Super Insight System

Chapter 65: World of Warcraft


"The smelly master is proud!" Seeing Li Yu's proud persuasion, Annie was very upset.

"Hehe!" Jian Ji had a different mentality and was very satisfied. Li Yu finally accepted them slowly. As long as he keeps working hard, he can truly become his woman.

Li Yu put away his smug expression and asked softly, "Are you Xiuxian or Wuxiu? Choose for yourself."

Annie: "I want to practice martial arts!"

Jian Ji: "I want to cultivate immortals!"

Two people have two choices, but they can guess their choice from their good at. Annie has practiced swords since she was a child. After seeing the sword spirit of Fairy Ice Sword, she felt that that was the direction she was heading.

In fact, Sword Princess is best at her talented spells, Nightmare, which is really terrifying, but unfortunately, her talented spells are no longer at level 9. If she cultivates immortality, she might be able to integrate her immortal cultivation spells into her. Among the talented spells of the door, it is thus flourishing, surpassing her ancestors.

"System, give them a suitable practice plan." After they choose, Li Yu asks the system to formulate the practice exercises for them. The system is an expert in this area, so Li Yu is not easy to interfere.

System: "Master, it is best to wait until the system is tenth level before modifying the two of them. Annie cultivates fighting energy, while Sword Ji cultivates talented spells. Both are very different from Xiuwu and Xiuxian. The system needs more powerful calculation and analysis capabilities to ensure that the most perfect modification plan can be made for them. If the modification method is formulated now, the perfection of the exercise method formulated is too low, and uncontrollable phenomena may occur at that time. Loss of energy may also cause unpredictable damage to their bodies."

Uh, Li Yu is embarrassed right now. I just made a wish for the two women. In a blink of an eye, there is not enough energy. It is very troublesome to change the exercises, and there is a certain degree of danger. It is impossible for Li Yu to be unsure of it. , Let them change repair.

Up to ten levels requires 100 billion energy, and there are still several billion owes. This energy should be collected soon, but the energy needed to modify the exercises for the two girls is definitely a lot, not tens of billions may not be enough.

It’s just that the hunting location is a bit difficult to handle. It may be a little difficult in the vast forest. His appearance has attracted the attention of the monsters and human races. If there are a large number of high-level monsters being hunted, people can guess him. Above, there will be a human powerhouse who specializes in hunting high-level monsters. If the monster clan powerhouses know about it, especially the Tiger King, if they know about it, they will worry about their own destiny, and maybe they will go and ask for a stronger one. To get rid of his monsters can he be at ease.

With his strength, he could kill the King of Eagle Demon, the Fire Eagle, but he was a little bit choking against the Tiger King or a few others. If several of them tried to fight him at the same time, he would only have to kneel, and he would have to To ensure the safety of the fox-monster clan, you can't mess around.

After thinking about it for a while, there are two places to go, one is the Gods 6 and the other is Anne’s hometown. I asked Annie that the movie 6 is called the Warcraft 6 because the warcraft is stronger than human beings.

In fact, there is another place to go, that is, the unknown world that has just been repaired and the space channel has not been visited. However, Li Yu is mainly collecting energy now. When his strength becomes stronger, he will arrange the affairs of Annie's sword girl. Go again, because it has been detected that the new world is a +5 world, with a high level, just the same, and more dangerous.

The last time he came here, if they were not there, if he encountered the King Kong Great Ape, he would be in danger. At that time, the King Kong Great Ape could trample him to death with one foot.

"I just calculated that if you want to change the practice safely, there is still a little energy. Well, I need more magic cores or inner alchemy so that I can have enough ability to help you modify the practice and improve the cultivation level. ."

Li Yu was a little embarrassed to talk to the two women about the situation. The thing that had just been promised could not be done immediately, and it was inevitable that there would be bad ideas.

Jian Ji said nonchalantly: "Then let's go hunting monsters, um, how many level 8 monsters need to be hunted to be enough?"

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "The inner alchemy of ordinary monsters has 25 million energy at level seven, and generally 120 million energy at level eight, and 110 million energy at level nine. If it is gold Pill monsters, there should be about 800 million at level 8, 9 billion at level 9, and 90 billion at level 10. Fire Eagle’s golden pill is more than 90 billion."

This data is calculated by the system. If the inner alchemy is not converted into a golden core, the higher the level of the core, the lower the quality of the internal core and the lower the energy ratio; while the golden core is more pure and purer. , The higher the level, the higher the energy ratio.

The two women couldn't help swallowing, Nima, how much energy is the golden core of tenth-level monsters? Go kill the level ten monsters! Of course, I can only think about it, I really want to go, it is very likely to be counter-killed by others.

Annie thought about it for a while and said: "There is no level ten of the World of Warcraft, and there are very few level 9 ones, and there are not many level eight ones."

Li Yu also remembered in an instant that the gods 6 seemed to be similar. The information he saw from the magic guild, the strongest of the 6 is the 9th level, and the monsters are also 9th level monsters. There are not many monsters at the 8th level. .

