Super Insight System

Chapter 62: Oolong offense and defense


The Tiger King was also taken aback by the breath of Li Yu’s Law of Thunder at this time. There were battles within the monster clan, but when facing foreign enemies (humans), they were still relatively united. At this time, they saw humans rushing over. For any purpose, human beings must never succeed.

"Kill!" Tiger King also roared, rushing towards Lin Fei.

The black pig had endured it for a long time, and had long regarded Fairy Ice Sword as a thorn in his eyes and a thorn in his flesh. At this time, Tiger King ordered, he immediately rushed towards Fairy Ice Sword.

Fairy Ninghua faced Canglong, who made her want other people's snake gall.

Fu Zhan confronted the Leopard and could only find him. The fire eagle flew into the sky. He didn't want to fly into the sky. Although he could fly, he could fly into the sky to fight. No one is flexible.

The fire eagle flying in the sky has become a support. One-on-one. Humans seem to be stronger. However, humans must guard against the fire eagle in the sky and cannot deal with the enemy in front of them wholeheartedly. This makes the situation stand up, and no one can do anything. This They had known it a long time ago, unless anyone wanted to work hard, and it didn't seem to be enough at the moment.

"Into the Misty Valley!" Lin Fei shouted loudly while fighting the Tiger King.

"If you want to enter the Misty Valley, you have passed our level." The Tiger King was very angry. He didn't care how many fox monsters he would die. He had eaten fox monsters before, but was killed by humans in front of him. Where to put his face on the words of many fox monsters, he is the honorary king of all monsters in this area, and he manages the vast forest near the deserted city.

As human powers deliberately do this, the place of battle is getting closer and closer to the Misty Valley. The wind caused by the battle has blown away the mist at the entrance of the Misty Valley. This mist can also prevent some ordinary monsters. For the nine strong It's useless at all.

When the fog of Misty Valley was blown away by the battle, the fox-monster clan only appeared. At this time, the mist they trusted seemed to have no ability to protect them. Humei quickly organized the fox-monsters to drill a hole to escape, and this Misty Valley could no longer stay. , As for what to do in the future, that is also a matter for the future, and I will talk about it now after passing this test.

Jian Ji and Annie were also very anxious. They also felt the fighting outside, and they also felt terrified. Anyone who came outside could destroy them. They also vaguely knew that the strong ones outside came for Li Yu. He was just now. The movement caused by the perception is too great.

At this time, all Li Yu's mind is feeling the law of thunder, and he has no idea about the outside situation. The world of the law of thunder is really mysterious. The deeper he understands, the more he feels ignorant, and he was able to draw a trace of thunder from the thunder cloud before. , I felt extremely powerful, and only then knew that I only touched a trace of fur.

Xuanmen’s authentic orthodox method is a kind of thunder method that controls thunderclouds and uses thunder and lightning as you like. However, this kind of thunder method also has defects. If you do not control the law of thunder, the powerful thunder and lightning in the thunder cloud will backtrack the casting rule and do it. If you don't, you will kill yourself.

To make thunder and lightning obedient, one needs to have a deep understanding of the law of thunder; second, one needs to have deep mana (sufficient true energy). There are only two requirements, but they are not easy to achieve. No one dares to say that his true energy is sufficient, no one dares to say that he has sufficient control of the law of thunder, so even after learning this Immortal cultivators of thunder method generally do not use it lightly. According to them, the sky thunder should be controlled by the heaven.

The thunder technique that Li Yu learned was repaired and optimized on the basis of the thunder technique learned by the Mingyang sect master. The starting point is high, and the insight is naturally deeper than him. Now he calls the Mingyang sect master to compare the thunder technique. Li Yu should be stronger than him.

Besides, outside the Misty Valley, the battles of the nine powerhouses have spread to Misty Valley. Many fox-monsters who were too late to escape were drawn into pieces by the collision of the power of the powerhouses, and the power leaked out. However, these powerhouses again Who cares, even Tiger King will not care, maybe you will be blamed for not running away.

Hu Mei was anxious, and the nine powerhouses outside came too fast. Under their strong aura, many fox demons with a lower cultivation base were too frightened to move, and couldn't organize to escape. She was the patriarch of the seventh level. Under the terrifying aura of the powerhouses, her feet trembled in fright. Hu Mei looked at the fox demons who were involved in torn to pieces. Tears couldn't help but fall. The fox tribe just wanted to survive, so why is it so difficult

As if thinking of something, Hu Mei ran towards Li Yu's retreat.

"Stop!" Annie blocked the door with a huge sword.

"Miss Juggernaut, please let me know, please let the master take action. If you don’t take action, my fox clan will die." Hu Mei cried and knelt down to Annie. She didn’t know Li Yu’s true strength, and she thought it only needed Li Yu can beat the strong outside.

"This..." Annie hesitated, everyone was Li Yu's subordinates, and she felt a little sympathetic to Hu Mei.

"No, the master is now at a critical moment and must not be disturbed." Jian Ji looked at Hu Mei coldly. If she dared to collide, she would never be polite, and she would never disturb her master's retreat.

Annie also reacted and persuaded Hu Mei: "It's absolutely impossible to disturb the master now."

