Super Insight System

Chapter 32: Summoning formation


Li Yu didn't know that Roger was still investigating him. He knew that he was not afraid. As long as he didn't get him up, they would not be able to find out his own'master' who didn't exist at all.

The first thing Li Yu did when he returned to the lounge was to take the magic core in his hand and let the system absorb it.

"Absorb... One hundred thousand intermediate energy, two million low-level energy." The system issued a warning tone. Before the intermediate energy appeared, the energy he used was all low-level energy.

"Low-level energy is okay. There are two million. Is this intermediate energy too little, only one hundred thousand?" Li Yu was a little disappointed. A piece of magic core fragment that failed to evolve the godhead actually had only one hundred thousand intermediate energy.

System: "Master, 100,000 points of intermediate energy are not too small. According to calculations, one point of intermediate energy can be exchanged for 10,000 points of low energy."

"Ah... Then... 100,000 points of intermediate energy can be exchanged for 1 billion low-level energy? Then I can upgrade... I calculate... You need 1 million energy for the system to reach level 5, and my level 5 spiritual enhancement needs 10 million energy, the magic core needs 1 million energy to rise to the fourth level, and 10 million energy to rise to the fifth level. You need 10 million energy to rise to the sixth level. My sixth-level spiritual enhancement needs 100 million energy, and the sixth-level magic core needs 10 million energy. One hundred million energy, you need one hundred million energy to upgrade to level seven, and then increase... Uh, energy is not enough... In other words, these energy can make you rise to level seven, and I can also rise to level six... The fifth level is a primary demon. Mentor, the sixth level is an Intermediate Sorcerer, that is to say, I will soon be an Intermediate Sorcerer! Haha!"

"Master, it is recommended not to convert intermediate energy into low energy. A little intermediate energy can be converted into ten thousand low energy. The conversion process is also very quick and convenient. It can be completed in an instant; but it takes 12,000 to convert low energy into intermediate energy. Point low-level energy, of which two thousand points of energy are consumed, which is very uneconomical. Moreover, with the current system's capabilities, it requires the system to operate at full power, and it takes an hour to convert a little intermediate energy." The system said helplessly.

"That's... it's not a good deal."

"There are still many places where intermediate energy will be used in the future, but intermediate energy is not easy to find, so it is best to reserve these 100,000 intermediate energy and use it at critical moments."

"Well, two million low-level energies are enough. By the way, I want to learn the skills of the summoner."

Contract core: (completeness 1oo%, perfection 1oo%), no level skills; the higher the level of the contract beast, the lower the contract success rate; the higher the proficiency (perfection), the higher the contract success rate; 1oo% proficiency However, the contract beasts of their own spiritual level are 100% successful. After the first level, the success rate is reduced by 1o%. When the contract beast exceeds the third level, it is not recommended to contract. It is easy to be mentally backlashed and the consequences are serious.

Note: To learn this magic, one hundred thousand points of energy (low) are required.

It turns out that the contract still has so many restrictions. It seems that the summoner is not so good to behave. If one is not good, backlash can turn oneself into an idiot.

Dimensional Summoning: (completeness 9o%, perfection 8o%), no level magic, can summon creatures in different dimensions, the success rate is related to luck, the spiritual power of the summoner, and the strength of the creature being summoned.

Note: Dimensional summoning requires learning the types of different-dimensional creatures. It will be a disaster to summon uncontrollable terrifying creatures. To summon new familiars that have not been contracted, you need to use the summoning magic circle to assist.

Note: To learn this magic, one million energy points (low) are required.

Mind control of multiple magic pets: (completeness 1oo%, perfection 1oo%), no level magic, control a large number of magic pets, make it like an arm pointing, it needs 100,000 points of energy (low).

Magic materials to build a summoning magic array: (completeness 1oo%, perfection 1oo%), no level skills, one hundred energy points (low).

Spiritual power builds the summoning magic circle: (completeness 1oo%, perfection 9o%) no-level magic, requires one million energy points (low).

Summoner's skills are all non-level skills, but looking at the energy that needs to be consumed, and then looking at his own energy reserve, Li Yu is about to cry. Are these skills looking at his own energy reserve? After learning these skills, his energy is only a few hundred points left, but these are the skills of the summoner, and you can't learn it.

The summoner does not have a magic core, but there is a contract core. The system prompts that this contract core is more complicated than the magic core. She cannot work out the principle for the time being. That is to say, the contract core cannot be upgraded with energy like the magic core. Fortunately, The skills in the collected information are already perfect and sufficient for the time being. When the system level is high and the computing power is strong in the future, the principle should be analyzed.

After learning several skills of the summoner, Li Yu carefully studied these skills. It is good to have a system. It is very difficult for people to learn a skill. Some may not be learned in a lifetime, but he learns several at a time, not only in seconds, but also in Very high proficiency.

