Super Insight System

Chapter 50: Terror defense


"Sword Princess, come to split this hive.

"Okay!" Hearing Li Yu's call, Jian Ji danced her bone sword and rushed over, but the raised sword stopped... She was taken aback for a moment and frowned: "There is actually a mental power as powerful as mine. Want to interfere with me."

Li Yu naturally knew what it was. He had already confronted the queen bee with mental power just now, and it was considered equal, so he called Jian Ji over, and Jian Ji's mental power was strong enough to not be afraid of being disturbed.

The drunken king bees in the sky are more ferocious, that is, Annie Humei and the others are dancing with torches. They are not afraid. Li Yu couldn't help but glance at the hive. It seems that the queen bee must be calling them.

It would be great if I knew fire magic... By the way, although I can’t know fire magic, there is a light flame in the 5th level of light magic. I thought that the magic is too slow and it’s very tasteless. It seems that it can be used here. On the above, it seems that it is not that magic is bad, but whether the magician can use it flexibly.

"Bright Flame."

As soon as Li Yu's bright flame came out, a bright and holy flame appeared around him. With Li Yu's spiritual power control, a large swath of holy flame shrouded everyone's heads, and the drunk bee rushed down without touching the light. The flames were roasted by the heat of the flames of light, and they became roasted drunken bees. If those who like to eat roasted bees, they must love it, but here...

Well, Hu Mei and the others actually picked up a few cooked drunken bees and ate them, still looking intoxicated.

The power of the flame of light is greater than the power of gasoline burning. The drunken bees rushed into the gasoline-burning fire, and they could still last a few seconds, but when they rushed into the flame of light, they couldn't hold on for a second.


Sword Princess finally opened the hive, revealing the most central queen, a bug-like thing over two meters long, fat and seemingly harmless, but Li Yu knew that it was not so cute on the surface. , If the mental power is weaker, the soul can be washed away by its spirit directly.

Without hesitation, Jian Ji’s sword light flashed, she picked out the queen bee, and landed on the ground, and then ended her life with a sword. Although it is an eighth-level monster, it is only strong in spiritual power. When Jian Ji can restrain its mental power, it will have no resistance at all.

Li Yu was not idle either. After Jian Ji split the honeycomb, he took out several wooden barrels from the space ring, and the few little vixens who followed immediately began to pack royal jelly and honey.

After Jian Ji killed the queen bee, she dug out the queen bee's inner alchemy and came to help.

As soon as the queen bee died, the crazy Drunken King Bee was in chaos, some of the light flames still madly impacting Li Yu, some hovering outside, and some just flew away, maybe they were planning to go to other bee colonies.

The offensive of the Drunken King Bee was not so fierce. Li Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. The flames of light suddenly burst outwards, and the enveloping area suddenly expanded several times. All the Drunken King Bees hovering outside were also ignited and landed on the ground.

Li Yu couldn't help but smiled triumphantly. It seems that it is not strong enough to kill, but also depends on restraint. For example, the Drunken King Bee was restrained by fire, and his fifth-level Light Flame, just treat these The Level 5 and Level 6 Drunken Bee dropped in all seconds, and if you let Annie and Jian Ji kill them, I'm afraid you can't kill them so smoothly, you might get stung a few times.

The drunk king wasp was cleaned up, everyone found that the fire on the Youxiang Dryad was automatically extinguished? Humei and the others don’t know the power of gasoline, nothing, but Li Yu knows it, it’s almost impossible to extinguish the gasoline when it burns. I didn’t expect Youxiang Dryad to have a self-extinguishing function, which can extinguish gasoline. Flame.

However, even though the fire was extinguished, the Youxiang Dryad was burned beyond recognition. There were many vines that could entangle people. At this time, only a few of them were still intact. The dense leaves were all gone. The thick black branches were left, and the thinner ones were all burned.

Seeing the Youxiang Dryad that was burnt in darkness in front of him, Li Yu felt like he had nowhere to start, so he had to ask Hu Mei, "How can I kill it?"

"Master, Youxiang Dryad's inner alchemy is in the heart of the tree. Only by splitting it can you take out the inner alchemy." Hu Mei doesn't know much about Youxiang Dryad.

"Master, let me cut it off. I don't want to believe that it can live if it is cut off. Then I will slowly find the inner alchemy." It was Annie, a violent person.

"Well, there is only this way."

"Master, the trunk of the tree demon is the best wood, especially the wood near the inner alchemy. It can be used to make jewelry and hang on the body. It has the effects of calming, calming, and disillusioning. I heard that human warlocks used it before. Making a magic weapon.” Hu Mei finally remembered some useful information. Her bed was made of fragrant wood before Youxiang Dryad became a demon.

Annie and Jian Ji both rushed up at this time, a few swords cut off the tree vines of the Dryad, and then struggling around the giant tree, began to cut down the tree.

The scene was very strange. The two were cutting trees, and the giant tree would cry out in pain and begging for mercy, and the two would turn a deaf ear to it.

The trunk of the dryad was very hard, and the two swords slashed on the trunk, but after adding their vindictiveness, the trunk was cut off by them a little bit.

As the last point of connection was cut, the dryad’s voice disappeared. It seems that it should be dead. The giant tree is tens of meters high, but it is not easy to move back, and there are burnt on the surface, all of which have to be stripped. People also joined in and removed some branches, leaving only the strong trunk, which can be used to make things.

