Super Insight System

Chapter 3: Space channel


To go to another world, Li Yu was in a complicated mood, excited, worried, and afraid of the unknown. After calming down, it was impossible to think that he had no means of self-protection. Today I collected some useful information and the system has been renewed. Integrated into skill information, you can learn.

"Master, before you learn skills, you need to strengthen your spirit. Otherwise, the large amount of information in the skills may cause damage to your spirit."

Li Yu is ready to learn the martial arts boxing, this skill is very practical, can give him a certain degree of self-protection ability.

"How to strengthen? How much energy is needed?" Li Yu is now very concerned about the energy issue. After all, he doesn't have much energy in his hands.

"Not much, only ten units of energy can complete the zero-level mental enhancement."

"Ten units of energy! Well, do I need to be mentally strengthened as long as I learn skills? And this is only zero-level reinforcement, is there still first-level reinforcement? Second-level reinforcement?"

System: "The master is wise. It is true. Each level can strengthen the master’s spirit. Only after the corresponding level of spiritual enhancement can the master learn the skills of this level. This is for the owner’s good, and the spiritual enhancement allows the master to His mental power is stronger and more tenacious, a good thing that ordinary people can't even think of."

"Ten units of energy! Okay, strengthen it." Li Yu feels a little distressed about the energy of ten units. After all, he only has fifty-four units in his hand. This will cost one-fifth of it. Forget it, get up early tomorrow. Take a few more buses, visit a few more talent markets, and squeeze more crowded places to make up for the loss.

"System..." Li Yugang wanted to ask how long it would take to strengthen... He only felt a cold current rushing into his brain, and he immediately lost consciousness.

When Li Yu woke up, it was already the next morning. When he woke up, he froze for a moment, and then he remembered what he had strengthened yesterday. He frowned and felt that there seemed to be no change. This system won't fool himself, right

"Master, it's very simple to try mental strengthening. Don't you have a magazine next to your bed? Take it and read it, then close the book and remember it, you will see that your memory is much better than before." Seems to see Li Yu's doubts, the system very cleverly proposed a test method.

Li Yu was also interesting to try. He picked up the magazine and looked through it. He didn't even need to remember it. He reads books much faster than before. Er, if you switch to a computer, it should be said that the recording rate is much faster, and then close it. Magazines, as the system says, as long as you remember, the contents of the magazine will appear in your mind.

The enhancement effect was good. Li Yu was full of confidence in the system. He immediately asked the system to help him learn military physical boxing skills. There was a lot of information in his mind, all about military physical boxing, and there was a wave of energy flowing in his body. Li Yu felt Then, this energy made his body stronger and more flexible.

The whole process takes ten minutes and consumes five points of energy. Military physical boxing needs to strengthen his body. It consumes more energy than language. After Li Yu digested all the information, Li Yu felt that his whole person was different. It seems that he is a soldier who has been in the army for many years, and his body is ready to defend and attack at any time.

When I went out, I ate a bowl of noodles, and then I started to get busy. Today's task is heavier than yesterday, but I went out early today. It was only after 8 o'clock. It was more than two hours, and there should be more gains.

The harvest is as Li Yu thought. By twelve noon, he had already gained energy at 28 o’clock. It was the peak time for get off work hours. Li Yu didn’t have a rest, so he changed buses from time to time, with the greatest possible possibility. Absorbing energy, when I returned to the rental house after eight o'clock in the evening, I was really tired and hungry. The constant transfer to buses and the constant crowding of people were more tiring than carrying his bags, but the harvest was gratifying.

A total of 83 points of energy gained today, plus yesterday’s harvest, a total of 126 points have been accumulated. When he accumulated a hundred points outside, Li Yu thought about upgrading the system, but in the end he suppressed himself. Impulsive, he fainted when his spirit was strengthened yesterday, who knows what will happen to the system upgrade.

I soaked myself a bowl of instant noodles to eat, and then washed away the sweat of the day. In such a hot weather, the bus and crowds were crowded for a day. Li Yu felt like vomiting when he smelled it. It means that when he took the bus, he To squeeze, people will make way for him.

Li Yuqiang calmed himself down, and then ordered the system: "System upgrade!"

"Upgrade instruction received! Upgrading... It is estimated to take ten minutes, please be patient!"

Li Yu was a little impatient. Ten minutes was longer than ten years, but the time was finally moving forward.

"The upgrade is successful, and the Smart Eye system is now level one!"

Li Yu heard the wonderful voice and said immediately: "Let me learn the skills to open space channels."

"Uh, Master, opening the space channel is my built-in skill, which is convenient for me to collect information in various worlds. The level is not enough, and the master can't learn it temporarily."

"I can't study? Then you study is the same, you and I are divided into each other, yours is mine, haha!" Li Yu didn't care.

