which is a conspiracy.

But everyone thought that this was done by an organization, how could it be done by one person, more than 300 people, these people are distributed in various places in Rongcheng, and they have to run to death just this distance.

The Tang family, who received the same news, was also shocked. It was so cruel, killing more than 300 people at a time, it was a challenge to the authority of the government. Who was so bold? Li Yu? How could it be, a mobster, Li Yu's name just passed through their minds, and they themselves denied it.

By the time Sun Bufan still had some doubts that Li Yu was doing it, he thought that Li Yu was a martial artist. Since he was a martial artist, how could he not say a word after being bullied by ordinary people? And he should also have some brothers and sisters who helped kill people. It’s not impossible. It’s just that he didn’t understand which power Li Yu belonged to. He actually dared to be so bold to kill so many people at once, and the methods were so cruel. , Do not worry about social impact.

Of course this is just his suspicion. He will not reveal his guess. He doesn't want to get into such a terrifying existence. Those who die are all damn people. Of course, it would be better if it weren't for Li Yu to ask someone to do it. Now, he also wants to buy some precious medicinal materials from his hands.

More than 300 people died at a time. This is a major case that shocked the whole country. Although the people who died have damn evidence, several officials were involved, which made many officials very uneasy, and a deputy mayor was killed. This is also a matter of challenging the authority of the government, and the murderer must be investigated clearly and brought to justice.

In the end, Yu Jianfei, the director of the Provincial Public Security Department, personally took charge of this matter and urged the police to solve the case within a limited time. If the case is not solved, everyone is in panic.

Although Li Yu used the system to let Jian Ji learn a lot of social common sense, modern science is so good, and cameras are everywhere. There are more than a dozen murder scenes that were photographed by cameras, but the police saw the video. At that time, I was sweating on my head.

Because in the video, I saw only those people who were killed, their heads suddenly fell off, or there were a few more blood holes on their bodies, it seemed that they were killed by someone who would be invisible, but there was no trace of the murderer. Is the murderer an evil spirit? Is it a fierce spirit? Or a stranger with invisibility technique

When Yu Jianfei saw these videos, he couldn’t help but frowned. He knew that there were many strangers among the people. The country also set up a special department. There were masters of national martial arts and practitioners. He was in a high position and also I have been in contact with these people, but I have never heard of a person who knows the legendary invisibility technique.

However, judging from this situation, the ordinary police had no choice. He had to ask his superiors for help and ask them to send someone to deal with it.

As the country took action, things related to it on the Internet were quickly deleted. Netizens were just showing fun and seeing something new. As long as two or three days later, they might forget about the matter.

"I don't want to go back. School will officially start the day after tomorrow. I'm going to play for two days. Big brother will take us to play."

The bad guys were killed. Li's father and Li's mother never suspected that Li Yu did it. How could Li Yu have such abilities? He asked police friends for help. At the most, he arrested these bad guys. The threat disappeared. When I went back, Li Xue quit, and stayed at home all summer vacation. When I went to report yesterday, many of my classmates went on a trip, but she didn't go.

Li Zhou, the dull gourd, did not speak, but the excitement in his eyes betrayed him, and he wanted to play.

Li Yu thought for a while, smiled and said to his parents: "Dad and Mom, they were also terrified by what happened yesterday, so why not go and play for two days."

"That's right, yesterday scared me to sleep. I had nightmares when I thought about Sister Lin Mei." Hearing Li Yu's words, Li Xue quickly showed a scared expression.

Mother Li patted Li Xue lightly and slapped Li Xue: "Okay, don't be funny, let your brother take you to play, do you have to be careful when you go to school in a few days, you know?"

"Mom is the best!" Li Xue hugged his mother and laughed happily.

"Go and play, you two have been busy all your life. It's time to play well. According to me, don't open a small shop anymore. You can't make a lot of money."

Father Li sullen his face: "How can we not do anything when we are still young? If you haven't seen our heads are much darker, our white heads are gone, and we are much younger."

