Super Insight System

Chapter 29: Exaggerated breakthrough


Seeing Li Yu's displeasure, Brilans knew what was going on, but he couldn't get them to spend so much treatment fees. Although the medicinal materials were sold for a lot of money, the money was the life of the members of the hunting group. The money was distributed to each member and there was not much money. There was no money, but there was still a lot of Warcraft meat. Li Yu immediately sent a lot of fresh and good-quality Warcraft meat, whether it was compensation or thanksgiving. In short, it was a whole heart, which made Li Yu feel better.

When the big market came out, Li Yu went to the small market near the city center. Although the small market is not as lively as the big market, the daily trading volume of gold coins is not less than that of the big market. People without status can’t enter the small market. The management here is much stricter than that in the big market. There are also elite patrols from three countries in the market. Anyone who dares to make trouble here will have no good end, unless your status allows the three The great empire has concerns.

Although Li Yu is only a junior magician, the magic robe on his body is extremely advanced. No one dares to underestimate him. When he walked into the largest magic equipment store, a beautiful waiter immediately stepped forward: "Welcome adults to our store, no Know what the adults are going to buy?"

Li Yu was taken aback, yes, he just felt that he was going to hunt in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and he was going to buy some magic equipment, but he didn't know exactly what to buy.

"Let me consider."

"Okay." Regarding Li Yu's words, the beauty service ecology is still very enthusiastic, and while leading him to walk in, while introducing: "My lord, this is the magic robe counter... This magic robe on you is extremely advanced, do you want to come? I will buy magic robe again, and a little bit past is the magic wand counter... this is the magic potion counter... this is the magic scroll counter..."

After seeing a few counters, Li Yu shook his head. It wasn't that the things were bad, but the things were too expensive. The first-level and second-level items were useless, and the third-level and above were at least tens of thousands of gold coins, and the better ones were more than 100,000. Gold coins, level four are even more ridiculously expensive, starting at a million, and there are very few things at level five, and they can't be taken without ten million gold coins.

"Is there a magic sword? I want to buy a sharp magic sword, a one-handed sword." Li Yu looked for a long while, but he didn't find any good things. Sword.

"Magic one-handed sword... Uh, we also have them here, but there is..." Although Li Yu was curious to buy a sword as a magician, she did not dare to show it on her face. Although she was beautiful, she was just a civilian waiter. Annoyed the noble Sorcerer, or quite powerful Sorcerer (as you can see from the clothes, ordinary magicians can't wear Li Yu's advanced magic robe) for killing her, and he will pay at most points. money.

Of course, although the magician has a weird temper, he will not kill people casually, especially in such high-end places.

This is the magic sword? Put a magic crystal or core on the sword to become a magic sword? Such a magic sword is simply flashy, suitable for noble decorations, and also sells for high prices.

After choosing for a while, Li Yu finally chose a magic sword without magic core inlays. This sword is very simple and simple. It is very similar to the Longquan sword on the earth. It does not have magic effects, but it can inject vindictiveness and make the sword even more powerful. Fengrui, Li Yu tried it quietly, and his true energy could also be blessed on the sword. It was simply a sword tailored for him.

Looking at the price, although this sword does not have a magic core inlaid, it is not cheap. 9 million gold coins. It seems that not only the sword is tailor-made, but the price is also set according to his wallet. Buy it, next time. It's not easy to encounter such a good thing.

"My lord, you really have a vision. Although this sword does not look beautiful on the surface, it is carefully crafted by a dwarven weapon master. If the materials are not good and there is no magic attached, the price of this sword will be at least ten times higher. "When the waiter saw that Li Yu finally paid for something, he was still buying a nine million magic sword. He was very happy. When the nine million sword was sold, there was a lot of commission. If you want to do it, don't want to go out.

Returning to the Magic Guild, Li Yu found Hu Fa and prepared to learn the innate vitality tonight and break into the innate realm.

"You said you are going to break through to an intermediate magician tonight?" Hu Fa was very surprised. How long did Li Yu break through to an intermediate magician? It’s only a month to make a full calculation, right? Does he only break through the realm and don't learn magic? But it's not right. When he took the junior magician certificate half a month ago, the junior magic made it smooth, and the instant junior magic was stronger than the average senior magician.

"Yes, I am going to break through tonight, there may be some movement at that time, so I will tell you in advance."

"Okay! Okay! I will send someone... I will personally guard the lodging area to help you protect the law." Hu Fa was very happy. When Li Yu was called in a month ago, he was only a magic apprentice. After more than a month, he became an intermediate magic. I'm still a bright magician who is in short supply in the Magic Guild. Doesn't this prove that I have foresight

At night, the Magic Guild strengthened its full strength today, and the accommodation area was guarded by Hufa.

At this time, Li Yu also gave the system the instruction to learn'innate unity'.

The innate vitality seems to be not what Li Yu thought, he directly used the zhenqi to open the bridge of heaven and earth, and induce the heaven and earth vitality from the outside to forge the body, and finally condense into the innate qi.

