Super Insight System

Chapter 41: Disillusionment


"Annie, go to the heart of the King Kong Great Ape. Some of the heart has been in contact with the heart's essence and blood. It should be light golden and delicious. The meat near the inner alchemy is raised by the demon's temperature, and the meat quality is not bad. , Dig out the good things in these two places.

"Yes!" Annie obediently got into the body of the King Kong Great Ape. Mad Sword went in just now. There are ready-made passages and it is easy to get there.

The system prompts: "A creature is approaching."

Li Yu also sensed that since entering the innate, his spiritual sense has become much more sensitive, especially his spiritual power has gradually increased, and the range of sensing power has also been expanded and clearer.

Li Yu turned his head and glanced, and saw a young girl slowly approaching from a distance. The girl was empty-handed, and Li Yu didn't dare to despise it. This is a vast forest. It is impossible for a weak woman to appear here.

I felt it, and it was really good. This girl was actually one level higher than him and had a good cultivation level, but Li Yu felt that she should be able to deal with it. There was no threat to him. Such a vast forest would naturally have others, Li Yu I didn't care too much, maybe it was attracted by the huge corpse of the King Kong Great Ape.

The girl waited and watched from a distance, then slowly walked over and asked Li Yu, "Did you hunt this down?"

This girl is very beautiful, soft and weak, with a seductive look between her eyebrows and eyes, but Li Yu feels that something is wrong with this girl, but he can't tell what's wrong, and the answer is a bit blunt: "No."

"You lie, there is no outsider here except you. It's not who you hunted. The King Kong great ape is so big that you can't move it alone. Can you divide me?" The girl twisted her slender waist. The limbs are close, the graceful figure is full of charm while walking, so that Li Yu, a young man, has a physical reaction.

Seeing the beautiful girl getting closer and closer, there seemed to be some spiritual fluctuations, Li Yu became vigilant in his heart and looked at the girl seriously, and the real eye naturally activated.

Are you dazzled? Why is the beauty of this beautiful girl a little unreal? Is there an animal phantom? The pointed mouth, the furry face, and the fluffy ears stand upright. Isn't Nima a fox? Vixen? I've been listening to the story of a vixen before, and this is the first time I have seen the real one.

I just had a physiological reaction... Now there is a reaction there. If you really have a physiological reaction to a furry fox, then you really have to suspect that your physiology is not normal, so I cursed inwardly, and came a few more times. I have to be suspicious of all beautiful women. Damn it! She actually used mental illusions on herself.

Li Yu was so angry that he watched the approaching vixen with a palm thunder and pushed it out.

Seeing Li Yu stretched out his hand to his chest, the vixen straightened his chest proudly, secretly proud of himself. That's how the man is, there is nothing wrong with him... It seems something is wrong...


A palm ruthlessly hit the towering chest of the vixen, and the vixen's expression changed several times, triumphant, confused, angry, frightened... That was the sky thunder! What she fears most! How could this human being control the sky thunder

"Ah!" With the powerful thunder power in the palm of the hand, the fox spirit could not give birth to a trace of resistance, and was blasted out by this huge force.

When he flew out, the vixen was still thinking, how could this happen, he is not only in the mid-innate strength, but he is in the late-innate, stronger than him, how can he not gather the strength to resist under his attack? Of course the most terrifying thing is, how could he control Tianlei

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Yu to control the sky thunder. He does not have the strength yet. This palm thunder only has the characteristics of a sky thunder. If it is really a sky thunder, the fox spirit would be hit by the front and it would have turned into flying ash. .

The vixen who was knocked out quickly reacted. Li Yu shouldn't be the sky thunder, but it was also very scary. It made her very jealous. The lightning strike just now caused her to suffer serious injuries and could not hold it. The human form was beaten back to its original form.

It is also the first time Li Yu has encountered an animal that can transform into a human form. At this time, he saw a fox that was beaten back to its original form. It was a pretty animal, but at this time, he had no good impressions at all. .

When I watched the TV "White Fox" before, I still imagined that I would meet a beautiful vixen, but when I really met, well, if I don’t know her real body, I only know that she is beautiful. This girl, it's fine, but seeing her real body, she never thought of that again.

"Why do you confuse me?" This vixen has a higher cultivation base than him, and only has a palm thunder attack method. It is really a bit cramped. Whether it's delaying time or asking clearly about the purpose of this vixen, it's better to ask a few more words. good.

The vixen was stunned by Li Yu's question. In the past, human beings were either fascinated by him, or she was directly killed by her real body. But there had never been such a normal language communication. At this time, she did not think that Li Yu could not beat her, just to delay. time.

When asked about it, the vixen gave up his desperate plan, and said poorly: "I have no malice against you, I just want to obtain the meat of the King Kong Great Ape."

"Just want to get meat? Such a big King Kong great ape, can you finish it?" Li Yu came to be interested and asked curiously.

"Naturally, I can't finish it, but we are a big family."