Seeing that the two of them didn't agree with her to disturb Li Yu, Hu Mei couldn't help but slumped to the ground.

"Hurry up and organize your clansmen to escape into the cave, ah, Jian Ji, you are here to guard, I will help them." Annie's heart is softer, there should be no problem with a Jian Ji guarding here.

"Go ahead, I'm here to guard." Jian Ji nodded, she didn't sympathize with the fox clan, but she cared more about Li Yu's orders.

Hu Mei was finally a little bit energetic, and one more Juggernaut would help more fox demons.

Annie can naturally sense the fighting auras of the nine powerhouses, but she is also a ninth-level powerhouse, and these auras are not directed at her, and the impact is not large. She raised her degree and rushed out. , Seeing those fox monsters lying limp on the ground, they grabbed them and threw them to the cave. Some fox monsters with higher cultivation levels could help catch them, and then moved into the cave.

"Humans?" The fire eagle flying in the sky first showed Annie's existence, and he couldn't help but was taken aback. How could there be humans in the Misty Valley? Where did she throw the fox monsters, was she going to kill them? What a shame! He didn't sympathize with the fox demon, but was angry that some humans ran in secretly and killed the demon in front of him.

Fire Eagle never thought that Annie was saving the fox demon, and thought that Annie was with the four human powers, and took the opportunity to get into the Misty Valley, so she couldn't help but screamed and rushed towards Annie.

Annie didn't expect to save a person and save the problem. Fortunately, she has always been guarded against the fire eagle in the sky, but the fire eagle was too fast. When she flew towards her, she had no time to raise the giant sword, and was caught Flew out.

The human power also noticed Annie, especially the Fairy Ice Sword. When she recognized Annie, she couldn't help but frowned. Didn't she tell her friends some time ago to let them leave? Why are you still here? This Annie has a Western face, and she is still very beautiful, but she is still fresh in her memory.

"Dare the demon eagle!" Seeing the direction Annie was hit, Fairy Bingjian flew over to help her block the fire eagle's continued attack.

"Why didn't you leave? Where's your friend?" Bingjian asked while protecting Annie.

Annie had never seen Fairy Ice Sword, and she was a little at a loss. Although she had been saved, her master was at a critical moment, but the news could not be disclosed casually.

When the fairy ice sword saw Anne not speaking, he remembered that the last time she showed up, although she had seen Anne, Anne hadn't seen her.

Fairy Bingjian didn't ask any more, after all, it was still very difficult for her to block two strong monsters.

Upon seeing this, Annie also danced the giant sword to help. During the dance, she realized that her giant sword was damaged under the claw of the fire eagle just now.

With her joining, Fairy Ice Sword's pressure was reduced a lot. Although her cultivation level was not very good, Fire Eagle did not dare to resist, and when Lin Fei saw the pressure on her side, he also fought over.

Lin Fei came over, and the pressure of Fairy Ice Sword was completely gone. While fighting, he said to Annie: "We are fighting and walking towards the Misty Valley. When we see the demon clan, we will kill. Take the opportunity to go to the cave to find the one who is feeling. The demon race of the law of thunder, destroy his perception, if you can kill him the best."

Annie understood what was going on. It seemed a bit ridiculous. Humans have always wanted to do damage to prevent Li Yu from realizing the sky thunder, but the monster race tried every means to prevent humans from succeeding. If they knew the truth, they didn’t know what would happen. idea

Annie, who understood what was going on, came behind Annie and whispered quietly: "This senior, it's not a monster who perceives Tianlei, it's my master Li Yu, he's a human being."

"What!" Fairy Bingjian trembled, and he almost hurt the black pig. He stepped back and looked at Annie: "What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true?" Annie lowered her voice. Why is Fairy Ice Sword so loud? If you let the monster on the opposite side hear it, it will be troublesome. I'm afraid the situation will be reversed. The monsters are going to destroy it, and the humans have to help stop it. .

Fairy Ice Sword also reacted, it should be. When they hunted the mud armor giant pig that day, didn't these fox monsters participate in it? What is their relationship with these fox demons? But there is a human in it, so there is no need to destroy it. It seems that it is not good if it is just to protect. The master of the monster race is not a fool.

Fairy Ice Sword thought for a while, and used the secret technique to transmit the message to the three human experts. After these three learned the news, they all couldn't believe it. A human being hid in a cave of the monster race.

Lin Fei considered sending a voice message to the three of them: "Show weakness to the enemy, and retreat from the fight, and exit the Misty Valley."

Fairy Ice Sword nodded at Annie: "You pretend to be injured, and I will protect you from the Misty Valley."

Annie is also an old Jianghu. In order to fear that the monsters would not believe it, she deliberately injured her arm by the blast shot during the battle. At the same time, she screamed. The Ice Sword Fairy immediately pulled her back. Protect Annie from the Misty Valley.

"Haha... Humans, why don't you fight anymore?" Seeing that the black pigs repelled the humans, he was very arrogant, and laughed.

Other monster races are also very proud, mocking the human strong, but they also know in their hearts that if this human woman hadn't been spotted by them and hurt her, the four human strong would have to protect her. .