Super Insight System

Chapter 47: Advance step by step


After entering the Misty Valley, all the foxes here are very beautiful, and the beauty that makes her feel good is also hit. The beautiful plump and mature body, and many young but beautiful little foxes... She only It feels like her future is dark. Today, when helping the owner deal with the monkey, she was stupid not to kill the monkey. Instead, the monkey grabbed the bone sword...

After returning, the host ignored her and didn't say a word to her. Are you ready to not want her? I was thinking about it all the time, so when Li Yu summoned her, she would be so excited that she misheard her words and rushed in to prepare for bed.

At this time, because the master didn't intend to abandon her, but was just planning to improve her strength, and the mood was so complicated that she couldn't help crying.

Lying on the bed, looking affectionately at Li Yu sitting on the side of the bed, watching him stretch out his hand on her forehead and boost her strength, she couldn't help but secretly vowed in her heart that she would protect him with her life! Follow him, whether you go to heaven to fight the God of Light, or go to the Devil to hunt the Demon God, for him, it seems that death is not terrible!

Early the next morning, Li Yu took the people out, but Hu Mei led the way. Li Yu also let go of the system exploration. His mental power was saved to wait for the fight. Sword Ji was very excited, walking and dancing while walking. Bone Sword and Juggernaut are similar.

This time it was even less, Li Yu, Hu Mei and the eight seven-level elders of the Fox tribe, a total of twelve people, all of them were strong, and they were on the road faster.

"There are thirty-eight bone demon in front, two of level 7 and thirty-six level of six, kill them all, don't let one go, don't make too much noise." Li Yu blessed everyone with bright blessings. While giving orders.

"Yes!" Accepting the order, everyone rushed out together, leaving Jian Ji to guard Li Yu.

Li Yu glanced at Jian Ji strangely: "Why don't you go? Don't you like fighting and killing the most?"

"It's not the slave house. The slave wants to protect the master." Jian Ji took the bone sword to guard against possible enemies, while answering Li Yu's question.

"You don't need your protection, go, be careful, no bone demon can hurt me, you see." Li Yu said, a pair of light feathers stretched out from behind, waved gently, and slowly flew up. .

"Oh! Bright Wings! Master is amazing!" Jian Ji recognized this magic, and her eyes were full of small stars. Master is really amazing and can fly. Don't worry now, the bone demon can't hit the sky: "Master , The slave will help kill the bone demon!"

All the people who have been blessed with blessings are in their full state at this time, and their attack power is very sharp, especially the hands of the few fox clan elders are holding the sharpest legs of the seventh-level bone demon, which are used to attack the sixth-level bones. The devil wind is restrained, coupled with their magical assistance, kills the bone demon and chops melons and vegetables.

Hu Mei dealt with a seventh-level one, and Annie dealt with a seventh-level one. Jian Ji is now at the sixth level, but she is known for her strength. The bone demon can't keep up with her, and she can use her bone sword to attack. The key point of the bone demon was not found at the beginning. After a few stabbings, I didn’t pierce it. Later, I became familiar with it. It was more powerful than anyone to kill the bone demon. He quickly appeared behind a bone demon and stabbed with a sword. Out, retract the sword, change positions, and then another sword pierced out, and each bone demon fell under her sword.

Li Yu refused to stay idle, flying in the air. The bone demon couldn't hit him. He was observing the situation on the battlefield. If anyone on his side was injured, he would go on a cure and immediately continue fighting.

When encountering an unpleasant bone demon, Li Yu didn’t need to use lightning, and a light ball flew away. With his current strength, the power of the light ball skill displayed was not small. When hitting the bone demon, it would burn. Out of a burnt hole, the bone demon cried out in pain, but couldn't die.

The attack effect of the light ball is beyond Li Yu’s expectations. By the way, the light magic has the effect of restraining evil. This bone demon should belong to a kind of evil. It is also bone and poison. Light restraint, otherwise a light ball can't have such a big attack power.

Hu Mei, who didn't know Li Yu's true strength, looked at Li Dingdi in the sky, and she couldn't help but shudder. The master was so cruel, she didn't kill the bone demon all at once, but slowly tortured them! But she likes, who let the bone demon kill many of her people, the fox and the bone demon clan have insoluble hatred!

Li Yu also quickly found the weakness of the bone demon. As long as the light ball hits the center of their head, the powerful impact combined with the high temperature of the light ball technique will destroy the bone demon's central nervous system and the bone demon will die.

Thirty bone demon were killed in a short while, Li Yu descended from the sky, Jian Jixun returned to him as a bodyguard, and the others quickly dug out the bone demon's inner alchemy, which was injured. , Li Yu help treat it.

"Master, the killing was so enjoyable, no physical strength was consumed, let's go to the bone demon again." It was Hu Mei who said this, not knowing if she was with Annie and the others, she was about to become a fighting madman.