Instead, first blend the zhen qi into a trace of natal vitality in the body, and use the mind to bring out a trace of natal vitality in the natal palace, wrap it with the mind, and blend into the dantian. In an instant, the vitality vitality and zhen qi have a violent chemical reaction, and the zhen qi shrinks and condenses. It turns into a more refined and pure innate true qi, a trace of innate true qi is condensed, and the true qi in the dantian suddenly has a chain reaction, and all becomes innate true qi. The dantian that was originally full of turbulence, after this chain reaction, The true energy is one-tenth less, but the quality is countless times stronger.

After the zhen qi in the dantian was converted, the chain reaction immediately extended outward, and the zhen qi in the meridians also began to change...

Suddenly there was only one tenth of the true energy in the meridians, and the meridians could not help but squeeze inward. Li Yu only felt that the meridians were contracting, and the contraction was transmitted from the brain. It seemed that the brain was in pain, and the pain from the soul made him feel pain. Painful...

The amount of zhenqi is insufficient, and the zhenqi transformed from the breathing technique, entraining qi technique, and qi refining technique is seriously unable to keep up... It is time to transport all the innate qi in the dantian and move along the meridian to the Tianmen acupoint on the top of the head Rushing away, this Tianmen acupoint is the so-called Tiandiqiao, also known as the entrance to life and death. It is the first level of cultivating immortals. Many cultivators are stuck in this level, and will never have a relationship with immortals.

Acquired Zhenqi is not pure enough, and the impact force is not enough when organized to impact Tianmen acupoint, and because Tianmen acupoint is very fragile, if the impact is broken when it goes up to the sky, it will impact itself into a fool, so the strength is too large, but the strength is small. Nor does it work.

However, the cultivation method of Innate One Vitality Qi is different. It first transforms the acquired true qi in the body into innate true qi, and then uses the innate true qi to attack the bridge of heaven and earth. The innate true qi is much stronger than the acquired true qi, and it is innate Zhen Qi still has a strong self-recovery effect. Even if the Tianmen point is broken by the impact, it can be repaired in time, avoiding the danger of injuring the brain and turning oneself into a fool during the impact.

Li Yu’s innate vitality is learned from the system, with the experience of that unknown mysterious person. At this time, he is calmly organized into the innate vitality and gathers in the meridians. When he sees the amount of true vitality is almost the same, Tiandiqiao rushed away.

It seemed that I heard a soft sound of "porch", and the bridge of heaven and earth rushed open easily, and then a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy rushed into the body from the Tianmen acupoint. These heaven and earth vitality qi is without master. Like qi, following the command, Li Yu had to mobilize a small amount of innate true qi to guide these heaven and earth auras into his dantian and transform them into innate true qi according to the exercise method. There are also meridians that are destroyed by these heaven and earth vitality, which also require innate true qi. Repair it, or if the meridians and acupoints are damaged, the vitality of heaven and earth will ram into the body and the meridians will be broken, but it will be maddening and useless.

After a rush of panic, the innate qi in the body becomes more and more, and the exercises automatically operate to repair the acupoints and meridians. After these acupoints and meridians absorb the innate qi, they will continue to strengthen, and then rush into the body. Li Yu's heaven and earth aura can no longer destroy these acupuncture points and meridians, and Li Yu only breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

Li Yu also faintly understands that hitting the innate realm can only be done in places with strong aura. Without aura, all the useless air rushes into the body. These useless air will only destroy the acupoints and meridians. , But it can’t be transformed into Innate True Qi for restoration. In the end, only people died and disappeared. I really don’t know how the unknown secret person that Emei Jinding encountered attacked the Innate Realm in an environment like the earth. It was collected from the collection. It is also not visible in the skill information.

As soon as the Heaven and Earth Bridge opened, the degree of absorbing the aura of Heaven and Earth was n times faster than before. Hu Fa, who was guarding outside, was taken aback. He was already mentally prepared, but the degree of absorption of magic elements was too fast. A tide of magic elements has formed, and all the magic elements in the magic guild’s magic circle have gathered. How could it be possible? Just to be promoted to an intermediate magician requires such a big movement. When a high-level magician, magician or higher, movement can scare people to death

Before dawn, the tide of magic gradually subsided, but Hu Fa's heart couldn't be calmed down. He looked at Li Yu's small courtyard in a trance.

Li Yu woke up from entering concentration, only feeling refreshed... unpleasant, smelly... There is a layer of dirt on his body. The detox effect of innate true qi is much stronger than that of acquired true qi. I thought that after a month of detoxification, all the body The impurity toxins are drained out, but I don't want to discharge so much. The earth's environment is really too bad. With so many impurity toxins in the body, it is strange that there is no strange disease.

I have to go back to the earth and take a bath first... Well, let’s say hello to Hu Fa first. I stayed there all night for help. I quickly opened the courtyard door and stretched out my head and shouted to Hu Fa outside, "President Hu Fa, I’m promoted to the Intermediate Mage. Yes, but I’m too dirty, I’ll take a shower first, and I’ll come to you later."

Thinking of the stench on Li Yu's body after practicing last time, it was really disgusting. He had a lot of questions to ask, so he nodded: "Go ahead and find me in my office later."