At this moment, what Li Yu's mind was like in another world? Is it primitive society? Or is it a feudal society? Or is it the arena in martial arts novels? Or is it a world where there are people who cultivate immortals

"It takes ten units of energy to connect the space channel. Is it connected?"

Li Yu was a little unhappy: "Do you still need energy to connect the space channel?"

"Naturally requires energy, and every time you pass through the space channel, you will need energy, but the first time you need ten units of energy, it should consume less in the future. As for how much less, it is still uncertain."

Li Yu helpless: "Connect, it's all like this, can I still refuse it."

"Space channel connecting... successfully connected!"

"Test the safety of the space channel... The space channel is safe and stable!"

"The living environment on the opposite side of the test space channel... First-class high-quality living environment! (On the opposite side is a small short-distance teleportation array!), the owner can safely pass through the space channel."

"System, didn't you lose all your data? How do you know that the opposite is the teleportation array?" Li Yu asked with some confusion.

System: "Master, collecting information, absorbing energy, and space shuttle are the core functions of the system, not the data in the database. The loss of database information has little effect on the core functions of the system."

Li Yu thought for a while and asked, "There is the teleportation array over there, is there anyone in the teleportation array? What do they look like? I used to know that they would..."

Li Yu asked a long list of questions. The system almost shut down when it heard it. It took a long time to answer: "The system can only detect the environment on the opposite side based on the space beacon on the opposite side. It cannot detect whether there are humans on the opposite side, master. In fact, don’t be afraid, the space channel has already been opened. If you encounter danger, you can come back immediately."

Thinking of going to another world may be full of excitement, but when he really wants to go to another world, Li Yu is very worried, a bit like Ye Gonghaolong: "But... if I pass by, someone on the other side will attack me..."

The system is speechless: "Going to another world naturally presents unknown dangers. If the owner is afraid of this, stay at home and don't have to go anywhere."

"I'm going." Li Yu couldn't help but blush, and thought for a while: "I'll go as soon as I prepare."

The system reminds: "The master does not need to rush now. You have been busy for a day, and you should take a good rest now. I detected that the opposite is also night time. Generally speaking, no matter which world, night is more dangerous than day."

That's right, even if the teleportation formation is on the opposite side, it should be safer during the day, and if he wants to go there, he has to prepare something, so he can't go there empty-handed.

And now he has only learned a set of military physical boxing, and he has too few skills. He has to learn the two skills of dagger fighting and field survival, so that he can be more survivable.

It took ten energy points to learn dagger fighting and survival in the wild. He didn't learn firearms, and he couldn't get a gun because of his identity. Let's talk about it if he can get a gun in the future.

He now only has six points of energy left, he has to plan carefully, or else he has to collect energy today. Although the energy-absorbing roots of the system are ten times that of yesterday, reaching ten meters in length, it can’t absorb ten times the energy of yesterday in a day. After all, it’s not as dense as the talent market and the people on the bus. , According to his calculations, at most it can only absorb twice as much as before.

Next, Li Yu didn’t rush to sleep, because after learning two skills, Li Yu had a lot of wild survival experience in his mind. He needed to prepare something for wild survival. Although he didn’t know whether it was necessary or not, he felt that It is necessary to prepare something, such as medicine, dagger, food, salt, etc., he doesn't have money from outsiders, and he must bring everything he needs in life.

With a few hundred dollars, Li Yu went out and ran to a nearby city to purchase. No expensive things were bought. He only bought some cheap medicines, food, salt and other items. As for the dagger, he used to There is one, just use the old one, and bought a big bag of toffee by the way. It's not that he is greedy, but that the sugar can quickly regain his strength.

Although there are not many things, he spends the money on Li Yu very much. If he can't make money in another world, he will have to carry the bag again when he comes back. Otherwise, he won’t have enough money to eat. The rent is about to be paid, and the siblings are about to start school, alas!

After getting up the next day, Li Yu put on a set of ordinary camouflage uniforms that he usually wears when he carries his bags. Li Yu likes camouflage uniforms very much. A set of dozens of dollars is also durable, but it's a bit hot to wear in this weather.

Now Li Yu has learned the skills of three special forces, and then put on camouflage uniforms. He actually has the temperament of a military talent. He wears the backpack prepared last night, puts the dagger in his leg, and can pull it out and use it at any time. Fighting skills, give the enemy a killer blow.

"Go to another world!" Li Yu gave an order to the system.

System: "Accepting instructions... The space channel is opening... The space channel is formed and can pass."

With the sound of the system, a doorway formed by energy appeared in front of Li Yu. From the doorway, the opposite scenery could not be seen. It was just a gray wave, which seemed to be the mouth of a monster that could swallow everything. Fear, dare not step over.