Fearing that he would not be able to recognize creatures of different dimensions, Li Yu asked the system to integrate all the collected information into a biological database. The system was very powerful. He quickly got the biological database out, but he told him that Li Yu was the best. Don't learn from these databases, because there are too many materials. If Li Yu insists on learning, it is likely that his brain will be overwhelmed and his spirit will collapse.

But then it was said that the system was attached to Li Yu's body, and when Li Yu called, she could provide real-time information services.

In addition, there are too many different-dimensional worlds. If you enter a dimensional world that no one has ever entered, the dimensional creatures you encounter are different. It is not very useful to learn those materials, and you can only use mental power at that time. To sense the strength of dimensional creatures.

Early the next morning, Li Yu approached Roger and applied to use the Ancient Summoning Magic Circle.

The ancient magic circle is on a small square behind the magic guild. According to Roger, this magic circle has a history of tens of thousands of years. It was constructed by a demigod summoner with six magic god summoners. , In order to protect the magic circle from being destroyed, and afraid that building a house would affect the movement of the magic circle, so later magicians built a magic barrier outside the magic circle to protect the summoning magic circle from wind and rain. Fight, this magic circle is generally only used by the elders of the guild and members who have made great contributions to the guild, and there is a time limit for the number of times.

This made Li Yu feel a little flattered. He didn't expect that a little magician could enjoy the treatment of elders, and he didn't expect that a simple salt-making technique could be exchanged for so many benefits. The sugar-making technique on the big 6 was also flattered. No, if you need it in the future, you can also contribute. These big benefits are not under his control. It's better to exchange something practical with the Magic Guild.

When I came to the Summoning Magic Array, except for President Roger, the nine elders were all here, which made Li Yu a little nervous, especially Li Yu’s skills were learned from others, which is equivalent to copying other people’s skills. It must have the characteristics of other people's spellcasting, if it is seen by people, it will be troublesome.

But this is already the case, and I can't retreat. I just bite the bullet and really ask, I can only say that the main road is one. The two people have the same views on the summoning technique, so the method of casting is also the same.

Throwing away distracting thoughts, Li Yu stood in front of the summoning formation and began to release his mental power. Summoning magic cannot be instantaneous, because it requires mental power to collude with creatures of different dimensions through the summoning formation, and finally summon the creatures to the main position through the summoning formation. noodle.

When Li Yu released his spiritual power, he was immediately perceived by the powerful people watching the ceremony. They were all a little surprised. I thought that Li Yu was only an intermediate light magician, but he did not expect his spiritual power to reach level four. This is a high-level magician. With such a strong level of mental power, it was only a matter of time before Li Yu was promoted to the Senior Mage, and this time would not be long.

With the release of Li Yu’s spiritual power, the corner of the summoning formation closest to him was illuminated, and the pattern of the formation in the formation quickly extended to other places as if it were electrified. Soon, the entire magic array was lit up. The six corners emit dazzling light, and the six rays of light converge toward the center of the formation. When the rays of light gather together, a dazzling ball of light is formed at the center of the formation.

Li Yu’s spiritual world was instantly taken into a strange world, this world is very big, there are many creatures, there are rabbits, goats, wild boars, deer, tigers, wolves...

Among the people watching the ceremony, Isabelle was a little surprised. It's not that Li Yu's method of summoning is wrong, but that this method of summoning is exactly the same as hers? She doesn't remember that she taught it to others? Is there such a coincidence in the world

Isabel wants to break his head but can't think of what's going on? What's more, I didn't think that Li Yu's summoning skills were learned from her. It's strange that it's different!

Feeling that it was impossible to teach it by herself, Isabel didn't think much about it. Instead, she felt that Li Yu's summoning technique was the same as hers. The two had the same understanding of summoning, and there was a feeling of finding a confidant! Seriously look at the call of this confidant, and see what kind of contract creature he can summon.

How come they are ordinary creatures? No, this should be an ordinary biological area, this world is so big, there must be powerful creatures, but you can't just summon useless rabbits back, it's a waste of summoning formations.

When your mind moves, you move quickly in the spiritual world, eh! Anyone else? Can human beings be summoned contract beasts? Well, yes, isn't Jian Ji just a human form? These human-like creatures may not be humans... Indeed, they have unicorns on their foreheads.

"Is the system there?"

"Master, I am here. These creatures are too weak. When there are powerful creatures, I will prompt, try not to contact me. We are purely spiritual communication now, which will increase your mental energy consumption..."

Li Yu hurriedly manipulated his mind and searched for new creatures. He also knew that it would consume a lot of spirit to enter a different dimension. If the spirit power is exhausted and no satisfactory contract beast is found, then the summoning fails.

"Master, you still have 5o% of your mental power left. Be fast, or you will find a powerful creature and you won’t have any spiritual power to contract it. Contracts of the same level need to consume 1o% of your mental power. For each higher level, Consume 1o% more mental power..."

"Oh, it should have failed... His mental power is not enough!" Isabel sighed, Li Yu's mental power has been lower than 3o%, even if he finds the summoned beast, he is at most one level higher than him, which is five. Level creatures, such summoned beasts are generally not much to watch.