Super Insight System

Chapter 267: Fight against King Kong


A large amount of soil and plants are collected from the outside world. There is real land in the real world, and there are many plants growing on the land. These plants are directly harvested from the outside world. There are ordinary plants and a small amount of spiritual plants. The elixir, the time is too short, and Li Yu hasn't had enough time to sort it out.

In the center of the True Essence World, with only one thought from Li Yu, a large open space appeared, burying the vine seeds that had been successfully contracted into the soil.

Mentioned the monster beast that had just been caught, the true essence of the fingertips swept across, and the beast blood spewed out, poured into the soil, and slowly soaked. Li Yu could feel the sacred vine seed utter a welcome, sucking the blood in the soil, At this time, the seed cannot directly use blood as a nutrient for growth. It is more of a plant characteristic, requiring nutrients from the soil, and blood is just a catalyst.

Soon, the nutrients in the soil around the seeds are sucked out, leaving only dry and non-nutritive dry soil. If it is in a foreign affairs office, the seeds will take longer to grow, but there is no need to wait in the real world. With only one thought from Li Yu, the soil around the seeds became nutrient soil again.

After several times, the blood of the monster beast was drained by Li Yu. The seeds in the fruit not only absorbed the nutrients in the pulp, but also absorbed all the nutrients in the blood. A sprout finally emerged from the seeds. At some point, a small root system under the seed also emerged.

After the small roots emerged from the seed husk, they immediately began to absorb the nutrients from the earth and the blood of the monster beast provided by Li Yu. After cultivating them, it took less than a day for the vines to enter the juvenile stage and grow out of nine. The roots are two to three meters long, the ground part is not high, only about ten centimeters, a thick and sturdy trunk with only one leaf on the trunk, and a little girl sticks out where the leaf goes up a little bit. , With a small flower bud growing on it.

At first, Li Yu thought it was buds, and they were still leaves, but after smelling a tempting fragrance, Li Yu finally determined that this is one of the enticing methods of the sambal vine. Ordinary animals or low-level monsters attract them, then kill them, and absorb their blood. This is also one of the means by which they can kill animals even though they are plants and cannot move.

The enchanting floral fragrance is only useful for ordinary animals and low-level monsters, and has no effect on high-level monsters and masters of Li Yu's combination, so Li Yu doesn't have to be afraid of being fascinated by the fragrance of flowers.

After entering the juvenile stage of the Sanbao Shenvine, it is basically alive. There is no need to worry about its premature death. I caught a few low-level monsters from the outside world and confined them near the Shenvine. Let it hunt by itself. Li Yu’s clone is guarded. Worried about the injury of the sacred vine in the juvenile period.

Contrary to Li Yu's expectation, even the juvenile Three Treasures Divine Vine did not dare to face these low-level monsters. As soon as the existing low-level monsters approached, the fascinating buds immediately opened, the fascinating flowers scented faintly, and the monsters who smelled the scent of flowers, Slowly approaching the Three Treasures Divine Vine intoxicated, and was finally pierced by the roots of the Three Treasure Divine Vine. He did not wake up at the moment of death, and died in peace. Just seeing this scene made Li Yu feel a kind of creepy. , Of course, it only felt for a moment, and then was overjoyed, after all, this Shen Vine was his own contract beast, the stronger it was, the more helpful it would be to him.

Don’t worry about the Three Treasures, Li Yu and his clone started to organize the real world. Although the real world is only a tool for evolving the world and killing enemies, you can’t watch it mess up, plant some weeds and garbage plants, press His idea is to collect some exotic flowers, spiritual fruits, and spiritual flowers in it. The clone needs a good environment to enlighten the Tao in this real-element world, isn't it

After leaving the True Essence World, Li Yu began to act. It happened to be the Demon Spirit Mountain Range. There were many spirit fruits, spirit flowers, spirit medicines, and spirit plants, all of which were unowned... Well, some were guarded by monsters, but As long as they are killed, they are unowned.

Advancing all the way to the depths of the Demon Spirit Mountain Range, as long as the spirit creatures encountered can't escape Li Yu's capture, it took only one day, and Li Yu's true essence world has more than a hundred more spiritual fruit trees, which are high-level. There are low levels, and there are many spirit grass spirit flowers. Only the spirit medicines that can be used to make alchemy are rarely encountered. It may be that the herb gatherer took the first step, and it is true. Along the way, Li Yu met several groups of herb gatherers. Everyone Stay alert and miss far away and won't say hello.

Li Yu did not get discouraged when he did not collect good things. He continued to walk in. After 1,500 kilometers deep into the Demon Spirit Mountain Range, he hardly encountered any other herb gatherers. The good things here suddenly increased. The harvest was several times as high as before, but the danger also increased exponentially. Fortunately, the collection went smoothly until it encountered a monster that crossed the Tribulation Realm.

In the process of collecting spiritual objects, Li Yu did not forget to train his swordsmanship. In this environment, his swordsmanship slowly improved, and even the monster beasts in the late stage of the fit state could be killed with swordsmanship.

"Good scent of fruit!" A breeze blew, and a faint fruit scent wafted. Li Yu's spirit was shaken, and he ran towards the wind with his sword.

"Peaches? Yes, it's the fragrance of peaches." Across the jungle, there is a valley. There is a hot spring in the corner of the valley. There are three huge peach trees beside the hot spring. The peaches are green and red, and some are blooming. Fruit of the same plant? It really deserves to be a magical fruit.


Before Li Yu approached, he heard a roar. A huge seven-eight-meter-high King Kong rushed out of a huge cave next to him and headed straight for Li Yu.

King Kong, it should be an ape, not a orangutan, but in Li Yu's eyes, they are all the same.

A monster guarding treasures? In fact, Li Yu knows that most of these three spirit fruits are occupied by this "king Kong". If you want to get peaches and peach trees, you have to kill or drive them away. Regarding this, Li Yu does not Xu, swung his sword to greet him.

"It's a monster crossing the Tribulation Realm."

Upon contact, Li Yu was grabbed by the giant claws of King Kong to tear his clothes. If he hadn't used the space to teleport to avoid him, he might have broken his stomach directly.

After hesitating, he still didn't use the sky thunder spell. Although he was sure that if he used the sky thunder, he would definitely be able to kill the'King Kong', but he finally encountered a powerful monster beast as a training partner. How could he just kill like that? Drop it.

Rush up again and use the law of the wind system to dodge the attack of the King Kong. If you have the opportunity, take the time to return a sword. While dealing with each other, you will exercise your sword skills. Try various sword styles on this King Kong. Improve swordsmanship and make swordsmanship more suitable for you.

While improving his swordsmanship, Li Yu also learned body and position. This was something that didn't appear in the spiritual realm books. He could only experience it slowly in actual combat and learn it slowly.

With the improvement of the swordsmanship, there has been a situation where only Li Yu attacked King Kong, and King Kong could not beat him. King Kong was not stupid. It was fine at the beginning of the battle with Li Yu, but as it went further, it The greater the pressure of Li Yu, even Li Yu can't touch a single hair. From time to time, Li Yu is stabbed with a sword. Although it does not cause much damage to its huge body, it makes it feel aggrieved, and even has a feeling, continue. If it is, it is still life-threatening. In this regard, King Kong is smarter.


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