Super Insight System

Chapter 68: Better


At a certain level, not only wolves, many monsters and cultivators can fly, but some fly fast, some fly slow, some are accustomed to fighting in the air, and some are accustomed to fighting on the ground, and stay on the earth. After a long time, I subconsciously feel that wolves can't fly.

When I watched again, Li Yu was also taken aback. The wolves flying over were not only the Spirit Devouring Wolf, but also the Storm Wolf and the Ghost Wolf. These three wolf groups set themselves ambushes, something was wrong.

Take a closer look, good guy, two of the wolves that flew over were actually level nine, and among them, the hurricane wolves had the characteristics of wind attributes, flying extremely fast, and extremely flexible.

Li Yu didn't even think about it. With a wave of his hand, the Wudaoxuanmen authentic thunder technique—the five thunderbolts used it, and the five wolves all showed horrified eyes at the moment Li Yu used the thunder technique. Unable to move, at the same time, five rays of lightning shot from Li Yu's hand, instantly hitting five wolves.

The whole world instantly calmed down safely, and all the magic wolves looked at Li Yu, who was like a god, with horrified eyes. Is this a god? With a wave of his hand, he killed five demon wolves, of which there were two ninth-level demon wolves!

Was that electric magic just now? Doesn't it seem like? It's like the magic of Thor!

The magic wolves wanted to escape in panic, but the momentary thunder pressure made them all temporarily lose their ability to move.

At this time, Li Yu’s Holy Light had already moved, towards the center of the wolf pack with the largest number of magic wolves, the largest range...

"Holy light shines!"

It seemed that only light was left in the world, and the magic wolves closed their eyes in the holy light, waiting for the coming of the holy light, without any fear of facing death! This is the terrible part of Holy Light Magic. To kill you, it also makes you feel less afraid. Only after the magic is over, if you don't die, you will be afraid of it.

I am tired. The range of magic attack this time is larger than the previous one. Naturally, it consumes more than the last one. Moreover, he also used thunder method at the beginning. Li Yu felt as if he had been emptied of his power. Fortunately, the light wings began to have magical power. It was always useful until it was consumed, and it wouldn't disappear suddenly, otherwise he would have to fall down now.

Sending a message to Jian Ji, asking her to protect himself, he closed his eyes in the sky and began to adjust his breath to recover.

At this moment, another five black shadows flew towards Li Yu from a distance, and Jian Ji did not care about being invisible, and shouted, "Dare!"

Yijian stabbed at the fastest flying black shadow, and at the same time shouted: "Annie, protect the master!"

Annie has been hunting the devil wolves on the ground, attracting the attention of the devil wolves. She herself has been paying attention to Li Yu's situation. Seeing the black shadow appearing, she immediately flew from the ground without Sword Fairy shouting.

Li Yu also discovered that the five flying shadows were all nine-level demon wolves. These demon wolves are so cunning that they still hide so many nine-level demon wolves.

He somewhat understands why there is no human powerhouse to hunt these magic wolves. It should have been, but as soon as they appear, they will be ambushed and killed by the group of magic wolves. The powerhouses later will naturally feel scared. Don't dare to hunt again.

However, Li Yu is not afraid. He still has the guardian of the holy light, which cannot be broken in a short time, and is protected by two powerful ninth-level swordsmen. As soon as the time is up, he regains his spiritual power and is able to take these five Kill the magic wolf.

After being blocked by Jian Ji, Annie arrived, but the situation was not optimistic. As the five ninth-level demon wolves shot, hundreds of eighth-level demon wolves also flew into the sky and surrounded.

Li Yu was taken aback. How could there be so many demonic wolves of level 8 and ninth? Have all the demon wolves of the black wasteland gathered here? Where can I recover from meditation at ease, and quickly find out the system: "System, is there any good way?"

"No, but I can open the space channel at any time to let the master leave."

go back? How could it be possible that there are so many magic wolves here, how many magic cores are this? Considering the defensive ability of the guardian of the holy light, the two women were informed to insist on holding the group of magic wolves, not to fight with them, let the system wake up immediately if it is dangerous, and then forcefully enter the state of meditation.

In the distance, the people in the Chamber of Commerce were shocked when they saw Li Yu’s situation. They had never expected such a situation. They were very proud of seeing Li Yu’s power at the beginning. Stupid, thinking about whether he is about to start fleeing for his life, or after the devil wolf kills Li Yu, he will attack them.

The two women cried secretly, five of the ninth level, and hundreds of the eighth level. How could this be delayed

Fortunately, although there are many magic wolves, there are not many that can actually attack three people, but the magic wolves are also smart. They now only need to attack Li Yu, the two women will be saved, so they deliberately attacked Li Yu, but the two women did not let them. The magic wolves attacked Li Yu, and they suffered several attacks in a row.

"Jian Ji, I am here to protect the master. You go out invisible and fight guerrillas."

Annie has more experience in fighting group battles. Jian Ji is not good at fighting this kind of positional warfare, and can't use her specialties. It's better to let her be outside, maybe it's more useful.

Jian Ji nodded, she was also struggling to fight. She used to win by skill and degree, which was different from Anne's.