The next step is to look for the inner alchemy. First cut the trunk into pieces, and sense the aura of the inner alchemy one by one. In this respect, Humei are more skilled in this aspect. Who makes them like the wood-based inner alchemy the most? .

The inner alchemy was quickly found. At the thickest trunk at the bottom of the tree, there was a cluster of green and faint-looking tree cores. Humei said it was an eighth-level inner alchemy. If she eats it, her strength will be very high. Almost able to rise to the eighth level, although Li Yu was a little bit reluctant, he also agreed to give her the inner alchemy.

I took a few sturdy sections of the tree trunk and put them into Li Yu's space ring.

There are also the Drunken King Bee on the ground, but the fifth and sixth level monsters, their inner alchemy are also wood attributes, all of which are collected by the elders of the fox clan, and they will distribute them after they return.

Because they were able to restrain themselves, and there was gasoline to help them out, they were getting faster and faster. They swept all the way and wiped out dozens of tree demon queens, and they finally stopped.

"Master, this tree monster is so easy to kill, why don't we continue?" Hu Mei's face was full of smiles at this time, dozens of tree monsters' inner alchemy were either level 8 or level 7, as well as those of the Queen Drunken Bee. The inner alchemy is also 7th or 8th level, and the other 5th and 6th inner alchemy are almost impossible to count. Li Yuquan gave them to them. She felt that her choice to submit to Li Yu was definitely the most correct decision in her life.

"There should be a ninth-level dryad inside. I feel very uneasy, so be careful and stop like this. Do you really want to wipe out all the dryads and bee swarms in the Youxiang Bee Forest?"

"Of course not, I listen to the master." Hu Mei immediately reacted. Li Yu is her master, and she can only obey the decision made by the master.

Li Yu did have a sense of anxiety, and after the system detected it, he also told Li Yu that there was a very cryptic aura in it, which blocked the detection of the system. The system was Li Yu’s greatest support, and the system came to warn Li Yu. Have to be careful.

After sweeping for a month, Li Yu's principle was to avoid hard bones, and only attack the relatively easy-to-handling eighth-level monsters. All eighth-level monsters within a radius of 10,000 kilometers were swept away, and Li Yu's system was upgraded to The ninth level consumes 10 billion energy. He raised both Jian Ji and Annie to the ninth level and consumes more than 10 billion energy. This is the reason why Annie is about to be promoted. His spiritual power has also been strengthened by the eighth level and consumes 10 billion energy. The reserve energy is 50 billion.

As for the light magic, he only learned level seven, the eighth level is really not willing to learn, it consumes too much energy, the core of the light magic requires 10 billion energy, and several practical eighth level magics are also 10 billion energy. Now his main attack method is still the lightning technique, and the light magic is only used as an auxiliary.

Seventh-level light magic has a great healing technique, as long as you don't die, you can be saved, and there is also a broken limb rebirth technique, which can grow from a broken hand.

"Boom... boom..."

The ground shook for a while, and Li Yuren, who had just hunted a group of monsters, couldn't help but stand up. It was the sound of footsteps, which was produced by a monster with a huge body.

"Master, it's a giant pig with mud armor." Hu Mei recognized the monster that Zi came over at a glance, and exclaimed.

They have hunted many monsters these days, and many of them are at level 8, but they are all selected for the weak at level 8. The mud armor giant pig is a monster similar to the giant ape, with a huge body and a layer on the surface of the body. The mud armor has stronger defense than the King Kong Great Ape. The fox demon clan can only escape when they see it, and they don't dare to provoke them. They just don't move, and they can't break their defenses.

"Master..." Hu Mei already wanted to run, but she quickly calmed down. It was not her who had the final say here, but the master Li Yu had the final say.

"Master, you have killed some weak chickens these days. Why don't you try to kill this giant pig with mud armor." Annie danced the huge sword and asked Li Yu to fight.

"Okay, try how powerful this mud-clad giant pig is." Some time ago, I saw monsters like the mud-clad giant pig. They all had nothing but to escape, but now he has two ninth-level masters on his side. Is it necessary to be afraid of an eighth-level monster

After Li Yu made the decision, everyone no longer wanted to escape, and they all prepared to fight. Li Yu also released the sacred shield and the great blessing technique to everyone.

With two five-level light magic blessings, everyone immediately felt that their confidence was greatly increased. They had a powerful defensive shield, and their body strength, strength, and reaction were greatly increased. It seems that the eighth-level mud armor giant pig is not How terrible, if they knew that this was only two to five levels of magic, they didn't know what they would think, if they knew that there were Holy Light Guardian and Holy Light Blessings in the eighth level of magic, what would they think

Li Yu was ready here, and the giant mud-clad pig appeared in front of everyone. It was more than 30 meters high and more than 50 meters long. After seeing Li Yu and others, a beast roared, and then moved away with four hooves. Rushing over to everyone, this style... is more terrifying than a train rushing over, no one dared to try its edge.

Annie rushed forward, of course not wanting to collide with it. When she was about to approach, she leaped sharply, jumped onto her body, and struck the pig's eye with a sword.

Jian Ji's whole person turned into nothingness, and she didn't know where she was.


Annie slashed a sword on the eyelid of the giant mud armor pig, and the sound of metal and iron hitting, made people feel a tremor. Nima, isn't this pig with a golden bell repaired


The mud armor giant pig howled the sky. It seemed that this sword was not ineffective. Sure enough, after a short while, after the huge eyes were opened, blood flowed out from the eye sockets. It seems that the eyelids are well protected, but the eyeballs Zi was still hurt by the huge impact.