Super Insight System

Chapter 407: The demon disintegrated


A lightsaber lit up the entire starry sky. When the sword light was condensed, Li Yu had already put away the sword. The three giant demons in front of him were relieved and floated peacefully in the void, not at all fighting. Zhong was killed desperately. After a while, only their ugly heads were in the middle of their eyebrows, and a blood line slowly soaked out. Their eyes gradually lost their brilliance, and the whole person (devil) split into two pieces from it.

The stunning sword shocked everyone (devil) on the battlefield. Without a trace of hesitation, the two giant demon races shook their opponents back at the same time, and their huge bodies swept away into the distance with a demon energy.

"Can you run? I'm waiting for you!" The two fleeing devilish qi collided on an invisible shield in the distance, revealing the original shape, and the formation mage Shi Zhongyu smiled proudly holding a formation pillar. Demonstrated at two shocked giant demons.

"Roar!" The two giant demons seemed to know that they couldn't escape, they roared, their eyes glowed with scary blood, and their aura suddenly increased.

"The demon disintegration Dafa! Quickly stop..." Situ Yong was very knowledgeable, and rushed towards a giant demon clan with a big sword in his hand.

Jiang Yu reacted quickly, a holy ball of light violently broke away from his hand and shot at another giant demon.

Li Yu did not move, but slowly backed away. It was not that he didn't want to solve these two giant demon races, but that he had more than one heart and lacked strength. Just now, in order to test new moves, one sword solved the three giant demon races. The new move is indeed very successful and powerful, but the same cost is also great. One sword consumes 80% of his sword energy. He needs time to recover. In a dangerous place like the blood demon forbidden area, he has great power. Loss is very dangerous. Without strength, there is no sense of security. Although Situ Yong's teammates are not bad, he can't entrust his safety in the hands of these people. Everyone is just a teammate who just met, not a friend who can entrust life and death.

The demon disintegration method is a secret technique used by the demons. It is actually not a secret technique. Eighty percent of the demons know this secret technique. It is a self-harming secret technique. At the expense of giving up his life, he strengthened his strength several times.

"Ah..." The Juli Mozu who was hit by Jiang Yu's Holy Light Ball spell made a scream, as if being scalded by a soldering iron, his body spasm uncontrollably, but his mobility was restored in a moment, but it can be seen that, His demon disintegration method has been discounted, and he is not as powerful as the coordinator beside him who is fighting with Situ Yong.

"Bah!" Situ Yong was knocked into the air and rushed towards Jiang Yu's legal professions.

Yuan Mingyue and Lanshan knew that they were invincible, but at this time they had to bite the bullet and rush up. Tang Qing's bow and arrows did not stop, and she kept firing out, hoping to keep this from blocking for a while.

The body of the Juli Mozu, who has begun to disintegrate, has become taller. It used to be only about five meters. Now it is seven meters. It has grown tall for a short time. The skin was cracked and the black and red blood flowed out of his body. Become a blood man.

Yuan Mingyue and Lanshan’s weapons attacked this demon clan. They only broke two holes, but they were hit and flew directly. I don’t know if the demon clan hates the power of light. This demon clan doesn’t care about the other People, just using the formation method to ignore the stone jade they left behind, rushing towards Jiang Yu who used the light spell, Jiang Yu's face changed drastically.

"Trouble!" Li Yu sighed secretly. He just decided to keep a little bit of strength, but he couldn't see his teammates being killed in front of him.

When the crazy demons rushed past Li Yu's right side, only a "chong" sound was heard. The shadow of the emptiness appeared on the right side of the demons. The sword of emptiness seemed to be composed of a law of swords. Where there is a gap in the law, the sword It means bone and sword aura is the front. It seems that this sword is just a phantom. It doesn't seem to be aggressive at all. It will be blown away by a gust of wind, but everyone feels palpitations.

The illusory sword that was originally on the right side of the Demon Race flickered and appeared on his left side, but he kept moving, and continued to rush towards Jiang Yu. The strength of the Demon Race that had been disintegrated was increased, and the speed also increased several times. When he rushed past Li Yu, it was too late for Jiang Yu to escape. He could use light spells, fire spells, and even water spells, but they were wind spells that did not accelerate, and space spells that could teleport. It will be fine to protect so many warriors, but now...

"Huh! Something's wrong!"

A holy light ball in his hand is condensing. If you can't escape, you can only do your best. I don't know if this holy light ball can repel the giant demon that has already undergone the disintegration of the demon, but the next moment he finds something is wrong, this demon aura Instantly weakened, the blood-red eyes also lost their lustre, and his body separated up and down as he moved, seeming to be cut in the middle by someone.

'It was Li Yu's work', Jiang Yu immediately understood that the illusory sword shadow of the giant demon clan passing by Li Yu just now was not beautiful, but powerful.

"Huh!" He breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Li Yu. Seeing that Li Yu's face was pale and his body was shaky, Jiang Yu also understood what was going on, and he was a little moved.


Li Yu knew that he had made merits with this sword, and he sat down in the void to recover. Just now because of his lack of strength, he had a brainstorm and attacked weak points. Fortunately, the demon clan that had disintegrated the demon. Although his strength has risen sharply, he is somewhat irrational.

The demon clan’s body protection demon aura is several times richer. If you attack normally, it will definitely be blocked by these demon auras. The attack will not have any effect, but the rich demon aura is not uniform due to the forcible increase of the demon’s disintegration. The place is thick, some places are thin, and even some places are not covered. Li Yu found this place that was not protected by the body protection demon energy as the entry point, using half of his body’s strength, the sword heart is the soul, and the sword intent For the bones and the sword energy for the front, it was condensed into an illusory sword and cut in from the unprotected place, slashing the terrifying demons in the middle.

If ordinary weapons and magic weapons cut the Demon Race in the middle, maybe this Demon Race and the Soul will not die, but Li Yu’s sword contains rules, and when the Demon Race’s body is cut in the waist, it will also be wiped away. Consciousness in the soul.

Without the threat of this terrifying Demon Race, another Demon Race that was not completely disintegrated was killed under the siege of everyone. As for the ghost in the meteorite, everyone did not have time to care about it, and there was no need to be afraid that he would run away. There is a black and bright seal, and there is a formation of stone in the jade outside, which can't run away.

After everyone rested and adjusted, Hei Guangming took out a jade gourd and extracted the spirits of the five demon races. The body of the demon race is also a treasure. You can take it back and let the alchemist refine the devil energy and refine it into a pill that replenishes blood energy. Medicine is a kind of pill that the warriors like most. As for what is said to be disgusting and disliked with the blood of the demon clan, there is no such saying in this world.

Li Yu is such a more hypocritical person. He feels disgusting to eat the pill made from the blood of the Demon Race. Situ Yong persuaded that this is the same as eating the meat of the monster. Haven't you ever eaten the meat of the monster

Li Yu couldn't refute, but he couldn't pass the psychological barrier. In the end, he still didn't ask for the flesh and blood of the Demon Race. He had so many immortal plants in his hands.

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