Super Insight System

Chapter 354: Fun gift package


"You are also the best biochemical person? Don't you want to be an interstellar powerhouse? Even stronger?" Li Yu asked lightly.

The biochemical shop assistant looked at Li Yu for a long time, and finally nodded: "Yes, I am indeed the best biochemical person. My master didn't find out. They use me as a salesperson instead of selling them to disgusting men as sex toys. It's mine. Fortunately, you are not an ordinary person. If you can sell me to you, it will be better than now."

"Why have you been selling these two superb biochemical people to me?"

"They are both top-quality biochemical people like me. Only two of them can be regarded as my kind. I hope they can have a good home. I can see that you are extraordinary. You are not comparable to others. You can only follow you. Only when they have the possibility to become stronger, and they become stronger, you, as their master, will cherish them."

"Can you see it?" Li Yu was aroused by curiosity, and he didn't expect the biochemical female clerk to have such good eyesight.

The female biochemical clerk rolled her eyes, "No one who purchases biochemical humans by advancing has more than six stars, and they are not professional practitioners. You are the strongest. It seems that you only have seven or eight stars, but I have nine stars. , But I feel that I can't beat you, and you may be knocked off by a single move. Some of these can prove your extraordinary."

Feelings can be seen in this way, the biochemical female clerk has nine-star strength, and naturally can see Li Yu's approximate strength.

"Why do you have the current nine-star strength?"

"I..." The biochemical female clerk hesitated for a while and answered honestly: "I accidentally learned the basic physical exercises of your human beings, the kind taught in your school."

"At that time, a student came to the store to do odd jobs. When there were no customers, she would practice this kind of exercise in the store. I wrote it down. I practiced when there was no one. After more than ten years, I have what I have now. level."

"Genius!" Li Yu had to compliment. This biochemical female clerk has used a set of basic physical exercises for more than ten years, and she has cultivated to nine stars. Even human beings don't necessarily have this ability.

"Okay, I want to buy you... and those two superb biochemical people." Li Yu decided that the biochemical people are infinitely loyal, able to practice, and can do things for themselves. It would be a pity not to buy them: "Wait a minute, I If you don’t have credits, let’s sell some medicinal pills first. Well, let me ask first, how many credits do you three need?"

"The three of us have a total of 2.1 million credits. Each of them is one million. I only need one hundred thousand. I have been here as a salesperson. I have not been touched by a man. I only need one hundred thousand. You earn it. "The biochemical female clerk rolled her iconic eyes very humanely.

Li Yu nodded, and sold medicinal pills online. It is very convenient to sell things online. Li Yu sold a bottle of Level 5 Enlightenment Pill. After deducting website fees and taxes, he got 9 million credit points, and the time was spent. five minutes.

The best biochemical man in the two transparent boxes is very convenient to buy, just pay directly, but the female clerk is a little troublesome, because her owner is the shopkeeper here, a middle-aged woman, she doesn’t find it troublesome. The female clerk who is willing to sell the biochemical agent, because the biochemical person of the owner changes the ownership, the owner must face to face, at least in Shimizu.

Li Yu asked for the contact information of the female shopkeeper and contacted the other party through the brain. After knowing that Li Yu had bought two high-quality biochemical people and was a major customer, he asked Li Yu to buy nine more high-level biochemical people. Wan, she only sells biochemical female clerk.

A female biochemical clerk has more than one million credits, and she has to give away nine senior biochemical people. Li Yu is willing to pay immediately. Seeing that Li Yu is so happy, this profiteer wants Li Yu to buy more things. , Li Yu directly cold his face, and said lightly: "I didn't expect that I, a nine-star alchemist who buys a biochemical man in your store, will have to make things difficult for you! Humph!"

"Nine-star Alchemist?" The female shopkeeper saw Li Yu's youngness through Zhi Nao, and she didn't believe Li Yu's words.

Li Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly opened the identity information query authority to the other party, otherwise the other party's ordinary small boss would not have the authority to query Li Yu's identity information at all.

As soon as the authority was activated, the other party immediately checked Li Yu’s identity information. When he saw that it was a nine-star alchemist, the whole person was frightened. After only five minutes, he appeared in embarrassment in front of Li Yu. The smile seems to be crying no matter how you look at it, "My lord, your adult doesn't remember the villain's past. I will give you all the biochemical people you want. Do you think it is?"

"No, am I short of your two money? If I pay, you just transfer her authority to me."

"Yes! Yes!" The middle-aged female shopkeeper didn't dare to talk nonsense, and immediately transferred the authority to Li Yu.

The biochemical people in the box can be directly put into the space ring. It is not surprising that Li Yu has the space ring, and the middle-aged female shopkeeper and several other people watching the show. Although they don’t have space equipment, the world has space equipment. There are a lot of people.

The box is the life-saving system of the biochemical person. Li Yu put the other biochemical people into the space ring together with the box, and then left with the biochemical female clerk.

"My lord, please wait a moment." The middle-aged female shopkeeper stopped Li Yu.

Li Yu glanced at the female shopkeeper, did she still call someone? "Is there a problem?"

"My lord, please don't get me wrong, I'm not malicious. You spent three million in the small shop, and the small shop has a big gift package to give it, hehe..." the female shopkeeper explained with a strong smile, still sweating on her head when she spoke.

Li Yu smiled: "No need."

"My lord, you must accept it, otherwise others will say that the shop is deceiving customers." The female shop owner was about to cry. She was really scared. Li Yu's status as a nine-star pharmacist is really scary, even if Li Yu doesn't look for it. She is troublesome. There are so many monks who want Li Yu to make medicine. She is more or less a small boss, and she has some knowledge. There are monks among her relatives and friends. These monks do everything to please the alchemist. The little boss who has offended Li Yu is likely to become a stepping stone for those people.

"Well, I can send any gift packages." The little boss is not a bad person, and Li Yu finally nodded and agreed to accept her gift packages.

Seeing Li Yu nodding, the female shopkeeper really showed a smile on her face, and hurriedly ordered the female shop assistants, not to greet other customers, all to help carry the gift package.

This makes Li Yu a little funny. He really has a big gift bag. It takes so many people to move. There are at least a dozen biochemical clerks who need to move the big gift bag. Soon these clerk moved things out, and there are really a lot of things.

A set of memory writing equipment can write skill memories into the chips of all biochemical people. This equipment is about the same size as the life-sustaining box of biochemical people. It also comes with a full set of skill software, with a total of 18,000 skill memories. It can be written selectively. Generally, an advanced biochemical person can write no more than one hundred skill memories. Generally, only five basic skills are preset at the factory. Others need to be purchased at a cost.

A set of biochemical human body repair and modification equipment, which can be used to repair the damaged body of the biochemical human, and can also modify the size and shape of some organs of the biochemical human in a small range. It is also a device about the size of a life-saving box. In addition to the equipment, it also comes with a box Nutrient solution, biochemical person's body repair and modification all need nutrient solution. According to the female shop owner, natural persons with less than five stars can also use it.

In addition to these two sets of equipment, the other items are clothes. Are they selling clothes here? Li Yu looked at nurse uniforms, maid uniforms, military uniforms, police uniforms, OL uniforms, school uniforms, and some clothes that I had never seen before. Nima is all sexy clothes, and she deserves to be in this business. The clothes are very complete. , Just in front of so many people giving these things, especially when other customers saw so many things, they thought they were all specially bought by him, they all looked at Li Yu with admiration, and talked about whether his body can stand it. ? It made him feel so embarrassed.

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