Well, no, the ninth level of the gods should not be the strongest. If the ninth level is the strongest, then what's the matter with the magic core that contains intermediate energy? It's only possible that I haven't reached that level, and I don't know the secret.

The three discussed it, and finally took care of Annie's emotions. She wanted to go back and have a look, so she decided to go to Warcraft 6 to hunt Warcraft.

But before leaving, you have to deal with the affairs of the fox-monster clan.

Li Yu asked Hu Mei to teach her the practice and experience of the Fire Eagle Golden Core through the system. Her body had been baptized by Li Yu several times with thunder and lightning, and her inner alchemy was relatively pure. Now she gets the practice and experience again. Entered the process of transforming inner alchemy into golden alchemy.

Li Yu didn’t use the energy to directly get her into the Golden Core, but it was not important. She was on the threshold. Li Yu just pushed her gently. The movement caused by her promotion to the Golden Core was much smaller than that of Li Yu. , Only a small tide of spiritual energy did not affect the mist at the mouth of the mist.

It only took Hu Mei three days to successfully advance to the early stage of Jin Dan, but it would take a long time to stabilize the cultivation base.

With the exercises and experience, the other elders of the fox demon were taught by her, instead of being taught by Li Yu himself.

After being promoted to the Golden Core, he felt a powerful and unusual strength and had a direction to move on. Hu Mei was so moved that she cried and wanted to plunge into Li Yu's arms to be grateful, but the sharp-eyed sword girl immediately stood in front of Li Yu. , Annie also supported her, making her plan to be frustrated.

Li Yu put the two demon pets into the contract space, and in the eyes of the fox, he crossed to the monster 6 and then released Annie. He combined the common sense of the world from Annie into skill information, and together with Jian Ji Learn.

The place where they appeared was the place where Annie was besieged by the wolf last time. At that time, the system used Annie and left a space beacon here.

The Big 6 of Warcraft is very big, and Annie doesn't know how big it is. Naturally, there is no relevant information in the skills obtained from her.

There are many countries in human society, the most famous is the five empires. The number of other kingdoms and principalities is uncounted, and the population is trillions of trillions. No one knows the specific figures, let alone statistics.

The scope of human activities only accounts for about 5% of this larger 6th. The other parts are occupied by other races, including the Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Orcs, Orcs, Cyclops, and Cyclops. There are Titans, half-dragons, and so on.

However, since this Big 6 is called the Big 6 of Warcraft, it is still the Warcraft that occupies the most territory. The reason why they are not called clan is because they also have many races. The territory of Warcraft is almost 70% of the entire 6th.

The place where they are now is the business road between the two empires in the 6th east side. This business road needs to cross the black soil wasteland, and the black soil wasteland is infested with many monsters, which is very dangerous, but the huge profits always make people willing. Take risks, so you can always see caravans passing under the protection of mercenaries on this business road.

The largest number of wolves in the black wasteland are the wolves. There are all kinds of wolves. When Li Yu summoned Annie last time, he would kill them one by one. If they were exhausted, three of them would not be able to kill a single wolf. Better hunting of Warcraft requires investment.

Li Yu's investment is to invest 30 billion low-level energy, upgrade the light magic core to level 8, learn the powerful defense magic of the eighth level, the guardian of the holy light, and learn the first group attack magic in the light department, and the holy light shines.

Almost all of the monsters here are wolves, the number is at least a few thousand, hundreds of thousands, millions, and the spirit devouring wolves are not the strongest. Naturally, three people should be given insurance. The Guardian of the Holy Light is The strongest defensive magic, the eighth-level guardian of the light, and the eighth-level monsters are almost indestructible. They can only be attacked by slowly grinding and exhausting the mana before they can attack the people in the guardian of the light. , It is basically guaranteed to escape or kill the other party.

As for the light of the Holy Light, the main reason is that the Thunder Magic is powerful or powerful, but it consumes too much energy and spiritual power. It is okay to deal with the wolf and the wolf king. It is better to use magic to deal with a group of wolves.

The light type is not without attack magic. At low levels, the attack magic is quite weak, just like playing, but when it reaches the eighth or ninth level, the light type magic has more attack methods. The eighth-level holy light is the first one. , In fact, there are two very practical magics at the eighth level, one is the blessing of the holy light, and the other is the holy beast summoning.

The blessing of the Holy Light is a powerful magic in the state of blessing, but the strength of Li Yu and the three are still strong. They are not used for the time being. Well, well, it is to save energy. After all, the energy he needs to do is astronomical. It's a little bit to save a little, and I'll talk about it later when there is more energy.

Holy Beast Summoning is to use the crystal soul of a monster to summon a sacred beast formed by light energy to fight, but this requires a crystal soul, which is a high-level magic core with a soul and a light attribute. Li Yu naturally No, there is no need to learn this magic.