The strategy of the two women is correct. After Jian Ji went out, a ninth-level demon wolf was not paying attention, and her bone sword stabbed the chrysanthemum. The pain caused its movement to slow down, and its defense was greatly reduced. It has not recovered yet. When it came, Jian Ji's bone spurs pierced its brain, reached the magic core, and died.

Seeing that Sword Fairy was so powerful, the two demon wolves who were close to him immediately surrounded them, but when they saw that they were about to pounce, they lost the figure of Sword Fairy and rushed into a cloud of air, which made them very frightened.

Sword Ji, who has now reached the ninth level, has a very powerful ability to transform from reality to reality. On this battlefield, the devil wolf can't sense her existence, let alone attack her.

After Jian Ji went out, the magic wolves tried to guard against her, which made Annie's attack much weaker. Moreover, when she knew that the magic wolf attacked Li Yu to attract her attention, she simply couldn't stop the attacker Li Yu, but admitted that Let one attack fiercely. The magic wolf doesn’t know her relationship with Li Yu. He thought that this woman didn’t care about the safety of the magician. Their strategy failed and turned to attack her, leaving only a few eighth-level ones attacking Li Yu. , Li Yu is guarded by the holy light, and there is no problem with safety in a short time.

In this way, although Annie was still struggling, she did not have as much pressure as just now. Even if she was attacked one or two times, she was protected by the guardian of the holy light, and she would not get hurt.

Jian Ji was a little worried about Li Yu’s safety, but after seeing a few eighth-level magic wolves attacking Li Yu’s guardian of the holy light, she was relieved and paid attention to Li Yu's guardian of the holy light at all times. As long as the energy was unstable, they I will definitely try my best to protect Li Yu's safety.

As time passed, the magic wolves were a little anxious. They couldn't take down the two women quickly, and couldn't kill the magician. When the magician recovered, it was their end. They had felt the horror of that magician, holy. The light is terrible, but his lightning magic is even more terrifying.

More than ten minutes later, Li Yu opened his eyes and saw that Annie and Jian Ji were not around, and several eighth-level magic wolves were attacking him. The guardianship of the holy light was okay, and he could hold on for a while.

Looking at Jian Ji and Annie again, the guardian of the Holy Light on Annie’s body disappeared, and a large group of magic wolves besieged, Jian Ji wandered in stealth, the sword went crazy, yes, crazy crazy, desperately crazy with the sword attacking the magic wolf, They did not allow them to attack Annie and herself, and they also contained many magic wolves. Although the guardian of the holy light was still on her body, the high-intensity full-strength attack made her on the verge of collapse.


It was the voice of the magic wolf. They also saw Li Yu and opened his eyes. They didn't expect Li Yu to recover so quickly. According to their knowledge, wouldn't it take a long time for a human magician to recover? Not to mention too much, three or four hours, how long is this

Thinking of Li Yu's horror, they no longer have any thoughts about fighting. The remaining four 9th-level demon wolves flee towards the four directions. The 8th-level demon wolves are not stupid, and the ninth-level demon wolves have escaped. They don't want to stay and die. .

Li Yu raised his hands, and the Xuanmen authentic thunder method was instantly displayed. The four ninth-level demon wolves and a large group of eighth-level demon wolves flying in the sky were shrouded in lightning, and then the dumplings fell down.

Uh, there is one missing from the 9th level, and a few of the 8th level also escaped the attack range. It seems that they are all the hurricane wolves. This kind of wolf is too fast. When Li Yu raised his hand, he began to run away and waited for Li. After Yu’s thunder method was displayed, he had already escaped, and Li Yu didn’t bother to chase it. Well, the best thing about the Storm Demon Wolf is its speed. Li Yu just wanted to chase it but couldn’t catch it, but he was a little envious. Wind magic is a good way to escape, but the speed is too fast, out of Li Yu's imagination.

After he was able to learn all the magic after he reached the ninth level, he must learn the wind magic. The last time he went to the General Guild of Magic, he almost collected all the magic of all the schools of the group of guild leaders and elders.


Seeing that the master took action, all the dangers were resolved, and the two women ran over. The battle was quite fierce. The two have tried their best. At this time, they are all hanging on Li Yu, otherwise they have to fall. .

Li Yu looked at the ground. Except for the dead one, the other wolves had escaped. Li Yu also had no ability to chase after him, nor was he able to use the Holy Light any more. Ten minutes would only be enough for him to recover part of his strength. , It was almost exhausted to deal with the thunderfa cast just now.

With the two women flying to and fro, the people from the Chamber of Commerce also greeted them. They stood far away, not really looking at it, but they also knew that the fighting was fierce just now. At this time, the three of Li Yu came safely. Naturally, they won. Very excited, I don't know how many demon wolves have been killed this time.

Ilik did a very good job. Knowing that there were more magic wolves killed this time than last time, he simply brought the caravan over. Only a few people were sent to guard the goods, and the others all helped deal with the corpses of the magic wolf.

There are thousands of people in the whole caravan, and it may take some time to clean up all tens of thousands of magic wolves, but if it is only to dig the magic core, it is still very fast. Li Yu rests in the new camp, the caravan’s nuclear digging team I started to work. After a while, magic nuclei began to be sent over. The caravan’s people were responsible for registration temporarily. grade.