Super Insight System

Chapter 311: bargain


Li Yu was really surprised. The black bear in the impression should be five big and three thick, but the one in front of him looked thin and thin. The most important thing is that he doesn't seem to have any evil spirits on his body, but has a silky celestial spirit. You said he is a Taoist immortal. Some people really believe it.

"Why? Want me to show my true shape for you to see?" The Black Bear Demon was not surprised at Li Yu's surprise, but said somewhat proudly.

"No! I just think you are very different." Li Yu was a little embarrassed. At this time, he knew the true identity of the Black Bear Demon through the system. It was true that he was cultivating human cultivation techniques or the cultivation techniques of the Fa. He was really a genius , The general human cultivation technique monster race can't cultivate, this guy actually succeeded in the cultivation, no wonder it looks like a human being, without a trace of evil spirits.

In addition, Li Yu was very surprised that it was very difficult for the system to collect information on the black bear demon. His soul was very condensed, almost beyond the scope of the system to collect, at least half of his foot entered the ranks of the demon. It will be so.

"Okay, let's talk, what's the matter with you here? I don't think you came to see the scenery." The black bear demon stared at Li Yu with shrewd eyes, as if to see him through. At this time, he was also strange, this human being. It seems that it is also a cultivation base of the fit state, but why does he feel a slight threat from him? You need to know that the general Dacheng realm can't make him feel threatened. Could it be that the cultivation base is hidden? This is why he hasn't done anything.

"I want a brood of origin bees." Li Yu didn't like to be circumspect, and directly explained his intentions.

The black bear demon thought about many possibilities, but didn't expect Li Yu to be here, and asked a little strangely: "How do you know that I have a source bee here?"

"It was a honey bird who told me." Li Yu naturally couldn't tell the black bear demon the truth, but he didn't lie either. He did collect the news from a honey bird, which is a kind of honey that likes to eat honey. Harpy.

"It turned out to be that hateful bird!" said the black bear demon angrily. The black bear demon also likes to eat honey. The original honey is the best honey. He has always regarded the original bee of Heifeng Mountain as his private property, and the honey bird But he likes to steal his honey, which makes him very annoyed. It's a pity that the honey bird is very experienced in stealing honey. It is fast and small in size. He has no good way to this shrewd thief. Fortunately, it is the honey bird. He has a small appetite, and he can bear it. The damn thing is that this honey bird ate it by himself, and now he even tells the human being about the consumption of the origin bee of the Black Wind Mountain.

"Let's go, I can't give you the origin bee, let me see you again, I will kill you." The black bear demon has the same shrewdness as humans, if it is other things, he might give it to Li Yu. But Benyuan Honey is his favorite, how could he give Li Yu or even threaten Li Yu.

"I only need a few nests. It shouldn't be difficult to separate a nest? I can cultivate it by myself." Li Yu doesn't know much about the original bee, but it seems that it is not difficult to cultivate honey on the earth. Is there anything he doesn't know, otherwise, how could the black bear demon react so much

"Not difficult?" The black bear demon was angry at Li Yu's ignorance, and his voice raised several syllables. Fortunately, he was worried about Li Yu and didn't do it directly. "Have you seen the original bees? Do you understand their habits? You know Does cultivating a new queen bee consume half of the queen bee's source?"

"Uh, how is cultivating a new queen bee like cultivating a clone?" Li Yu really didn't understand, this black bear demon's soul was too powerful and condensed, and the system did not collect this useful information.

"It is not a clone, but nurturing. If the queen bee cultivates a new queen bee, it will consume a lot of origin, and then it will be weak for a year. In order to restore the queen bee, the royal jelly produced within this year will be consumed by the queen bee, so I don’t Will give you the original bee."

"Consumption of origin?" Li Yu groaned, nodded, and then smiled and took out a fairy peach and said: "I have a fairy fruit here that can be used to restore the origin. If possible, I am willing to exchange two fairy peaches for a nest. Origin bee."

"Fairy fruit?" When Li Yu took out the fairy peach, the black bear demon was still a little bit disdainful.

The big bear stared at the fairy peach in Li Yu's hand. After the peach was picked by Li Yu, he wrapped the peach with real yuan in order to keep it fresh, so there was no hint of fruit aroma, but some things don’t need to be smelled, just look at it. All can be judged.

The Black Bear Demon didn't know what was going on. He didn't like to eat fruit, but after seeing this fairy peach, he couldn't help drooling, and instinctively told him that this fairy peach was delicious and he needed to eat it.

"Can you give me a taste?" The black bear demon, who has always been arrogant, is as cute as a child who sees delicious food.

"Here you are!" Li Yu threw Xiantao over.

"Hey, be careful." The black bear demon caught the Xiantao that Li Yu had thrown with his hands in a hurry, and was very dissatisfied with Li Yu's behavior. This is Xiantao. If it falls to the ground and breaks... it seems impossible, neither of them. A three-year-old child, a Integral Realm and a Dacheng Realm, if you can't catch a fairy peach, you can dig a hole and bury yourself. But in order to express his dissatisfaction, the black bear demon still snorted at Li Yu: "Humph!"

I wanted to express some of my own comments to criticize Li Yu, but when he caught Xiantao, Li Yu's true essence covering the surface of Xiantao dissipated, and when the fruity fragrance of the peach wafted out, the black bear demon couldn't say it anymore. He swallowed and held it. The Xiantao made her mouth shut.

The fairy peach is very big, the size of a sea bowl. It seems that it is not enough to see the blood plate of the black bear demon at this time. A fairy peach was swallowed directly by him, and Li Yu shook his head straight to see the taste? It’s almost the same as the first time I ate the spirit peach, and it’s not even as big as my own. Well, maybe my mouth is not as big as his. /see.

After the black bear demon swallowed the fairy peach in one bite, he slapped his mouth, aftertaste, his face full of happiness, and a little regret: "Too little and too small, I haven't tasted it yet, um..."

As he was talking, the black bear demon suddenly shut his mouth and looked shocked. It took a long time to look at Li Yu with bright eyes: "This fairy peach is not bad. If you can give me a hundred, I can give you one. A colony of primordial bees."

"A hundred? I don't have so many. Have you ever seen such a top-quality fairy fruit that can produce a hundred?" The black bear demon lion opened his mouth, and Li Yu also talked nonsense and made a look of disdain.

"Hehe..." The black bear demon was said by Li Yu, a little embarrassed, as Li Yu said, the spirit fruit, especially the best spirit fruit like the fairy peach, and even the fairy fruit of the fairy product, it is impossible. Just like the big-ticket goods, a tree bears hundreds of fruits.

"Then how many can you take out? Too few is not enough, this spirit... Xiantao has a very good effect of restoring the origin, but one can not restore the new king who cultivates the new queen bee." The black bear demon said solemnly. .

If Li Yu had not seen how greedy he was eating the fairy peach just now, and had believed him, would the black bear demon really give the original queen bee the fairy peach? Maybe it will all go into his stomach, right

"This fairy peach tree only gives out nine. I ate two, you ate one, and there are six, so how about three of us?" Li Yu was very reluctant, but pretended to be Said generously.

Li Yu's performance was very successful, and the black bear demon believed him to be afraid of words, but the black bear demon's greed would not change: "There are six left, just keep one for a taste, and I will only eat one. , Leave the four to the queen bee, or she won’t be able to recover."

"This won't work... Well, I will leave two, you two, the queen bee can almost recover by eating one, and there is one left for the queen bee to spare, just in case." Li Yu pretended to think for a long time. Said hard.

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