Li Yu smiled as he watched his parents and didn't argue with them. If you want to open a store, just open it. It's not good to have nothing to do all day.

"Hey, dad, mom, really, your white heads are gone, and your faces are more shiny." Li Xue only realized that today's parents are different, cheering.

In fact, yesterday Li Yu found that his parents had lost a lot of white heads. It was just that bad guys made trouble at the time. I didn’t mention it. I didn’t expect that all the white heads were gone today, and the skin on his face was much fairer, making the whole person look much younger. Parents in their forties are in their 60s, and this is their true age appearance. This spring of life should continue to function and may make parents younger.

"Brother, where are we going to play? It's too far, not enough time, in the province, Jiuzhaigou, Qingcheng Mountain, Emei Mountain..." Li Xue began to count the scenic spots in the province.

"Let's go to Mount Emei and worship the Bodhisattva, so that our family will always be safe and peaceful, and don't meet bad people again." Mother Li thought for a while and said.

Finally, everyone agreed at the same time that Li's mother's opinion was of course not really for worshiping the gods. The scenery of Mount Emei is quite good, and there are naughty monkeys. If you are lucky, you can still see the Buddha's light on the golden dome.

Li Yu's off-road vehicle can easily sit down with his family. After deciding to go, everyone no longer has to delay time or prepare anything. They only need to buy some food to eat on the road. Then Li Yu drove the car and took the family out to Mount Emei. It’s not yet noon, but I’m going back tomorrow night. The time is a bit tight. After discussing it, I decided to climb the mountain slowly. In the afternoon, I will take the cable car to the Golden Summit at Jieyindian, and watch the sunrise early tomorrow morning.

Li Yu was a little absent-minded at this time. He was looking at the Wisdom Eye system. Just now, the system had a reminder that a large number of low-level spiritual energy sources appeared, and the system absorbed energy much faster.

Li Yu was overjoyed. He didn't expect to come out to play and still encounter such a good thing, so she immediately sent Jian Ji to check it out. She also needs spiritual energy and is sensitive to spiritual energy.

Soon Jian Ji came back, and got a news that was not so good. The spiritual energy absorbed by the system was the power of faith on the Buddha statue. Jian Ji did not dare to absorb it because there were believers’ belief in these spiritual powers, which would affect it. Jian Ji's self-consciousness, if she absorbs it, it will take a long time to eliminate the influence of these beliefs on herself. It is very troublesome and the gain is not worth the loss.

The system also prompts that the power of belief on Buddha statues is not so easy to absorb. It is now the fastest. No matter how fast you want it, there is no way. Contact with Buddha statues cannot speed up the absorption.

Li Yu didn’t care about this. He planned to live in Emei Mountain for a period of time in the future. He just calculated that according to this degree, he can absorb one hundred thousand energy in a day, which is not 6 worse than the gods. You don’t have to worry about being caught People are now.

In the evening, the family took a walk on the golden dome after eating.

"The food here is terrible, and they are so expensive." Li Xue complained as he walked.

"The place to travel is not at home, and there is no cheap food."

Li Yu did not participate in the discussion. He just received the system prompt and collected a space channel information, which made him very puzzled. Now the system's collection range is ten kilometers. If there is this information, it should have been collected long ago. Why did you collect it after getting on the golden top

After asking, I learned that this spatial channel is very unstable, and it is not on the top of the mountain, but in the void above the mountain. The Eyesight System has only captured the complete spatial channel information several times.

Although the information of the space channel was captured, because the space channel was extremely unstable, Li Yu couldn't pass through this space channel at all. The space channel needs to be reinforced and stabilized. However, the system is unable to strengthen and stabilize the space channel for the time being. It needs to find intermediate energy to repair, and the energy stored in the system is all low-level energy.

The system speculates that as long as there is an intermediate energy sample, she can use low energy to condense intermediate energy.