Super Insight System

Chapter 339: Turn in the rake


Seeing the Tianmen disappear out of thin air after closing, everyone feels lost.

"Look at Tianmen Peak changed!" someone shouted loudly.

After the Tianmen was closed and disappeared, the original bare Tianmen Peak was almost completely changed. Although Tianmen Peak was not as tall as the giant trees in the forest inside Tianmen, it was also shaded by green trees, and its aura was quite rich. In three days, Tianmen Peak was big. Changed.

"Please leave. This is the territory of China. This mountain is owned by China." Long Jianfei stood up and stopped the foreigners who wanted to rush into Tianmen Peak.

As for the Brothers Hua, they were also standing on the same line with Long Jianfei at this time. The world within the Tianmen was as big as three days. It was impossible for them to find all the treasures of the spiritual plant, but this Tianmen Peak was On the territory of China, it is not the alien world on the other side of Tianmen. Everything here is the property of China. How can we share it with foreigners

The foreigners are very unwilling, but there is no way. They have gained some gains this time. They carried all the big bags and the contents were all their gains. Now, if you are working with the Chinese, you will definitely be able to Even if many people died, they could leave the treasures they got to the Chinese people, which is not worth it.

Next is the time for the dragon team to draw. It was said beforehand that when the people who entered the treasure hunt came out, part of the harvest would be given to the dragon team. At that time, everyone did not get anything and agreed to it, but now, the treasure is started. Let the dragon group draw again, everyone is unhappy.

"We found too few things this time. Several of us were eaten by poisonous insects and monsters and suffered a great loss..." The beauty representative from the United States stood up with a pitiful look.

Long Jianfei was unmoved, but he was also a little uneasy at this time. He could see that none of the surrounding cultivators and foreign abilities had taken the initiative to hand in the commission, and his tone was softer: "Let's do it. The original plan was to pay 50%. Since everyone has a loss, let's pay 40%. This is a must."

"Twenty percent, no amount will work, otherwise we can't confess to other people when we go back." The beauty had a firm face, and she didn't know who they had to confess to when they returned.

Long Jianfei was a little annoyed, but now things are in the hands of others. If the Chinese monks are not handled well, they must fight together. If the Chinese monks unite, they are certainly not afraid of foreigners, but can they unite? After the foreigners have paid the rake, they have to look for them. They affirmed that they hoped that the rake would be lower. Why these people are not keeping their promises. Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Li Yu, hoping that Li Yu would come out and give him a platform. If Li Yuken came forward, none of these people would dare to move.

Seeing Long Jianfei looking at Li Yu, everyone was shocked. They knew that Li Yu had helped Dragon Group clean up foreign capable people who killed ordinary people. The methods were quite terrifying. They had also seen Li Yu's strength, Yijian The majesty can not be forgotten now, it is really terrible.

Li Yu didn't respond to Long Jianfei, which surprised Long Jianfei. He wasn't sure if Li Yu would help them, so he had to reduce the commission slightly: "Let's do it, three and a half percent, it can't be less."

"Thirty percent, no matter how much we have, we'll run for nothing!" The beauty representative is also clever, everyone is bargaining, Li Yu can't kill people without reason, and it seems that Li Yu is a terrible monk and dragon group. The relationship is not as good as in the legend.

In the end, the draw was set at 30%, and those with foreign abilities were very unwilling to hand over 30% of the harvest. Seeing the elixir handed over, their hearts were dripping blood.

After the foreign capable people left, they waited for the casual cultivators to get a 20% rake. These people were not united, and they didn't dare to resist the dragon group. They obediently handed in the rake, and then reluctantly left.

Finally, there are several major sects of Zhengmo. They set a 10% rake. They have a lot of people and gain a lot.

"Tianyujiao makes friends like foreigners!" Li Yu suddenly said, causing everyone to look at him, and then look at Tianyujiao with sympathy, all wanting to know how Tianyujiao offends Li Yu .

Long Jianfei's face was happy, he didn't care who paid more, as long as he could collect more, and it was obvious that Li Yu was on their side. Thinking of Li Yu's strength, he was full of confidence.

"I don't know where my Tianyujiao offends seniors?" Tianyujiao came this time as an assistant teacher, a handsome guy in his thirties. Although he hated Li Yu to death, he didn't dare to face him. Show it on.

"I hate traitors the most. I either have to pay 30% or don't have to." Li Yu said lightly.

The handsome vice leader was a little stunned when he heard Li Yu talk about traitors, the brush on his face changed. He didn’t think he really didn’t have sex with Li Yu’s words. Kill them all and return everything to the Dragon Group. Then there is no need to hand in. He has a ghost in his heart and quickly explained: "Senior has misunderstood. Our Tianyu Sect is a Chinese sect. How could it be a traitor, it's just our natural desire. Teachers have many industries overseas and need to deal with these foreigners, so we have to make false claims. We are not traitors."

"Either pay or not!" Li Yu just repeated indifferently.

Seeing Li Yu not listening, the indifferent tone was full of murderous aura, thinking of the shocking sword, the handsome leader did not dare to look Li Yu's eyes directly, lowered his head, hatefully handed over 30% of the gain, and then embarrassed. The people who were taught by the heavenly desires left.

"Thank you Senior Li!" Long Jianfei happily stepped forward to pull the relationship, hoping to repair the relationship with Li Yu.

"No thanks, I just can't understand some guys who eat inside and out." Li Yu is noncommittal, and not all bad guys in Tianyu Church, otherwise he doesn't mind killing.

People from other sects looked at Tianmen Peak reluctantly after turning in the rake. Although the Tianmen was closed, there was still aura overflowing. In the next few decades, the aura will remain abundant here, and only use the formation method. Tianmen Peak is circled, and here is a new blessed land.

Everyone expected this. At this time, there were already Dragon Formation masters busy under the mountain. Li Yu glanced at it. It should be a Spirit Sealing Formation, which can seal the spiritual energy on this mountain without dissipating.

And here will be a base for the Dragon Team in the future. Although everyone is reluctant to give up, they dare not fight for territory with the Dragon Team. Whoever makes the family work for the government, and the Dragon Team has already said that whoever wants to join the Dragon Team, all You can practice in this new Dongtianfudi, but you have to pay while enjoying the aura of Dongtianfudi. When the dragon group needs it, you have to help. Most of the monks are willing to stick to their own denominations, who Willing to take care of these mundane matters, unless their own denomination has no aura.

After everyone left, Long Jianfei watched the commissions handed in by the various forces. When he saw that Qingcheng had only handed in a few elixir, he couldn’t help but draw the corners of his mouth. Qingcheng sent so many people, and they again Li Yu's relationship is the best, how could it not be rewarded

Sister Angela is even more outrageous. They don't have a single plant. What they said with the Dragon crew is that they just came to see, and they actually don't have anything in their hands.

Li Yu... Not to mention, no one dared to let Li Yu pay for it, and he had empty hands, not a small bag.

Long Jianfei suspects that Li Yu must have a magic weapon in space. Although this conjecture is outrageous, he is sure that Li Yu must have it. Unfortunately, he dare not let people search Li Yu's body, otherwise he will definitely find it, and sister Angela. They must be Li Yu’s women. Li Yu is so generous, it is impossible not to give them. Maybe Qingcheng also has them. They cannot gain so little. More must be put in the space equipment. I didn’t see them. When I left, everyone's face almost burst into laughter.

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