"Uh..." Li Yu is even more vigilant for a big family. Even a fox is hard to deal with. How many foxes is this big family? Is there something more powerful? Hurry up to let out the mental power to sense the surroundings, and the system also let go to detect it to see if there are other foxes.

"There are a total of 1,538 foxes within a 100-kilometer radius. There are 24 foxes at level 7, 139 at level 6, and 500 at level 5. The others are all There is no level four, there is no level eight, so there is no reminder." The system immediately reported the information of the fox family to Li Yu.

The system is really dead-headed. Just now I asked him to detect if there is any threat. Although these foxes are not strong enough, the strongest ones have reached level seven. I still feel scalp numb just thinking about it for more than a thousand. Level 8 is good, but she is only one person.

Originally planned to kill this fox spirit, now Li Yu had to dispel this idea. The range of one hundred kilometers seems to be very large, but the monster cannot be calculated by common sense. It can be reached by a few more powerful breaths, and these foxes Not all the demons are 100 kilometers away, and some are only a few kilometers away from here.

Li Yuqiang is self-comfortable. He has such a strong detection ability, but the fox family does not have it. As long as the fox is squeezed and not allowed to rescue, he is absolutely safe to attract more foxes, so he continued to ask: "This piece But just after our human raid, you are not afraid of encountering it?"

"Naturally, we are scared, but we can't help it. So many people will starve to death if they don’t have food. If human beings leave, there will be many monster corpses that can’t be taken away. So we scattered out and looked for it, hoping to find it. Enough food." The fox said pitifully.

Li Yu knew that although there were a lot of these foxes, if they were confronted with the living King Kong Great Ape, it might not be enough for the whole clan. They didn’t know their best. The King Kong Great Ape just stood and let them fight. Can't move.

"Annie, did you find anything? Come out immediately. We have to leave here." Li Yu dealt with the vixen, while contacting the demon pet sword saint Annie in his heart.

"Master, the meat around the heart and inner alchemy has been taken, I will come out now."

Annie heard Li Yu’s contact and knew that there was a situation outside. She came out as quickly as possible. When Annie stood by Li Yu’s side, the vixen was all frightened. With the strong breath of Juggernaut, she Knowing that this is a strong man, he can easily kill himself.

"Well, this King Kong Great Ape is yours." Li Yu said to the frightened vixen, and then returned to the camp with Sword Saint Annie.

The fox stayed stupidly for a while before he came back to his senses. Then he was ecstatic. She was not killed in front of the human strong. At this time, she thought Li Yu was also a strong, otherwise how could she have an eighth level? As for his servant, maybe it was just a hidden strength, otherwise, how could he control the sky thunder

Obtaining the corpse of a huge King Kong great ape, even if the important parts of the King Kong great ape were taken away, a corpse of this size would be enough for their tribe to eat for a while. It was an unexpected gain, and immediately started contacting the tribe.

"Master, that fox demon seems to have only level six, can I easily kill it?" Sword Saint asked strangely.

Li Yu shook his head: "What if it is more than a thousand fox demon?"

Sword Saint Annie didn't speak any more, but she had experienced the siege of the Devourer Wolf, knowing the horror of the race, there is not much difference between a fox pack and a wolf pack, and foxes are more cunning and difficult to deal with.

Back at the camp, I looked at the heart and meat of the King Kong Great Ape that Sword Saint Anne brought back. The heart was only cut off, but it was more than 100 catties, and there was also a mass of meat near the inner alchemy. There were also two. Over a hundred catties, so many two people can eat it at once.

Thinking of going back to buy some wooden barrels, but still resisted, the system is collecting Reiki at full power, such opportunities are not always available.

Such a big King Kong great ape is placed there, it can attract the fox demon clan, and it can also attract other monsters. At first, they may only pay attention to the corpse of the King Kong great ape. After the corpse is divided, he is a human being. It is likely that it will attract the attention of many monsters, and Li Yu will only have to escape at that time, and there will be no chance to collect energy at that time.

Just put the heart and meat in the space ring for the time being, it should not deteriorate in a short time, and then open the roasted heart. The pale golden heart is fleshy, and you have appetite when you look at it. It is a pity that it has a demon-like atmosphere and cannot be taken back to your parents. eat.

"It's so fragrant!"

With Sword Saint Anne, he wouldn’t let Li Yu do the barbecue job. He just needs to drink fruit wine and watch it. The fruit wine is really good. It doesn’t taste much like fruit juice, but it’s in the wild without ice. Chunk, otherwise it tastes really good.


"System, are there any ice skills among the collected magic skills?"

"Yes, ice magic belongs to water magic, and there is freezing magic in the second-level water magic."

Li Yu secretly calculated that if you want to learn water magic, the core of the water magic at the first level needs 1,000 energy, and the second level requires 10,000 energy. It does not need to be too advanced, and the energy required is not much. If there is a freezing technique, It will be much more convenient to store things in the future. The prey can be frozen, and you are not afraid of being broken, and there is also a water-making technique in the water magic.