Super Insight System

Chapter 327: Have a girlfriend


A super power in China is attacking those who have the ability to enter China. The news spreads quietly in the dark world. The capable people are very wary of the mysterious Chinese cultivators. They dare not underestimate them, and immediately contact those who have entered China together. The capable people inquired about the news, just to inquire, they were all in a cold sweat, many capable people had lost contact, and they were all killed!

Well-informed, knowing that the purpose of this superpower is to clean up the entry capacity of the three southwestern provinces, they immediately left the three southwestern provinces, and those who didn’t know the news directly left China in fright and vowed never to come again. This mysterious country.

I didn't bother to hunt down and kill people with overseas ability, but who leaked the news? Still need to check, all the news can't escape the collection function of the Smarteye system, but after collecting the accurate information, Li Yu is extremely embarrassed, it is his omission here.

Angela did not come alone, she also brought her four beautiful blood slaves, these four people not only used to satisfy her physical desires / hopes, but also provided her with blood.

Does she really want to suck human blood? Li Yu felt a little sick, but after seeing the origin of these blood slaves, Li Yu thought Angela seemed good.

Angela’s blood slaves exist in all countries. Some lost their homes because of the war, some were poor and couldn’t survive, and some were caught by bad guys and sold them... In short, they were all orphans and Angela saved them. They cultivated their various talents since childhood, and when they grew up, they helped her manage her industry, became her sexual partners, and became her blood slaves.

They all know the identity of her blood family, but they are willing to pay for her, willing to provide her with blood, everything is voluntary.

After Li Yu captured Angela, the blood slaves discovered that she was missing, so they immediately took action to inquire about other capable persons. This inquiries was incredible. They found that all the foreign capable persons who had entered Rongcheng had disappeared. After continuing, I found the shadow of the Dragon Group, and discovered that a powerful Chinese monk was massacring foreign capable people, and the matter spread.

Many people with abilities are connected. Angela is a blood duke, and many people with abilities know that she was so powerful that she was killed by the Chinese monks? What are you waiting for if you don't run? Fortunately, they are still well informed. Knowing that this powerful Chinese monk is only targeting foreigners in the three southwestern provinces, they immediately escaped from this range.


Angela looked at the sleeping man on the bed with a complicated expression, showing two pairs of blood teeth and licking her lips. Although she was reluctant, this was her first and only man, and finally put away the blood. Ya, put on your underwear carefully. There is no coat. She just wore it when she came from Rongcheng.

Gently kissed on the man's face, got out of bed carefully, opened the window of the room, and jumped out, a pair of wings appeared on her back, flapping the wings, and disappeared into the night sky.

Li Yu also opened his eyes at this time, looked at the empty window, and felt a little complicated. What is this? One/night/love? Why are you leaving? Are you still afraid that you will kill her

"Oh... Do you really think you are a ruthless person?" After a long time, Li Yucai sighed and disappeared into the room with a move.


After returning home, Li Yu's mood has never been very good. From time to time he thinks of Angela. Whether it is Jian Ji, Annie, or Si Mu, after becoming his own women, they don’t all follow him honestly. By his side, Angela has escaped. Isn't he so unpopular with women

In fact, Li Yu has no affection for Angela. She fell in love with her because she hadn't been in contact with women for too long. She was only wearing underwear at the time, which was very sexy and very hot. For a while, the sperm became impulsive and regarded her as a vent. tool.

In fact, it’s okay for her to leave. If she really wants to keep her, Li Yu can do it easily. A little blood duke can’t escape his palms, but this makes Li Yu deeply shocked and makes him wonder if he is real. There is no charm at all. If Annie and the others are unlocked, will they leave themselves

The brain hurts too much, and Li Yu is too lazy to think, leaving is no big deal, but he has already determined that she is his own woman, she can’t run away, and he can chase her back even in other worlds. Not to mention, she just returned to Eagle Nation and was still on Earth.

Don’t worry about turning green on the top of your head. He is Angela’s first man. Angela has the spiritual imprint he made. He can easily find her. If a man approaches her, or if she is in danger, he can sense it. , Can appear next to her in an instant, as for she is still messing around with her beautiful female blood slaves, and she doesn’t want to worry about it, as long as it’s not a man, he just thinks of Angela messing around with her female blood slaves. In response to the physiological reaction, some wanted to fly over and appear next to her immediately.

"What are you thinking about? Missing a girlfriend?" Father Li appeared next to Li Ding.

"No!" Li Yu was a little flustered.

"Is there no girlfriend or no girlfriend?" Father Li asked, his voice not small, and he attracted Mother Li.

"Uh..." Li Yu didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Xiaoyu, don’t your sects not allow marriage?" Mother Li has practiced now. She has read many books on cultivation and knows the taboos of many sects. Many sects do not allow their disciples to marry and have children. She is a little worried. The ascetics don't have much contact with them, and they treat themselves as ordinary people, thinking that the most important thing is to pass on from generation to generation.

"No, our sect has no restrictions. You can get as many as you want." Li Yu quickly explained that this is not a trivial matter, and he doesn't want Li's mother to worry about it.

"It's okay!" Li Yu's parents were obviously relieved. They all know that Li Yu is very strong now. Then Li Yu's fictional sect must be stronger than they imagined. Such a strong sect, Li Yu joins in and wants him If they can't get married and have children, they really can't resist.

"By the way, since your sect has no taboos, we don't ask you to get married and have children immediately, but you should almost find a girlfriend."

"I..." Li Yu once wanted to tell them that he had several women in another world, but in the end he held it back. Things in the other world were forgotten. Just looking at their style, it seemed that he was going to help him on a blind date, Li Yu Quickly said: "I have a girlfriend, but she is a foreigner."

"Ah! Foreigners?" Li's father and Li's mother were a little dizzy. In their thinking, monasticism should be very traditional. They all think it's normal to find a classical woman. How could a foreign woman pop up? Did he cultivate in a foreign country

On the earth, there are really not many women Li Yu has contact with. The only person who has had a relationship with him is Angela, and Li Yu pulls her out as a shield for a while.

"Yes, I'm just afraid that you don't agree, so I haven't told you." Li Yu answered carefully, looking at his parents' expressions.

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