"Ten kilometers to the northeast, there are about fifty bone monsters. Let's go over." Li Yu probed with the system and issued a new order.

It took two days to kill all the bone monsters around, and finally advanced to the valley of bone monsters. However, when the situation of the bone monsters in the valley was detected through the system, Li Yu was a little big, and the inside was a bit big. There are ten eighth-level bone monsters, and a lot of seven-level bone monsters. The fox clan’s intelligence is too inaccurate. .

After Li Yu reported the situation in the valley, everyone was dumbfounded, especially Hu Mei's face changed. This is a major mistake. If something happens, you will be fully responsible.

"Master, why are so many eighth-level bone monsters staying inside? Are you sleeping?" Suddenly Jian Ji asked out loud.

Li Yu's eyes lit up, he probed again, with a smile on his face, Chongjianji nodded, and then said loudly: "Find a place to camp, and decide not to go in tomorrow."

Soon a few tents were set up. Li Yu asked Annie to stay outside and led Jian Ji into the tent. Looking at the two people who entered, Annie showed a strange expression, and her heart was sour.

"I just probed it. Only two of the ten eighth-level bone monsters in it are active, and the other eight have not moved. They should be in a sleep state. Can you deal with them?" Li Yu gave the details. Said Xiang Jianji.

Jian Ji nodded: "Master, after so many days, slaves have some understanding of bone monsters. They are good at exoskeleton and poison, and their mental power is weak. They may not have the strong spiritual power of slave at level 6. The two talents of Shang Slave's Nightmare and God Absorbing will surely kill them silently."

"Okay!" Li Yu was very happy. He thought that there was no way to take this group of powerful bone monsters. Who knew that only the sixth-level Sword Fairy could solve the problem, and he was in a good mood.

"Well, the slave wants to cast a spell. Master, can you hold me? This way the slave will feel more secure and can enter the state faster." Jian Ji said pitifully.

Li Yu blushed a little, but looking at Jian Ji's pitiful appearance, he did not refuse, nodded, and found a comfortable place in the tent. Jian Ji took the opportunity to squeeze into his arms and closed his eyes.

Sword Fairy’s talent is moving, and Li Yu also uses strong mental power to clearly sense the sudden increase in Jian Ji’s mental fluctuations, and then seems to fly out, but the spirit body that flies out is still connected to the Jian Ji in his arms. .

At the beginning, I didn’t feel much, but after a long time, Li Yu couldn’t help but think about it. There was a pleasant jade body in his arms, but he still didn’t have a consciousness. He wouldn’t know if he played with him. The body was warm and warm. reaction.

Can't move, Jian Ji said to herself that if she was disturbed and disturbed her and caused her to have an accident, it would be too late to regret it.

Li Yu warned himself secretly, keeping his posture and daring not to move, it was embarrassing... continuing...

I don’t know how long it took, Jian Ji suddenly opened her eyes, felt a warm embrace, and a happy smile appeared on her face. The corners of her mouth could not help but bend upwards, but she soon noticed that Li Yu’s muscles were tight. He kept maintaining a posture, as if he was afraid of affecting her, and felt extremely guilty. He moved his body quickly to indicate that he was back.

"Master, I successfully killed nine bone monsters. Eight of them were sleeping, and one was dozing off. With a little bit of tricks, I fell asleep, and I sucked all my soul... Although their mental power is not strong, the total of nine is quite a lot. I think I will be able to reach the seventh level soon. I will take a rest and digest, and then I will suck dozens of seventh-level bone monsters. ."

Jian Ji was extremely happy in Li Yu's arms, and she thought she was still very useful for helping her master solve problems.

Seeing Jian Ji looked tired, Li Yu couldn't help but ask: "Does this affect you?"

Changing a comfortable position in Li Yu's arms, Jian Ji said happily, "Of course it has no effect. It just sucked the souls of nine eighth-level bone demon at a time, and some of them were holding on. It will be fine when I rest."

"Then rest, I will hold you."


Jian Ji answered softly, then made a slight snoring, Li Yu couldn't help feeling a little distressed. It seemed that she was really exhausted, otherwise she wouldn't fall asleep so quickly. The battle in the spiritual world is more dangerous than the real battle.

In addition to feeling distressed, there was some self-blame, why didn't he expect to give Jian Ji more strength? Is distressed energy? Or is it subconsciously unwilling to have her strength surpass her

Li Yu really thought at the time that he should collect more energy. When he meets immortal cultivators in the future, he has enough energy to learn immortal cultivation skills. The level of life evolves, and life is eternal and immortal. The energy needed at that time is definitely an astronomical figure. .

Now he is reluctant to learn some unnecessary magic, just to accumulate energy.